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Chapter 455 Ask Tianshan for an invitation

Chapter 455 Ask Tianshan for an invitation

Every time Xi'er sends things over, Lou Qi makes them by himself. They all seem to be good things, but in fact they have added ingredients, but Zhang Ming will never see it.

Let him take a little medicine every day, or smell it for a quarter of an hour, and use various methods to invade his body, and now he is only one trigger away from completely breaking him down.

She went to hypnotize again, and promised to make him say anything.

Xi'er did a good job in this matter, so she should be rewarded.

Xi'er bit her lip, "Xi'er doesn't want anything."

Lou Qi raised her eyebrows in surprise.

After Xi'er withdrew, Long Yan appeared beside her and reported everything that happened in the prison area, including everything Tu Ben said under the tree, and the matter of Yunwei and Amu.

Lou Qi was just like listening to a gossip drama, listening with gusto. "Looks like spring is here in Nine Heavens Palace." The peach blossoms were really blooming in pairs.

Xi'er and Tu Ben?
It seems to be ok.

Yunwei and Amu?Lou Qi glanced at Er Ling who was sewing a special cloth bag for her not far away with Xiaosi, and shook his head.Forget it, she can't control these things, it depends on their respective fates.

Just when Lou Qi got up and wanted to go to the medicine hall to find Yao Lao and make some medicine, Yue Wei hurried over, with a serious face that he hadn't seen for a long time.

Lou Qi stopped, waiting for him to walk in front of her.

"Emperor Concubine." Yue stood still in front of her, "There are two pieces of news. First, the master and the eagle have won again. Now only Songshan is left. The army brought by the master has approached Songshan. Tomorrow the official Go to war with the tiger army."

Lou Qi nodded, her guess was almost the same, as long as Songshan was taken down, the broken domain would be formally unified.

"I'm afraid the second one is not good news?"

The first one is good news, but Yue's face is still very serious, which means that the second one is bad news, or a very difficult problem.

Yue was silent for a while before saying: "It is indeed not good news. Asking Tianshan to post a post, the elder's birthday."

Lou Qi frowned.

The movement of breaking the domain these days is so big, I must know that I asked Tianshan. I asked Tianshan Mountain to manage the west, but this time I didn't say anything, and sent a post directly?
"Did you invite Dijun alone on the post?"

Yue shook her head: "I also invited you, imperial concubine."

For some reason, Lou Qi suddenly became a little excited.She let Nalan Huaxin go for too long. Similarly, Nalan Huaxin has been silent for too long. According to her temperament, she used to wish that she would die quickly, and even asked the ghosts to set a trap for her. How could it be There has been no movement for so long?
She could imagine that Nalan Huaxin would definitely do something this time!So, isn't this an opportunity for her?
Seeing that she didn't answer for a long time, Yue thought she was thinking about whether Nalan Huaxin would take the opportunity to become the empress again, and said a little embarrassedly: "Emperor, if you are asking Tianshan at that time, the great elder wants the master to marry you?" Girl Nalan"

Although civil and military officials were convinced by Lou Qi, with the improvement of the laws and regulations of the country, they were actually still a little bit unwilling. They were unwilling to establish a country when the time came, and there would only be one person in the emperor's palace. It is better to get more help.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, it doesn't mean that there will be nothing left. You still need to gain a firm foothold and have the capital to compete with the four countries. If you can come at this time, then one or two marriages are naturally the best, such as marrying a Dongqing or It's Bei Cang's princess, or she just welcomed Nalan Huaxin or Suliu Xin in.

all good.

It's just that they don't dare to mention this in front of Di Sha and Lou Qi now, but this time they are going to ask Tianshan Mountain, if they are on Tianshan Mountain and the Great Elder speaks in person, the officials will definitely persuade the emperor to agree .

No matter how you look at it, it is a bit troublesome.

Lou Qi laughed immediately, she knew what Yue meant, but who else did she need to be afraid of?Seeing his distressed face, she squinted at him, and said leisurely: "It's very simple, if there is any adult in Poyu who is full and wants to agree to ask Tianshan, then this concubine will reward him with a bomb directly. Added ingredients. What do you think, Lord Moonguard?"


Moon drops of sweat.

Lou Qi's meaning, Xiaosi immediately helped out later, when all the civil and military officials heard it, they all trembled a few times, and made up their minds, they simply don't follow anyone this time, so as not to waste time Dilemma, neither to persuade nor not to persuade, in the end it was really a bomb.

But the most troublesome thing now is the possible moth that Nalan Huaxin may have, but the date of Tianshan Grand Elder's birthday conflicts with the time of breaking the domain and establishing the country.

In half a month, it will be the day of the founding of the country chosen by Ying Tianjian, but the birthday of Tianshan Great Elder is only five days later than that day.

Although five days was enough time for them to rush from Poyu to Wentian Mountain, the establishment of a country and enthronement were definitely not that simple. They had to offer sacrifices to the heavens, enthronement ceremony, and accept congratulations from all the people and officials.Originally, he wanted to issue an edict to the world and accept congratulations from the four directions, but Shen Sha meant that he only issued an edict to the world and did not need the congratulations from the four directions. After a month, the post-sealing ceremony will be held, and when the enthronement ceremony is announced to the world, the four kingdoms will be invited to watch the ceremony by the way.

The reason why Shen Sha thinks this method is good is because it pays more attention to Lou Qi, and the appointment of a queen is their wedding day, so he naturally wants to make it more grand.Now the civil and military officials are not very familiar with etiquette, and they should have some experience after the founding and enthronement ceremony, so that they can organize the ceremony better.

Anyway, he has been waiting for these days, maybe another month.And Lou Qi didn't care, if it was possible, she would be happy to delay it for another half a year, after all, she was not ready to get married.

Shen Sha came back two days later. After hearing the news, he thought about it for a while and then made a decision. He set off to ask Tianshan on the third day after he ascended the throne.

"Aren't you afraid of rushing too much?" Lou Qi asked.

Shen Sha raised her eyebrows, "Don't rush, let's go by Eagle King."

When Lou Qi thought that he had shot the goshawk that Nalan Huaxin was riding to death in the Valley of Gods and Demons, he giggled, thinking that this proposal was very suitable for her.

However, it is impossible to bring so many people with him if he goes by eagle. His dark guard Tianying will bring him, and she will also take Long Yan. There are already four of them.

"Do you want to take a heavy boat?" Lou Qi asked after thinking about it.

The three guards will not be brought, there will definitely be a lot of affairs here, and the three of them will be left here to handle government affairs.Chen Shi and Lou Xin were still in the barracks, so she didn't take them with her this time.

"Chongzhou. It's your cousin. When are you going to tell him?" Shu Chongzhou has also followed Shen Sha these days, helping him sweep the wilderness, but he has already passed Shen Sha's treatment of him. Otherwise, he wouldn't be called "Chongzhou" directly.

Shu Chongzhou's kung fu is also excellent, and he is proficient in disguise, it might be helpful to bring him along, if you tell him now about his relationship with Lou Qi, he will pay more attention to Lou Qi.

In case something happened, he hoped that Shu Zhongzhou would also protect Lou Qi.At this time, he couldn't care less about being jealous.

"Talk to him if you find an opportunity in these two days." Lou Qi is now thinking about how to squeeze Shu Zhongzhou's talent. At that time in Luoyang City, he was the magistrate, and he managed Luoyang City in an orderly manner. Alright, now only Songshan is left to fight, he doesn't need to follow, just let him transform Broyu City.

In the Erchong Hall, Shu Chongzhou, who finally came back to take a good bath, sneezed suddenly.

"What gift do you want for the great elder's birthday?" Lou Qi thought of this question.In the past two days, all the officials have been discussing this matter non-stop, and they all want to choose among the most precious, but they didn't suggest that she should give away the most precious things in the treasury.

According to her, just send some casually, anyway, she is looking for trouble.

"Send the right birthday peach." Shen Sha didn't even have to think about it, "There is a pair of birthday peaches carved out of pink jade in the warehouse, that's the one."


Lou Qi couldn't help bursting out laughing.She also went in to see it in the past two days, and she had an impression of Shoutao. Although pink jade is hard to come by, the pink jade is really ordinary in appearance, with some black spots in it, and it is only the size of two fists. The only thing is that the carving skills are very good, and the carving is so lifelike that it looks like two real peaches with black mildew spots.

Even if this kind of thing is given as a birthday gift to ordinary people, it is quite cold. It is an insult to give it to the great elder Wen Tianshan who has always been looked up to by the world.

But Lou Qi likes him because he likes his vigor.Shen Sha must also know that she will definitely cause trouble if she goes this time, and by doing so, he supports her from another angle.

"Su Liuyun should go too." Lou Qi said to himself, but Shen Sha didn't answer.

Now that the two had discussed it, they put it aside.

The army was stationed a hundred miles away from Songshan Mountain, Shen Sha came back by eagle, but because the next day was the fifteenth day, the poisonous Gu was about to break out, so he could only come back to find Lou Qi, the medicine guide, and take her and Gao Yingying there by the way.

Gao Yingying still has a breath left now, Shen Shaxin is too dark, she just deliberately kept her breath, and was going to throw her in front of Gao Yuhu.

Lying on Dabai's back, Gao Yingying struggled to open her swollen eyes and looked at the two people who had been holding hands. Her heart was powerless to hate any more, but strangely, she still couldn't help being jealous.She really has never seen a man treat a woman so well, even her father dotes on her mother, and he only sleeps in her mother's room for ten days a month, and spends the rest of the time in the concubine's room, especially in front of others. Maybe hold her mother's hand.

Did they mean to irritate her.

This point she has wronged Shen Sha and Lou Qi, this day is fifteen, Shen Sha can't leave her at all.

Dabai swooped into the camp, but Chen Shi rushed up to meet him, his face a bit strange.

"Emperor, girl, the army suddenly fell ill, and they vomited and vomited. Even the medicine prescribed by the army doctor couldn't stop them." There was no fighting power in this way.

(End of this chapter)

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