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Chapter 456 The Weird Virus

Chapter 456 The Weird Virus
Lou Qi saw his expression, and immediately reached out to grab his wrist.Shen Sha frowned, but she also knew that she must have seen something was wrong, so she didn't stop her.

On the other hand, Chen Shi couldn't help but glanced at him, a little frightened.

Dijun didn't allow girls to touch other men except him, but seeing that Dijun didn't say a word, he felt that he underestimated Dijun too much.

"Girl, my subordinates are not like them." He was too embarrassed to say the word spitting up and down, as he felt that it would pollute the girl's ears.

"I know." Lou Qi withdrew his hand, but his expression was uglier than before, "Where is the tent?"

"This way." Shen Sha pulled her away.

Lou Qi asked Chen Shi to follow, and Ziyunhu jumped onto Chen Shi's shoulder and rubbed his face.Chen Shi suddenly had a bad premonition, because although Wuwu used to choose to follow him when he couldn't nestle in the girl's arms, he had never made such an intimate gesture, and it was extremely spiritual. Suddenly it was so abnormal, unless it was to pity him.

But what does he have for Wuwu to pity?
Could it be that he was also sick, and then he couldn't be saved?
With complicated thoughts, Chen Shi followed into Shen Sha's camp.

After a month's battle, Shen Sha's army has shown great confidence and momentum. If they attack Songshan with the original momentum this time, they must be victorious.But no one thought that such a disease would appear in the army after Shen Sha left overnight.

Because of the miracle doctor, the imperial doctors and military doctors in the broken domain are actually better than those in other countries, and the miracle doctor now has a big medicine garden, and there are many top-quality medicines given by Lou Qi. Under Lou Qi's guidance, all the medicines were made into pills, which are convenient to take on the battlefield, and the effect is very fast. The army originally had great confidence in the military doctors, but who knew that this time, the three military doctors were helpless!

These two blows came down at the same time, and within a day, the momentum of the army fell into a slump.

Shen Sha frowned after understanding the situation.

He couldn't be separated from Lou Qi that day, so after he entered the tent, he called Yingwei over to ask questions, and Lou Qi could only lean against him to check on Chen Shi, and by the way, he also said what Ying said. I heard it.

"It seems that Gao Yuhu's methods are good."

Gao Yingying, who was brought in and thrown on the ground, grinned and said in a weak voice: "Don't, don't think that if you catch me, you can beat my father. He has many capable people under him. All of you will be buried." Bone Pine Mountain!"

Lou Qi raised her eyebrows: "We are so scared."

Although she said it lightly, Chen Shi, who was sitting opposite her, still saw a trace of seriousness in her eyes, and he couldn't help feeling serious, knowing that there must be something wrong with his illness.

"Take her down." Shen Sha glanced at Gao Yingying, and immediately a soldier carried her out.

Lou Qi suddenly stretched out his hand and slashed at Chen Shi.

Although Chen Shi felt that she was going to attack him, but out of 100% trust in her, he didn't even tense up for a moment, let alone resisted. She hit the side of the neck and fainted past.

Lou Qi caught him with one hand and made Shen Sha stand up, "You carry him to the bed."

he?Hug Chen Shi?
Shen Sha's face turned dark.

Ying hurried forward, "My subordinates, let's carry Chen Shi over."

"You can't, stay away." Lou Qi avoided him, looked up and saw Shen Sha's face was dark, and could only explain one sentence: "Chen Shi is infected with a virus, and this virus is contagious, and Yingwei is still alive. Not infected."

Ying was anxious, "What about you, imperial concubine?" How could you touch Chen Shi by yourself and let the master hug him?
Lou Qi rolled his eyes at him: "I am not afraid of your master."

Viruses are scum in front of her. She hasn't even caught a cold since she was a child. As for Shen Sha, the poisonous Gu in her body is more terrifying than viruses.

Shen Sha hugged Chen Shi horizontally with a sullen face, and Lou Qi put his hands on his shoulders and walked towards the big bed.She couldn't help touching her nose, she didn't blame Shen Sha for her dark face anymore, he was tall and straight, as tall as a mountain, full of masculinity, and Chen Shi lost some weight in the military camp this month, and now he was sick and his face was pale , adding a bit of fragility to his handsomeness, being picked up by Shen Sha and walking towards the big bed like this, no matter how you look at it.

cough cough cough.

Lou Qi was almost tormented by the picture he continued to make up in his brain, and when he came back to his senses, Shen Sha had already put Chen Shi on the simple bed, staring at her with an unsuspecting expression.

"Why are you so guilty?"

"Ah? No way! Why do I have a guilty conscience!" Lou Qi immediately denied it.If this lets him know what she was thinking just now, what kind of picture she imagined, she really doesn't have to walk out of the tent.

Although Shen Sha felt that she was a little suspicious, but he really couldn't think of the reason, so he put it to the back of his mind, glanced at Chen Shi, and asked, "Do you know what virus it is?"

Lou Qi said seriously: "I don't know yet, but it's obvious that this virus has a follow-up, it can't just be vomiting, Chen Shi just got infected, I can feel the weirdest point of this virus, only Chen Shilai Said, the more he moves, the weaker his body becomes, so I knocked him out and observed again."

That's why his face was blue and gray outside before, but it didn't seem to have much effect, but after he strode into the tent with them, his face paled sharply and he became weaker a lot.

This is a virus she has never seen before. At least the medicine on her body cannot be directly cured. This is not an ordinary poison. It will mutate in the human body after it comes into contact with the human body.

If this virus was created by Gao Yuhu, it can only be said that this person is really not that easy to deal with, and last time the thousands of tiger troops were wiped out by them, and his own daughter was also in their hands. It is really unpredictable to stay on hold for a month.

"Let's go and see the others."

Shen Sha held Lou Qi's hand, and Ying took them to the doctor's tent.

The tents of the ten simple tents were tightly covered, and from time to time someone carried a sick patient with a pale face into it, and there was a sour smell in the air. From time to time, a soldier dug a bucket of sand to cover the filth spit out by the sick.

Lou Qi frowned.

Shen Sha paused, looking at her worriedly.Although she is brave, he still feels sorry for her to deal with such filth. He has always hoped that his woman will stand shoulder to shoulder with him to face everything, but now he hopes to hold her in his hands Li Hu stayed behind and only gave her fine clothes and food.

"It's okay, let's go in and have a look." Lou Qi felt his deep affection for him at this moment, his heart warmed up, and he shook his hand.

In fact, it was inappropriate for them to hold hands like this in front of the soldiers, but today is the fifteenth day, so there is really no way.

"I have seen the emperor, I have seen the emperor!"

The two entered a medical tent side by side, and only a few people by the door saw them and wanted to kneel down to see them, but Shen Sha held them back and refused to let them kneel down.

Others didn't notice they came in.

What shocked Lou Qi and Shen Sha was that the situation in the medical tent was completely different from what they had imagined.Seeing the sick patients brought in from the outside were weak and pale, they thought they would see a large area of ​​sick patients lying inside, and some people even vomited all the time, but when they came in, they saw people gathered together , although his face was pale, he kept talking, but the content of what he said made people frown.

"We can't get better. I heard that Gao Yuhu's master is a stranger, someone who is even protected by God!"

"If we match up with them, will we continue to be sick?"

"Not only that, the army will die here!"

"Finally finished the battle of the Wasteland, only Songshan is left, and my family is still waiting for me to go back and marry a wife."

"Me too, I moved my mother to Qicheng, saved some money and opened a steamed stuffed bun shop there, my mother also said that we have come to the end of all hardships, and if we die here now, I will not have time to leave her a last word. "

A young soldier who was still childish cried in a low voice, "I had blood in my stool when I went to the latrine."

"Don't cry, I vomited blood until the end."

Shen Sha's face was very bad. He heard Ying mention it before, and the morale of the army was greatly reduced, but he didn't expect these people to be so pessimistic. They thought that the army would all die here!

He didn't want to listen any more, so he let out a deep drink: "Who said you would all die here?"

This loud shout startled everyone, Qi Qi turned their heads, saw them, and immediately knelt down.

"Emperor forgive me!"

Lou Qi noticed that those childish little soldiers started to tremble.They were already respectful and afraid of Shen Sha, but now he sneered and shouted angrily, almost scaring their guts out.But at this time, he still needs to give them some confidence.

"Gao Yuhu's men are only [-] tiger troops, and five or six thousand have been wiped out before. This time we have [-] soldiers, [-] against more than [-] soldiers. Are you afraid that you will not be able to defeat them? The tiger army is good at deceit, this You already know that now it’s just an encounter with a murderous hand, and you are so sad and sad like a little girl, what use does this emperor want you for?”

Everyone bowed their heads in shame.

"It's just a small virus that can blow you into such a state! Then your mother, your family, your daughter-in-law, do you dare to rely on you to protect it? Can the newly-built country rely on you to protect it?" ? Who do you think you are? You are not weak! You are soldiers! You are soldiers of this emperor! Even if the true governance fails, this emperor hopes that you will die on the battlefield instead of waiting here to die miserably !"

In Nuo Da's medical tent, only Shen Sha's clanking and sharp voice was left, and the soldiers who had lowered their heads involuntarily straightened their backs.

"Now, stand up straight for this emperor, and raise your head! Tell me, are you people who are greedy for life and afraid of death?"

(End of this chapter)

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