Chapter 459
Lou Qi uttered a few eagle calls, which spread far away with his internal force.

She is actually not that weak, and she wants to be protected by them, but because she can't be separated from Shen Sha now, and she is indeed not as good as him in terms of organs, she simply handed herself over to him, and just lay in his arms and waited for Dabai to come over .It's rare for her to be so carefree, and it's quite interesting to be protected for a while.

The other party never expected that the killing situation set up by Jing Xia would actually make her feel interesting, if she knew that she would have to vomit blood.

And Shen Sha's face became more and more ugly.

When Dabai flew towards them, several people jumped up quickly, the people hiding in the forest wanted to stop them but it was too late, they could only watch Dabai flying away with ease, gnashing their teeth.

"Quickly go back and tell the commander and master that the plan has failed, and ask for instructions on whether to implement the third plan!" A gloomy voice sounded in the forest.


As soon as Shen Sha and the others returned to the camp, they hurried into the tent, Shen Sha summoned Ying and the generals to discuss matters, and Lou Qi already had the idea of ​​curing the virus.

Once the source is found, as long as the infected patients are isolated first, and the fire is stopped for the time being, no new patients will appear.

She studied the few thin thread-shaped Gu worms that she brought back for half an hour, and suddenly remembered Wuwu.Wuwu clearly has a feeling for this virus, so is it possible that it can restrain this virus?

"Woo come here."

She waved at Wuwu, and Wuwu seemed to glance at her timidly, and even took two steps back.Lou Qi was startled, and suddenly felt that Wuwu's behavior seemed to be the last time, when the Xiao family said that to cast a divine weapon, they needed a few drops of Wuwu's blood, and then she was going to take its blood.

A flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, she pulled out the broken sword she had put aside, and raised it towards Wuwu, and indeed Wuwu shrank pitifully and hid in the corner.

It seems that Ziyun Fox clearly knows that the virus can use its blood!But it knew that using its blood could cure it, but because it didn't want to be bled and was afraid of pain, it rubbed against Chen Shi sympathetically before, wasn't it a bit guilty?Also, she took the initiative to help her find out the source of the virus, so she hoped that she could find other ways to treat the disease by herself, right?
Lou Qi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and once again lamented that this little thing really became a genius.

It's not that she doesn't feel bad about it, but there's not enough time now. They come back safely from the other party's trap tonight, and the other party will definitely have other countermeasures. It's best for her to cure those patients as soon as possible.

"Hey, come here quickly." She took out a bottle of its favorite medicine pill made from Tianji grass, and beckoned to it.

Although the generals didn't understand why they were here to discuss matters, the imperial concubine was still sitting next to the emperor, leaning against him, and teasing a little fox, but they dared not ask too much.They have all seen the emperor's love for the emperor's concubine.

Shen Sha turned her head and looked at Ziyunhu shaking his head and obviously not wanting to go to Lou Qi's side, he couldn't help being startled.In the past, it was the one who took the initiative to rush into her arms, but he threw it out several times.

"I suspect its blood can cure this virus." Seeing his doubts, Lou Qi explained in a low voice.

Shen Sha was surprised, stunned for a moment, and then said: "Thousands of patients, if their blood is used to cure the virus, wouldn't they have to drain their blood? Well, let's think of another way, that is, take these The sick ones stay first, and the remaining soldiers are enough."

It's good that there will be no more new patient numbers now.Although he didn't like to see this little fox, it was a spiritual beast after all, and it was not easy to grow to this level. To exchange its life for the lives of his soldiers, he felt as if he owed such a little thing, A little awkward.

As if he understood Shen Sha's words, as if he didn't expect that Di Junda, who was always so cruel to him, would pity him so much and not want its blood to save those people, his round eyes rolled round Ah Zhuan, she turned with tears in her eyes, looking at him wetly, obviously moved.

Looking at it like this, Lou Qi couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Tsk tsk, fortunately, this is not a goblin who can transform into a beauty, or else she would have turned into a stunning beauty to make a promise to you? Look at how moved to tears!"

After finishing speaking, her head was hit hard. "Are you talking nonsense again?"

A few black lines hung from Shen Sha's forehead, and she really wanted to spank her ass.

All the generals were watching their noses, noses, noses, noses, and hearts, trying to reduce their sense of existence, pretending that they did not exist.

Emperor, imperial concubine, you are in the military camp, you have been fighting for a month, and you have no time to relax in front of the elders, is it really good to show your intimacy and affection like this?

The emperor used to be cold and reticent in front of them, but he did not expect that he was quite human in front of the imperial concubine.

Lou Qi didn't have the heart to pay attention to what these generals were thinking, she just felt that this one person and one fox really had no confidence in her and misunderstood her too much, she said with a straight face: "Why, in the eyes of the two of you Am I so ruthless and cruel here? I want blood, but as long as I study a little bit, I will find a substitute. Even if I really want it, I won’t need much. When I really want it Do you want to drain the blood and turn it into a fox?"

Shen Sha always felt that there was something wrong with these words, and after thinking about it for a while, his face turned dark.What are you two?This puts him and this little fox together!

In the end, Wuwu walked towards Lou Qi as if he was dying.

With Wuwu's blood, it only took Lou Qi an hour to make the antidote.The antidote was first given to Chen Shi, and after it was confirmed to be effective, more doses were made and distributed to the sick.

After she finished her work, Shen Sha also made a battle plan, and it was already midnight.

The two of them only rested for half an hour, then jumped onto Dabai's back in the dark, and flew towards the Songshan Tiger Army barracks.

Gao Yuhu had received the news that the second plan had failed, discussed the third plan with his master, and confirmed that there were no loopholes, so he went to bed with peace of mind. When he entered the bedroom, he saw his wife was wiping tears secretly, and he couldn't help sighing .

He walked over, put his arms around her shoulders, and whispered, "Ma'am, what's wrong with you?"

"Master, don't you really think about our poor daughter at all? It is said that Shen Sha is cruel and cruel. Would it be good if Yingying fell into his hands? Master doesn't want to rescue her quickly, but If you want to provoke him like this, just in case"

Gao Yuhu's face was not very good-looking, and he thought to himself that women have long hair but short knowledge, so if they go to save someone at this time, can they be saved?She thought Shen Sha was a vegetarian?But he believes that Shen Sha will not kill his daughter easily, and will definitely be a hostage on terms, so there is no need to worry about Yingying's safety now. Although Shen Sha is cruel, he should not do anything to a girl's family, right?Even if she suffers a little grievance, Yingying is not worthy to be his daughter.He still believes in the daughter he raised as a son since he was a child.

"Ma'am, don't worry, Yingying will be fine. When I beat Shen Sha to the ground, he will obediently send Yingying back, and make sure that he won't dare to touch a single hair of Yingying!"

Mrs. Gao was dubious: "Really? Why didn't he dare touch Yingying?"

"Because he probably already knows how powerful I am!" Gao Yuhu said proudly, "Don't you believe Master Su's ability?"

Mrs. Gao thought of Mr. Su's skills, and finally felt relieved, and was about to speak, when there was a sudden commotion outside, the expressions of both of them changed slightly.

It's so late, who else dares to be presumptuous with him?
"Ma'am, I'll go out and have a look." Gao Yuhu walked outside with a cold face.But Mrs. Gao always felt that something was wrong, so she quickly put on her outer shirt and followed her out.

Gao Yuhu went out and strode towards the garden where the sound came out, just in time to see all the servants in his house raised their torches, the housekeeper was looking up at the sky with a pale face, he looked up to the sky, and saw the sky hovering A giant eagle, with a person hanging from it, was pulled around like a kite and flew around.

Gao Yuhu was startled and angry, "Who is presumptuous here!" These words resounded towards the eagle, and he was not blown away by the wind at all.

On top of Dabai, Lou Qi raised his eyebrows when he clearly heard what Ru Ruo said in front of him, "I didn't expect Gao Yuhu's inner strength to be so strong!"

They all paid attention to Gao Yuhu's tiger army. They only knew that there was a master in the past few days, but they didn't expect that Gao Yuhu himself was so powerful in martial arts.

"It's not surprising, if he himself has no ability, then why is the master willing to follow him." Shen Sha said lightly.

Gao Yuhu's words also meant to shock and intimidate, showing his true ability, and wanting to make people retreat in spite of difficulties.However, he must have not seen clearly who was hanging under their rope.When Shen Sha was replying, Lou Qi patted him on the shoulder and said, "I don't need you, I'll do it."

She blinked, and also used her internal force to send down the voice.

"Hey, is this old man Gao Yuhu? We sent your daughter home with good intentions. Is this how you treat your benefactor?"

As soon as these words came out, Gao Yuhu and others below were stunned. Lou Qi's internal strength was no worse than him, and he deliberately raised his voice far away, so no one in this area could hear it.

Gao Yuhu stared carefully at the person who fell in mid-air, and finally recognized him from the figure and face shape, and his expression changed drastically.


Mrs. Gao just came out, and her feet went limp when she heard this sentence, "Master, what are you talking about? Which one is Yingying?"

When he looked up and saw the person who was being carried around by the giant eagle, he fainted immediately.Maybe it was the mother-daughter connection, although she couldn't see clearly, she still recognized her daughter.

"Who the hell is it!" Gao Yuhu quickly asked someone to help his wife in, and at the same time said with a cold face: "Go and invite Master Su! The archers are ready!"

He's going to shoot that eagle down!
Because they deliberately wanted Gao Yuhu to be able to see Gao Yingying more or less, so they didn't fly very high and were within range.

(End of this chapter)

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