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Chapter 460 Face-slapping is a good sport

Chapter 460 Face-slapping is a good sport
Gao Yuhu made up his mind to teach the visitor a big lesson, so he dispatched a thousand archers at once.Needless to say, his bows and arrows are all made of cold iron, and they are densely aimed at the sky. The moonlight shines on the arrows, and a little bit of cold light is gloomy, and the murderous aura reaches the sky.

This is another pride of Gao Yuhu.

The Shenbow team, the bows and arrows are all made of high-grade cold iron. There are more than a thousand people who don’t care about anything else. They only practice archery every day. The food and clothing are high-standard. It is a secret weapon specially raised by him. The people who came now really angered him, so he immediately sent out this team of Divine Bows.

"You look very powerful, but have you all had supper tonight? Don't be so hungry that you have no strength to draw your bow." The clear female voice came from the sky again, but it sounded obviously mocking, and Still laughing, that smile made Gao Yuhu feel annoyed.And listening to the voice is just a young girl, her voice can be condensed into almost essence, as if speaking clearly face to face, this internal force is stronger than his!Isn't this slapping him in the face?

Gao Yuhu is about 40 years old, and he is very tall, but he is not tall like Shen Sha, who is strong and without a trace of fat, but has a hunchback and a big round belly, and he is mature, somewhat The man is still a beautiful uncle at forty, and his face is already full of wrinkles, but it is precisely because of this that he always looks very majestic in front of others, and because his martial arts are also top-notch, so his subordinates treat him with respect and respect. Fear, no one has ever dared to provoke him!

But now he was provoked by a little girl, and he didn't take it seriously when he sent out his very proud Shenbow team. This is completely despising him and then despising his achievements!
How dare she despise him any more? !

"That girl who didn't dare to show up, don't run away if you have the ability, see if my handsome sharpshooter can shoot your eagle into a dead eagle!"

He shouted in a deep voice.

Lou Qi laughed loudly, her voice was so crisp that the people below began to imagining her appearance.

"Who didn't show up? If you have the ability, you fly up to have a look. This girl is not masked or hiding. It turns out that your bow team can only be shot by others standing still? It's really amazing, too Amazing! This girl is so admirable!"

Gao Yuhu's face turned dark again!
"Commander, give the order!" Everyone in the Shenbow team also looked indignant. They were so used to being so arrogant, how could they bear it?Where can I bear it? !At this moment, they will definitely not let her stop running and shoot again, so what if she just shoots!
"Get ready!" Gao Yuhu raised his arms.

At this time, Mrs. Gao woke up and stumbled out again. When she saw thousands of bows and arrows pointing towards the sky, she was heartbroken and rushed to Gao Yuhu, "Master, you can't do this, if you accidentally hurt me How about going to Yingying?"

As soon as she said this, there was another burst of laughter in the sky that made people hate their teeth: "Yes, if you can't shoot an eagle as big as this girl, but you shoot Miss Gao instead, it's a must!" Hitting the wall in shame and anger? Let's think it through."

"It's really... I'm so angry! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot that eagle to death for me!" If he wanted to let that dead girl fall, he would definitely crush her to the ground!

The captain of the Shenbow Team bowed to Mrs. Gao, "Don't worry, Madam, my subordinates will never accidentally hurt Missy! If I hurt Missy, my subordinates will give me my head as an apology!"

Mrs. Gao was about to say what Mrs. Ben wanted to do with your head, when the giant eagle in the sky suddenly swooped down and flew over obliquely, with its wings tilted, a gust of wind blew up.

Just when everyone was blown upside down, the captain of the Shenbow team who was making promises with an angry face just now felt a cold light flash in front of his eyes, and his neck felt cold. He seemed to be able to see his body fall down, but how could it be possible? ?
Of course he never knew again, probably, because his head had been cut off!

The head flew out above everyone's heads, and the blood that fell fell like rain.This sudden change shocked everyone.

The opponent shot so fast!So fast that they didn't even have time to react!And the giant eagle soared into the sky again. In the process, it dragged Gao Yingying on the ground for a while, and then pulled it up again.

Lou Qi laughed loudly: "Look at how kind-hearted this girl is. This one said he wanted to give Madam a head, so I will help him! Madam Gao will keep this head!"

Before the words were finished, the human head fell from the sky and hit Mrs. Gao in the face.

Madam Gao raised her head with her eyes wide open, just in time to meet the captain's staring eyes, her face pale and terrified.

She screamed and fainted again.

Gao Yuhu was so angry that his whole body was trembling, his blood rushed to the top of his head, and he roared, "Shoot!"

Thousands of sharp arrows shot towards the giant eagle, like a dense sea of ​​arrows.But what is surprising is that they were able to avoid Gao Yingying who fell in the air!This kind of archery is really the best in the world!

Shen Sha sat peacefully on the back of the eagle and did not make a sound. At this moment, he nodded and said: "Gao Yuhu's Shenbow team is really powerful. If we didn't come to have a look tonight, maybe when the army meets It’s a big loss.”

"So what? If we are down here now, we might have to avoid it, but we have Dabai!" I don't know if Prince Yu will regret it when he thinks about giving them the Snow Mountain White Eagle King. The intestines are green!

Lou Qi patted Dabai, Dabai suddenly rose a lot, and all the feathered arrows lost their strength and fell down one after another when they were still a certain height below it.

"Look at us." Lou Qi laughed, patted Dabai again, and let out a few eagle cries, Dabai turned his angle again as if he could understand her meaning, and caught up with those whereabouts The arrow circled in a circle.Lou Qi pulled out the soul-killing whip in his hand quickly and rolled it at the same time, and immediately rolled back a large bundle of feathered arrows.

She gave half of the arrows to Shen Sha, took one herself, and winked at him: "Are we going to reciprocate?"

Shen Sha understood in seconds.

Before Gao Yuhu and the others recovered from the giant eagle's movements, they saw cold stars and cold iron arrows flying down from the sky with a murderous aura.

The sound of the arrow piercing through the air can be heard, and it can be heard that the force and speed of the throw are not inferior to them!

Gao Yuhu's expression changed drastically, and he immediately shouted, "Move quickly, mobilize quickly!"

The girl's clear and smiling voice in the sky sounded again: "Hey, handsome tall, you can't be so rude, I'll take what you sent, now I'm giving you what, why not pick up?"

Pick up, pick up her mother, they have to be able to pick up!

The force of the throw is strong, it is obvious that the absolute master has used the deep internal force, plus the advantage from the top to the bottom, he may barely be able to catch one or two, can his subordinates catch it?

Gao Yuhu was so excited that he was about to jump up.

But even though he told people to get out of the way, those sharpshooters were strong in arm strength and eyesight, but their whole body movements were not so flexible. They couldn't go anywhere, and before the blink of an eye, more than a dozen were hit, and a small piece fell down.

Gao Yuhu was so distressed that he spent a lot of money in cultivating these people, and it would be a big loss to die one of them. Now more than a dozen died at once!

But when Lou Qi really wants to take revenge and anger others, he will definitely not end it so simply.She then said: "Master Gao, the purpose of this girl's visit this time is to take Miss Gao home. Now that it's delivered, you have to pick it up. You won't let Miss Gao fall like those rotten arrows, right?" ?”

Before Gao Yuhu understood what she said, the rope binding Gao Yingying was cut suddenly.

She flew down like a piece of shit with its wings cut off in the dark.

"Yingying!" Gao Yuhu's eyes were about to burst, he stomped his feet, and he rose into the air, reaching out to meet Gao Yingying, but he never expected that the giant eagle would suddenly flap its wings. He hugged Gao Yingying, but was immediately sent flying!

Lou Qi watched Gao Yuhu and Gao Yingying in his arms fall heavily to the ground at the same time, his eyes were cold.

She suddenly sighed faintly, turned her head to look at Shen Sha and said, "Why do I suddenly feel so bad, so dark and vicious?"

Shen Sha raised her eyebrows, "What else did you do?" Throwing Gao Yingying from the air was what they had discussed before they came. If she hadn't done anything else, she would never have said such a thing suddenly.

Lou Qi looked at his slender and white hands, and said quietly: "She even put poisonous powder on Miss Gao, but handsome Gao will get it when he holds her like this, and also, that kind of poisonous powder is from me and me. What his teacher learned, as long as there is contact, the infection is not just vomiting and diarrhea, but" She paused, and then said: "Death in a moment."

One moment of death, one quarter of an hour later a sudden death, there is no cure.

She is really vicious.

Shen Sha froze for a moment, seeing that although she was reflecting on her viciousness, her eyes were shining brightly like stars, she was obviously so excited that she couldn't help but also had the urge to roll her eyes like her.

Holding her in his arms, he bit her earlobe with one bite, and said in a low voice: "This emperor likes you to be bad, and I like you to be poisonous. In this way, you and this emperor are a perfect match."

He wouldn't like the kind of woman who claims to be kind, and even if she is bullied to the head, she will keep saying when it's time to repay the injustice, repay the grievance with kindness, and so on.

He likes something as straightforward as his dyeing, very much.What's more, he could clearly see that the reason why she tortured Gao Yingying and Gao Yuhu like this was because they wanted to force her man into marriage.

Well, of course her man is...him.

She should treat him like this as her own, protect him well, and not allow others to touch him!Because so is he.

Sure enough, after Gao Yuhu fell, his guards rushed over immediately and helped him up, and then immediately recruited two maids to help Gao Yingying up.

(End of this chapter)

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