Chapter 461
After helping him up, the two maids screamed at the same time and let go of their hands, pushing him out again.

What the hell is this! ! !

Their eldest lady is a well-known beauty in Songshan, and a female general who is secretly admired by the [-] Tiger Army, but what the hell is this in front of her?Her hair was messed up, her head was bald, her eyes were so swollen that there were only two slits left, and one corner of her mouth was swollen so that it became crooked.
This is their young lady?
Lou Qi and Shen Sha didn't stay any longer, and flew back to the camp on Dabai in the last darkness.

Not long after they left, there were panicked shouts in Marshal Songshan Gao's mansion.

"The handsome is dead!"

"Miss is gone!"

"Ma'am, ma'am!"

Amidst the wailing and screaming, people fell down from time to time.

However, the Tiger Army ushered in the attack of Shen Sha's army shortly after receiving these news.People on their side were in panic, the dragons had no leader, but Shen Sha's army was approaching menacingly.

They sent people to look for Mr. Su, but Mr. Su, who had been in the master's residence and rarely went out, did not know where he went, and no one found him.

Shen Sha's army was just rough and straightforward before, and they didn't know how they explored the way. Songshan obviously had many secret tunnels dug by them, but they were discovered by the other party. Some were blocked, and some were blocked. They were set on fire and filled with thick smoke, some were flooded with water, and some were invaded directly, and people killed them all to their rear.

It is said that their tiger army is good at the way of deceitful soldiers, and Shen Sha doesn't know any methods of deploying troops in formation, but only directly crushes them. Who said this?
who said it?
Master Su.

But looking at it now, Shen Sha's army is haunting even more weirdly than them, where is Mr. Su?

Lou Qi took Chen Shi and Lou Xin to the battlefield as well, but this time it was Ziyunhu Wuwu who made the great contribution.Those secret passages were all found out by Wuwu.

She is the deputy commander of the marching formation this time.

Shen Sha is indeed better at being rough and direct, but Lou Qi is also much more treacherous and cunning. She led an army of [-] to attack, and Shen Sha led an army of [-] to clean up the mess. The online cooperation is particularly tacit and completely seamless.

When the Hu army was provoked by Lou Qi into a rage and wanted to fight back fiercely, Shen Sha's brutality came directly, and they were so bombarded that they couldn't fight back.

The Tiger Army had originally won by tricking soldiers, after this advantage was suppressed by Lou Qi, they could only be forced to face Shen Sha head-on - this kind of head-on confrontation, how could they beat Shen Sha?
And when they took out the hundred broken bullets, Lou Qi laughed.

The bomb, which was more powerful than the [-]-pounder bomb, directly blasted them back to grandma's house!
Many generals in the tiger army couldn't help but hissed: "Go to Master Su, find Master Su!"

There were too many people calling, Lou Qi heard the words Master Su.They know that Gao Yuhu has a master, but the master's surname is Su?

She wandered away in her mind.

The surname Su is rare.

When she reunited with Shen Sha, she talked about Master Su.

"Is most of Shen Yunshan surnamed Su?"

She didn't think too much when she asked this question, but as soon as she asked, she saw a trace of complexity flashing deep in Shen Sha's eyes, and she was stunned immediately.

Every time Shen Yunshan or Su Liuyun was mentioned, although Shen Sha did not show any guilt or anything like that, there was always a little complexity in the depths of his eyes.

what is this?
He also told her about Shen Yunshan's relationship with him before, but it was nothing special. Even if Su Liuyun had any friendship or business with him, couldn't he explain it to her carefully now?
She is a person who can't tolerate a grain of sand in her eyes.

In the past, there was always love, gender experts, saying that both men and women should leave a little space for each other, don't press each other's past or something, and say that before meeting you, the other's memories have nothing to do with you. ——


Memories and the past are never completely irrelevant to the present.

On the bright side, the memory and past of the other party will shape him now.

On the bad side, memories and the past still subconsciously affect his present.

How could it not matter?
If she didn't know, how would she know how to deal with those past people and things popping up suddenly?In case the past brings tricks, knowing the truth will help her judge more accurately.

Shen Sha didn't notice that she had already thought of going somewhere, she shook her head and said, "Of course not, but the Shanzhang family is Su."

Shan Chang's family naturally included Su Liuyun.

"Then, is it possible that Master Su is from Shen Yunshan?" Lou Qi looked at him calmly.

Shen Sha was silent for a moment.

It was this short period of silence that made Lou Qi narrow his eyes slightly.She never liked to leave room for misunderstanding, so she immediately asked: "Are you afraid that someone will bring you a situation where you have to become hostile to Shen Yunshan?"

So he wanted to escape, he didn't want to know if that person was from Shen Yunshan?
In other words, he already knew that the other party was Shen Yunshan's person, but he wanted to let the other party go this time?
let go?

Give others a chance, is this what Shen Dakiller would do?
Do not make jokes.

So her question was a bit harsh.Shen Sha finally looked at her, his lips moved, but he didn't seem to know where to start.

He was eerily silent.

Lou Qi took a deep look at him, and said, "Remember, I'm not such a generous and tolerant person. I'm stingy and hold grudges."

"Qi Qi."

Lou Qi stood up, shook her head and left.

Before Songshan was completely victorious, Shen Sha never saw Lou Qi again, but news of her kept coming. He knew that she was looking for Master Su with Chen Shi, Lou Xin, and Wu Wu, but he still couldn't find her. .

The Tiger Army was defeated.

Shen Sha took down Songshan.

There are more than 5 people in Songshan, and the city here has been completed.While Shen Sha was still dealing with follow-up affairs, Ying came to report.

"Master, the imperial concubine is going back to Poyu City on Dabai with Wuwu in her arms." He had a strange expression on his face.

It is true that the master and Lou Qi have never been like this before, is this an awkward situation?Before Lou Qi left, he hadn't accepted their master yet, but now it's different, aren't they the same as Mi?
Shen Sha's face turned dark.

Dabai appeared in the sky above the Nine Heavens Palace, Yun happened to be standing in the garden, looking up, Lou Qi jumped down with Ziyunhu in his arms, if he wasn't wearing a plain men's attire, his body and posture would be like a fairy jumping off the mortal world.

After knowing that she is the imperial concubine, Yun will always pay more attention to her eyes. As the imperial concubine, he is also their master, he can't be like an eagle.

"Yun has seen the imperial concubine."

Lou Qi hummed, "Yunwei is free." She was not in a good mood, and originally wanted to go back to the triple palace immediately to take a shower and change clothes, but looking at Yunwei, her heart moved.

Yun asked: "The imperial concubine is going back to the palace at this time, it is on the Songshan side."

"Songshan is already under the control of your emperor, and it's time to prepare for the founding of the country and enthronement." Lou Qi said, seeing Yun's overjoyed look, he paused and said, "I have something to ask Yunwei, please ask Yunwei in half an hour. To the Triple Hall."

Yun was stunned for a moment, but still agreed.

"The imperial concubine is back!"

When Lou Qi returned to the triple hall, Xiao Si and Er Ling were overjoyed and greeted him immediately.

But both of them sensitively found that she was not in a high mood, Lou Qi didn't want to say more, and asked them to prepare hot water. She took a nice bath and used the spices she made. After taking a bath, she was exhausted. The skin is smooth and tender with a faint fragrance.

If she used it for money, she would probably be able to make a lot of money, but now she is not short of money, and she is too lazy to please those women in the back palace.

Yun came over on time, and Lou Qi was already sitting lazily in the flower pavilion. The cushion she was sitting on was all hand-sewn by Xiaosi, the soft cotton was warm, and Huwu was also carried by Xiaosi to wash and dry. Now nestled at Lou Qi's feet, looking lazy, the posture of one person and one fox are somewhat similar.

Bamboo curtains were hung in the pavilion to keep out the wind, a silver charcoal stove was placed, and cut fruits were placed on the table, and Er Ling even brought Lou Qi a storybook to flip through.

Yun suddenly saw a feeling of quiet time, but suddenly woke up.

This one, the first time I saw it was in a place like Baichong Valley, how could it be possible to put the feeling of quiet time on her?

Seeing that he recovered from a daze, Lou Qi felt a little disappointed.

This place was arranged by Xiaosi and Erling, but it wasn't like she didn't think about it just now, trying to see if this atmosphere could make Yun relax a bit, and then tell her what she wanted to know.

It's just that his self-control seems to be very good.

"Yunwei, please sit down."

Yun was not hypocritical, and sat down at the place farthest from her.

"This time when we went to Songshan, we found that Gao Yuhu had a master beside him, who knew how to make Gu, how to make weapons, and most importantly, how to make mechanism, and his surname was Su." Lou Qi didn't go around too much.The reason why she was looking for Yunwei was because she felt that Yue and Ying must not know much, otherwise she should have seen it before, but Yunwei was not sure. Chang, he probably knows more than Eagle and Moon.

Sure enough, upon hearing what she said, Yun's pupils shrank slightly.Maybe others can't see the difference, but Lou Qi can.

Cloud knows.

On the other hand, it also shows that Shen Yunshan and Shen Sha really have something that she doesn't know.

Lou Qi swears in his heart, but his face remains calm, he just looks at Yun.

She seemed like she didn't finish her sentence, and it was most difficult to talk about it.Yun didn't know what she really wanted to hear, what she really knew.

"Did the emperor catch this master?" he asked.

It seemed that Yun wanted to hear the results of Master Su before deciding what to say.Yun Wei, who seemed very upright and straightforward, was really not that stupid.

Lou Qi raised her eyebrows and said, "I don't know, I'll be back first."

In fact, Master Su was gone, but she just didn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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