Your heart is free

Chapter 469 The bloody battle will start

Chapter 469 The bloody battle will start

First of all, Ms. Qiu Er is the second daughter in Shenjian Villa. She has this talent since she was a child, but she was able to practice the breath-chasing arrow secretly without telling everyone. This must be because she discovered the secret of Shenjian Villa when she was very young. , this secret made her wary of her family and relatives, and immediately made a decision to practice arrows while using her improved arrow technology to keep her position. This is definitely bold, careful, decisive and brave.

This kind of personality is what Lou Qi likes.

Moreover, knowing that this time to ask Tianshan was given to the Great Elder as a cargo, she still came out, which shows that she should take this time as an opportunity to escape from Shenjian Villa.Originally, I had to plan carefully, but because I found out that my family had sent a letter and I didn't know the content of the letter, I quickly changed my plan and reacted. I ran to her and knelt down in front of her to beg for marriage. Such courage and determination, It is not something ordinary people can have.

It's just a teenage girl.

Therefore, Lou Qi admired Miss Qiu Er very much.

"I promise you." She winked at Shen Sha first, then turned to Miss Qiu Er.

Tears welled up in Miss Qiuer's eyes, and she immediately knelt down and kowtowed three times in front of her: "The emperor and concubine's kindness to Qingxian for saving his life, Qingxian should be a slave and a servant girl to repay the two of you!"

"Get up." Lou Qi gave Chen Shishi a wink, Chen Shimo paused, and walked over to help her up.

Lou Qi couldn't help but smiled quietly, and glanced at him again, Chen Shi: "."

Girl, don't do this, okay?
Only Shen Sha saw the quiet eye contact between the master and the servant. He raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but glance at Yun.She also felt a little helpless, Qi Qi of his family had always protected her weaknesses, and if there were good ones, she would definitely give them to her own people. Obviously, Chen Shi and Yun, Chen Shi was her own.

He just let her play.

Miss Qiu Er was helped up by Chen Shi, and she felt a very warm warmth from the palm of his arm, which made her heart tremble suddenly, and she couldn't help but glance at him quickly.

Chen Shi had silently let go of her and stepped back a few steps, standing behind Lou Qi.

Miss Qiu Er looked around at everyone, and Shen Sha said indifferently: "You all go down, Yun and Chen Shi stay."

Yin Yaofeng bit his lower lip lightly, glanced at Chen Shiyi, walked out with Amu, and closed the door for them.

Only then did Miss Qiu Er relax a bit, and said: "I am not the real daughter of the owner of the Shenjian Mountain Villa, we were actually picked up by him, and the eldest sister has already served the owner since she was 14 years old."

Lou Qi frowned, another disgusting family.The nominal father, and the nominal daughter
It was precisely because of discovering these disgusting secrets that Qiu Qingxian began to hide himself, and has been working hard to get out of Shenjian Villa.But at the beginning, in order to keep her innocence, she showed Yujian's ability to transform, but it was not so easy to leave later.

The news that she was going to be sent to the Great Elder this time made her almost heartbroken, but she immediately realized that it would also be an excellent opportunity, especially after so many things happened last night. Subconsciously, he decided that this should be Shen Sha's Lou Qi's handwriting.

Therefore, they are the ones who have the ability to protect her. Miss Qiu Er decided to put them to death after thinking for two hours.

"Tell me about the secret you know." Although Lou Qi admired this woman, Shen Sha didn't have much patience to sit here and listen to her nonsense, if he had time, he might as well go to bed with Qi Qi.

Hearing his coldness and impatience, Miss Qiu Er shuddered, she was really afraid of Shen Sha, so she admired Lou Qi who could be so relaxed with him.

"That secret." Miss Qiu Er took a breath and lowered her voice again: "The owner of Shenjian Villa is not the original owner! I don't know his real name, but he is from Longyin Continent. Has been associated with a man who claims to be His Holiness."

Shen Sha and Lou Qi looked at each other again.

"The venerable's name is Zhang Ming?" Lou Qi asked.

Miss Qiu Er was stunned for a moment: "The imperial concubine knows?"

"Go on."

"I once eavesdropped on a secret conversation with them. The owner of Shenjian Villa is not as good as Zhang Ming, and he seems to be following his orders. They have been looking for a soldier! I heard that the soldier came from the Longyin Continent. They came, those are soldiers from the Shen dynasty! Those [-] soldiers came to look for their Highness the Crown Prince, and they already knew the whereabouts of that soldier, and they also said, "She looked at it quickly Glancing at Shen Sha, he continued: "The emperor should be a descendant of the Shen dynasty! There are [-] soldiers and horses in total, and they have been imprisoned by a spell that they can't lift. If they can't lift the soldiers and horses, they can't be used by them. Zhang Ming said, maybe we should try to trick the emperor into taking the bait, maybe the descendants of the Shen family can lift that kind of imprisonment."

Lou Qi opened his eyes wide in shock.

So, Zhang Ming lied to them?

So, 5, not 50?

Lou Qi and Shen Sha glanced at each other, their minds turned quickly, and they immediately connected a series of information.Zhang Ming was even more cunning than they imagined, even though she used Xi'er to deceive him, she still didn't ask the truth, but was still deceived.

Also, they must have found the [-] soldiers and horses, and they have already controlled them.Since these [-] soldiers and horses were imprisoned by something, they would naturally not be able to exert their original power.

They came to look for His Highness the Crown Prince of the Shen Dynasty, and this Highness the Crown Prince was most likely to be Shen Sha.


Lou Qi hissed suddenly in pain, and Shen Sha was startled immediately, only to realize that he couldn't control her for a while, holding her hand too hard.He immediately relaxed, rubbed her hand, and kissed her on the lips, "I'm sorry."

Miss Qiu Er looked at this scene in surprise, it turned out that the emperor also had such a gentle side.But Shen Sha immediately swept over coldly, shocking her.

This is indeed a great secret, a secret that is extremely useful to them.

"Chen Shi, you have followed Miss Qiu Er these two days, and she has been entrusted to you to protect." Lou Qi gave Chen Shi an order.Chen Shi replied yes, and took Qiu Qingxian out.

In the room, Lou Qi paused and said, "Second Miss Qiu was given to the First Elder since she is so capable, which means that the First Elder, the owner of Shenjian Mountain Villa, and Zhang Ming should be in the same group, even, The Great Elder holds a greater advantage in his hands, that's why they want to send such a beauty to please the Great Elder."

"Then, since Chief Shen Yunshan sent his own sister here, he must have known something."

"[-] elite soldiers, the strength of Wen Tianshan and Shenjian Villa can't bear it, and the three mountains... probably all have a share."

Shen Sha listened silently to Lou Qi's analysis bit by bit.

Lou Qi suddenly said, "However, if those [-] elite soldiers have been controlled for so many years, they are already a little old now, right? Even if they are released from the prison, can they still fight?"

When Yun Zai heard her sudden words, he was also a little stunned.

Shen Sha's face was gloomy, and he said after a long while: "It doesn't matter if they can fight or not, we'll talk about it when we find them." It turned out that he was not abandoned, it turned out that so many people came to him, and he never knew about it all those years ago.

At this moment, Shen Sha's heart surged with enthusiasm.

Lou Qi probably understood his feeling at the moment, thought for a while and said, "Since there may be collusion between the three mountains and one villa, and they are the main guests this time, is it possible that the elder's birthday this time has another purpose? Is it for you?"

The people from Shenjian Villa, Bixian Mountain, and Shen Yunshan all came to help.If so, it is impossible for them to come with only so few people.

Shen Sha's eyes flashed, "Yun, Tianying, go and check."

"Long Yan, you go too."

An hour later, the three of them brought back the news.

"Shenjian Mountain Villa, Shenyun Mountain, and Bixian Mountain. Two hundred elite disciples each arrived at Wentian Mountain three days ago, but they were all hidden, and the subordinates couldn't find where they were."

Yun reported coldly.

Long Yan also said: "Besides, there is also a Snake Flower Sect. It also arrived at Wentian Mountain a few days ago, but it is nowhere to be seen now."

Lou Qi was silent for a moment, then said: "...I rely on you."

What else is there to say?This is clearly a trap, and everyone is ready to attack them.

Shen Sha snorted coldly, there was no panic on his face at all, but his momentum suddenly rose, and he said coldly, "Send a message back, and order Ying, Shu Zhongzhou, and Flying General to lead [-] troops each, and immediately rush to Shenjian The villa, Shenyun Mountain, and Bixian Mountain are all destroyed!"

Didn't the elites be brought out to kill him here?He took this opportunity to take all their lairs away!

Lou Qi gave a thumbs up, Shen Sha's move was very in line with her wishes!Hard enough!

Shen Sha said again: "The actions are kept secret, and the speed of the soldiers is precious."

Yun Ling nodded in understanding, and immediately went to write the letter.This matter must be kept secret, otherwise Dongqing and Beicang will definitely intervene if they find out, and the 1 people each will bring out by then will definitely not be enough for their army to squeeze their teeth.

After all, the Dasheng Dynasty who dared to attack these three places at the same time would make other countries fearful and murderous.

After this time, the power of the Sifang Continent will definitely be re-divided, which will absolutely shock the world.

And the situation they are facing now is absolutely not optimistic.Three Mountains and One Village is indeed too scruples about Shen Sha's ability, and so many people are dispatched to deal with so few of them.

"Maybe they didn't expect this emperor to bring a few people here." Shen Sha sneered deeply, and looked at Lou Qi with anger, "Qi Qi is going to kill side by side with this emperor this time, but I'm afraid ?”

The three foreign parties each brought two hundred elites. The Snake Flower Sect was the evil and seductive women they met in the ice field, plus everyone in Tianshan Mountain, at least 2000 people, seven or eight of them.


Wuwu got out from nowhere, jumped onto Lou Qi's shoulder, raised her head proudly, as if saying, "There's me and me."

Lou Qi's red lips pursed, her eyes sparkled, "When has this girl ever been afraid!"

(End of this chapter)

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