Your heart is free

Chapter 470 Nalan Huaxin is so dead

Chapter 470 Nalan Huaxin is so dead

Wen Tianshan has been very quiet, this kind of silence lasted until noon, the elder suddenly sent someone to invite them all to an open-air martial arts field not far from Qingyi residence.

When they arrived, everyone in the martial arts field seemed to have arrived, and asked Tianshan disciples and maids to stand on the periphery, about 200 people.

Seeing the number of people from all sides on the martial field, Shen Sha and Lou Qi showed a sarcastic smile at the same time.

There are not many people now, are they all hiding and preparing to drive them into the ground with one blow?

Bixianshan is led by Mengbi fairy Jingmeng, and Jingyao, who are all female disciples, and they are only eight.The Shenjian Villa is just the people they saw yesterday. The owner of Qiusan Village and his wife didn't look very good when they saw them, but it may be because it is not very suitable at this time, so they quickly looked away and did not come to talk to them. Talk about Qiu Qingxian.

Shen Yunshan came with two older stewards and eight disciples, but to Lou Qi's surprise, Su Liuyun still appeared.

She was wearing a crescent white dress with pink and purple edges, combed her hair in a very simple way, and only a white jade hairpin was inserted obliquely. She was pale and her eyes were slightly confused. With a delicate and pitiful appearance, weak and wronged, sitting there aroused the sympathy of almost everyone present.

Su Liuyun looked towards Shen Sha, her lips trembled slightly, and crystal tears quickly accumulated in her eyes, ready to shed, but she immediately lowered her head again, covering her mouth with her slender hands, looking aggrieved Sad to the extreme.

Most men will definitely feel distressed when they see a beauty like this.

Lou Qi raised her eyebrows and glanced at Shen Sha, but seeing that he was looking at her, she couldn't help being taken aback, "What are you looking at me for?"

"Wash your eyes." He said lightly.

Lou Qi was puzzled at first, but when he realized it, he couldn't help bursting out laughing.

Fairy Liuyun's drama was for nothing, this one just thought it was a disgusting scene.Shen Sha is really vicious sometimes, and his heart is hard and dark, no matter what, she is also a beauty who wholeheartedly admires him.

"There are only two emperors and concubines." The maid who brought them to the place couldn't believe it. I didn't expect that there would be only two of them, and no one would take them?

Lou Qi and Shen Sha didn't say anything, and sat down leisurely, completely ignoring all the various eyes in the audience.

"The elders are here."

With a cappella, a group of people came from the other end. The leader was a middle-aged man with a handsome face who was wearing an azure wide-sleeved robe. He looked less than forty, and his robes fluttered when he walked. gas.

"No way, that's the Great Elder?" Lou Qi was surprised, she thought that the Great Elder should be an old man, and he should be a somewhat gloomy old man, how could it be such a temperamental person? Middle-aged handsome uncle?
Shen Sha curled the corner of his lower lip coldly, "Why do you think there is such a word as sanctimonious in the world?"

There are a few old men behind the great elder, their temples are bulging, presumably they are the other elders who asked Tianshan.But the third elder, Fan Changzi, was held up by two disciples and dragged out in embarrassment.In the back, there were two maids supporting Nalan Huaxin who was in a state of despair.

It was completely different from the charming and incomparable image in the glazed pavilion last night. Now she has lost all color, her eyes are swollen and lifeless, her lips are broken in a few places, and the blood is clotted.

This kind of Nalan Huaxin made everyone present gasp.

Beside Nalan Huaxin, there was another delicate woman with a calm face and an outstanding temperament.But Lou Qi always felt that the woman looked somewhat similar to Su Liuyun, and at the same time she had this doubt, the woman also happened to look at Su Liuyun, with deep sadness flashing in her eyes.

"That's Yao Su." Shen Sha said lightly.

Yao Su, the great elder's concubine, Su Liuyun's aunt, the woman who helped Shen Sha back then.Lou Qi raised her eyebrows.

In addition to these people, there are some people they don't know, they should be people from several other families.

Everyone was discussing in low voices, what happened last night had finally spread out, and if it wasn't dealt with today, it would probably be even worse.So the Great Elder can only delay until this time.

Lou Qi was looking forward to the next development.She turned her head and asked the maid behind, "Are there any melon seeds?"

The maid was taken aback: "Melon seeds?"

"No? Is there any popcorn?"


The maid seemed to have become a repeater, she was stunned as if she was stupid.

Lou Qi sighed, not afraid of other people hearing, "Oh, that's the perfect snack for watching a movie."

The people around are absolutely devastated.

In such a depressing and gloomy atmosphere, in such an embarrassing and terrifying scene, you still said that you want to watch the show so openly, is this really okay?
The eyes of the great elder swept over from afar.

Shen Sha lazily leaned towards Lou Qi, her posture was arrogant and careless, as if she didn't pay attention to everyone.There are so many people in the room, he sits here like a luminous body, no one can ignore it, while Lou Qi is a bit ruffian, he looks like a country's imperial concubine.

"Originally," after the Great Elder and the others sat down on the main seat, they first glanced around the audience and remained silent for a moment. After the voices of discussion had quieted down, he stood up, took a step forward, and slowly Opened the mouth: "I should meet you all at the birthday banquet in the evening, but unfortunately, something happened to the mountain gate last night. I am afraid that you may misunderstand, so I invite you to come here and deal with these matters together. I also want to invite you Everyone forgive me."

This is a bit inexplicable, let's deal with it together?
Next, the Great Elder acted swiftly and resolutely, so fast that one could hardly keep up with his thinking.

"The third elder, Fan Changzi, was deprived of his position as an elder, had his legs broken, and was expelled from Wentian Mountain for committing the crime of filth and chaos.

As soon as he finished speaking, Fan Changzi was immediately dragged into the arena, two disciples pressed him down, and the other two disciples held sticks thicker than their arms and beat him down hard on the legs.

Fan Changzi screamed, and soon heard the sound of bones breaking, and then he fainted from the pain.As soon as the great elder waved his hand, he was pulled down.

"My daughter Huaxin, as a saint, should be holy and elegant, a model for women in the world, but after all, she is young and ignorant, with excessive kindness. She met a despicable and shameless woman, was drugged by her, and made a fool of herself. She did something bad. So, she was named as a saint.”

Lou Qi almost laughed out loud when he heard this, this elder is really thick-skinned, Nalan Huaxin is young and ignorant?Too kind?That despicable and shameless woman is Su Yunxin who was killed by Nalan Huaxin, right?

Before she finished laughing, she heard the Great Elder go on to say: "However, Hua Xin just took a wrong step. After all, she is still young and knows that she is wrong. Therefore, as her father, I also hope to give her An opportunity." He looked towards Shen Sha, "Emperor Dasheng has three guards under him, all of whom are handsome and extraordinary young heroes, I intend to betroth Hua Xin to one of the guards, I wonder what the emperor wants?"

Fuck.Let Nalan, who has been staring at Shen Shahu for a long time, and has a whole night with a woman, marry one of Yue and the others?Isn't that intentionally insulting the three of them, and by the way, making things difficult for Shen Sha and her?

Everyone looked towards them.

Before Shen Sha could speak, the third owner of Shenjian Villa said: "Miss Nalan is unparalleled in the world in beauty, with high martial arts skills. She is also the elder's beloved daughter. Betrothed to a guard commander, she is already married. The emperor must not No promise."

After finishing speaking, other people joined in one after another, as if they were going to force them to agree to this marriage.

Nalan's heart-wrenching eyes shot towards Lou Qi, the hatred in those eyes was almost as real as it was.

Shen Sha lightly held Lou Qi's hand, as if admiring her hand to pass the time boredly, and waited until everyone couldn't sit still, then said coldly: "That kind of filthy woman can't even give her a hand. This emperor is not worthy of the palace people who poured the chamber pot, and this emperor will never take it back to dirty the palace and stink the air."


These words are extremely vicious. For a woman, such an evaluation would simply kill her.

But Shen Sha didn't think there was anything wrong with his appearance.

Nalan Huaxin looked at him incredulously, trembling all over.She didn't believe it, she didn't believe that he dared to insult her like that!
Lou Qi suppressed a smile.Who told you to do that kind of thing and dare to come out? Isn't this going to come to your door again and get stepped on?Do you think you are really a fairy?

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Nalan Huaxin suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Lou Qi ignored her, but turned to the third owner of Shenjian Villa who spoke just now, and raised his voice: "By the way, third owner Qiu, this concubine and the second lady of Guizhuang hit it off, so I want to keep her by my side , have nothing to chat, let’s eat melon seeds and talk about gossip or something, let me tell you.”

How can anyone be so shameless!Just leave someone else's daughter by your side?
Moreover, her tone of voice was too frivolous, so angry that the owner of Qiusan's chest heaved violently, and he didn't know what to say for a long time.

Lou Qi immediately went on to say: "Since the owner of Qiusan has no objection, then this matter is settled like this. Great Elder, you can continue."

The Great Elder's face was livid, and just about to speak, Nalan Huaxin suddenly rushed towards Lou Qi.

"This saint must kill you bitch!"

From last night when she was unsuccessful in luring Shen Sha and her face was swollen, Nalan Huaxin has been greatly stimulated. She has already lost her mind, and she has completely lost it in front of everyone anyway. Face, don't care about anything else, she must kill Lou Qi, all of this is caused by Lou Qi, it's all her!
Her figure was still in the air, Shen Sha's eyes lit up, and he slapped her with a palm.


Headshot with one palm.

Blood and flesh splashed out.

People screamed all around.

Lou Qi was also stunned.She really didn't expect Nalan Huaxin to die like this in the end
Shen Sha was angry all over his body, and looked up: "What kind of filthy thing dares to come and kill this emperor's woman?"

(End of this chapter)

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