Your heart is free

Chapter 478: Summoning of Gods and Ghosts

Chapter 478: Summoning of Gods and Ghosts
After the black sword flew away, it circled over their heads, and suddenly burst out a burst of black sword energy, and the sword energy shot out suddenly, like an aimless attack.

The Great Elder's eyes froze, and he pulled out a soft sword from his waist. With a flick of the sword, it rolled towards the Blood Drinking Sword like a spirit snake.

At the same time, he slapped Shen Sha with a palm.

Although he wouldn't let Shen Sha die, he couldn't let him have a chance to hurt himself.

However, what surprised him was that there suddenly seemed to be a distant bell buzzing in Shen Sha's ear, and the sound seemed to be ringing directly in his ears, which made him dizzy.

At this time, the palm of the Great Elder had already reached his chest.At the same time, the black sword energy also shot directly at Shen Sha's head.

However, Shen Sha seemed to lose consciousness for a moment, standing there motionless, completely unaware that he was in danger.

No one thought of such an accident, and Tianying naturally didn't think of it either.Before he could figure it out, he had already rammed towards Shen Sha with all his strength.

He slammed Shen Sha sideways, but the elder's palm hit his chest firmly, and at the same time, black sword energy shot into the top of his head.

Tianying's body froze, and blood slowly flowed from the corner of his mouth. He raised his eyes to meet the First Elder, saw his frown, and burst into a cracked smile.

The Great Elder felt that his smile looked very strange, and was about to pull back, but Tianying grabbed his hand firmly, not knowing where he got so much strength, the Great Elder couldn't break free at all.

Several streaks of black sword energy were shooting towards them to surround them.

Tianying grabbed the Great Elder tightly.The Great Elder understood his intention only a moment before the sword qi approached, but it was too late, two more sword qi shot into Tianying's body, but at the same time three sword qi shot into the Great Elder's back, The back of the head, and the shoulders.

Porphy porphy porphy porphy porphy several times in succession, and then countless sword qi shot over, Tianying was powerless to dodge, but still clung to the elder, so that he could not dodge.

But for a moment, they were almost shot into a hornet's nest.


A sword qi shot at Shen Sha, but it wasn't a vital point, it just brushed past his arm, perhaps it was the tingling pain that woke him up.

However, the look in his eyes when he came back to his senses was very different from usual.

In the past, it was dark and dark, but now there is only a strong hostility left.He rolled his eyes a little stiffly, and looked at Tianying whose body was stiff, but there was no touch or emotion in those eyes.

After only one glance, he looked away, looked up at the sword, jumped up and grabbed the sword in his hand again.

The strange thing is that Jian Zhong regained his composure, as if the loss of control just now was just an illusion.


His thin lips parted slightly, and he uttered the word in a low voice.

Seeing how he borrowed his strength, the man jumped up and out at an astonishingly fast speed.

"Shen Sha."

After getting out of the pit, he glanced around, held the sword like that, and walked straight in one direction.

Behind him, Su Liuyun, who was hiding behind an earthen wall, flashed out, walked to the mouth of the pit and looked down, his face full of shock.The Great Elder died here like this?This is a result she never expected before!
The death of this man didn't touch her much, and she was even a little excited that the old man who robbed her of her innocence finally died.Then she won't have to sleep with this old man in the future!
But she found it very strange why Shen Sha didn't have any mood swings when he saw his own dark guard dying in front of his eyes?
And what's even more strange, isn't he seriously injured?The movement of leaping up just now is completely invisible.

Su Liuyun had a faint guess in her heart, which made her heart beat wildly.She immediately chased in the direction Shen Sha left.

The space in this mountain belly is naturally huge, and it has been turned into a secret place of Wentian Mountain. There are many elite disciples of Wentian Mountain guarding it, as well as pharmaceuticals. The elders do those secret and shameful things. here.

Shen Sha moved forward all the way, no matter who he met, he would kill with his sword with a poker face but fierce eyes.

And none of the people he met could escape his blow, they all died as soon as they met, and some of them didn't even have time to see Shen Sha's face, and their heads fell to the ground with a swipe of the sword shadow.

Soon there were corpses all the way, blood flowing all over the place.

Su Liuyun quietly followed behind, the more she watched, the more frightened she became, but the more frightened she became, the more her heart beat wildly.Shen Sha doesn't seem to be looking for Lou Qi!Because he also met a few female disciples along the way, and their dresses fluttered out, but he didn't even look at them, and directly killed them with his sword.

If you are looking for Lou Qi and see a woman, you should take a look to see if it is her, right?Without Lou Qi, and Miss Yin Yaofengqiu and others, he wouldn't be afraid of killing the wrong person at all?
Unless he didn't recognize anyone at all.

Once this guess got into Su Liuyun's mind, it could never be erased.She followed Shen Sha more carefully, observing him carefully.

Shen Sha's eyes were cold and fierce, and with the sword in his hand, he didn't know how many people he had killed along the way, blood was dripping all the way, he seemed to keep walking with a purpose, and he didn't look around for signs of Lou Qi.

But Su Liuyun knew that if he walked in this direction, he would not be able to find Lou Qi, this was the opposite direction from the place where Lou Qi was closed before.

Where is this going?
Just when Su Liuyun was getting more and more confused, Shen Sha stopped.In front of him, there is a thick stone gate.

When Su Liuyun saw that stone gate, his heart was shocked.

This is where the [-] elite soldiers are held!
She had heard from her father a long time ago that [-] elite soldiers had been imprisoned in Wentian Mountain by the Great Elder.This must be the place!

But how did Shen Sha find it?
While she was wondering, she saw Shen Sha suddenly put one hand on his temple, groaned in pain, and slowly leaned against the stone door.

She was stunned.

"No father emperor"

Shen Sha yelled indistinctly, his face turned pale, and he looked in pain, but the hostility suddenly dissipated, and instead he suddenly became weak.

Su Liuyun's heart moved again.

In this way, if she passed by, wouldn't he recognize her?If you don't recognize her, will you lose your disgust?Is it possible to fall in love with her?To get her close?

Su Liuyun bit her lower lip, looked at Shen Sha who was still surprisingly handsome despite the pain, and finally walked towards him slowly.

As if hearing her footsteps, Shen Sha looked up, and there was a complete stranger in those eyes.

Lou Qi stood in a messy deep pit, watched Yun squat down, and stretched out his hand towards Tianying's breath.She pursed her lips tightly, with a cold look in her eyes.

In the previous trap, she deduced the best viewing angle and judged that Shen Sha should be in this direction.Then Yun led the way, and they killed many people along the way, broke several organs, and finally found this place.But he never expected to see the corpses of the Great Elder and Tianying.

Lou Qi felt a little unconvinced that the Great Elder died here like this, but before Tianying's death, other doubts were left behind by her.

Sky Shadow is dead.

Shen Sha disappeared.

"Emperor Concubine." Yun stood up straight and shook his head slightly at her.This shows that Tianying is really dead.

He too grieved.

Long Yan didn't have much affection for Tianying, so after he got down, he paid attention to the traces that were drawn everywhere, there were many, very messy, irregular, what could this be?
After watching for a while, he came to a conclusion.

"Xiao Qizhu, it's sword energy, out of control sword energy."

Lou Qi was stunned for a moment, and then his mind suddenly became clear. "The blood-drinking sword must be the blood-drinking sword!"

That sword had too much evil spirit, and also lacked the sword soul, it was not the first time that it got out of control.

But the last time the Blood Drinking Sword got out of control, Shen Sha was able to suppress it. His will was extremely firm and he would not be easily influenced. How could it happen this time?
Unless there are other factors.

Lou Qi was extremely worried. "Go, go find him."

Before leaving, Lou Qi glanced back at Tianying, and the first time he went out with him, the day when he went to the cold pool to look for Yin-Yang grass appeared in his mind.

She took a breath, her face became more serious, and she turned and left resolutely.

Only when Shen Sha is fine can Tianying not die in vain.

"Dijun must be fine." Seeing that her complexion was not good, Yun couldn't help but say something.

Lou Qi looked at him, and suddenly asked, "Aren't you worried about Amu?"

Yun was startled, and then smiled wryly, "Why don't you worry?"

"You split up to find them," Lou Qi stopped, there were several forks in front of him. "We can't let them have an accident here."

"Emperor concubine, the most important thing is to find the emperor."

Lou Qi frowned: "Shen Sha is my man, I will definitely find him. Yunwei, Amu came with you, you should understand what she thinks about you, as a man, you should save her at this time, Protect her. Chen Shi, go find Qiu Qingxian and Yin Yaofeng."

No matter whether Chen Shi was interested in them or not, Qiu Qingxian and Yin Yaofeng were their own people and they couldn't give up.


Chen Shi didn't hesitate, he was used to obeying all Lou Qi's orders.

The two chose two paths, and Lou Qi took Long Yan to the other side.

It wasn't long before they saw the first corpse, the head separated from the body, bleeding everywhere.Upon seeing this scene, Lou Qi frowned and said, "This was killed by Shen Sha."

When he turned into a big killer, he was always brutal and brutal.

The two continued to move forward, and they saw a lot of corpses along the way, all of them were disciples of Wentian Mountain, there were men and women, and most of the corpses were in different places.

"What's wrong with Dijun?" Long Yan couldn't help being shocked, because he could tell that Shen Sha had killed so many people with one swift strike, without letting the opponent prepare for it.

The more Lou Qi looked at it, the more her heart sank into the abyss, and she quickened her pace.

But when they came to a corner, a few women in revealing clothes suddenly appeared in front of them. They had profound facial features and were extremely bright. Although it was cold, they still showed their snow-white arms and half of their waists. flower shape.

Snake Flower Teaching.

"Lou Qi, we meet again."

A woman raised her chin and smiled contemptuously at Lou Qi.

(End of this chapter)

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