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Chapter 479 I Want Your Blood

Chapter 479 I Want Your Blood
Lou Qi naturally knew this woman, and she was deeply impressed.But she didn't expect that this woman would be with the female followers of the Snake Flower Sect.

This woman is the side concubine of Song Dynasty in Dongqing Heqing Palace, Pu Yuhe's aunt.

"The concubine Song is having an affair with an elder in Tianshan behind King Heqing's back?" Although she was extremely worried about Shen Sha, Lou Qi's face was still very calm at the moment.She had learned early on to hide her actual emotions.

"Hehe, it's useless to me to say these things, I'm not that thin-skinned." Concubine Song sneered.

Lou Qi said: "That's true. Those who can send their nieces to their husbands' beds have long since lost face. Oh, by the way, I don't know if Concubine Song has any deals with me this time. talking about?"

When she said this, no matter how thick-skinned Concubine Song was, she couldn't help but feel hot on her face, her mocking smile faded a bit, she stared at her and said coldly: "You are in danger now, it's worth my talking to you. What deal? I do want one thing from you, though."

"Oh, talk about it."

"I want your blood," Concubine Song suddenly smiled sinisterly: "And, I want all your blood, which means that there is not a single drop left."

Lou Qi smiled suddenly: "Why? I don't know how precious my blood is?"

Of course her blood is precious, she dares to believe that there is no blood more precious than hers in this world, but no one should know about this matter, why would Concubine Song know?She must have found out later, otherwise I believe she had already made up her mind when she was in Heqing Palace.

"Stop pretending, Lou Qi, Yaohai's physique is hard to find in this world! After finally finding such one, do you think my master will let you go? Maybe it won't be so painful if you follow me obediently."

Medicine sea physique?

Could it be that she knew that she swallowed the heart of the spring?

If so, this news could only be leaked by Helian Jue, Yunfeng. It's unlikely.She still believes in Yunfeng, as long as Yunfeng does not become Zhao Yun.

But isn't Song side concubine's master Zhang Ming?Now it seems that it is someone else.

"Tch." Her mind was spinning rapidly, but she sneered, "I'm not stupid, and I'm not interested in women." As soon as the words were funny, the soul-killing whip in her hand was whipped towards her.

Concubine Song backed away quickly, and the female disciples of the Snake Flower Sect stood in front of her and greeted Lou Qi.

These women were covered with poison, Lou Qi told Long Yan to be careful, and the Soul Slaying Whip in his hand danced violently and murderously, and immediately sent the two women flying.

But after they screamed, they quickly got up again, and rushed towards Lou Qi again, their eyes were all scalp-numbing, weird and crazy, looking at her was as excited as looking at prey.

Lou Qi suddenly felt that something was wrong. When I saw these women in the ice field, they were not like this. Could it be that the woman from the Snake Flower Sect was later brought to that side by the real master of Concubine Song? Then let them all change?

"Let me take a bite!"

An extremely beautiful woman suddenly flew towards her with her mouth wide open, her eyes were extremely greedy, as if she was treating her as food.

"Damn it, Xiao Qizhu, the eyes of these women are too weird!" Long Yan couldn't help but swear.

"I've become a Tang monk." Lou Qi muttered, and the God-killing whip in his hand was even more merciless. It wrapped around a woman's neck, and immediately tightened it, strangling her to death, and rolled her up at the same time. Throwing at Song Concubine.

Concubine Song's martial arts were really not that good, but these female followers of the Snake Flower Sect seemed to be here to protect her, and two of them led her away to avoid the blow.Lou Qi didn't let them have a chance to breathe, the whip turned into a straight whip, and a few poisonous needles were shot out with one touch of his finger.

"Lou Qi, you despicable and shameless person, you still use hidden weapons!"

"Ha, it's so funny, how can I be aboveboard when dealing with people who are coming to kill me?" Lou Qi snorted, "Shall I tell you that I will use needles in my next move!" As soon as the needle fell, she A few long needles popped out from the God-killing Whip, turned into soft whips, and swept towards her face.

Concubine Song's face changed suddenly, she was really frightened.

"Tell me, who is your master, maybe I can let you go." Lou Qi suddenly stared into her eyes and said.

Long Yan, on the other hand, mercilessly attacked and killed those Snake Flower Sect female disciples, and the move was fatal.He didn't care about these extremely beautiful women, but felt pity for them.

After a while, they had already killed four people, and only six people were still stubbornly resisting.

"My master is Venerable, Venerable Zhang, didn't you already know that?" Concubine Song stepped back, watched them fight, and carefully reached into her sleeve pocket with one hand, and took out a stick similar to Carefully adjusting the position and angle of the small bamboo tube, suddenly his eyes lit up, he aimed one end at Lou Qi, and pulled a rope at the back end forcefully.


The red-yellow smoke suddenly filled this space.

There is a pungent smell in the air.

The few remaining female members of the Snake Flower Sect had red eyes, tears kept oozing from the corners of their eyes, they had difficulty breathing, and turned to look at Concubine Song. "You" is so poisonous, even kill them
Concubine Song stuffed two small balls of cotton soaked in medicinal liquid into her nostrils at some point, and watched them fall to the ground with contempt in her eyes. "You bastard, when I really want to stay with you all the time, my concubine will never take you back to see the suzerain."

The smoke was red and yellow, blurring the vision very much, but the side concubine Song was sure that Lou Qi and Long Yan had already been brought down by this kind of thing, so she put down her guard and said this, and stretched out her foot to kick A woman who fell at her feet cursed again, "You bastard."

She bypassed the women of the Snake Flower Sect, and sure enough, she saw Lou Qi and Long Yan also fell to the ground, she felt proud, and couldn't help but said: "It's better to use the Suzerain's things."

He was about to bend down to pull Lou Qi up, but when he lowered his head, he happened to meet Lou Qi's shiny black eyes, and saw a trace of teasing from inside.

"Ah! Why are you alright?" Concubine Song was taken aback.


Lou Qi punched her hard in the stomach, causing her to fall out.

Only then did Long Yan get up, and a sword hit her throat.

"Sect Master?" Lou Qi patted the dust off his body, walked to her side, and looked down at her: "I didn't expect you to be a member of Dust Sect."

What she said was actually a test, because Concubine Song only talked about the suzerain, not Duanchenzong.But as soon as she finished speaking, she saw Concubine Song's pupils shrank, and she knew she had guessed right.

Dust Sect!
She thought Duanchenzong didn't want to pay attention to her for the time being, but she didn't expect that the other party hadn't thought of letting go until now!And this time, they didn't want to take her back alive, but asked for all her blood!

He wanted her blood because he knew that she had swallowed the spring heart!
What does Dust Sect mainly do?
"I won't say anything." Concubine Song's face was ashen. She failed this task again, and going back to the suzerain will not make her feel better.


Before Lou Qi finished speaking, black blood was already overflowing from Concubine Song's mouth.

"Lord Xiaoqi, she is dead." Long Yan said with a frown after inspecting it.

Lou Qi's complexion was really a little bad, and then he saw Long Yan raised his sword to mend her body again, "If you want to die, die a little bit."

She rubbed between her brows, "Let's go, continue looking for Shen Sha."

The two walked for a while, and a stream of purple and silver light flew over, Huwu landed on her shoulder, and rubbed her head against her face, "Wuwu."

Lou Qi reached out and stroked its soft and shiny fur, "Woooo, you're back? I'll give you another mission. Go straight from here and go to Dijun first. If he's in danger, you need to save him, you know?"

"Woooo!" Wuwu nodded, and then shot forward.

"Shen Sha."

This is the first time Su Liuyun called out Shen Sha's name in such a gentle voice.She held her breath, and seeing a trace of confusion float in his eyes, she couldn't help being overjoyed.

He is not the same as before, killing people as soon as he sees them!

She approached him slowly, and continued: "What are you doing here?"

Shen Sha looked at her, didn't answer, but pressed his knuckles against his temples, as if his head started to hurt.

"Do you have a headache? Can I press it for you?" Su Liuyun was already close to him, only seven or eight steps away, and she continued to lower her voice, "My technique is pretty good. Help me press it." It might stop hurting."

Shen Sha glanced at her again, and then lowered his eyelids. From this angle, Su Liuyun saw that his two eyelashes were extremely thick and black, casting shadows on the lower eye sockets, but he looked even more stern and extraordinary.Her heart was beating wildly, this man, did she really have a chance to touch this man?
She finally stood in front of Shen Sha, and he didn't object to her words, she reached out tremblingly, ready to press his forehead.

But at this moment, Shen Sha suddenly stood up straight, and then raised her foot, as if in slow motion—kicked her out.

Su Liuyun's body was like a shell that was shot out. After knocking down a wall of earth, she continued to fly out. She barely grabbed a tree more than ten meters away and stopped her flying journey. Unfortunately, the tree she grabbed was a tree with sharp thorns. Her hands were bloody from the thorns, and a large area was cut when her body slid down from the tree, causing her face to contort in pain. .

But the most serious thing was Shen Sha kicking her, causing her internal injuries to vomit blood. After sliding down from the tree, she couldn't even climb up, so she could only lie under the tree and gasp with difficulty.

A tear fell from the corner of her eye.

Why. She just loves him, what's wrong with loving him, why is it so hard
The bell that shook the heart lake rang again, and Shen Sha turned to look at the stone gate, the blood-drinking sword in his hand was vibrating again, as if it was about to fly out of his control again.Shen Sha gripped the hilt of the sword hard, the knuckles of his hands turned blue and white.

He kicked towards Shimen.

(End of this chapter)

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