Your heart is free

Chapter 480 You Are My Medicine

Chapter 480 You Are My Medicine

"The door has a mechanism."

Su Liuyun still couldn't help but say it out, originally thought the voice was very low and weak, Shen Sha might not be able to hear it, but he did hear it, he paused when he was about to kick the door, and finally kicked hard past.


It was as if there was an invisible sound wave, overflowing from the door like a wave.He also couldn't dodge the wave-shaped attack that spread out, and his whole body was thrown away, but at the same time, the sword in his hand was out of his hand, inserted straight into the invisible wave, and shot towards Shimen.

Su Liuyun finally sat up and saw this scene.

With a bang, Shen Sha landed heavily on the ground not far from her.Su Liuyun watched him spit out a mouthful of blood, but still did not give up, and wanted to move to his side.

Maybe the two share joys and sorrows together, he will accept her, right?

She really couldn't stand up, so she simply crawled over to him, and cried out in pain, "Shen Sha, how are you?"

Just as she was trying to climb halfway, when she stretched out her hand and was about to touch Shen Sha's shoulder, he suddenly jumped up, stood up straight, and walked towards the stone gate without even looking at her.

Su Liuyun's outstretched hand began to tremble.If it wasn't for Shen Sha's still indifferent expression and strange eyes, she would have almost thought that he was playing tricks on her.

Looking at Shen Sha, he stood in front of the door again at this time, the sword actually did not enter the stone door by a few inches, and stuck on it, it seemed to be resisted.

Shen Sha suddenly turned around.

At this time, Su Liuyun heard the whine, and immediately showed resentment.This is Lou Qi's little fox!Did Lou Qi come over?
No, no, did they fall short at the last minute?

Perhaps it was the last strong desire, she stood up with force, stopped in the middle of the road, and faced the way she came.

A burst of purple silver streamer flew over, the speed was too fast for people to see clearly, but Su Liuyun knew that it was the purple cloud fox.

"I'm going to kill you little bastard!"

She said bitterly, pulled out a folded thing from her bosom, and flung it away!The thing opened wide, it turned out to be a net made of black wire, and it covered Ziyunhu with its head.


Seeing that the situation was not good, Wuwu immediately stopped and wanted to fall, but the net seemed to be able to keep up with its changes, and it was also covered downwards.

Huwu felt the strength of the net, and immediately backed away after falling, barely avoiding the result of being covered, but before it jumped up, the net suddenly floated up again, as if at any time To come after it again.

No matter what, Wuwu was still a little scared.

Su Liuyun sneered: "Run, why don't you run? I'm going to use it to deal with Lou Qi. It's something I've hidden for a long time for her. It's not bad for you to try first!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard the voice that made her hate the most.

"I don't know what good things Fairy Liuyun prepared for me?"

Two figures rushed over one after another, although Lou Qi was talking to Su Liuyun, his eyes passed her and landed on Shen Sha.

"Hahaha, Lou Qi, he doesn't know you anymore!" Su Liuyun suddenly burst out laughing, yes, if Lou Qi finds out that Shen Sha, who loved her deeply and doted on her so much, suddenly doesn't know her anymore , looking at her calmly and indifferently, maybe kicking her away, how would she feel?As soon as she thought of this, she suddenly became in a good mood, continued to laugh, and said excitedly: "Shen Sha doesn't know everyone anymore, he is stupid, hahaha!"

Lou Qi ignored her, passed over her head, and walked towards Shen Sha.

"Stop!" With a hook of Su Liuyun's finger, the weird iron net swung across and covered Lou Qi's head.

Without looking back, Lou Qi directly raised the soul-killing whip, the end of the whip popped out the blade, pierced into the net, and twisted quickly, Su Liuyun couldn't control the net at all, the whole net was pulled by Lou Qi Passed by, then flung into the distance.

"Long Yan, stop her." Lou Qi still didn't turn her head, she looked at Shen Sha who was standing in front, "I want her to see if my man still recognizes me!"

The tone of her words was extremely confident, with a flying arrogance.

Su Liuyun didn't know what to do, and stared at her blankly.Why is she?Why are you so confident?Could it be because of this that Shen Sha felt that she was different?

Unwillingly, she shouted at Lou Qi's back: "You saw it when you came, he killed so many people! He even beat me seriously, he will kill you too!"

As long as Lou Qi hesitates, as long as she shows an expression of being afraid of him, she will feel very happy in her heart, and perhaps Shen Sha will not like it either.

Lou Qi stopped, turned her head to look at Su Liuyun, she showed a smile. "Su Liuyun, do you think you can compare with me in his heart?"

After she finished speaking, she didn't pay any attention to it anymore, she stepped faster, and her posture was like a child's. She was still a few steps away from him, and she rushed towards him with her arms open like a cable hug.

"This is looking for death." Su Liuyun stared intently, and found that one of her hearts was lifted up, she even forgot to breathe, everything around her seemed to be blurred, her eyes only fell on Shen Sha.

Quick, kick her quickly, kick her away!

Slap her head off with one palm!

Hahaha, Lou Qi is about to die at the hands of her own man!

Su Liuyun's eyes were almost red.This process was actually very short, because Lou Qi flew over very quickly, but she felt that it was very slow.

She saw Shen Sha's hand, and then
He caught Lou Qi who was flying towards him, and hugged him tightly.In front of them, he hugged her whole body, and Lou Qi didn't feel ashamed at all, jumped onto him, wrapped his legs tightly around his waist, and hooked his arms around his neck.

Four eyes facing each other.

"Hey, have you lost your memory?"

Lou Qi looked at him with dim eyes.

There was indeed something wrong with Shen Sha's eyes, but when he caught her and hugged her, that movement was subconscious.

He hasn't spoken for a long time, his voice is slightly astringent, "If I lose my memory, what will happen to you?"

He didn't even say "the Emperor".

Lou Qi raised her eyebrows, and said as a matter of course: "If you really lose your memory and forget me, I will turn around and find someone to marry. Well, let me think about it, who can marry me now, Yunfeng. Well."

Before she could finish her words, his lips had already pressed against her. Before meeting her tenderness, he had been so calm as if he had really lost his memory, but as soon as his lips touched, the feeling he had for her in his bones The fiery heat erupted immediately, and before Lou Qi could react, his tongue had already come in, almost viciously invading her.

Lou Qi suddenly sensed something from his volcanic eruption, and her heart softened, so she hugged him a little tighter, and took the initiative to send her upper lip to make him kiss deeper.

Over there, Su Liuyun looked at the passionate kiss between the two in disbelief, couldn't hold back his body, and murmured: "No, how is this possible? I have observed it, and he really can't remember it."

Long Yan snorted, raised his sword and tapped her on the head, "Which man would be willing to forget a woman like our Xiaoqizhuzhu?"

The practical strength of his knock was not very strong, but Su Liuyun had been injured internally by Shen Sha's kick just now, and now she was standing upright, but after being knocked like this by him, she was paralyzed and collapsed. on the ground.


Seeing her like this, classmate Ziyunhu Wuwu became terrified and jumped on her face again, jumping and stomping on all fours together.

I step on step on step!

Who told her to catch it with that net just now?

Long Yan was delighted to see it, so he didn't care about it.

Su Liuyun was so stomped that she was about to burst into flames, and she couldn't get up, so she could only reach out to grab it in vain, and she couldn't swear at all, because Wuwu even stomped on her lips and teeth for a while.

It's a pity that when she was not injured, she couldn't move as fast as Wuwu. Now that her internal injury is so serious, how can she catch it?So it's just futile.

Her face was already injured, but now that Wuwu stepped on her like this, her face was covered with blood in a short while.But the pain wasn't nearly as insulting as it was, especially since she pissed before thinking about the fox
Just thinking of this, a burst of fishy and hot liquid suddenly flowed onto her face, choked into her nasal cavity, and flowed into her mouth again.

Long Yan opened his eyes wide to see Wuwu urinating on the face of the world-famous Fairy Liuyun. He was stunned at first, and then he couldn't help laughing, but when he saw the two people kissing passionately over there, he hurried Covering his mouth, he held back his laughter so that his whole body trembled like a convulsion.

Neither Lou Qi nor Shen Sha cared about this side. After a passionate kiss that almost swallowed each other, Lou Qi was still coiled on top of him, and he just gently supported her, just like her. Like a trace of weight.

"What's the matter?" she asked him.

Shen Sha pressed his forehead against hers, breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a low voice: "I couldn't control myself before, my mind seemed to be emptied all of a sudden, and I almost couldn't even remember who I am. But I know, as long as You come, I will never forget."

"Ah?" I was listening to his words carefully, but was taken aback by his last sentence, "Why?"

Shen Sha's eyes were dark, and he looked at her fixedly, "Because I haven't eaten you yet, as soon as I saw you, my heart and body clamored for you." Such strong feelings were enough to break through that blank space.So he waited for her to come while trying to resist the force that wanted to control him.

Lou Qi's face became hot, and when he was about to speak, he added another sentence: "No matter what time it is, you are my medicine."

Does this man really seem like he can't talk about love?
At this moment, Shen Sha felt a buzzing in his head again, his face turned slightly pale, and he couldn't help but exert more force on the hand holding her.

"What's wrong?" Lou Qi patted his shoulder, slid off him, looked up at the blood-drinking sword inserted on the stone gate, it suddenly trembled slightly.

"There is something inside that draws out the evil spirit of the sword." Shen Sha looked at the door.

(End of this chapter)

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