Chapter 482
"Are you from the Dragon Yin Continent? Elite soldiers of the Shen Dynasty?" Lou Qi saw that the other party was so excited that his eyes were red, but Shen Sha was very indifferent, as if he was out of it. He opened his mouth, "This is Shen Sha, Emperor Dasheng."

Shen Yi's surname, she bites hard.

Those people really became more excited when they heard this, and the man before was even more tearful.

"Actually, even if the surname is not Shen, it must be His Royal Highness, because His Royal Highness looks very similar to His Majesty!"

Lou Qi was slightly startled, then looked at Shen Sha, but saw that he was still so indifferent.But she knew it shouldn't be like this. When she heard about his biological father for the first time, no matter how cruel he was, he should be a little moved.It was that damn energy that affected him.

Thinking of how she could care less about her identity with these people, she hurriedly asked, "What are you guys doing here?"

She didn't directly say what kind of impact these things had on Shen Sha, but seeing the reaction of the Blood Drinking Sword and Shen Sha's appearance, she knew that the reason was in this pond.

But Lou Qi didn't expect that when she asked these words, these men's faces were filled with extreme grief and indignation.

"It's... our brothers, the corpse oil boiled out when we fought to the extreme."


Lou Qi and the others were stunned when they heard this sentence.

Qiu Qingxian and Yin Yaofeng's expressions changed drastically, and then they took a few steps back, looking at the pool in horror, feeling trembling in their hearts.

Such a large pool is all made by people.
How many people would have to die!

It was Yun and the other big men who couldn't help taking two steps back, which made Shen Sha and Lou Qi who were still standing on the edge of the stone pool look very calm.Yun couldn't help thinking, was it because the imperial concubine had the courage to rival the master that she became the irreplaceable person in the master's heart?

But Qiu Qingxian suddenly whispered to Chen Shi: "Actually, I have heard about the emperor's concubine a long time ago. In the past few months, I have learned more or less from the emperor's concubine, but now I know that there is still a lot to learn. a lot of."

This was said very lightly, only Chen Shi heard it.He froze for a moment, then said flatly, "You don't need to be like a girl."

This time, it was Qiu Qingxian's turn to be stunned for a moment. She came back to her senses, smiled suddenly, her face was a little hot, and she replied in a low voice, "Okay."

She doesn't need to learn because it's good to be herself?It should mean that!

If Chen Shi knew what she was thinking, he would probably be very conflicted about whether to tell the truth.What he said actually meant: You don’t need to learn, girls can’t be learned by everyone, and no matter how much you learn, you’re not as good as girls.

Sometimes, though, misunderstandings can be pleasant.

The man himself didn't have much strength to tell such a long story, and the story was strung together by all of them in a few sentences.

Shen Dynasty, the most prosperous dynasty in Longyin Continent.

Although their emperor sat on the throne of the largest country, he was still compassionate and generous.The eight royal families coexisted, and he never thought about unifying the world.

But although he himself didn't think so, some people didn't believe it.

I don't know when, several royal families colluded together, from all walks of life and all aspects, began to boycott the Shen family and stumbling them.And at the border, there are always guerrillas and bandits, who find various reasons to provoke and harass.

Then there was the rumor that spread all over the world.

Xuanyuan Dynasty, the vision of the phoenix, the one who wins the phoenix wins the world.

"From now on, it looks more like a conspiracy, a terrifying conspiracy against Shen and Xuanyuan." The man in the middle sighed in grief.

"Is it related to the Xuanyuan Dynasty?"

When Lou Qi frowned, she felt Shen Sha's hand tightening. She couldn't help but look at him, but she heard him ask in a low voice: "Does this Xuanyuan Dynasty have anything to do with you?"

At this moment, his face was pale, but his eyes were extremely bright.When he asked this, it was obvious that many things had been forgotten, but he still remembered things related to her.Lou Qi's heart suddenly softened, and he patted the back of his hand soothingly and said, "I'll ask."

Shen Sha also stopped talking.

Yun and the others looked at him in surprise, and only then did they realize that something was wrong with him.

The man said again: "It is said that it is the appearance of the phoenix, but in fact, the phantom of the phoenix is ​​just a man-made phantom formation."

However, only a few people can see that it is a phantom formation, and most people in the world believe the rumors.As a result, the Xuanyuan Dynasty immediately became the focus of the whole world.Of course, this was not a good thing, because how old was the little princess at that time, and the emperors of all dynasties were still young and strong. She grows up.So, the best way is-

"Kill her."

The man accepted these three words with a heavy face.

Lou Qi felt that Shen Sha was holding his hand tightly again.

"The little princess is last."

"Actually, I found out later that the four-year-old little princess was not Emperor Xuanyuan's own daughter. She only existed to protect the real little princess. At that time, the real little princess was only less than two years old."

A series of things happened that year. The young emperor of the Xuanyuan Dynasty had just ascended the throne, and he disappeared for several years before he ascended the throne.

These people couldn't explain the specific things clearly, but Lou Qi gradually understood that Xuanyuan Zhan might have been with Yunyou during the time when he disappeared, and she could get the answers from Yunyou for those things, so she didn't Not urgent.So she brought the topic back to the Shen Dynasty.

While the twenty or so men were talking about what happened back then, she was also observing what was so special about this pool. These people must not be standing in it just for torture, otherwise the pool would not be so powerful. Has been attracted to drink blood sword.

At that time, both the Xuanyuan Dynasty and the Shen Dynasty had troubles. Some people said that the Shen Dynasty swore to Xuanyuan's little princess who was destined to win the phoenix. Back then, there were indeed three or four royal families who revealed that they wanted to fight Xuanyuan. Marriage is discussed, and it is about children and relatives. "At that time, there were four major dynasties that happened to have princes of the same age. Our majesty and the queen have a deep love. There is only one heir, the prince, and the prince was established when he was one year old." The man As he spoke, he looked at Shen Sha, with nostalgic and fanatical eyes.

"Uh, there is only one empress in the harem of the Emperor of the Shen Dynasty?" Lou Qi was a little shocked.

The other party nodded, "That's right, our empress is also a strange woman, only she is worthy of our majesty!"

Lou Qi couldn't help but look at Shen Sha again, dare to be affectionate, this is hereditary.

But it was precisely this that made her have a good impression of her parents-in-law.

"At that time, Emperor Xuanyuan revealed his intention that he would not order the little princess a baby marriage, but after the little princess grows up, he will support our highness the crown prince. Marrying into such a royal family will be happier than marrying into other royal families. From now on, our empress will regard the little princess as her future daughter-in-law. But not long after, for unknown reasons, Emperor Helian released the news, saying that he had married her for his prince. The little princess is engaged. Your majesty and empress don't believe it, and they brought His Royal Highness the crown prince to go to Xuanyuan—"

When he said this, he couldn't help panting again, and the other person continued: "Who knew that when we walked halfway, we received news of an accident in the Xuanyuan Dynasty, and not long after, His Majesty and his party were also ambushed, and their whereabouts are unknown. When the news came back to the country, the Supreme Emperor was distraught, and ordered the soldiers of the gods and ghosts to search for it, who knew that the search would take more than ten years."

They all looked up at Shen Sha and cried out in unison: "Your Highness!"

"Your Highness, fortunately, I finally got to meet you!" You have grown into such a stalwart.

A dozen or twenty sad faces were all looking at him.

Shen Sha was shocked.

"You haven't said yet, why are you here, how did you come to such a point." Lou Qi took a breath and asked again.She also heard something about herself from them.It turned out that she and Shen Sha had such a relationship early on.Back then, the three of them happened on the way to Xuanyuan Dynasty, and Shen Sha's mother had already regarded her as her daughter-in-law.She can be sure that what Helian Dynasty said was that Helian Jue was engaged to her, but what about the marriage contract?

Was the matter of their two dynasties related to the Helian Dynasty?

Lou Qi couldn't help but think of that bright and dangerous man.

"We are the army of gods and ghosts. We found out through untold hardships that the guards and maids around His Majesty rescued His Highness. It may be that we were hunted down all the way, so we went to Sifang Continent. The Supreme Emperor heard the news and sent people to Sifang The mainland searched, but the people sent couldn't find anything, and there was no return after a few pulls. The Supreme Emperor suspected that there was a powerful force obstructing here, so he asked his subordinates to come together, find His Highness and escort him back to the country. Who knows that the subordinates As soon as Wen Tianshan was found, he was deceived by a few treacherous people and locked up here."

After listening to what they said, what shocked Shen Sha was that in fact, it was precisely because they discovered this team back then that the Great Elder and others wanted to take this team as their own and let this team help them realize their great ambitions. , That's why I want to get rid of him, prevent them from finding the prince, and then use his news to lure these people, and slowly stabilize them. Just a few years.

"But after we were imprisoned, we started to be imprisoned. This is the special confinement of the soldiers of the gods and ghosts of the Shen Dynasty. If there is no His Royal Highness, we will be frozen and sleep forever! But they have never given up and tried every means to trap us. Woke up the soldiers, used strong medicine to force them to kill each other, and then boiled oil, trying to undo the ban on us generals, and then be able to command the army.”

"This is their most poisonous ghost corpse formation. Because each of the ghost soldiers is extremely powerful, with awe-inspiring fighting spirit, and has the special prohibition method of the Shen Dynasty on them. so."

Lou Qi understood after hearing this.The evil spirit casts the soul, the fighting spirit is awe-inspiring, this is the soul of the army, the soul of killing, the iron blood will not scatter, it is exactly what the blood-drinking sword needs!

(End of this chapter)

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