Your heart is free

Chapter 483 What the hell

Chapter 483

No wonder the Blood Drinking Sword went crazy.

Originally, they always wanted to make up for the missing sword soul. After all, there is a lack of sword soul now, and this sword always goes wrong.However, they were not happy now that they could make up the sword soul, because this was the order of thousands of gods and ghosts!

Using these to supplement the sword soul, Shen Sha has to hold the lives of thousands of people every day, which is too heavy.

However, if it is not used, these gods and ghosts will die, and they can only die in vain?

The sword has been hovering over the pool, and the generals of the ghost army also knew that something was different, but after asking about it, their faces were filled with joy.

"Your Highness, Crown Princess, this is a good thing! The sacrifices of the brothers are not in vain! These brothers are all top in the dynasty, and it is too aggrieved to die here like this! If they can be used by His Highness, then It's really good!"

Lou Qi was stunned when he heard them calling the princess, he was really not used to it.

But they are right.

She glanced at Shen Sha, and felt that the reason why Shen Sha's mind was a little blank was probably because of the sword, and the other thing was that these dead soldiers were originally imprisoned by the Shen family, and they touched his blood, which caused the death. such a situation.

"Shen Sha, the sword has recognized you as master, you come to make up the sword soul." Lou Qi will be sent to him by the method of the sword soul. Although Shen Sha is a little forgetful about other people and things, but still trusts her very much, Hearing the words, he nodded and said yes.Lou Qi always feels that he looks a little obedient now, looking at his face, he wants to kiss him.

Shen Sha jumped up, held the blood-drinking sword, and danced around the sword in mid-air. The sword energy gradually condensed and outlined a rune.After a while, black mist rose up from the pool, as if sucked in by the rune, and then transmitted into the Blood Drinking Sword bit by bit.

"This process will take some time. Now I will find a way to rescue you."

Lou Qi had asked Long Yan and Chen Shi to guard the door before, and she didn't feel very worried after not seeing the people from Wen Tianshan for so long, but she had a faint thought in her heart, was this the plan of the Great Elder and the others? ?Bringing them here and ignoring them for the time being is for Ren Shensha to release the imprisonment of the ghost army.

But will they still have any way to control the unshackled ghost army?

Lou Qi thought for a while and still felt that no matter what, he had to rescue the person first.

"Crown princess, now only 4 of our [-] ghost soldiers are under this pool. Can you break through this formation?"

The leading man was named Qin Shubao, a general of the Shengui Army, but now he was the most seriously injured. "We people are the eyes of this dark killing formation, unless we die." Qin Shubao looked at Lou Qi and said, "We don't regret dying, but"

"But you have to die at the same time, the moment when all the evil spirits of the Underworld Killing Formation are sucked dry." Lou Qi took his words, and then saw their shocked expressions.

"Princess, how do you know?"

Of course she knows, she is not good at mechanism, is she not good at formation?
"I will save you." At this moment, Lou Qi's eyes filled with anger.

Not only Tianshan, but also the other two mountains and Shenjian Villa, how much crime they have done to the ghost soldiers!If she doesn't avenge her revenge, she should buy a piece of tofu and hit the wall.

Originally, she had thought about killing Wen Tianshan's elders and letting the other disciples go, but now looking at the scale of the mountain, how could it be possible to dig out such a large space without thousands of people digging day and night.Although fifty thousand ghost soldiers were tricked in the name of Shen Sha, how could it be possible without thousands of people forming a formation and moving them?Therefore, everyone in Wentian Mountain must have participated in this plan!

In this case, she will not let go of any of them!

She looked up at Shen Sha, Shen Sha closed her eyes, the sword moved with her heart, and people flew with her sword. Suck them all away, and all these people will die.

But she wants to save them.

"Yun, put Amu down, I will temporarily suppress her Gu poison, and then you go to find anyone you see, catch me! Serious injuries are okay, but don't kill them!"

Yun immediately put Amu down, and Lou Qi lightly lifted her collar away. Yun looked at the snow-white undulations exposed under the collar, and suddenly remembered the warm and soft feeling when he held it with one hand in Baichong Valley, and his body gave a sudden shake. hot.He moved his body and blocked it.

But in the next second, Lou Qi cut his fingertips, squeezed out blood, and then began to draw strange patterns on Amu's chest.

Yun had never seen Lou Qi do this before, so he was a little frightened for a moment, "Emperor Concubine, is this useful?"

Lou Qi just hummed.She was in a hurry, so she drew very fast, and after a while, she finished the painting. She stopped and made another tactic, and saw Amu suddenly coughed, and then opened his eyes.

Yun Da was surprised, and helped Amu up, "Amu, what do you think?"

"Brother Yun, I'm fine, what happened just now?" Before she finished speaking, she felt her chest was a little cold, she looked down and immediately exclaimed, and hurriedly pulled her collar back up.

"Cough, it's the imperial concubine who came to save you." Yun pulled her up, his tone had regained his composure, "Let's go, let's arrest someone."

He listened to what Qin Shubao and others said just now, and his chest was filled with indignation. This kind of time is definitely not the time for his son and daughter to love each other.

And with his personality, he wouldn't give Amu too much time to be shy, so he just dragged her to find someone.

Lou Qi believed that, except for the First Elder and Second Elder, there were not many people on Wentian Mountain who were Yunwei's opponents, so she was relieved.

"I'll go as well."

Seeing that Yin Yaofeng was following Chen Shi and didn't want to leave at all, Qiu Qingxian's eyes dimmed, and he turned around and chose a direction to look for him.Chen Shi looked at her back, his expression darkened.

Seeing this, Long Yan said: "Then you stay here and guard, and I will go too."

"Miss Yaofeng, stay here, and I'll go and see where those people are hiding." After Chen Shi finished speaking and was about to leave, Yin Yaofeng was about to call him back, but out of the corner of his eye, he felt something was wrong, and was stunned. After a while, he found the problem, pointed to the door and said, "Where is Su Liuyun?"

After hearing her words, Chen Shi immediately turned his head to look, and saw that the door was empty. Su Liuyun's body should have been lying not far from the door, but now there was no one there!

What about Su Liuyun's body?
Hearing their voices, Lou Qi frowned, Long Yan had already left, she couldn't ask him if Su Liuyun was really dead just now, but now it seems that Su Liuyun must not be dead, otherwise Who here would be free to collect her body?
"Everyone be vigilant!"

Su Liuyun, that shameless and despicable woman, doesn't know what she will do. She is not dead, so she must be careful.What did Long Yan do?It didn't kill her.

But it's obviously meaningless to blame Long Yan at this time.

"Where is Wuwu?" Lou Qi was stunned for a moment, and found that Wuwu had disappeared.

Chen Shi immediately said: "The subordinates will look for it."

Lou Qi shook his head, "No need, Wuwu is very clever, and usually no one can catch it."

She looked at the generals in the pool, they were almost dying now, they were already super strong-willed by this time, if they were not pulled up from the pool, the evil spirit of corpse oil would soon invade their entire will and body.

17 people in total.

They were all locked with iron chains. They were close together, almost supporting each other. If anyone was pulled out randomly, this balance would be disrupted. As long as someone fell into the pool, it would be hopeless.Therefore, if you want to save them, you have to pull them all up at the same time, and the iron chains cannot be untied first.

But you have to grasp the timing when you want to pull it up.

Therefore, this is an extremely difficult formation. The breaking method is clearly placed here, but it is extremely difficult to do it.

Lou Qi clenched his teeth, Qin Shubao's consciousness was a little loose, but he couldn't bear to see her like this: "Crown Princess, don't worry about us, we have already put our lives aside."


The word Lou Qi pushed him back.

Qin Shubao didn't expect her to be rude like this, so he was taken aback.This princess of theirs seems to be different from the women they have ever seen.

"Emperor Concubine! Four people have been caught." Yun Wei's voice came first, before the people arrived, he swung the four people towards this side with a flick of his hand. They were four disciples of Wentian Mountain, with fairer complexion, It seems that he has been working in this mountain belly for a long time, and has rarely been exposed to wind and sun.

The four of them had their acupuncture points tapped and looked at Lou Qi in horror.

Lou Qi glanced at them coldly, lifted them up, asked Chen Shi to find a rope, and strangled the four of them tightly together.

"There are still thirteen missing." She said coldly.

At this time, Qiu Qingxian's cry came from not far away.

"Come and help!"

The voice trembled slightly.

Yun immediately flew over following the sound, and saw in a dark corner, Qiu Qingxian was forced to retreat step by step by two Wen Tianshan disciples, and a girl in purple skirt stood aside and watched coldly.

Hearing the voice, the girl turned her head, raised her eyebrows and smiled at him: "Yunwei, don't come here without any problems. You guys are so brave in breaking the domain!"

Yun has an impression of this girl.


"I didn't expect you to recognize me." Nearly a year later, Nalan Dan'er was no longer the arrogant look she had when she first arrived at Nine Heavens Palace, but her breath was cold, like a beautiful snake.

She held a long purple-gold whip in her hand, and the other end of the whip was tightly strangling Ziyun Fox whining.

Wuwu turned her head and looked, but at this moment, there was a mist in the clever eyes, as if she was about to cry.

"Nalan Dan'er, let that little fox go. Your Great Elder is dead, and Nalan Huaxin is also dead. How much can you hold up?"

Yun said lightly.

"Hehe." Nalan Dan'er suddenly laughed, then she stretched out her hand to peel off her neck, raised her hand and tore it, and a human skin mask was torn off.

(End of this chapter)

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