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Chapter 484 Can't Change the Ending of You All Die

Chapter 484 Can't Change the Ending of You All Die
Under the mask was a face that Yun was more familiar with.

"Nalan Huaxin?!" Although he was always calm, he couldn't help but exclaimed at this moment.

Wasn't Nalan Huaxin killed by the master's palm?
But he suddenly wanted to understand the truth of the matter.Since she now has a lifelike Nalandan's human skin mask, then there is a human skin mask that is exactly the same as hers, and it is stuck on another person's face to pretend to be her and die on her behalf.

"The one who died was Nalan Dan'er?"

Nalan Huaxin laughed again: "You're smart." After she smiled, her expression suddenly darkened again, "Lou Qi caused me to lose my innocence, shame, and humiliation. I will definitely repay you well, how could I die so easily?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard Lou Qi's voice coming over, "So, the person who followed Suyun's heart-thirsty is indeed you?"

To bring this up again is to sprinkle salt on Nalan Huaxin's wound!

As soon as she heard Lou Qi's voice, Nalan Huaxin became restless, this is the person she hates the most, the person she can't wait to tear apart!
"Lou Qi! Do you dare to compete with this saint in an open and honest manner?"

Her voice was shrill, like a female ghost. She was once beautiful, but now she is so ugly.

Lou Qi glanced at Wuwu.

"Woooooo." Wuwu looked at her pitifully with those watery round eyes.Lou Qi looked away, looked at Nalan Huaxin, and said slowly: "At first, I regretted not killing you myself, but now that you have given me this opportunity, I can't disappoint your kindness."

After speaking, she paused, looked at Nalan Hua's sinister gaze, and continued, "Excuse me, how do you want to die?"

This question is really awkward, Nalan Huaxin's eyes suddenly filled with boundless hatred: "Lou Qi, you are so arrogant and vicious, how can Junior Brother Shen Sha like you!"

Lou Qi shrugged, "You're right, he doesn't like me," she paused again, and then continued: "He loves me, loves me deeply, only loves me, other women love me Eyes are full of shit, like you."

"Go to hell!" Nalan Huaxin said that the previous period of humiliation had already driven her mad, but now that she was so stimulated by Lou Qi, she exploded again, the long whip in her hand was still whining, but suddenly waved towards her.


Wuwu was used as a weapon to attack the master, and the fur all over his body exploded with anger. When Lou Qi saw this, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he went up to meet him without avoiding it.

Just when Wuwu was about to sweep her head, she was short, but the Soul Slaying Whip pointed upwards, just blocking Nalan Huaxin's whip, and at the same time, she yelled: "Qingxian, kill! "

Chen Shi handed over the broken kill to Qiu Qingxian before, just now when Lou Qi saw that she used it, Yun had already dealt with the two Wen Tianshan disciples, leaving them with their last breath, Qiu Qingxian was out of danger, and immediately killed her. Throw the smashing over.

Lou Qi held the broken sword in his hand, and cut off Nalan Huaxin's whip.

How can the whip kill the enemy?

It was cut off at once.

But the moment the whip was cut off, Lou Qi felt something was wrong, because the whip was broken too easily, it seemed that there was no need to kill it, as any sword could cut it off.

What is Nalan Huaxin trying to do?
This thought just flashed in an instant, and she had already hugged Wuwu while taking a step back.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo." woooo seemed anxious to look at her hands.

Lou Qi felt that something was wrong, and before he had time to look at it, he had already heard Nalan Hua's triumphant laughter. "Hahaha! Lou Qi, you have finally been plotted against, right? A hundred poisons are invulnerable, do you have the guts of a demon raccoon? So what!"

She laughed until tears came out, "This thing is not poison or Gu, but it is a good thing! I went to the Valley of Gods and Devils again after hard work, and found it for you two! It is a medicinal powder made from eighteen kinds of medicines. , as long as it touches your skin, it can enter your body, it doesn’t go anywhere, it just walks under the skin, you will not suffer, and you will not die, but, if Shen Sha wants to make out with you, you will be full of blood. It's like being burned by a raging fire, you can't live, you can't die!"

She continued to laugh so hard that tears flowed down her cheeks, "I won't let the two of you continue to be together until I die!"

Nalan Hua pointed at Lou Qi triumphantly: "Shen Sha has never been able to touch you, and he will definitely not want you after a long time! He will not want you! Who would want a woman who can see but not eat! You will be abandoned, Lou Qi, You will be abandoned!"

At the end, Nalan Huaxin burst into tears, crying like a madman.

Yun looked at Lou Qi in shock, with worry in his eyes, but Lou Qi's expression did not change, and the soul-killing whip rolled towards Nalan Huaxin, just like she had strangled Wuwu before, tightly strangling her. Neck, pulled her over violently, hooked the corners of her lips, and said to Wuwu: "Don't care what this woman says, come, revenge if you have revenge."

Whatever she says, she will believe it.Originally, he was going to take revenge, but seeing this lunatic woman like that, I'm afraid Lou Qi was really threatened by others.Hearing her order now, classmate Wuwu couldn't bear it, and immediately rushed towards Nalan Huaxin's face, opened his mouth and bit her face hard.

"Ah!" Nalan Huaxin let out a scream.

"Bah, bah, bah, bah." Wuwu spat out a piece of meat in disgust, and spit out a series of spit, just when he raised his head, Nalan Huaxin screamed again in fright.

In a crack not far away, Su Liuyun's heart trembled when he heard this scream.She originally thought that Nalan Huaxin could really kill Lou Qi and get away with it, but now it seems that she overestimated her obviously.Fortunately, she had given her such a good idea to escape before, controlling Nalan Dan'er, the two exchanged identities, Nalan Dan'er took the medicine, her mind was not clear, she only thought that she was Nalan Huaxin , so stupid that when he saw Lou Qi, he wanted to rush over to take revenge, and then Shen Sha turned him into scum all of a sudden.But she didn't expect that Nalan Huaxin could bear Nalan Dan'er's identity, and she couldn't hold back like this.

What a sacrifice.

Does the rest depend on her?
Just as Su Liuyun was thinking, a hand came in like lightning, grabbed her arm, and pulled her out forcefully.Su Liuyun is seriously injured now, his whole body is dilapidated, and he is powerless to struggle at all.It was Long Yan who arrested her. He didn't expect that the woman was not dead yet, but he just noticed that there was someone here.

"Life is quite big, it just so happens that our Little Seventh Master just needs you." He grinned and grabbed her to the side of the pool.

Su Liuyun was thrown to the ground, only to find that Nalan Huaxin had also been dragged over, but now one side of her beautiful face was bitten off, and a piece of flesh was removed. I feel very terrible.

Lou Qi’s voice of admonishment came over: “You said you would kill if you wanted to, why did you bite? Look at how dirty and smelly your mouth is now? Go find water and wash it clean, otherwise you are not allowed to follow I."


Not long after, nearly [-] Tianshan disciples who were hiding here were arrested, and there must be many people hiding, but Lou Qi was in a hurry, and the others ignored him for the time being.

All these people were severely injured, and then they were strangled tightly with hemp ropes, and they were all forced to stand up, and their acupuncture points were pressed.Nalan Huaxin and Su Liuyun were also among them.The others all tapped the Ya acupoint, but Lou Qi just kept the two of them and let them scream at the top of their lungs.

Her expression was as usual, as if she hadn't heard anything.

Su Liuyun was unable to cry anymore, hearing Nalan Huaxin's hissing and cursing, and seeing Lou Qi's appearance, she felt chills in her heart.Maybe they were all wrong, Lou Qi was more cold-blooded, more ruthless, and more vicious than they imagined.She and Shen Sha are clearly the same kind of person, the only difference is that Shen Sha is more simple and rude, while Lou Qi's tolerance is quite high, but if you really offend her, she can also be very cruel.

Even the little fox she raised was the same.

Shen Sha was still waving his sword in the air, and from time to time, he would lightly use his strength on the shoulders of Qin Shubao and the others to rise again, but his movements were already very slow.


Lou Qi has made everyone stand in the position she arranged, everyone has their own things to do, and she can't do it alone.

"Listen to my password, Chen Shi, Qingxian, we have to pull General Qin and others up at the same time." Lou Qi turned to Yun again: "Yunwei, Long Yan, Amu, Yaofeng, you must immediately pull Su Liuyun and others Throw it down, right where General Qin and the others were standing."

"Understood!" Everyone answered in unison.

"Lou Qi, you want to kill me like this, you want me to go to that dead pool, you want me to die with these stinky men, why!" Nalan Huaxin yelled again.

Lou Qi didn't look at her at all, and when she looked up and saw Shen Sha withdrawing her sword, she immediately shouted: "Get up!"

Chen Shi and Qiu Qingxian immediately pulled up the iron chains on Qin Shubao and the others at the same time, and with a soft shout, they pulled up a dozen people at the same time, and lightly threw them towards the side of the pool.

"Quickly release!" At the same time, the four of Yun immediately threw the Wen Tianshan people's mentions down, right where Qin Shubao and the others were just now.


It seemed that there was a voice in everyone's mind.

Lou Qi raised her head and said to Shen Sha: "Absorb their evil spirit, too."

In the eyes of the formation, these people had to die at the same time before the formation could be broken.

Shen Sha looked down, his eyes were deep, and he had returned to normal. "Okay, you take them out of the way, this formation...will soon be broken."

The crowd retreated hurriedly, and helped Qin Shubao and 17 others away.

Su Liuyun and Nalan Huaxin got out of the pool, feeling a terrifying cold air continuously penetrated into their bodies, but in just a short while, their faces turned as pale as paper, and they trembled all over.The same goes for everyone else.

This shocked them all, they could hardly hold on for a while, how could those seventeen generals hold on for so long?
The two peerless beauties who were once ranked top two in the world looked up at the man they couldn't ask for, filled with fear and sadness in their hearts, and in the end, would they die under his hands without dignity like this?

(End of this chapter)

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