Chapter 486

Ghost grass, the smell of ghost grass in the shade!

In this underground palace, when the tens of thousands of ghost soldiers slowly opened their eyes, the bottom hole opened, and there was a blower below, blowing a large amount of ghost grass powder up.

In an instant, there was an overwhelming smell.

Ghost grass in the shade, if you grind it into powder and add a little something, it can become the strongest medicinal powder for making puppets.At this moment, Lou Qi finally knew their plan.

Only when Shen Sha released the confinement, everyone was the least vigilant, and they were all excited and looking forward to it. When these elite soldiers still couldn't react, it was at this time that it was the most appropriate to use this kind of thing.

They want to turn tens of thousands of ghost soldiers into puppets!It is true that things that do not belong to them can be robbed, but what can the soldiers who do not belong to them do?That can only take their minds away and turn them into killing machines that don't know anything and only listen to orders!
Simply shameless, too much!

No, just be damned!

Lou Qi immediately yelled angrily: "Stay back!" At the same time, she flew towards Shen Sha and pressed his shoulder, "Ghost grass in the shade, puppets trapped! They want these tens of thousands of soldiers like Living dead!"

Shen Sha's breath immediately cooled down.But he has always believed in Lou Qi's ability, without saying anything else, he immediately asked, "Can it be broken?"

"Too many, too many people, too much ghost grass powder, not enough time." Lou Qi gritted his teeth.The reason why the opponent buried the ghost grass powder was to block the speed of cracking and increase the difficulty.Because I have to go down, the wind below has been blowing upwards, if people go down, they will definitely face the wind, and they will be covered in ghost grass powder.

"What is the most difficult thing for you?" Shen Sha was extremely calm, but he could clearly see the expressions on the faces of the soldiers who were closer to him start to stiffen.

Lou Qi quickly scanned the entire underground palace, analyzing his speech very quickly, and at the same time clearing up his thoughts: "It's not just ghost grass, this four-square stepped underground palace itself is a formation, this formation gathers yin energy and attracts hostile energy. Staying inside for so long has already affected it. What needs to be broken now is to immediately cover the bottom hole, and also, to break the formation, attract spiritual energy to come in, and flush away the Yin energy."

There are so many soldiers in their prime of life, they are very yang, so this formation must be very brutal and domineering, and it takes a lot of dead energy to attack their yang, but where does Tianshan get so many? dead air?

People, to kill, they must kill a lot of people.

But Tianshan Mountain has always been famous for its immortality, how can there be so many people to kill?Unless, they always send their disciples out, and then specifically attack those gangsters, vagrants, beggars, or refugees. If these people suddenly disappear, no one will track them down.

She couldn't help asking: "A few years ago, I asked Tianshan if he had done any major things?"

Shen Sha didn't answer, but Yun on the side immediately replied: "One time five years ago, Wen Tianshan said that he would donate to the refugees all over the world. There were countless refugees from disaster-stricken hometowns in the four countries flocking here. After that, Wen Tianshan also informed the world , those refugees each got rice and grain from here, and went back to their hometowns."

That's it, those people must have died here.

Tens of thousands of people will be killed at the same time, asking if Tianshan is not a fairy mountain, but hell.

Lou Qi also felt that something was wrong at this time, but she was thinking about the formation, and without thinking about it for a while, the feeling of something wrong slipped away.

But Shen Sha also frowned, as if thinking of something.

"Where did the spiritual energy come from?" Shen Sha asked, and then said: "This emperor is going to block the entrance of the cave below."

"Emperor, imperial concubine, the subordinates are here to help!" Yun and the others also rushed over.

Lou Qi immediately stopped them: "You can't come here, you can't stop these things when you encounter them. I'll give you a task to find some things, the more the better." She read a list of objects, and everyone immediately Separated to find.

Qin Shubao and the others looked angry and anxious, "Crown Princess, what about us?"

Lou Qi glanced at them: "I'll give you a seat, you just need to sit cross-legged in your own seat, but, no matter what happens later, you are not allowed to get up, you are not allowed to leave that seat, can you do it?"

"It can be done!"

The 17 people immediately shouted in unison.

Lou Qi stopped talking too much, turned the whip into a hard whip, and immediately drew eighteen grids of one cubic meter around the underground palace. The arrangement of these grids seemed to be completely irregular, but they probably surrounded the underground palace.

"Go in."

Qin Shubao also entered a grid, sat down cross-legged, looked around and saw that there was still an empty seat, and immediately asked: "Crown Princess, there is still one person short."

Lou Qi took a look at Wuwu who was standing aside, although he was a little bit reluctant, but now it was the only thing he could do.


Wuwu looked up at her, Shuishui's round eyes slipped away, "Woo." It jumped over, rubbed against Lou Qi's calf, then turned its head and ran towards the grid, and at the same time squatted down, He looked at Lou Qi again, he seemed to be saying, don't worry, I won't go away!
"Good boy." Lou Qi coaxed it, turned around and saw that Shen Sha found a big stone, held it up with one hand, and threw it down into the dark hole.

But as soon as the stone was thrown down, it was already so heavy, but it was still cut off by the extremely strong wind below, and only half of the hole was blocked after it was thrown down.

Shen Sha's face turned dark immediately.

There are no stones in the mountain, Lou Qi didn't see any of them after going around for so long before, she was surprised when Shen Sha found this one, she thought of the stone gate, but when she came in, she took a look, obviously it was not easy to dismantle down.

Those soldiers had some expressions when they first woke up, but now their eyes are open, and their faces are starting to become a little stiff.

Lou Qi was also anxious, very anxious.

Some medicine in her belt was snatched by an elder before and spilled. Besides, even if the medicine is still there, it is not enough for so many people here.

If she really watched these tens of thousands of soldiers turn into puppets in front of her, she would probably vomit blood and die.

"Shen Sha, send me down." She clasped Shen Sha's wrist.

"My lord, go down."

Lou Qi was anxious: "You don't know what to do with those ghost grass powders when you go down, they can't be wasted, I can still use them after I collect them!" Although she hates ghost grasses, she has to admit that ghost grasses are useful .

"Then go down together." Shen Sha clenched her hand behind his back, grabbed her and jumped down without any resistance.

The whistling wind blew past their ears, and the ghost grass powder was blowing up endlessly like this.Lou Qi's mind suddenly lit up, she figured out what was wrong before she figured it out!With such a powerful formation and underground palace, and so many shady grasses, she felt that it was impossible for him to be the person who asked Tianshan!Even, it is unlikely to be a person from Sifang Continent!

This number is too high.

She used to think it was a bit strange before, and she could easily break through many formations, spells, and poisons she encountered after coming here, but later she realized that it was because her skills belonged to the old Taoist, and the old Taoist was originally a dragon chanting The people on the mainland, his learning skills are much better than those here.

But now this underground palace, this formation, is not something that people here can get down at all.

"Be careful." Shen Sha didn't expect her to be distracted here, and immediately pressed her head into his arms, "The wind here is a bit weird." Before he could finish his words, a saber slashed over.There are iron chains attached to the blades below, whirling with the wind.

If it wasn't for his quick flash, a large piece would probably be cut off.

The blood-drinking sword swung out, and immediately cut off the iron chain.

The two jumped into the hole and destroyed the apparently specially made blower underneath. Lou Qi saw the large bags of ghost grass powder hanging there, and immediately tore them all off, tied them up and wanted to carry them on his back, Shen Sha reached out to take them past.

The two climbed up, Lou Qi looked at the stiff faces of those soldiers, and felt anxious again.

When they got to the top, they were pleasantly surprised when they saw the formation she had set up just now, "General Qin and the others have such strong yang energy!" It was still yang energy with aura!It is probably because of their modified physiques and the fact that they are soldiers, so they are much stronger than ordinary people!
"Shen Sha, I want you to be the eye of the formation."


Lou Qi started to set up an array, and Yun and the others searched everywhere for what Lou Qi wanted. In fact, she guessed that there would be a lot of things here, otherwise how could they get out of such a big cave in the belly of the mountain?Sure enough, Yun and the others found a lot of gunpowder.

Bringing things back one after another, Lou Qi's confrontation formation has been completed.Although they couldn't see any changes, Lou Qi could feel that a large amount of aura and yang energy had rushed into the formation in the underground palace.Now just wait for the two battles to see who wins.

She has already separated herself, leading Yun and others to quickly make simple bombs, and this time she also added ghost grass powder.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and she knew that the people above would eventually see what was wrong here, and she had to get everything ready before they felt that they were waiting for someone to do futile work.

"What are you going to do, girl?" Chen Shi was a little puzzled.

Lou Qi laughed bloodily, "Of course it's bang! Blast people."

Knowing that the things she made were powerful, Chen Shi was a little startled.

Suddenly, there was a clear whistle in unison in the underground palace, the voice was loud and high-pitched, exciting and shocking.Seventeen generals including Qin Shubao also roared up, their voices were deep and mournful.

Like a sad song without words.

Shen Sha's heart was shaken, he looked at Lou Qi, he didn't bother to say it at this moment, he felt like he had heard such a clear whistle before.

This may be a unique sacrificial song in the Shen Dynasty.

Bang bang bang!
The sound became louder and louder, and after a while, the underground palace began to crack. The tens of thousands of soldiers opened their eyes, looked excited, and moved their necks.

So many people doing such an action together, it is really heart-pounding.

They all woke up.They are about to leave this formation.

They, like lions and tigers, have opened their sleeping eyes and are about to get out of this huge cage!

(End of this chapter)

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