Chapter 487

Shen Sha threw the sword into the air, and the blood-drinking sword clanked, as if agreeing, and the evil spirit came out again.

Qin Shubao shouted: "Shen's ghost army, where is the army soul?"

The sound was deafening and seemed to reverberate.

Tens of thousands of people responded in unison. Although everyone's voice was a little hoarse, their tone was powerful and stirring.

"The military soul lives forever!"

There are tens of thousands of voices, but they are uniform.Even though they had just woken up, they seemed to have never been out of training.

Lou Qi knew that their confinement was actually assisted by drugs, and it was actually a way of practice, the practice of inner strength and mentality. Otherwise, how could they have been self-proclaimed for such a long time, which has greatly exceeded her cognition.However, it is not impossible to combine medicine with inner strength and mental methods.And she didn't believe that they really didn't eat anything. In the underground palace, dense grass grew everywhere, but when she went down just now, she found that among the grass growing around everyone, there were some thin but juicy grass paths. If she guessed correctly, this is the herb specially prepared by the ghost soldiers for this kind of confinement.If they chew a few succulent herbs for ten and a half months, they can survive, which is a kind of penance.

But even so, this is considered miraculous and brave, and this ghost soldier has also gained her respect!

She could not help but sneer when she heard the hurried footsteps on the ground above her head.Here comes the man.They must have noticed something was wrong and wanted to stop it quickly, but unfortunately, it was too late.

Lou Qi watched those soldiers move around in place for a while, and then jumped out batch after batch.

"Hurry up, I'm afraid they are thinking about closing the mountain." Lou Qi said to Shen Sha.

Shen Sha nodded and looked at Qin Shubao.Qin Shubao glanced at Lou Qi, and suddenly said: "They have indeed made two-handed preparations. It would be best if they could take us in, but if they can't, this huge mountainside will be our burial place!"

Therefore, the other party will definitely have another trick. As long as the ground of the Moon Palace above their heads is sealed, it will be difficult for them to get out.

Qin Shubao said again: "How about this, His Royal Highness and the Crown Princess walk on two sides, His Royal Highness can take people up to stop the other party first, and the Crown Princess stays here." There is also a basis for what he said. Lou Qi should be better at spells and the like.

Both Shen Sha and Lou Qi also thought it was best to be like this, but when they nodded at the same time, Chen Shi interrupted with a strange expression: "Dijun, girl, it's already fifteen at this time."


As soon as the voice fell, Shen Sha suddenly froze, and immediately looked at Lou Qi, "Qi Qi, come here."

Lou Qi knew something was wrong when he saw his appearance, and she didn't dare to hesitate, she knew that he would collapse immediately when he had an attack, so she immediately flew towards his arms.

In front of tens of thousands of people, they were still talking about business, who knew that the next second, the two would hug each other tightly?
The jaws of Qin Shubao and the others almost dropped.

In fact, even Yun has never seen Lou Qi play this role, so he, Amu, and Qiu Qingxian were also completely stunned.

Shen Sha hugged Lou Qi into her arms and hugged her slender waist, only then did she realize that her special belt was no longer there, but she was used to having a thin belt inside that belt, so now it showed her soft and slender Waist, he was a little upset that so many people looked at her just now, so he immediately hugged her a little tighter.At the same time, he said to Yun: "You take the people up first."

Yun also knew that he couldn't delay at this time, so he immediately took Chen Shi and others and rushed out.

"You also follow!" Qin Shubao ordered to the thousands of ghost soldiers who had just jumped up.Originally, it would take some time for them to recover from the imprisonment just now, but now there is too little time, if only relying on Yunwei and others, they are afraid that they will not be able to stop the common forces of the Three Mountains and One Village.

But here, at the end of the formation, Yu Wei is still colliding.

Soon, what Lou Qi said would happen, countless black mist like flying snakes suddenly rushed up, and at the same time, they all heard wailing and screaming, crying, shouting, mixed and heavy , screaming sound.It was as if they had suddenly arrived in the prison of the ghosts of the underworld.

The black mist seemed to like the living people very much, and they swirled around the people one after another. The screams became more horrific, and some people couldn't help crying.


Several famous generals in the formation spat out blood with a puff.

Lou Qi suddenly frowned and cried inwardly: "It's such a big game!" Immediately reached out to touch, but found Shen Sha's belt, and there was an extra pen in his hand.

Shen Sha had seen this pen before, and that time was when she was in the prison area of ​​Jiuxiao Temple. He had seen her take out this pen. It's not the wolf hair they usually use, it's pure white, it seems to have a faint silver light, and the pen holder should be a high-quality suet jade. At that time, he thought this pen was very beautiful.

Lou Qi didn't use this pen before because she didn't need to use it, and at that time she had a phantom of brightness, so she didn't want to take it out easily, although she carried it, it was stuffed in it. In Shen Sha's belt.

As soon as the pen came out, she immediately bit her finger and squeezed out blood. The tip of the pen was soaked in blood, and she said to Shen Sha: "Go up!"

Now that Shen Sha and her were already in a spiritual connection, he immediately put his arms around her waist and led her upwards.

Amidst the endless black air, the two looked calm, handsome and bright, and their postures were arrogant. That scene made the tens of thousands of gods and ghosts below deeply regret.

Lou Qi waved his brush and began to draw the talisman formation in the air. Following the drawing of the huge red blood formation, the black mist was like a ghost seeing a god, screaming and running away, but the talisman formation was like a bottomless pit. Sucked in.

Shen Sha hugged her, followed her instructions and leapt to change positions, cooperating seamlessly.

Qin Shubao looked at them with wide eyes, and couldn't help but said to the nearest general: "Where did His Royal Highness find the Crown Princess? It's really amazing!"

"The princess is mighty!"

The shouts of the gods and ghost army shook the sky.

Lou Qi pursed her lips, and heard Shen Sha approach her ear and whisper: "Prince Princess is mighty."


Lou Qi almost didn't spit out, but when he suddenly called out, she felt numb all over.

"His Royal Highness is also mighty."

The two looked at each other, and couldn't help but smile slightly.

All the soldiers below suddenly felt that this scene was beautiful, but at this juncture, is it really okay for the prince and princess to be like this?
Soon, the bloody talisman array wiped out all the black energy, and when they landed, Shen Sha still hugged Lou Qi's waist.

Yun and others met the strongest enemy.

The elites from the three mountains and one villa are all waiting here, nearly a thousand of them, all of them are good players, they were beaten down by force just as they struggled to climb up, not to mention stopping them, it is even difficult to go up.

Amu wanted to leap up, but someone stepped on his head, and the man laughed and said, "Look at these poor gophers! One pops up, let's step on one! It's fun!"

They had a good time, and they didn't even try to kill them. Some picked up stones, and anyone who came out would hit them with stones.Yun and the others were forced down, jumped up, and stepped down again and again. Hearing the laughter of those people in their ears, all of them looked cold.

"Lord Yunwei, this is not going to work. We have to think of a way." Chen Shi was hit by a stone on his forehead, and blood flowed down. Qiu Qingxian and Yin Yaofeng reached out their hands at the same time to wipe it off for him, but At the same time stopped.

Yun shook his head: "That's it, let them play! Didn't you notice? They were playing so hard that they didn't think of opening the mechanism to seal the hole."

"Yes," Long Yan also wiped the blood from his face, spat out a mouthful of sand and said, "Let them play, let them bully and insult, otherwise with just a few of us we will stop them from sealing the hole."

Chen Shi was stunned.

Yun said to the three women: "You guys stop for a moment." Then, he winked at Chen Shi and Long Yan again, and the three of them pointed their toes and flew up towards the entrance of the cave again.
"Hahaha, the gophers are here again, brothers, hurry up." There was a burst of laughter from above.

Not far away, Elder Wen Tianshan, Su Fang Jing Meng and others walked over. Su Fang frowned when he heard the commotion here, "What are you doing? Seal the entrance of the cave!"

His voice was transmitted with internal force, and it also reached the ears of Yun and the others. They looked at each other and felt in their hearts, "It's over."

At this time, the thousands of gods and ghosts following behind arrived, and Yun and the others watched in amazement. The three of them rushed straight up like flying immortals.

Thousands of people rushed up to nearly a thousand in an instant.

Immediately there was the sound of fighting from above.

"This army of gods and ghosts really deserves its reputation!" Yin Yaofeng said excitedly.

Yun Wei also cheered up, imitating them, jumped onto the shoulders of the two stacked ghost soldiers, was lifted up, and flew into the sky.

"Kill them!"

Seeing these ghost soldiers, Su Fang's face changed drastically, he shouted angrily, then drew his sword and jumped into the battle circle.

But at this moment, countless ghost soldiers rushed out from the mountainside, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, densely packed, all came up.

"They've all come out!" Jing Meng's expression changed drastically.

This is bad.

After tens of thousands of gods and ghosts rushed up, it was almost an instant kill!

Yun and the others had no chance to make a move at all. Those people didn't even have weapons, and they could kill a person with one punch!It's like tens of thousands of killing machines, only hitting the enemy without a chance to scream!

Su Fang withdrew from the battle circle, his face was so ugly that he was about to drop ink, he gritted his teeth and shouted: "Retreat, retreat!" Their people can't all die here, retreat, they have to retreat to the refuge prepared by Yao Sujin and the elders before him This place is the most secret place in Tianshan Mountain.

Hundreds of people retreated immediately.

Jing Meng pulled Jing Yao and followed him closely and retreated.

Shen Sha rushed up with her arms around Lou Qi, Lou Qi raised her hand to signal them not to chase any more, and let those people escape.

There was hostility in her eyes, but there was a smile on the corner of her mouth: "The large army quickly retreated down the mountain, leaving a hundred people to follow me!"

(End of this chapter)

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