Chapter 490
After interrogating Fei Yue, Shen Sha became extremely silent.Lou Qi knew that he must have some terrifying suspicions in his heart. Qin Shubao said that his parents loved each other, and there were no other women in the palace. If there were any, they were just maids of honor, but those who could get in touch with the prince would definitely It's not an ordinary court lady, so it's very likely that she was killed by someone close to him whom his parents trusted.

"To General Qin."

After Shen Sha was silent for a while, he passed the news to Qin Shubao.

After Qin Shubao arrived, before he could speak in the future, Shen Sha asked deeply: "In the Shen family's palace, is there a beautiful woman with the surname Gu?"

"My surname is Gu?" Qin Shubao was stunned for a moment, "The empress's surname is Gu."

Now even Lou Qi sat up straight and looked at him in shock. "The queen's surname is Gu?" She glanced at Shen Sha, and found that the haze welled up in his eyes, and he clenched the armrest of the chair tightly, his knuckles turned white.

"Yes, the queen is from the ancient family of a famous family in central Beijing."

Shen Sha's eyes darkened: "Apart from the queen, who else is there in the palace?"

"This last general doesn't know. The training of the God and Ghost Army was extremely hard and heavy. The last general stayed in the army for a long time and knew very little about the affairs of the palace." Qin Shubao said, seeing that their faces were not very good-looking, although he didn't understand. Why, after thinking for a while, I asked, "Dijun, I heard that Princess Chenxiang's young master is also in Jiuxiao?"

Shen Sha came back to his senses, and then he remembered that if what Shu Chongzhou said before was correct, then his mother was his aunt, and maybe she knew about the affairs in the palace.

Seeing him looking over, Lou Qi hurriedly said: "Before he said that his parents are coming to Dasheng, and they probably will arrive in these two days."

When Shu Chongzhou left, he was still young and had never been to the Shen Dynasty. Qin Shubao naturally did not know him, but when his parents came, how could Qin Shubao know Princess Chenxiang back then, so when they arrived, Shu Chongzhou's identity will be completely confirmed.

"Emperor Concubine, Mr. Chongzhou's parents have arrived outside the palace." Er Ling walked quickly to report.

Several people were a little surprised, they didn't expect to come so soon.

"Where is Master Zhongzhou?"

Er Ling replied: "Young Master Chongzhou went to meet him in person."

Shen Sha raised her eyes, "Xuan."

Outside the gate of the triple hall, a group of people walked quickly.

The one in front is Shu Chongzhou, he was walking calmly and slowly, but a middle-aged beauty stepped forward to hold his hand, and hurriedly said: "Zhouer, hurry up, what are you doing so slowly?" ?”

Shu Zhongzhou saw that her other hand had lifted the hem of her skirt, as if she was about to gallop forward, and said helplessly, "Mother, what's the hurry?"

"Why are you not in a hurry? I've never seen that child before. I thought he was gone, and I cried for a long time, but now I can still see you. You said that mother is an aunt, so you can't be in a hurry?"

This middle-aged beautiful woman looks about 34 or [-] years old, with bright features, not that kind of gentle and soft appearance, but a national beauty like a peony.Upon closer inspection, the eyebrows and eyes are still three points similar to Shen Sha.

Lou Qi was the first to see this middle-aged beautiful woman, and almost believed her right after seeing her, this is Princess Chen Xiang, Shen Sha's aunt.

And after she saw Chen Xiang, she immediately looked at the middle-aged man who was following behind.

Chen Xiang married her second uncle, so this middle-aged man is her second uncle, Xuanyuan Yi.In this way, she still calls Chen Xiang the second aunt.

Last time I forgot to ask Old Daoist, if the three brothers look alike.

But now that she saw Xuanyuanyi, she knew it was nothing like it.

To her surprise, Xuanyuanyi is a white-faced scholar, with clear eyebrows and eyes, tall and handsome, and elegant demeanor.From this point of view, Shu Zhongzhou looks a little more like him.

So, what did her biological father look like?

While she was thinking about it, the three of them had already walked around several peach blossoms and came to her.These peach blossoms were planted by Lou Qi before Xiaosi.

Currently only she and Shen Sha know about the relationship between Lou Qi and Xuanyuan Yi, that is Xiao Si, although she knows the name of the old man, she has never thought about it.

So Shu Zhongzhou didn't know.

She didn't say anything, she just sat beside Shen Sha with a lazy expression.Xiaosi was peeling grapes for Wuwu, and Wuwu, a small snack, looked delighted to be served.

But none of them expected that Xuanyuan Yi's first glance was not at the person, but at the little fox, with a look of shock in his eyes.

Shen Sha and Lou Qi looked at each other, feeling a little strange in their hearts.

But Xuanyuanyi could hold back, and didn't say anything all at once, but bowed to Shen Sha under Shu Chongzhou's introduction.Naturally, what they did was not the courtesy of a monarch and his ministers.

It can be seen that their gestures are magnificent and perfect, and they have clearly been trained in strict royal etiquette.

"Xuanyuan Yi and his wife, Chen Xiang, met the Dasheng Emperor and Concubine."

As soon as Xuanyuan Yi uttered his voice, Lou Qi gave his voice 10086 likes, it was so pleasant to hear, like a breeze blowing under the moon, neither high nor low, it just made his ears pregnant.

Shen Sha glanced at her, and couldn't see the admiration in her eyes at this time. Although she was her elder, he still couldn't help reaching out and pinching her ear, and tugging.

Also used some strength.

Everyone was startled.

Lou Qi was almost pulled into his arms by his ears, and his original lazy look suddenly turned into a frenzy, but because someone was there, he could only glared with beautiful eyes, and lowered his voice: "What are you doing? "

Shen Sha let go of her hand, but ignored her, looked at Xuanyuan Yi, and opened her thin lips lightly, "Excuse me, give me a seat." He said such simple four words in a cadence, and the ending sound was tactful three times, with a low voice. A little bit of the coldness before, but added a little bit of gloomy style, and the magnetism is almost unbearable.

Lou Qi had never heard him speak like this before, she almost fell to the ground in shock, she looked at Shen Sha with wide eyes.

Shen Sha glanced at her.How about it, this emperor's voice is not worse than your second uncle, right?Who said before that this emperor has a nice voice?You can't be so fickle.

He just waited for Lou Qi to look at him with infatuated admiration, and his ears had better be the same as when he heard Xuanyuan Yi's voice just now, the tip of that ear moved slightly, it was inexplicably cute.

Waiting, waiting, I heard Lou Qi stare at him suddenly, and then said seriously: "Dijun, speak carefully!"

Nima, the relatives and elders who came here, who are you trying to seduce with such a gentle voice? !

Shen Sha's face darkened instantly.

Shu Chongzhou couldn't help but secretly sighed when he saw his father's opening and the two of them just looked at each other.He was so sad and felt that the whole family was not normal.

"Sha'er." Chen Xiang had been looking at Shen Sha's face all the time, and now she couldn't help it anymore, tears fell like broken pearls when she opened her mouth.

Shaer.Lou Qi endured it for a long time before laughing, it seems that Shen Sha's adoptive parents didn't change his name, he should have been called by this name before.

Shen Sha's face turned darker.Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Xuanyuan Zhongzhou's smiling face, and he snorted angrily.

Xuanyuan Zhongzhou was a little strange, normally, his father would have comforted his mother first, so as not to let her get too excited, but now he didn't seem to pay attention to his mother, but instead looked at Lou Qi.

He felt a little strange, and couldn't help following him.

How could Chen Xiang control their father and son, she looked at Shen Sha, and she wished she could go up and touch his face, with tears in her eyes, "Sha'er, you look a lot like your father, but you also look a bit like your mother, I am Your aunt."

"What's the proof?" Shen Sha was unmoved, after being hit by Lou Qi just now, he returned to the coldness that would freeze people when he spoke, and there was no expression on his face.

Qin Shubao, who was silent all the time, couldn't help it now, His Royal Highness, didn't you ask him to identify Princess Chenxiang?Why don't you let him talk?
He stepped forward, "His Royal Highness."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xiang called out in surprise: "General Qin! Why are you here?"

This sentence was called out, and her identity was basically confirmed.Seeing that Shen Sha didn't stop him, Qin Shubao stepped forward to salute Chen Xiang, and was also a little excited: "The general has seen the eldest princess!"

Qin Shubao hadn't seen the eldest princess for a long time, and when he mentioned her for a long time, he still used to call her a princess.

"General Qin, I thought you were all gone." Chen Xiang cried again.He thought that the entire Shen Dynasty was gone.

They have been unable to go back, and they still have to hide their names after all these years. The worries and sufferings in their hearts are very painful.

There is no need to tell Chen Xiang about the matter with the three mountains and one village before, Qin Shubao just said a few words to her, and then looked at Shen Sha.

Chen Xiang looked at him even more desperately.This child is completely different from what she imagined. Shouldn't he hold her hand redly and call her aunt?Why are you so cold and calm from the beginning to the end?
Chen Xiang is very sad.

"If you grew up under the pampering of the emperor's brother and sister-in-law, you would definitely not be like this now." She couldn't help but wiped her tears again.

Lou Qi secretly pinched Shen Sha's lower back.His body was slightly stiff, and he glanced at her, but still called out: "Auntie."

Chen Xiang covered her mouth, but in the next second she rushed towards him, hugged him tightly and cried bitterly.

No one expected her to act like this, they were all stunned.

Lou Qi immediately grabbed his arm, really afraid that his uncle would slap Chen Xiang away.

What was more frightening than her was Xuanyuan Zhongzhou. After regaining consciousness, he immediately stepped forward and pulled his mother away, took a few steps back, and looked at Shen Sha's chest, which was soaked with tears. There were a few black streaks hanging from his forehead. Wire.

Lou Qi suppressed a smile and coughed: "Er Ling, have you made some arrangements for the eldest princess?"

"Huidi Concubine, it has been arranged, it is in the Wanxia Hall of the Second Hall."

Only then did Chen Xiang look towards Lou Qi, his eyes lit up: "Are you Sha'er's concubine?"

"This is the empress of this emperor." Shen Sha didn't like that concubine's title very much, and he didn't have any other concubines, so it seemed very flimsy to say that.

Chen Xiang was about to speak, when Xuanyuan Yi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly looked at Lou Qi: "The imperial concubine's surname is Lou?"

(End of this chapter)

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