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Chapter 491 The Shen Family and the Lou Family

Chapter 491 The Shen Family and the Lou Family

Lou Qi didn't want to really ignore it at first, after all, he was his second uncle, so he knew a little bit about the past, such as why her father was Xuanyuan Zhan, but his surname was Lou, and her mother's identity, isn't it? Can you clear up her doubts?


"From the Lou family?" Xuanyuan Yi asked again.

Lou Qi smiled slightly, "Lou Yunyou." Xuanyuan Yi and Chen Xiang were both startled by this name, they stared at her blankly, and did not speak for a while.

"Father, mother, what's the matter?" Xuanyuan Zhongzhou frowned.

Xuanyuanyi and his wife never told him about those things, so he naturally didn't know.

Lou Qi said again: "Xuanyuan is my third uncle."

Xuanyuan Yi was shocked: "Third brother? You, you are, you are not dead?" He took a step forward uncontrollably, and stopped again.

"Well, Second Uncle." Lou Qi called Second Uncle without any burden, she had been observing them just now, and Xuanyuanyi naturally noticed her and Wuwu's observation, but no matter what, He is the old-fashioned second brother, so she naturally recognizes him.

A second uncle, Xuanyuan Chongzhou who was the most frightened.When he came here, he was always looking for Shen Sha. He had a cousin who made him feel very precious. Since he was a child, he knew that there were only three of them here, and no other relatives.

But where they live, there are several children in the neighbors on the left and right. Although they are noisy, he is very envious.So, although Shen Sha was very indifferent to him after he found Shen Sha, he didn't care, he also has brothers, right?

Now tell him that he has a cousin?

And this cousin is still Lou Qi?

Are you kidding me, this is Lou Qi!Zhao Yun had told him about Lou Qi several times before, and after meeting him, he also felt that Lou Qi was very powerful!Became his cousin!

He looked at Lou Qi with shining eyes: "Are you uncle's daughter?"

"If there are no accidents, it should be."

Xuanyuan Zhongzhou immediately said: "Then should you call me big brother?" Then he looked at Shen Sha, "This is a bit messy, cousin, or brother-in-law?"

Shen Sha glanced at him sideways: "Chong Wang."

"What?" Xuanyuan Zhongzhou was stunned: "Chongwang?"

"This emperor has decided to make you a heavy king, lord, tell me which one you want to take care of?"

Chen Xiang was so excited that tears fell again, didn't this mean that he recognized them?In the future, they don't have to hide their names and wander outside, and she has to be wronged about her son's status as a royal prince of the Dragon Yin Continent, and she has to work hard to find an official position in the Eastern Qing Kingdom of the Sifang Continent, and to be a magistrate for several years. Has also been brooding.

After Xuanyuan Zhongzhou was stunned for a moment, he didn't say anything, just stretched out his hand to Shen Sha, and looked at him.Shen Sha disapproved of his actions, pouted, but still patted his hand.

This is the official recognition between brothers.

Their excitement interrupted Xuanyuan Jing and Lou Qi's original conversation.However, the two uncles and nephews were not in a hurry, they sat aside and waited for their excitement to calm down a little.

The last few people finally sat down again, Erling and Xiaosi served tea for them, and amidst the smoke from the tea, they listened to Xuanyuanjing talk about Lou Qi's parents.

Xuanyuan Jing took a sip of tea, looked a little far away, sighed and said: "Brother Huang has been the most talented and hardworking of our brothers since he was a child. He was named the crown prince when he was ten years old. Almost all officials want to The plan to marry his daughter into the East Palace, every time the palace banquet or private banquet, there will always be beauties arguing and secretly fighting for him. But the eldest brother feels very disgusted because he sees the faces of those women a lot, and has always been very disgusted with any woman cold."

A young prince with outstanding demeanor, extraordinary talent and appearance, and an unusually noble status, is naturally extremely arrogant.Until one time, someone said that near the border between the two continents there was a purple cloud fox with a very aura of aura. Ziyunhu is the winner. As for the bet, not only huge wealth, but also real estate and shops.But then things went awry, and the teenagers with school-age sisters at home added another bet, that is, the loser should no longer compete with the winner for the position of crown princess, even if the emperor and queen proposed to choose the crown prince The concubine also had to refuse.

This bet was too tempting for those noble ladies in the imperial capital, so there were as many as 28 companies that joined the bet in the end.Some people joked that this was a husband-hunting contest.

Xuanyuan Zhan was very angry when he heard it, but it was too late for him to stop it at that time, because those people had already set off, and this matter was not just about the boys and girls themselves, but the whole family's business, so the contestants Each family has also sent many masters to compete.If you say stop at this time, it will arouse the resistance of these people.

Especially at that time, the emperor also felt that this might not be a good way to choose a crown princess. If he could stand out from so many forces in the end, he could be said to be the strongest, and it would be best to become a crown princess.What's more, they all know the young ladies from the aristocratic families in Beijing. At worst, they can only be said to be of average appearance, and most of them are beautiful. No matter which one wins, it cannot be said that they are not worthy of the Xuanyuan battle.

Knowing that all this could not be undone, Xuanyuan Zhan brought a few hidden guards to chase after him in a rage.

"We didn't know much about what happened afterwards, but we only heard what the emperor said. At that time, no one thought how it would come to such a point. It almost became a big melee, but the emperor was chasing the purple bird. When Yunhu was in the Dragon Yin Continent by mistake, he met a girl from the Yun family who escaped from the Baiwu clan, that is, your mother, Yun You. The emperor brother who has never been interested in women fell in love with the girl from the Yun family. "Xuanyuan Jing looked at Lou Qi again when he said this, "You look like your mother, but you are much stronger than her."

Lou Huantian said something similar.

Lou Qi beckoned to Wuwu, and asked again: "Since my mother belongs to the Yun family, why did the surname become Lou later, and we also have the surname Lou?"

This is something she has been unable to figure out, even Lou Huantian doesn't quite understand it.

"Witch Clan has always been rejected and hated by the Eight Great Dynasties. Although they are divided into White Witch and Black Witch, in the eyes of the people there, they don't care about White Witch and Black Witch. The majestic prince of a country wants to marry a woman from the Witch Clan , that is absolutely not allowed, so the emperor would never dare to marry Yunyou openly like this. Later, the old lady of the Lou family came to the door by herself and said that she could give her a new identity and let her become a daughter of the Lou family. , Yunyou became Lou Yunyou. Few people know about this matter, and I don’t know what Brother Huang promised to the Lou family.”

"But why did my elder brother say that our father is the young master of the Lou family?"

Xuanyuan Jing was silent for a while and said: "At that time, the 28 forces were still there, and the Lou family was also there, and they brought Yunyou over there. They seemed to be looking for some medicinal herbs. At that time, Yunyou still had Brother Huang was worried about her injury, so he often quietly went to the Lou family's residence to meet her and give her medicine. Later, something happened to Lou's family. He wanted to take his son and his family to the Lou family to compete for the right to be in charge of the house. The herb that Mrs. Lou and the others found was exactly what the young master of the Lou family needed. He had a strange disease. But the young master of the Lou family still didn’t Can be rescued, but the outside room is already menacing, aiming at the position of the young master of the Lou family. At that time, the Lou family did not have any children of the right age who were good enough and strong enough to support this facade. When looking for the door, Brother Huang just sneaked into Lou's house to meet Yun You, so we bumped into each other."

"It's strange to say that the young master of the Lou family looks somewhat similar to the emperor's brother, and his figure is also the same. Therefore, the old lady Lou asked the emperor to pretend to be the young master of the Lou family. It was the emperor who drove them away After defeating foreign enemies, the Lou family was saved. Later, the old lady of the Lou family said to the outside world that the young master of the Lou family mainly went out to practice, but when necessary, the emperor would still go back and show up as the young master of the Lou family. After that, the old lady of the Lou family Taking advantage of the situation, I promised Yunyou to the young master. Your brother was also born in Lou's family."

It's just that the generation of the Lou family really didn't have many talents to make, and the Lou family was gradually declining. The old lady Lou didn't want the Lou family to lose like this, so she asked Xuanyuan Zhan again and again for help.

It can be said that most of the Lou family's ability to survive until now is due to Xuanyuan Zhan.And the husband and wife often switch their lives between the two identities. For a while, they regarded the Lou family as a vacation. Compared with the status of a prince and concubine of a country, they are just a young lady of a family, which is much easier.

This passage left everyone speechless in a daze. It should be said that everything was a coincidence, but that's how it happened. Everything happened in one place, which created this situation.

Xuanyuan Jing knew such a general idea, but he was not clear about the agreement between Xuanyuan Zhan and Mrs. Lou. Later, why did Yun You bring her brother back to Lou's house to settle down? not sure.However, Lou Qi was born in the palace when he was a child, and the people in the Lou family didn't know that their "young master" had such a daughter.

"So, your surname should be Xuanyuan. Why did the third child give you the surname Lou?" Regarding this point, Xuanyuan Jing was somewhat dissatisfied with Xuanyuan. The little princess of their dynasty, who told him the surname Lou?

Lou Qi dripped sweat, "Third uncle, he doesn't know these things at all."

She probably understood the matter here, and suddenly turned to Chen Xiang: "Second Aunt, Shen Sha's maiden name is Gu?"


"Then there were other beautiful women named Gu in the Shen family's palace back then?"

This woman is the key to his poisonous Gu, they must find out.

Chen Xiang was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "No, I haven't heard that Huang's sister-in-law has sisters."

Hearing her negative words, Lou Qi's heart sank slightly.

At this time, Long Yan suddenly appeared, with a serious expression: "Lord Seventh, our people sent an urgent report that something happened to Madam!"

(End of this chapter)

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