Chapter 492

Chapter 508

The madam Long Yan mentioned naturally refers to Lou Yunyou.

But Lou Huantian should still be at Lou's house right now, how could something happen?
"What's going on?" Lou Qi's expression was slightly gloomy, but she wasn't panicked or worried, after all, she didn't have any feelings for Lou Yunyou, and what's more, Lou Yunyou's attitude towards her was also a little strange.

Long Yan handed over the note in his hand.

Lou Qi unfolded it and saw that the handwriting on the note was scrawled, and she couldn't recognize whose handwriting it was. She didn't have a chance to see Lou Huantian's handwriting, so she couldn't recognize it.

There are only two sentences on the note.

Madam Tongtianya met a mysterious person at night, but disappeared mysteriously the next day.The young master wanted to leave Lou's house, but was detained by the old matriarch and locked up in the ancestral hall. The law enforcement hall encountered a strong enemy and couldn't get away for a while.

Her eyebrows furrowed immediately.Will Lou Yun Youye meet mysterious people?Who is the mysterious man?Why was Lou Huantian detained by Mrs. Lou?
She felt a layer of fog enveloped her, making her a little breathless.She didn't really care much about how Lou Yunyou was doing, but Lou Huantian's being locked up made her feel a little bit shocked.

Before her second uncle told her about the entanglement between the Lou family and Xuanyuan Zhan, she was not very worried, because maybe the Lou family would still regard Lou Huantian as the son of the family, but according to what Xuanyuan said, the old lady Lou is clearly Knowing all the truth, how could she regard her elder brother as her own grandson?In this way, Lou Huantian may be in danger.

"Want to save him?" Shen Sha poked his head to see the contents of the note, his face was pale and nothing could be seen.

Lou Qi still frowned, "You still need two medicines."

Only then did Shen Sha stretch his eyebrows.

It doesn't matter if you say he is selfish or petty and domineering, he just likes his own woman and concentrates on him, if she ignores his medicine and just rushes to save Lou Huantian, then he will be angry.

He was about to speak, but Chen Xiang interrupted and asked: "Sha'er, what medicine are you short of?"

Shen Sha's face turned dark: "Don't call me that emperor!"

Chen Xiang shrank back towards her husband, but she was nearly forty years old but still looked like a delicate girl, she pouted slightly and said, "Then what do I call you?"

At first, Lou Qi was worried that she would offend her a little bit, and asked her: "This is the name Shen Sha used to take? Why did the emperor give him such a name?"

"I know this," Chen Xiang said: "At that time, it was said that you have a very heavy character, and you might not be able to bear it with a lighter and warmer name. At that time, you also asked the national teacher, and finally chose this name."

Therefore, the guard and maid who escaped with him did not dare to change his name, but used his real name.

She looked at Shen Sha's dark face, and said to Chen Xiang: "Second Aunt, let's call him Shen Sha."

"Call me aunt." Shen Sha corrected her lightly.

"Why? It's obviously my second aunt." Lou Qi stared.

Shen Sha raised her eyebrows: "Get married and follow your husband." That was his aunt, and his wife should be called after him.

Is this man too boring and childish?She should take care of everything, right?

Chen Xiang and the others watched them bicker like this, and found it novel and funny.Didn't it mean that there was a lack of medicine?Don't rush to say it, I still have the mind to care about such a title here.

Xuanyuan Chongzhou coughed, and asked Lou Qi: "Sister, tell brother, what medicine is still missing?"

"Get out!" Sure enough, Shen Sha picked up a teacup and threw it towards him. Although it was a throw, the teacup shot over flatly, and the tea in it didn't splash out at all.Xuanyuan Zhongzhou smiled, and took out the fan from nowhere. Once it was blocked and turned over, the cup of tea landed firmly on the fan, and there was no splash of tea in the same way.

Lou Qi didn't bother to pay attention to them, and said to Chen Xiang: "We want red pine worms and ice fish bones."

For the time being, she doesn't know where to find these two things. Although she has something that can attract the ice fish, it's useless if she can't find the ice fish.

Chen Xiang looked at Xuanyuan Chongzhou, "What kind of red pine worm is this, Zhou'er, didn't you say you saw it before when you were looking for medicine for mother?"

Lou Qi immediately turned to Xuanyuan Zhongzhou: "Where is it?"

"Sister, call me brother." Xuanyuan Chongzhou was not in such a temperament at first, but ever since he knew that Lou Qi was his cousin, he always wanted to tease her, especially wanting to hear her call him brother.Because of her temperament, he probably knew that she would call Shen Sha in a serious manner, and she might not be able to accept it so quickly if she was not close to someone, calling her brother would feel embarrassing to her no matter what.

"Brother. Tell me."

Xuanyuan Zhongzhou was stunned with his mouth open, but suddenly his nose felt sour and he wanted to cry. What the hell is that?

"Actually, it's not far from Lou's house, that place, Tongtian Cliff."

As soon as the words Tongtianya came out, Lou Qi tightly grasped the note in his hand.She was sure he hadn't seen the note in her hand just now.But why such a coincidence?
Lou Yunyou met a mysterious person at Tongtian Cliff, and his whereabouts were unknown. As a result, she got the news that there were red pine worms in Tongtian Cliff?There are such coincidences in the world!

Seeing that her expression was not right, Xuanyuan Zhongzhou paused and continued, "Actually, there is a glacier there. If you are lucky, there may be ice fish as well."

This is really super good news!

In this way, the Lou family is bound to leave this trip.Turning to Shen Sha, he saw that his eyes were dark and he was looking at her quietly.Lou Qi's heart trembled, and she couldn't help cursing herself secretly, obviously she had been with him for a long time, why did she still have the magic power to make her face warm with just one look?
Hey, love is really good.

Going to Lou's house doesn't mean you can just walk away.Because, rather than going to Lou's house, it is better to say that they are going to Longyin Continent this time.Because the Duanchen sect is between the two continents, the old Taoist has told her before that the Duanchen sect still wants her to visit.As for the Lou family and the Jin family, those aristocratic families are also at the junction with Longyin Continent, and they are not close to here. They can't rush to this time and then come back and walk again.

It's not in a hurry, I knew that the Longyin Continental party was imperative, so although the two of them have been busy, running around, but I told Yue Wei that the preparations for this trip still need to be done all the time. All are getting ready.It's just that this time it's a little earlier than they expected, but now that there are Xuanyuanyi and his son, and tens of thousands of gods and ghosts, there are many people and strength, so they won't appear too nervous.

The date of departure is set in three days.

Shen Sha is responsible for frightening envoys from various countries with his brutal and brutal posture, making them timid and afraid to easily attack Dasheng.Eagle was in charge of recruiting troops in the expanded territory, and Uncle Qin retained several generals to build a powerful army for Dasheng.

Dasheng is their foundation here, so naturally it is impossible to just give up like this.To be honest, Longyin Continent doesn't know what's going on, even if there is a world waiting for them there, it's not as meaningful as the kingdom they built from scratch here side by side.

If the Four Kingdoms were savvy enough, they didn't have much time yet, and they might have wiped out the Sifang Continent with Shen Sha's character.

Xuanyuanyi and his son helped perfect various legal systems, and Lou Qi asked Xuanyuan Chongzhou to visit the imperial capital for a few days, but she did not forget his talent.Moreover, Shen Sha has been handed down in the early dynasty. Xuanyuan Chongzhou was named king with a different surname. All the officials agreed with both hands and feet. Their emperor has always had only one person, without parents, brothers and relatives. Such a royal family is too thin Some, now there is a prince, which is really a good thing.

However, because Shen Sha had no plans to expand the harem, those officials with daughters at home saw such a handsome young prince as Xuanyuan Zhongzhou, and their minds immediately became active, which made Xuanyuan Zhongzhou in the imperial capital these days When walking around, I often encountered various situations, and I ran into many rich ladies by chance.

And Lou Qi spends most of his time with the genius doctor to pack the medicinal materials they want to bring, those who can be processed into powder or pills have to hurry up to do it, and those that can't be packed properly.According to her request, Xiaosi and Erling lead people to make a lot of storage things.

That night, Lou Qi took time to take Yin Yaofeng to the prison area.

The current prison area has become very secure under Hua Yucun's constant thinking, and not a single mosquito can fly in.

In the prison area, there are three important prisoners, one is Zhang Ming, the other is Fei Yue, and the other is drugged and fell asleep for a long time.

Hua Yucun followed Lou Qi, walked around a garden full of traps and formations, and came to this extremely secluded cell.

There are guards lurking in the dark.The defense here is the strictest, and no one will come to this place when there is nothing to do, and if someone breaks in by mistake, they will only think it is a forgotten courtyard.

"Emperor Concubine, is this woman also taken away?" Hua Yucun was a little worried.When Lou Qi threw this woman over and said he wanted to keep her safe, he had always focused on this side.

Especially her face must not be damaged, otherwise the imperial concubine's face will also be damaged.Hua Yucun was particularly nervous.

"Well, we have to take it away." Lou Qi kept Mulan because he wanted to find out about Chen Zong with her.If her mother is Lou Yunyou, according to what they say, Lou Yunyou is a gentle and timid woman, then where did Duanchenzong get the things in her that can make Mulan have such a face? here?
No matter what, she had to take Mulan with her.But before that, she had to get rid of Mulan's ties with her, otherwise, the journey would be dangerous, and if something happened to Mulan, would she really have to suffer along with her?

Hua Yucun immediately said: "Your subordinates will go with the imperial concubine. Along the way, Mulan will still be taken care of by your subordinates!"

"Let's see this tomorrow, open the door."

As soon as the door was opened, a strong smell of medicine came out.

There is only a table, two chairs, and a bed.It was Mulan lying on the bed.

This was the first time Yin Yaofeng saw Mulan, and as soon as she saw her face, she exclaimed: "Concubine Di, why does she look exactly like you?"

"Is it exactly the same?" Lou Qi said in a cold tone, looking down at Mulan's face.

(End of this chapter)

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