Chapter 493
Yin Yaofeng was slightly startled when he heard her words, and looked at Mulan on the bed carefully, only then did he notice something was wrong.

Although it looks similar at first glance, when you look closely, you find that Mulan's face is very stiff, as if it was made of wax, and it feels very fake.After watching it for a while, I felt a little creepy.

"This woman is so weird." She said in horror.

The corner of Lou Qi's mouth twitched, "Weird, yes, that's a good word." She hadn't come to see this woman for a long time, but now she saw that her appearance was really getting weirder and her skin felt more and more weird. It's more like wax.

Looking at such a person, she was also blocked.Therefore, no matter who made this person, they are all enemies, and she will not let it go.

"Yaofeng, look, if you can see anything." She walked aside, folded her hands on her chest, leaned against the wall, and slightly lowered her eyelids as if she was thinking.

For Lou Qi, Yin Yaofeng admires and appreciates her more and more. The longer he stays with her, the more he feels her ability and charm. Lou Qi doesn't despise her background, and is willing to always take her by his side and teach her various ways. It was a skill she was very grateful for.

She bent down beside the bed and began to observe Mulan carefully.

After a while, she gasped in amazement, and hurriedly shouted: "Emperor Concubine, come and see!"

Lou Qi walked over and saw her pull Mulan's collar, pointed at Mulan's chest and said, "Her body."

Mulan looks similar to Lou Qi, of course she is about the same age, but now she can see that the skin on her chest is yellow and waxy like an old woman, and there are patches of brown spots on her skin, without any moisture at all.

"The exposed parts are full, only the ones in the clothes are like this!" Yin Yaofeng rolled up her sleeves again, and sure enough, her hands were plump like a girl's skin, although it was a bit fake and stiff like a wax figure, but Her arms were also dry and covered with brown spots.

The same goes for the legs.

It looked so weird and terrifying.

Lou Qi frowned, took out a small bottle of medicine from her belt, and let Yin Yaofeng drip a little into Mulan's nasal cavity.

The medicine has a strong smell, but it's not bad.After dripping in for a while, Mulan's breathing became slightly rapid, and her face flushed a little. After a while, she slowly opened her eyes.

Mulan has been falling asleep dizzily during this time, and occasionally when she is conscious, she can't move her body or speak. Only someone regularly brings porridge with medicinal herbs to feed her, and she feels dizzy again after eating. to sleep.So now that she can open her eyes for a while, and her consciousness is really clear, she is a little confused for a while.When she saw the person standing in front of her clearly, surprise flashed in her eyes, and she subconsciously called out: "Lou, Lou Qi."

"It seems that you haven't forgotten me yet."

"What do you want to do again?" Mulan looked at her warily.

"Yaofeng, wait for Miss Mulan to look at her body." Lou Qi ignored her, but raised her chin to Yin Yaofeng instead.

She remembered that she was not like this when she first met Mulan, so the changes in her skin might be the key to her breaking the bond between the two, so she wanted to observe Mulan's reaction.

"Yes." Yin Yaofeng stepped forward and pulled up Mulan's sleeves, revealing Mulan's withered arm, and then her full and smooth palm.

Mulan gasped and sat up in shock, "No!"

Lou Qi observed her expression, and could see that although she was shocked, she was not very surprised, which meant that she knew that this kind of situation would happen to her, but she didn't expect it to happen now.

So, why?Did this happen earlier?
She continued to look at Mulan calmly.Yin Yaofeng was clever, and he tutted beside him and said, "Miss Mulan, right? Look at your hands and your face is very smooth and delicate, but this skin is so... If you get married in the future, you must not be taken away. My husband was scared to death!"

Mulan's pupils shrank.

Lou Qi knew it in his heart, and was a little surprised, he didn't expect that Mulan had a sweetheart!And it should be talking about marriage!But, did she change her appearance before she had a sweetheart, or after?If it is later, it must be difficult to meet her sweetheart in this state.

After all, her face was beautiful, and the longer time passed, the waxier feeling would become more obvious, and her face would become stiffer.If there is such a person sleeping next to you at night, if you wake up in the middle of the night and hold the lamp to see, you will definitely be scared out of your mind.

Thinking of this, Lou Qi said lightly, "Mulan, I'm going to Lou's house in one day."

As if she didn't expect that she would say such a word to herself in a calm tone, Mulan was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously said: "Take me?"

She also knew that Lou Qi would not kill her, and even had to protect her, but she was not sure if she would take her with her.

Lou Qi saw the eagerness hidden in her eyes, and felt a little bit at ease, "Oh, it's really dangerous to take you away, logically speaking, I shouldn't take you with me. It's safest for you to stay here. "

Mulan was anxious: "But."

"but what?"

Mulan choked.She also couldn't find a reason to persuade Lou Qi to take her with her, so she could only bite her lower lip.

Seeing Xiao Xiao's face making such an expression, Lou Qi felt depressed, suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he thought of a way.

After a stick of incense, Chen Shi looked at Lou Qi with a dark face: "Young lady asked your subordinate to propose marriage to that woman?"

After Lou Qi came out of the prison area, he dragged him to a corner of the garden. No one would let him listen, and whispered such a plan in a hurry, so that Chen Shi almost fell over.

"A play, it's just a play." Lou Qi coaxed him.

Chen Shina's handsome face was so tangled up, "But, does this subordinate really want to say those words?"

"How could she believe it if you didn't tell me?"

"Girl, she may not believe it even if I tell you."

Seeing that Chen Shishi kept pushing back, Lou Qi grabbed his collar: "Chen Xiaoshuai, just tell me whether you will do it or not!"

Chen Shi looked down at her slender fingers holding his collar, and nodded reluctantly.

"Okay, you go now."

Lou Qi let go of him, patted his clothes that were messed up by him, clapped his hands again, and watched Chen Shi walking towards the prison area with a smile like he was going to the execution ground.

It wasn't until his back was out of sight that she clapped her hands and turned around to go back to the hall, but as soon as she turned around, she plunged into a broad embrace.

She didn't want to avoid the familiar smell, so she put her arms around his waist, raised her head in his arms, and asked with a smile, "Aren't you busy?"

Although they still lived in the same dormitory these two days, both of them were busy with their own affairs. She went to bed late, and he was later than her. Usually when he went back, she had just fallen asleep, and when she got up, he had already gone to bed early. I went, so the two really didn't have time to really be intimate together.

Shen Sha looked down at the beautiful smiling face raised in his arms, and the turbidity in his heart dissipated three points, but thinking of what he heard just now, he was still very upset.

Clutching her waist, he turned around and pressed her against the wall with his arms around her. He lowered his head and sucked her lips, kissed her hard once, and then let her go after a while, with a low voice, "Chen Shi loves you You have been thinking about you for a long time and can't sleep every night, looking at you every day but not being able to ask for it, your heart hurts like crazy, lovesickness breaks your heart?"


Lou Qi didn't expect that he heard all the words she taught Chen Shi just now, and recited them verbatim.She nestled in his arms, and gently stroked his chest with her right index finger, extremely coquettish: "That's just a play! I want to trick Mulan's true emotions."

"Playing? Because Miss Mu looks very similar to my girl, Chen Shi looked very happy and admired, so he decided to ask the emperor to promise Miss Mu to Chen Shi. As long as Miss Mu is willing to follow me for the rest of her life, I will always treat her Hello's?"

Puff again.

Do you need to have such a good memory, do you need to remember so clearly?

"A play is really a play. This is a line, how can a line be taken seriously, isn't it?" Lou Qi could only coax him.

Shen Sha touched her chest with one hand, and covered her plump and soft body through the clothes, "Say those few words to the emperor again."

His tone was low and magnetic, scratching Lou Qi's heart was itchy, not to mention that he still made such provocative and teasing movements to her, it really made Lou Qi a little bit unbearable.Damn it, if it wasn't for his poisonous poison, she would want to throw him down without waiting for him to throw her down, okay?

But what did he say?Lou Qi was soft in his arms, and it took a long time to understand, she smiled secretly, raised her eyes and looked at him: "Dijun, your Qi Qi has loved you for a long time, thinking about you every night, looking at you every day Wanting but not getting it, heartache becomes mad, lovesickness breaks the heart."

Shen Sha hugged her horizontally, "Well, after the emperor's poison is cured, I will let you get what you ask for every day, and pamper you every night, are you happy?"

Lou Qi was silent for a long while, then secretly yelled.This can't ask for it, but here it becomes to ask for his favor, as if she wants him so much!He still answered so coquettishly, what about his face?face!
That's cool!

Dijun, you are too yellow!
Mulan stared at Chen Shi with anger in her eyes, and said in a tone of hatred and anger: "What does this guard think of Mulan? Because Mulan is like your girl, so you come to ask for marriage?"

Chen Shi snorted coldly and said, "It's to save face for you to ask for a marriage. It's for your face. Otherwise, if you are a prisoner, it's normal for me to play with you after I beg you."

It was really difficult for him to say this.Why doesn't the girl give this errand to Lou Xin?
Yin Yaofeng, who was watching secretly outside, felt sad, knowing that he was acting, why did she still feel unhappy?

Then she thought of Qiu Qingxian who came back with her.After returning, Qiu Qingxian has been helping in the Erchong Hall, and followed Xiaosi, but
Does Chen Shi like her?

Just as he was distracted, he suddenly heard Mulan yelling angrily inside: "Who would want to put on such a face! I, Mulan, am also a dignified Lou family."

She was immediately refreshed.

What is the big house?
(End of this chapter)

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