Your heart is free

Chapter 500 Dark Night Tribulation

Chapter 500 Dark Night Tribulation

This warm white jade-like body drove him crazy, how could he let others serve her?This is his, it is his own, from body to heart, absolutely does not allow anyone to get involved.

Although they had shared the same bed before and had a lot of intimacy, how could Lou Qi be seen by him everywhere like this, so it was the first time that he really saw her clearly.

Although she was very reluctant to continue watching, Shen Sha did not give up after all, the weather was getting colder, so if she didn't put on her clothes quickly, she might catch a cold.

When he finished dressing Lou Qi one by one, he was already drenched in sweat.

After opening the door, he said in a deep voice, "Go and bring a bucket of cold water."

Not seeing anyone, Tianyi responded in the dark, and soon brought a bucket of cold water over.Tianyi returned to the hiding corner and touched his nose. As the emperor's secret guard, he knew that the emperor and the empress hadn't consummated their marriage.

Half an hour passed in the Dijun's burning desire, and the team set off again.Shen Sha carried Lou Qi into the carriage, before leaving, Yun Ding came over with a complicated expression.

"Get in the car and tell." Shen Sha put Lou Qi beside her, covered the bed with a thin quilt, took a booklet and sat beside her to read it.

Yun came to the car, paying attention not to turn his gaze towards Lou Qi.

"Dijun, Amu she."

"Following up?" Shen Sha took his words lightly.In fact, without Amu, what Yun told her before is certainly one reason, and there is another reason. Amu later told why their sisters separated. What she said was that Mulan left with the adoptive father surnamed Mu of the Duanchen Sect. Afterwards, she herself was still with her parents, but she didn't expect that one night two years later, someone would suddenly kill her and she would be hidden by her father.But before her father died, he just said the word Lou's family with glaring eyes, and she put the matter on the Lou's family.

It's just that how can she seek revenge from the Lou family alone?Mulan found her half a year later and brought her back. Only then did she know that Mulan had joined the Dust Sect.Mulan asked her to call the man before her foster father. She lived a relatively easy life in Duanchen Sect for more than two years, and then she discovered that her foster father was not a good person. She secretly saw him torture and kill several maids. , all because of small things.

She advised her elder sister to leave her adoptive father and Duanchen Sect, but Mulan disagreed.Amu decided to leave by herself, but she didn't expect her adoptive father to agree all of a sudden. He also revealed that the relatives of their mother that Mulan had mentioned to him before now live in the grassland.

She went all the way to the grassland, and she searched there for a long time but couldn't find it. Later, she was in danger and was rescued by Yun, and Yun knew everything after that.

There is nothing wrong with saying this, the only suspicious thing may be why the surname Mu would kindly remind her that her relatives are in the grassland.

If the other party is intentional, then he must be a very patient person who likes to lay out the overall situation.

But it doesn't rule out that Amu is lying.

So they didn't let her follow, and they gave her a chance to stay in the palace well. If there is anything wrong with them, they can't blame her, but if she comes, in case something happens, she would be the first suspect.

Yun nodded, but stopped talking.

"You are not such a mother-in-law, just say what you have to say." Shen Sha glanced at him, and then returned to the booklet.Those are some important customs of Longyin Continent collected and compiled by Qin Shubao, as well as the distribution of countries, the division of power, and the members of the Shen family. Others were added by Xuanyuan Yi and Chen Xiang, including some of the Xuanyuan Dynasty. matter.

Knowing yourself, knowing your enemy, and winning every battle, although many of what they know is from many years ago, it is also very beneficial to know a general idea.

When Lou Qi fell asleep, he just read this booklet to pass the time.

"Dijun, my subordinates believe in Amu." Yun actually wanted to say this sentence a long time ago, but he knew his master's character. Before, when he didn't trust a person based on feeling, at least he had to see the substance.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he said this, Shen Sha said: "Well, I believe you."

Yun froze for a moment.

In the carriage behind, Amu grabbed her clothes and opened the curtain to look at the carriage in front. She knew that Yun was going to ask Dijun to let her follow her. Now she was a little nervous, afraid that Dijun would still ask her to go back.

It's just that after waiting for a long time, Big Brother Yun hasn't come back yet.

The team had already left the city, and the horses were all good horses, galloping forward, and now they couldn't see the border city when looking back.

The official road here has been in disrepair for a long time, and it is yellow and sandy when running. Amu looked at it for a while and then put down the curtain.But she suddenly felt as if the wheels of the carriage had been tripped, and the whole carriage shook with a bang.

"What's going on?" Amu wasn't that kind of delicate girl at first. She had been acting like a kid for a long time, so she jumped up and opened the curtain to ask the driver.

"You can sit still, there are traps on the road." This time, the drivers were all the ghost army, and the army followed, but they still sent a hundred entourages to protect the empress.They took turns to drive, and everyone had recuperated, tall and majestic.

As soon as his voice fell, all the carriages suddenly galloped in a serpentine shape, seemingly busy and undisturbed, and sometimes the horses would even jump up and lead the carriage forward, avoiding the nails on the road .

"Dijun, it is reasonable to say that the four countries dare not do anything again, but if it is that person, his hand is too long. We have already cleared out those traitors." Yun rushed out when he realized something was wrong, and circled his fingers. Whistling on his lips, his horse galloped over, he leaped onto the horse, and said a word to Shen Sha in a hurry.

"It's not surprising, the traitor who was dealt with finally sent out the date of our departure, and the people outside will come and set up traps in time." Shen Sha was afraid that Lou Qi would be shaken uncomfortable by the carriage, so he immediately hugged her into his arms .The maid Erqing was interrogated that day, and it turned out that several traitors were cleared up, but Erqing also confessed that there were people from them outside.

Since they want to prevent them from going to Lou's house, how could it be only once or twice?
This time, they did not cause any loss or casualties, and the members of the Shengui Army once again convinced the guards brought out by the Nine Heavens Palace.

What does it mean not to be afraid in the face of danger, and not to be surprised when things change, that's it.No wonder those people have prepared for so many years and expended so much thought, money and material resources to get this team.

At night, they encountered another attack in a wilderness. This time it was a trap plus secret arrows. Still, Yun and others didn't need to do anything, and the Shengui army was wiped out.

When it was dark night, he could not reach the next city, so he could only rest at the foot of the mountain.

Because there are traps and ambushes on this day, although there is no danger, people's spirits are always a little tired, and the most tired is the horse.

"Dijun, there is a small stream here." Yun Xian went to observe it, and waved his hands to let everyone wash their faces and drink water after not finding any problems.

Amu got down from the carriage and followed him like a shadow of Dao, step by step, which made Yun a little helpless: "You don't have to follow me like this."

"It's convenient for you to monitor me." Amu blinked at him.She also knew that she was still suspected, but she didn't mind.

Upon hearing this, Yun could only smile, and patted her on the head, "Stay alone."

"Don't treat me like a child." Before Amu finished speaking, Yun suddenly covered her mouth with his hand, his expression calmed down, as if he was listening.

Amu stared at him blankly, not knowing what was wrong.

Shen Sha put Lou Qi in the carriage, and just jumped out of the carriage to go to the stream to wash his face and walk around. Almost at the same time as Yun, he stopped and subconsciously wanted to back into the carriage.

But someone was a bit faster than him, jumped on the carriage, and without seeing him doing anything, the horse galloped out suddenly, leading the carriage as fast as an arrow leaving the string.

Shen Sha was frightened and furious, he slapped a tree next to him with both palms, and chased towards the carriage with his strength.

But at this moment, two figures flew out, one from the left and the other from the right, right in front of him, stabbing at him with long swords in their hands.

"You are courting death!" Shen Sha stretched out both palms, and slapped them flying one by one.Those two people fell to the ground heavily, and they only twitched twice before they couldn't die anymore.But they still somewhat hindered Shen Sha's speed of catching up.

The timing of this person was just right, they were relaxing and unloading their carts to rest their horses, most of them headed to the stream, he didn't kidnap anyone, he just drove the carriages away, which was faster.Of course, another reason is his ability to control the horse. The horses pulling the Shensha carriage are all spiritual, and no one will run obediently immediately, but just now the horse rushed forward as if it had listened to the military order. It's not normal.

After Yun was frightened and angry, he immediately let go of Amu and chased after him. They also said that Amu, in this way, is he more suspicious?He chose the place, and he was the one who said that there was a stream and asked Dijun to get off the car!
Amu's face turned pale, and when he turned around, he saw King Chong also passing by her.

"Zhou'er! Be careful, that person is extraordinary!" Xuanyuan Yi called out from behind.

Qiu Qingxian and the others were running over, all terrified and worried.

"Who dares to rob the queen!" Qiu Qingxian looked around, but he didn't see Chen Shi's figure, and his heart was slightly confused.

"The emperor will definitely bring back the queen!" Er Ling clasped his hands together, stomping his feet anxiously.

But they didn't know that this time, Shen Sha failed to bring Lou Qi back.

The night shone on the shadows of the trees, the autumn wind gradually pierced the bones, and there were occasional howls of wolves on the distant mountains. In the mountains and fields, a carriage and several figures were chasing at a speed that ordinary people could not believe.

"Let's ride Feihen and step on the snow to catch up!"

Tianyi and Dier only slacked off for a while, it was because the man was too fast, his movements were too fast.

The Shengui Army put in the most effort today, so the guards just subconsciously asked them to rest first, but they didn't expect that even the Shengui Army could not catch up in such a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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