Chapter 501
The carriage was speeding like lightning, Xuanyuan Zhongzhou chased after him, only to find out that this road has been repaired by someone. This is a deserted wilderness. If they want to rest, they will naturally leave the official road. It is said that no one will pass by here with the carriage. , but now the road surface is relatively flat, and there are almost no grass, stones or dirt pits that can block or trip the carriage.

This can only show that this person has made a plan to rob people early, and has worked out the complete steps very carefully.

this is too scary.

Xuanyuan Chongzhou was also angry, that was his sister, he hadn't had the chance to get along with her in a harmonious and friendly way, and he hadn't gotten over the addiction of being a big brother who could pinch his sister's face and touch her head. Someone kidnapped her!
Originally, Lou Qi was going to be in a coma for three days, although their hearts were a little lifted, but considering that there are so many people with them, as well as him and Shen Sha, no matter how crowded they are, there will be no accidents for her, right?Unexpectedly, in front of them, people and carriages were all taken care of by others.

He was so angry that he didn't know what kind of mood his good cousin and brother-in-law would be in.

Shen Sha's mood?

Like a bolt of lightning in the dark night, he frantically chased the carriage in front of him.All living creatures around him were scared away by the cold breath around him.

There was only about ten feet between him and the carriage, and he knew he could always catch up, and he would catch up soon.That person, no matter who it is, will definitely turn it into meat sauce!

But the accident happened suddenly again at this time.

There was an eagle's cry above their heads, their giant wings flapped the sky, and a large black shadow flew over the sky and covered the ground. The wind that blew made the skin on their faces tingling.


A feeling of badness suddenly rose in Shen Sha's heart, and a strong sense of unease attacked him. The blood-drinking sword quickly came out of its sheath with a bang, and came out of its hand, breaking Night Breeze and shooting towards the eagle's eyes.

And his speed of catching up did not retreat but advanced, three points faster.

The person in the carriage hugged Lou Qi out, leaped onto the roof of the carriage, his robes were rattling by the wind, the carriage was running wildly, the carriage shook, but he was standing on top with the person in his arms but remained motionless.

It's just that the night was dim, so he couldn't see his face clearly at all, but he could tell that he was a tall, young man.

"Who is it? Put him down and let you live!"

Xuanyuan Chongzhou used to think it was stupid to say such words, but he didn't expect to see Lou Qi being hugged by a stranger now, he would be so angry that he couldn't control it and yelled out.

Shen Sha's face was full of iron cold, without saying a word, his figure suddenly soared up, and he was about to jump onto the carriage with his feet flying a few times.

"Ha ha."

In the cold wind, the man suddenly laughed in a low voice, "Emperor Dasheng, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Shen Dynasty, the lightness kung fu is really good."

Hearing that there was no sense of tension in his tone, Shen Sha's heart sank severely.He has already caught up. Under normal circumstances, the opponent would be somewhat nervous, but the opponent is not. Instead, he still has a kind of calmness that has a chance of winning. This only shows——

He is indeed a winner!

That eagle!

"The emperor reacted very quickly, but it's a pity that you grew up in the Sifang Continent, and your knowledge is limited. If you grew up in the Shen dynasty, you must be a good opponent who can match this king. What a pity."

The man sighed softly, and when Shen Sha grabbed Lou Qi in his arms with one hand, the whole person flew straight up, and with a clear howl, the eagle suddenly flew over, and he jumped onto the eagle's back with Lou Qi in his arms. , the eagle shadow is like a black flowing cloud, and it has gone far, far away in a blink of an eye.

The horse was still galloping, and Shen Sha stood on the carriage, feeling cold all over his body.

He actually had Qi Qi snatched from his eyes.

"He, Lian, Jue!"

Xuanyuan Chongzhou jumped onto the shaft of the chariot, grabbed the reins, and was startled when he heard the three words burst out between his teeth: "From the Helian Dynasty?"

Shen Sha didn't answer, but stared deeply at the black shadow that had gone far into the sky and could no longer catch up, feeling that her body was about to freeze.

"No need to chase."

"What did you say?" Xuanyuan Zhongzhou froze for a moment, but glanced at the invisible eagle, and silently tightened the reins.

Others also followed up one after another, but no one dared to speak out when they saw the situation in front of them.

Dijun's appearance is terrifying.

"Dijun, who is it?" Xuanyuan Yi frowned and asked after holding back for a while.

"Helian formula."

Shen Sha jumped off the car, lifted the curtain with one hand, and saw Wuwu huddled in a corner, with a silver needle on his neck.He pulled out the silver needle, and Wuwu immediately jumped up.

Seeing him, Wuwu shrank his head slightly, then raised his head again, "Woooo! Woooo!"

Shen Sha's eyes were like a pool of ice water, "Can you catch up?"

Wuwu hesitated for a moment, but immediately yelled and nodded, like a soldier expressing his determination.


"Woohoo!" Known for its speed, it was stunned by a single needle and snatched away its owner. This is really unbearable for pigs and foxes!
Wuwu jumped out of the carriage all of a sudden, transformed into a streamer of purple silver, and flew out at a speed several times faster than before.

"That's it." Chen Xiang looked at it in shock and shot it out of sight, "Liu Guang Ziyun Fox's speed really lives up to its reputation. Husband, will Xiao Qi be okay?"

Xuanyuan Yi pondered for a while and said: "It should be fine, back then" Prince Helian was the one who wanted to marry the little princess of the Xuanyuan royal family back then, and it was Helianjue?

Shen Sha lifted and dropped a note in the carriage with two fingers, and there were only a few words on it.

"See you at the Lou family cemetery."

When he moved his five fingers, the note turned to ashes and fell from between his fingers.

"Second Uncle and Auntie, get in the carriage." Xuanyuan Yi and Chen Xiang looked at each other and got on the carriage. It was the first time they heard Shen Sha's cold voice. Before Lou Qi was there, although he looked very indifferent , but not so frozen to death, the current him makes Chen Xiang's heart tremble.

They didn't know that Shen Sha, who hadn't met Lou Qi before, had always been like this.

Lou Qi melted at least [-]% of the frost on his body, but now that [-]% of the frost has returned.

Xuanyuan Zhongzhou also jumped up, the team moved forward at full speed, how could anyone want to rest?
Chen Shi and Lou Xin were riding on the horse, and their complexion was also as dark as ink. Lou Xin cursed secretly: "Fuck me!"

They happened to be parallel to the carriage of Yin Yaofeng and the others, the curtains of the carriage were lifted, and Qiu Qingxian asked them with a worried face: "Is the queen all right?"

"Of course it will be fine." Chen Shi's voice was extremely steady.

Lou Xin glanced into the car, Yin Yaofeng just looked out, and his eyes fell on Chen Shi's face.He couldn't help saying: "Miss Yaofeng, the queen will be fine."

Yin Yaofeng's gaze turned around, with a serious expression on his face: "Of course I know." The queen is so powerful, how could something happen?

But Er Ling on the side kept wiping away tears, sobbing and said: "Your Majesty is not afraid if she is awake, but Your Majesty is in a coma now, what if that bad guy does something to her?"

Her heart is about to be pulled into a ball. Here, her thoughts and ideas are the most traditional and conservative. When everyone believes in Lou Qi's ability, she thinks not only about Lou Qi's life, but also about her. innocence.

The person who kidnapped her was a man, and Lou Qi would be in a coma for two days, if that man did something to her, wouldn't it ruin her innocence?
It seems that the emperor and empress haven't consummated the house yet. If the empress is really innocent, would the emperor still want her?Thinking of this, Er Ling's tears flowed even more fiercely.

Xiaosi sighed and said, "Okay, Er Ling, don't cry, I can't stand your crying."

"Aunt Silk."

The more she talked, the more Er Ling cried.

In the wind and lightning, in the first carriage, Shen Sha was asking Xuanyuan Yi in a deep voice, "What's so special about the Lou family cemetery?"

Hearing him suddenly ask this, Xuanyuan Yi frowned slightly: "He Lianjue made an appointment with you in Lou's cemetery?"


"I'm not very clear about the Lou family's cemetery, but I remember my elder brother once said that once he accidentally broke into a place in the Lou family, Mrs. Lou almost fell out with him. I don't know if it belongs to the Lou family. cemetery,"

Xuanyuan Chongzhou said: "No matter where it is, we also broke into it. It just so happens that we are also going to Lou's house to save Huantian."

magic sky
When did you get so close?
Shen Sha was not in the mood at this time, but said coldly: "Then go at full speed, who will stop—" His hostility was all emitted, "Kill without mercy."

The eagle swooped down, and when it was about to approach the ground, the man hugged Lou Qi and jumped down lightly, landing silently.The moon-white robe, the whole person is like the quiet moonlight, clean and light.

Beside the beautiful mountain forest, an ordinary and inconspicuous carriage suddenly stopped on the official road. The two sat on the shaft and jumped off immediately when they heard the sound.

"Master." Tsing Yi stepped forward, trying to reach out to pick up the sleeping woman, but the other side turned her body to avoid it.

"Ben Wang carried her into the carriage, and we are on our way now." He Lianjue carried Lou Qi into the carriage with his arms in his arms.The carriage looked inconspicuous from the outside, but the inside was obviously well-decorated, with thick cushions and faint incense burning in the corners.

He put Lou Qi inside, seeing her ignorant and continuing to sleep, suddenly raised the corners of his lips slightly. "Hehe, I suddenly can't wait to see what you will look like when you wake up and find me."

His three fingertips touched Lou Qi's pulse lightly, but he sighed after a while, "How did you make yourself so empty? It seems that that man doesn't necessarily value you."

No matter what he said, Lou Qi naturally didn't know anything and couldn't respond, she fell asleep quietly, her breathing was low but steady, as if she was sleeping soundly.

He Lianjue looked at her for a while, then pulled the quilt for her, and sat down by himself, suddenly coughed twice, and his blood surged.

"Master, how are you?" Tsing Yi asked worriedly from outside.

He Lianjue suppressed the turbulence, and said lightly: "It's okay. It's just that there were some minor injuries from the forced control of the beast before."

This was part of his plan, but fortunately, the goshawk finally helped him accomplish the task, but it was a pity that he was not really good at controlling beasts, so when he got here, there was no way for the eagle to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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