Your heart is free

Chapter 611 The Sacred Valley Opens the Finale

Chapter 611 The Sacred Valley Opens the Finale
Lou Qi was about to jump up, but suddenly it split under her body, and it was too late for her to get up again, and her body lost weight and fell down.

"Qi Qi!"

"Little Seven!"


Several cries sounded at the same time, Lou Qi looked up and saw several figures flying towards her, without hesitation, they all jumped towards her, including the little Ziyun Fox.

Flying down, they flew down together.

Mrs. You, who was left with only a broken body, even took a breath and rolled down.

"The gate of the Sacred Valley has finally opened."

Lin Zijun helped the old master of the Holy Immortal Palace to his feet, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, "Quickly, send a message to the Patriarch of the White Witch, and then get everyone in the palace to let them go down the ladder to the Sacred Valley."

Lin Zijun was already in a daze.Hearing his words, I couldn't help asking: "Palace Master, is this how the Sacred and Sacred Valleys are opened? Don't you need the key of the White Witch Clan?"

The old palace master of the Holy Immortal Palace sighed long, "People in the world don't know that the Sacred Valley was sealed in the year when Xuanyuan and Emperor Shen's accidents happened one after another, and the whereabouts of the key of the Sacred Valley is unknown. The key must have appeared"

"But the disciple didn't see any of them carrying the key."

"The key of the moonlight does not need to be brought to the Sacred Valley, but it can be combined into the key of medicinal energy if it comes into contact with the medicinal key of the spring heart. If I guess correctly, Lou Qi is the body of the medicinal key."

Lou Qi and the others still don't understand at this time.

In fact, the moonlight-like big jade key was not used as they imagined.

Of course, no one knows that the people of the Baiwu tribe are at the other end behind the holy fairy mountain, because the way of birth is different, and not all members of the Baiwu tribe are eligible to enter the holy valley, so they only know that the holy valley is far away from the sacred mountain. The Sacred Immortal Mountain is close, but they don't know that the Sacred Valley and the Sacred Immortal Mountain are actually together.

"The Sacred Valley is open, only the roads that were closed before, to really enter the Sacred Valley, it depends on Lou Qi." The old palace master of the Holy Immortal Palace looked at the chaotic sky, and a trace of bloody tears suddenly flowed from his eyes .

"Palace Master."

Lou Qi and the others have been falling for a long time, but in fact they reached the bottom very quickly.

They fell to the slope first. The slope was covered with soft dry grass. The grass was very long, slippery and dense. It didn't hurt at all when they fell on it, but just like a sliding rug, they couldn't stop the speed of sliding. Roll down hard.

"Qi Qi!"

Shen Sha raised his breath fiercely, his body sank, and he accelerated the speed of chasing towards Lou Qi.Lou Qi gritted his teeth and swung the whip, but it was too late to see it in the fast rolling. Fortunately, Dijun's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, so he grabbed the end of the whip with one hand, pulled hard, shortened the distance between the two, and finally pulled her away again. into his arms.

Lou Qi obviously felt that he was relieved.

In this kind of place, at this kind of time, the only thing Shen Sha is afraid of is not being able to be with Lou Qi, not being able to see her, hug her, and stand side by side with her.

"You guys can show your affection at this time!" Lou Huantian also rolled down and yelled unbearably.

All the guards who followed were sweating a little, at this time.
Why do I still have the urge to laugh?
"Sha, I have a feeling that my heart is beating faster." Lou Qi was tightly protected by Shen Sha, with her face pressed against his hot chest, she could also hear his heart beating faster than usual.

"This emperor is with you." Shen Sha hugged her even tighter.

With a muffled bang, they fell to the bottom first.

Immediately afterwards, there were several muffled sounds in succession, and everyone rolled down.

Shen Sha took the lead to stand up with Lou Qi in her arms, and with a glance, she saw Mrs. You not far away, lying on the ground with only her hands and feet left, her body was stained with blood, but it was obvious that she was still alive.

The scourge has been around for thousands of years, maybe what she said is exactly what she said.

Yun and Yue glanced at each other, and at the same time looked at Shen Sha. "Dijun, go down and take her down."

Shen Sha shook his head, "No, let her live for now."

It's good that this person is not dead now, they can see her situation directly, if she dies, who knows if she is really dead, or whose body was taken away?

Lou Qi glanced at her, "It should be that Shigong's bone staff has a mystery, she can't be a demon for the time being."

The bone stick in the old palace lord's hand was something that she was in awe of when she saw it. She didn't know what it was, but the Holy Immortal Palace must have some treasures of the palace.And dragon saliva, what exactly is it?
Why did Mrs. You separate out the soul-destroying puppet, but she has been hiding in this Saint Immortal Palace?Are you really looking for dragon saliva?Her disease really needs ambergris?
Or, had she been waiting for this place to open?
At this time, Wuwu suddenly cried out.


Lou Qi and the others looked towards it.

This place is like a small canyon, with that kind of grass everywhere, although it is dry, it is still exceptionally soft and shiny, like silk and satin to the touch.The wind came from nowhere, and the grass swayed wave after wave, which looked wonderful.But not far in front of them, there is a bare place where not a single blade of grass grows, the width of the two parallel, winding forward, is a road among the grass waves.

In the middle of the road, there is a red plant that is very conspicuous.

After whining twice, he rushed towards the plant.But Lou Qi rolled towards it with a whip, and pulled it back.

"That's dragon saliva."

It was Lou Huantian who spoke.

Everyone was stunned.

"Brother, how do you know?"

Lou Huantian pointed at Mrs. You.

Madam You was actually using one hand and one foot to support her broken body and crawled towards the plant, a long trail of blood trailed out from behind her body.

"Dragon Saliva, Dragon Saliva, it turns out that Dragon Saliva is at the gate of the Sacred Valley. Dragon Saliva is mine, it's mine!"

She muttered in her mouth, ignored everyone, and crawled towards Longxie.

Yun Yijian stabbed the ground in front of her, blocking her way. "What do you want dragon saliva for?"

"Go away! Ants!"

Madam You suddenly burst out with energy, the energy was so strong that the sword that was thrusting into the ground by Yun was broken inch by inch.Yun was also shaken and flew several meters before falling.

When everyone was horrified by her outburst at this time, she slapped the ground with one hand, her body has already shot towards the dragon's saliva, and she opened her mouth to bite the plant.


In a hurry, he broke free from Lou Qi's arms and slammed into her like lightning.

Madam You almost bit the plant, but was hit by Wuwu, and her mouth was bitten empty. She was furious, and grabbed Wuwu with one hand, "I killed you little bastard!"


Wuwu opened his mouth wide and bit down on her finger fiercely.

Lou Qi's soul-killing whip had arrived, wrapped around her waist, and threw her out.With a bang, Madam You fell heavily to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.Wuwu just opened his mouth at this time.


He spit out two severed fingers.

It jumped on her face in disgust and stomped on her face a dozen times.

"Okay, woo woo." Lou Qi stopped drinking it, walked to the side of the dragon saliva, and knelt down to inspect it.Only then did she smell a faint fragrance.

"Old Taoist once said that if he has the ability to let me eat dragon saliva, then I should be able to eat it." I just don't know what is the use of eating this thing.

"Don't eat indiscriminately."

Shen Sha was about to pull her up, when Lou Qi's expression suddenly changed, a huge suction came from the end of the path, so strong that she felt that she was about to fly out.


Shen Sha also felt it, and his face changed as well, and he grabbed her hand tightly.

With a bang, the two were sucked out at the same time, but before that, Lou Qi subconsciously pulled up the dragon saliva with his other hand.

"Emperor! Empress!"

"Little Seven!"


Everyone, a fox, didn't feel any suction. Seeing them flying out, their expressions changed drastically, and they rushed to catch up.But after running for a while, they felt that their movements had slowed down, and their bodies seemed to slowly start to stiffen.

"Get out!"

Behind, the old palace lord had brought someone to chase after him, and when he saw this, he yelled hastily. "Back! Get out!"


Lou Huantian saw that something was wrong, so he stretched out his hand and grabbed Chen Shi who was closest to him.

No, no.They couldn't just rush over like this, otherwise they would not have saved Xiao Qi and the others, and might have dragged them back.

Everyone stepped out of that range, and the feeling of stiffness disappeared, but they all broke out in a cold sweat.

"Palace Master, what is that place? What's going on? Xiao Qi and the others flew in, what should we do?"

In desperation, Lou Huantian grabbed the old Palace Mistress and asked urgently.

"Don't worry, Lou Qi is the medicine spoon, she will go in without incident. She is the Crown Prince of the Shen family."

Yue Shen said: "Since this is the case, with the emperor and empress here, the emperor must be safe and well." On this point, they now 100% believe in Lou Qi.

"How did Xiaoqi become a medicine spoon? The medicine spoon of the Sacred Valley?"

"That's right." The old palace lord glanced at Mrs. You, who was only breathless on the ground, walked over, closed her eyes, raised the bone stick in her hand, stabbed her back hard, and nailed her to the ground .


Madam You let out a scream.

The old palace lord took two steps back, lowered his eyes, "Everything is false."

"Forget about this monster! Let's talk about Xiaoqi first?" Lou Huantian asked anxiously.

"In the dark, she is destined to open the Sacred Valley. If their luck is strong enough, they may escape unscathed and find the person they are looking for, otherwise."

"Otherwise what?" Everyone asked in unison anxiously.

"Otherwise, you will be like Empress Shen, Xuanyuan Zhanhuang."

Lou Huantian took a deep breath. "You mean, they will also be banned in the Sacred Valley, maybe they won't be able to come out for decades?"

"Look at the luck."

Shit of luck.

Lou Huantian went crazy, "Think of a way, we have to go in!"

"Yes, we're all going in."

Yue, Chen Shi and others stood up at the same time.

"Even if you are locked in the Sacred Valley and cannot get out for the rest of your life?" asked the old palace lord.


Everyone responded in unison without any hesitation.

"My Baiwu Clan's Sacred Valley, did you just enter as soon as you said it! Who took the key?" On the other side, several people rushed over.

"The Patriarch of the White Witch." Lin Zijun called out.

"Whatever patriarch you are, the Sacred Valley has changed, it's your turn to take care of it now!" Lou Huantian waved his hand and ordered someone to stop them.

"Now we are going to enter the valley, whoever stops and kills whoever!" Lou Huantian's eyes turned red anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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