Chapter 612
Lou Qi and Shen Sha didn't know what was going on outside.

In front of them, a huge rock that almost touched the sky was printed in their eyes like a barrier.

The closer they got, the stronger the suction, and the faster they flew over.

Lou Qi opened his eyes wide, "This is the rhythm that will kill us!"


At the last moment, Shen Sha hugged her and spun violently, shifting the two of them out of position. He held her in his arms and turned his back to the stone wall.

With a loud bang, Shen Sha's back hit the stone wall heavily.


The strong impact caused his blood to surge, and his throat felt sweet, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Lou Qi was shocked, and immediately pulled out a Shenshui catfish and stuffed it into his mouth. "have eaten."

Fortunately, she has a divine water catfish, and fortunately, Shen Sha's poisonous Gu has been cured.

"I'm fine." Shen Sha swallowed the elixir, but still felt the suction force, he hugged Lou Qi tightly, and looked at the little fox on her shoulder.


Wuwu said that it didn't know what was going on, but there was a familiar aura here, a nostalgic aura.

"So hot."

Lou Qi said suddenly.

They are now like two pieces of iron, tightly attracted by a magnet, unable to move up and down, and if they want to move, they can only move slowly against the stone wall bit by bit.

Looking up and down, there are smooth and straight stone walls, so spectacular that it makes people tremble.I don't know if it's artificial or natural.

Shen Sha was thinking of a way, but Lou Qi suddenly felt hot all over her body, as if she had a sudden high fever, and her head began to feel dizzy. At the same time, it was as if something was crazily absorbing her spirit and energy. She feels like a power bank.


Ziyunhu jumped onto Shen Sha's shoulder all of a sudden, blinking at Lou Qi with frightened little eyes.It was hot, so hot that it was on her shoulder and its claws were almost cooked.It blinked and looked at Shen Sha again, it was so hot, and he still hugged it so tightly, could it bear it?
"Qiqi, hold on, I will take you down."

Shen Sha gritted his teeth, and slapped the stone wall behind with his backhand. He thought that he would be able to bounce back, and even if the two of them fell from mid-air, they would be trapped on the stone wall.

But he didn't expect that with his slap, the palm of his hand seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, soft and weak, and his hand seemed to be sunk instead.

"Woooo!" Wuwu realized this, and was a little excited. Regardless of 21, he slammed into the stone wall.


Shen Sha hadn't finished cursing it, but saw that its whole body had sunk into the stone wall, and disappeared from his sight all of a sudden.

This is, went in?

Dijun was a little stunned.

"Sacred Valley." Lou Qi was dizzy, "Behind is the Sacred Valley."

Why did the Baiwu tribe open the Sacred Valley for people to enter? Looking at the situation now, the Sacred Valley has already changed.They didn't have the key with them, so how could they get in?
"Go in and talk."

In this case, they can only go in.No matter what kind of dragon pond and tiger lair it is inside, their father is inside.

Shen Sha hugged Lou Qi and bumped into it backwards.

The body is like being submerged in gentle water.

A burst of coolness.

Before I can fully feel it, the scenery has changed.

A large piece of green, soft grass, boundless and boundless.

The blue sky and white clouds are as clear as the eyes of a three-year-old child.

Sacred Valley?This is the Sacred Valley?

A large grassland with nothing?

This is impossible.


Dijun's butt was a little itchy, Ziyunhu Wuwu looked at him pitifully, hey, hey!You are sitting on my tail!

For the first time in his life, Shen Sha felt a little embarrassed.

He stood up with his arms around Lou Qi, suddenly startled, "You're not hot anymore."

Just now, Lou Qi's whole body was so hot that it was about to smoke, but it stopped being hot when he came in. Not only was it not hot, but now there was still some ice. Through the thin cotton clothes, he could feel the cold on her body, so he couldn't help but hug her even tighter. .

"I'm dizzy and sleepy, let me sleep for a while."

Lou Qi couldn't even open her eyes, she felt that she was so weak now that she was even more tired than being pressed and tossed by a certain emperor for three days.

"Qiqi, don't sleep, your situation is not quite right." Shen Sha patted her cheek, but found that after only a short while, Lou Qi had already fallen into a half-drowsy state.

He was startled suddenly, and hugged her horizontally, but Lou Qi still didn't forget to look for the angle, shrank into his arms, rubbed against her, and found the most comfortable position.

Shen Sha was flustered and felt a little funny, shook her, and was about to wake her up again, when there was a sudden storm in front of her eyes, a strong wind was raging, almost without any reason, I don't know where it came from, and people were caught off guard Suddenly there was a gust of wind.


Wuwu jumped onto Shen Sha's shoulder all at once.

Shen Sha's eyes flickered slightly, and his ears moved almost invisibly.He could clearly hear the whistling of the wind mixed with slight friction sounds, a sound as cold as iron.

But if you look closely, the grass waves are wave after wave, and the grass is green, and you can't see anything at all.

"Be careful." He said to Wuwu who was squatting on his shoulder, then carried Lou Qi on his back, whipped her soul-killing whip, and tied her tightly to him.Wuwu dog-legged to help bite a whip, and tightened it. "Woo hoo."

Please let it continue to squat on the shoulders.

"call out."


There were two different sounds, and immediately after that, two bumps suddenly bulged on the large grassland in front, as if something was moving rapidly underground, and soon a trace was formed, and the grass was turned up.

"Wooooo." Ziyunhu pricked up his ears and stared vigilantly.

"This emperor never likes to be passive, let's go."

Shen Sha carried Lou Qi on her back, supported her in one hand, and held the blood-drinking sword in the other, and walked towards the grassland.

After only a few steps, there was another change in front of my eyes. The grassland was still there, but it was no different from the green grass and waves just now. Looking at it now, the large grassland was covered with towering and thick kudzu vines. , entangled in one piece.It's like a giant kudzu forest.

He only paused for a moment and then continued to move forward. With a hiss, he suddenly felt a little cold on the top of his head. He immediately sprang up with a whimper, and bit the snake with a thick wrist that was hanging down with his mouth.


Shen Sha raised his sword upwards, cut the snake in half, squinted at Wuwu and said, "Idiot, you bite the poisonous snake too?"


It's such a smart and quick-witted purple cloud fox, why does the emperor like to call it a fool?
Can you protest?
But when he received Dijun's contemptuous gaze, Wuwu shrank back, automatically and consciously reducing his sense of existence.

The entire Sacred Valley is estimated to be a huge phantom array.

This is the conclusion Shen Sha reached after walking for a while. What's even more frightening is that the phantom array is obviously constantly changing.

"Qi Qi."

As he walked forward, he tried to wake Lou Qi up, but when he found that her body was getting colder and colder, his heart immediately became chaotic.

"Qiqi! Wake up quickly."

An anxious look appeared between Shen Sha's brows, and just as he was about to put her down, the kudzu vine forest suddenly seemed to "live".

Those kudzu vines with thick forearms all pulled towards them, dancing like octopus with teeth and claws.The sound of whistling can be heard endlessly, and occasionally there are poisonous snakes peeking at the opportunity, flying over from time to time, with their mouths open and fangs exposed, ready to bite them at any time.

Shen Sha waved the blood-drinking sword and cut dozens of kudzu vines, but the kudzu vines here seemed to be endless. Immediately come out with mouth and claws.

But just when they were about to leave the dense kudzu vine forest, there was a sudden vibration in the ground, and two huge black shadows flew out, shaking their sides in the air, splashing out big lumps of mud, and it hurt to hit them .

Shen Sha turned around abruptly, protecting Lou Qi behind her.

The two monsters fell back to the ground heavily, with two muffled bang bangs, shaking his feet again.

When he saw the appearance of the two monsters clearly, Shen Sha, who had experienced countless winds and rains and seen many strange beasts, couldn't help but gasped.

They were two huge unknown beasts, huge in size, like two hills, covered with scales. Although the scales were covered with mud, the exposed parts could still be seen to be extremely hard.Compared with their bodies, their heads are small and pointed, with sharp thorns on the top of their heads, and their eyes are very small. One is red and the other is dark green, and they have heterochromatic pupils.

Although there was still some distance between them, Shen Sha could already smell a strange smell coming from them.

These two beasts with different pupils were walking slowly towards him, and Shen Sha found that their eyes had been staring at his waist.He lowered his eyes and found that it was the dragon saliva that Lou Qi was holding tightly in his hand.

She had already passed out, but she still didn't forget to hold on to the dragon saliva.

Shen Sha clearly felt the threat from these two beasts with different pupils.

I thought there was going to be a fierce fight.He clenched the blood-drinking sword tightly.


It was the cry of the beast with different pupils.

This voice was roaring towards Shen Sha, he couldn't help taking a step back, and even felt a splitting headache.

"Damn." What kind of attack is this?
"Clang! Clang! Clank!"

The two beasts with different pupils yelled at him at the same time.

It was as if countless flying knives were flying towards Shen Sha's head, and it was inevitable that he could avoid it. The severe pain made his face turn pale suddenly, and he couldn't help but retreated three steps in a row.

"Ah! It hurts!"

The sleeping Lou Qi suddenly screamed.Shen Sha, who could bear it originally, panicked when he heard her scream, and the two beasts with different pupils roared again intensively at this moment.

Pain, endless pain, as if someone took a bayonet and stabbed them on the head, and then stirred vigorously.

Shen Sha gritted her teeth, and supported Lou Qi tightly with one hand, the scene in front of her was blurred and shaking.No, he can't fall, if he falls, they will all become the prey of these two different-eyed beasts!

At this moment, an intense clear howl and a clear spirit's long chant came through the air at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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