Your heart is free

Chapter 626 Extra Story 2 Missing Memory

Chapter 626

"Old man, what is this place? Why did I come here?"

"Here, this is Dragon Yin." A loving and old voice.

"Liar, Longyin is not like this at all. There are mountains, rivers, big trees, beautiful flowers, and small birds and butterflies. It's all yellow here, and there is nothing. It's not fun, it's not beautiful."

"Yeah, yeah, it's not fun, and it's not beautiful. This is not the same place as your original Dragons Continent, but it's still the same place. It's not far away. You must have fallen here for fun. here."

"Old man, I don't understand. I'm not playful either."

"Little girl, if you are not playful, why would you lose your soul and be taken advantage of by others? Well, don't ask too many questions, take good care of yourself with the elder father-in-law, and go back as soon as you are done, or your parents should I'm worried."

"But how do I go back?"

"You can go back when your soul is well-raised, and drive away the bad guys who took advantage of your loopholes. Come and meditate with the elder father."

Lou Qi finally reached the top floor, with a square platform, square columns, and no walls on all sides.The stone floor is cool and smooth.

Sitting cross-legged facing south, one old and one young.

The old man in a white robe with white hair and beard is thin and old. The little one is just a small bun. He wears a pink dress with round eyes.

That's her.

She was a little girl.

Lou Qi murmured, "Elder Grandfather."

It turned out that she came here when the crazy woman wore it on her body and squeezed her soul away.How can the little girl go back and regain her body?The truth is that she meditates and exercises with her elder husband every day here, which strengthens her soul and will.

Back then, the Eldest Grandpa led Longyin's people to find the reason why the world was decaying and lifeless.Because their survival has reached a difficult point.

The water source is very precious, and there are guards guarding it, and each person can only get a little bit every day.Food is equally precious, whether it is vegetables, fruits or meat, it is very rare.

Their main food is the roots of trees buried deep in the soil, grass roots, crushed and added to a very resistant grain.

But the strange thing is that the IQs of the people here are extremely high. In modern times, they are all geniuses.

The smartest people joined forces, elected a group of elders, and worked hard to study what is the reason for the environment of relying on Jackie Chan and how it can be improved.

It was also they who accidentally discovered the distortion of time and space, and the hole in time and space.For the first time, they saw another landscape of mountains and rivers in Longyin Continent, full of greenery and vitality.

Later, during years of research and observation, I had many opportunities to see the mountains and rivers of Sifang Continent.That is another world not far away from them. The reason why they are not far away is because the hole in time and space makes them feel that there is nothingness and chaos between the two worlds. As long as they find the weakest point, as long as they If they find a material medium, they will be able to transfer some of the products of the world over there bit by bit.

Such as streams, such as trees, such as flowers, such as grains.

Of course, they also tried, wanting to leave this Dragon Yin directly and go to that vibrant world, but two people who volunteered to explore the way died one after another, and they dared not try again.

Later, there was her grandfather, the only one who returned without incident in the past.

For the sake of his people, he must tell what he saw and heard there.He said, except that he met a woman and had a child with her.

The dream suddenly changed.

By a water source.

The clear water glows with microwaves, but this is just a small pool.From the light blue moss on the stones at the edge, it can be seen that the water level has dropped a lot.

The handsome and impeccable man was sitting by the water with a dried herb in his hand, his eyes were confused.

"Grandpa, Grandpa!" The little bun Qiqi jumped into his arms.

"Xiao Qi, remember, you can't call me grandpa when there are people."


"Because of people's hearts."

Because the human heart is greedy.They have exhausted generations of efforts to understand all this and find a solution. Originally, they just wanted to let the clansmen have food and drink.But when he came back and described the vastness of the world, the richness of the products, and the magnificence of the mountains and rivers over there, some people became dissatisfied.

There, it should be theirs.

The magnificent country should belong to them!
Where there is controversy, there is division.Those people were divided into two groups, one group advocated not to hurt people and not to invade the world over there, it is best not to let them know the existence of Dragon Yin here, everyone maintains a balance and lives in peace.They only need to "borrow" some landscape species.

The other faction has been secretly studying a special substance.

"It's a terrible thing. If it is fully developed, both sides will be in chaos."

"Grandpa, what is that? Is it edible?"

"Haha, my little fool, you know how to eat. If you can't eat it, grandpa tells you that if you encounter that thing in the future, you must never touch it. If you accidentally touch it and can't escape, then..."

Speaking of this, Lou Qi suddenly felt that someone shook her, and she had obvious signs of waking up.Lou Qi became anxious immediately, trying hard to enter the dreamland again, after listening to that sentence, that is the most important thing, the most important thing!

But her own dreams are beyond her control.

She still woke up.


Shen Sha frowned when she heard her suddenly muttering for grandpa, and glanced at Wuwu.It actually followed by itself, and suddenly rushed towards Lou Qi, rubbing against her.


Huwu took pitiful steps back a little.

"Qiqi?" Shen Sha thought she was having a nightmare, so she gently shook her.

Lou Qi opened his eyes, and was so depressed that he grabbed the clothes on his chest, and said viciously, "Who is harassing me?"

Wuwu immediately backed away quietly, lowered her head, and tried very hard to reduce her sense of existence.But how could Shen Sha take the pot by himself, glanced at it without thinking, and said in a deep voice: "Little fox, what should I do for waking up Qi Qi?"

"Huh?" Lou Qi shot the knife with a glance: "Huh?"

Wuwu didn't dare to retreat any more, turned around a few times, but still had no choice but to approach Lou Qi. "Woo, woo woo!"

It scratched her leg and kept barking.Lou Qi originally wanted to teach it a lesson, but the more it looked more and more wrong, he sat up straight from Shen Sha's arms, "What's wrong? Are you trying to tell me something?"

"woo woo woo woo!"

Wuwu bit her skirt.

Lou Qi and Shen Sha looked at each other.Where it seems to be taking them.


Shen Sha helped Lou Qi up, put her arms around her waist, "I will lead you away first." She rested as long as she could.

Seeing that they understood what it meant, Wuwu immediately ran out.What surprised Lou Qi and Shen Sha was that it completely let go of its speed, like a silver-purple lightning shot very far away.

Without hesitation, Shen Sha led Lou Qi to follow immediately.

And Xuanyuan Zhan happened to see their figures, frowned, and before he could call other people who were resting with their eyes closed, his figure flickered, and he followed them out.

It was still raining heavily.

But with Shen Sha's skill, he can already use his skills to block the rain, but it only consumes more internal energy.So he just used his skills to protect Lou Qi from the rain, while he let the heavy rain wash away.

Wuwu is very sensitive when walking through the rain curtain in the mountains and forests.

Xuanyuan Zhan chased after them, overtook them, and got a little ahead of them, protecting Lou Qi—if he found something wrong, he could stop immediately.

Running in the rain, at their speed, they can go a long way in the blink of an eye.By the time they realized something was wrong, there was already a tumbling deep black mist in front of them.

The heavy rain poured down, and the black mist billowed up, covering everything in front of the eyes in large swaths, which made people tremble.There is a small river between the black mist and them. The river is not wide. As long as a branch is thrown in the middle, the three of them can use their strength to cross.

At this moment, the raindrops are densely hitting the river, and the rustling sound of the rain is very clear, but for some reason, the other side of the river seems to be very empty. The sound of space.

"Whoa, stop!"

Lou Qi shouted anxiously.

Wuwu actually wanted to jump into the river.

It is fast, but it cannot cross the river.

When Wu Wu heard her voice, she braked suddenly, because her speed was too fast, she almost fell into the river.Xuanyuan scooped it up with his hands, and picked it up.

"What is this little thing doing?"


Xuanyuanzhan lifted it up and looked at it, Wuwu waved his paw in front of his eyes, "Woooooo!"

"Someone who can speak fox language"

"You don't need to speak fox language, I understand." Lou Qi patted Shen Sha's hand lightly to signal to let her go first, Shen Sha held her hand instead, and continued to use his skills to protect her from the rain.

Xuanyuan Zhan immediately came over, "My little Qi is smart! What do you know?"

"There's something in this river."

Shen Sha and Xuanyuan Zhan were startled.

have something?what's in the riverShen Sha reacted, and said in a deep voice: "You mean, something that blocks the progress of the black mist?"

"Yes, or something that can restrain the black mist!" Lou Qi became excited, and looked at Xuanyuan Zhan, "Father, I dreamed about my grandfather! He once told me when I was young that these things must not be used. Come across it, but if you do, and you can't run away, then..."

I'm still very depressed and just woke up from the dream just when I said the most important words.

"At once?"

"I was shaken awake." Lou Qi glanced helplessly at Shen Sha, but found that he was looking at him nervously.

"what happened?"

"You met your grandfather when you were young? Did he talk to you?" Does it mean in a dream, or in reality?

Lou Qi nodded: "I've really seen it before, that is when that crazy woman snatched my body, in fact, I went to the world of my grandfather and the elders." Lou Qi suddenly remembered when he said this, After more than ten years, what happened to the eldest husband and the others?is he still alive
Is it possible that grandpa is not dead yet, but returned there?
(End of this chapter)

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