Your heart is free

Chapter 627 Part 3: Being Ripped into the Water

Chapter 627
If that's the case, maybe she can find a way to go there to find them and ask how to restrain the black mist.

Shen Sha and Xuanyuan Zhan looked at each other.

"Isn't it where you and your third uncle lived?" Xuanyuan Zhan asked.

Lou Qi shook his head: "No, it's another place." Between the universe, there may be an infinite number of spaces, and those who go back and forth through time and space holes have certain secrets
Lou Qi suddenly thought of Master, could the secret technique they mastered also be passed down by people from other dimensions?

"You are not allowed to think about it." Shen Sha suddenly interrupted her thoughts, Lou Qi raised her eyes and saw his dark face, she couldn't help being taken aback.

What is she thinking about?
"Don't try to travel through the hole in time and space again, you can't go anywhere, you still have our baby in your stomach." You may not come back after going, who dares to be 100% sure about this kind of thing?
Lou Qi was silent.

Uh, really know her.

"However, we should go down to the river to have a look, there must be something in the river." She said seriously.

"This emperor lets people go down." Shen Sha signaled.


At this moment, Wuwu yelled anxiously into the river.

Lou Qi frowned, took his hand out of Shen Sha's hand, walked closer to the river, and said, "Let me take a look first."

Before she could finish her sentence, a sharp piercing sound suddenly shot from behind her.

Shen Sha and Xuanyuan Zhan's expressions changed, and at the same time they flashed over to block Lou Qi, Xuanyuan Zhan slapped the hidden weapon with his palm.

The hidden weapon was hit by him, and it exploded in mid-air with a bang, emitting a large cloud of brown-yellow smoke.

Lou Qi was about to turn his head, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw something flashing in the black mist on the opposite bank, and he froze immediately.

"Woooo, woooo!" Wuwu became agitated again and wanted to rush into the river again.

"Wuuu, come back." Lou Qi grabbed it, and there was another sound of piercing through the air behind him, the hidden weapon flew over, and was blown away by Xuanyuan Zhan's palm again in the middle of the way, and brown and yellow smoke also came out.

"I'm going to get him out, be careful!" Xuanyuan Zhan was furious, flicking his sleeves, the man flew towards the direction where the hidden weapon was shot.

Lou Qi always had a strange feeling in her heart. She stared intently at the black mist on the other side, wanting to see if she would still see the shadow just now, but the more she looked at it, the more she felt that the black mist was like an evil monster that wanted to devour people. The ghostly atmosphere of hell makes people feel extremely uncomfortable.

She felt a little nauseous.

As soon as she lowered her eyes, she missed a few shadows in the black mist that were clearer than before, and they were clearly human figures.

"Qiqi, stay away from the river."

The rain did not know when it had stopped, Wuwu was held in Lou Qi's arms, still whimpering, looking like she really wanted to jump into the river.

Shen Sha quickly felt that something was wrong, he had already sent out the signal for a while, why didn't Yun and Chen Shi come?Not to mention all, no one came.

And the Xuanyuan Zhan who went to catch the person who shot the hidden weapon just now was gone.

Shen Sha's eyes flashed, feeling bad, and immediately reached out to pull Lou Qi who was standing by the water.

The accident happened at this moment.

An iron chain in the water suddenly broke through the water and flew out, wrapped around Lou Qi's ankle and dragged her hard.Lou Qi was feeling nauseous and a little retching, which really affected her speed and reaction, and she lost her level for the first time, and was suddenly dragged into the river.

"Qiqi!" Shen Sha's face changed drastically, and he jumped down without thinking.

Water splashes everywhere.

The icy water drowned them all at once.

Shen Sha tried her best to open her eyes, and saw Lou Qi raised her arms and threw Wu Wu up.

They don't know if Wuwu can water, but logically speaking, foxes can't.Lou Qi's first reaction was to save Wuwu first, so there was no time to cut off the iron chains around her ankles.

Originally, it was her who killed him.

And the iron chain was very long, and it was in the water, he could only see a shadow in front of him, moving fast.

This direction is towards the other side of the river.

There is black mist over there.

Shen Sha's heart was on fire, he pulled out the blood-drinking sword, his eyes were sharp, and with a throw of his hand, the blood-drinking sword broke through the water and shot towards the shadow in front of him.

At this time, Lou Qi had already thrown Wuwu out and came back to her senses. She saw the blood-drinking sword shooting past her, and she didn't know what happened, so she immediately reached out and grabbed it subconsciously. The blood-drinking sword was in his hand.

Shen Sha opened his eyes, anxious.

He used [-]% of his strength just now. Although there is resistance in the water, if he grabs the sword rashly, her hand will definitely be hurt!

"Qi Qi!"

Because Lou Qi's movements were too abrupt and unreasonable, Shen Sha only thought that she wanted to cut the iron chain with the blood-drinking sword.

Although they cannot speak in the water, they can transmit sound into secrets.

"Don't kill that person, I feel a little familiar!"

Lou Qi called out to him.

But there was only time to say this, because the speed of the other party was too fast, with a whoosh, Lou Qi had already been dragged across the river.

There should be someone responding there, but Shen Sha lost sight of them all at once.

No, there are still weird things in the river.

Otherwise, how could he not catch up, how could he not catch up.

Shen Sha saw that the calm in the water had returned, and he was the only one left, his heart almost exploded.

In front of his eyes, he even made Lou Qi disappear!
He even lost Lou Qi!
Such a fact made his eyes tear up.

He continued to swim forward angrily, but was soon grabbed by the arms of two people who were so strong that they dragged him to the surface of the water without any explanation.

Xuanyuan and Xuanyuan Huantian.

With a splash, Shen Sha was pulled out of the water by them.After breathing the air again, Shen Sha threw them away angrily, "I don't need to get out of the water to take a breath at this time!"

Chen Shi, Yue and others all came, and nearly ten guards got into the water, looking for Lou Qi.

Xuanyuan's face was serious, and when he heard his words, he couldn't help but patted his shoulder, and said angrily: "You pig, you are good at water, do you know that this river water is a bit weird?"

Shen Sha was startled, no one really dared to speak to him like this, except Qiqi.No wonder it was a stinky old man who had lived with Qiqi for more than ten years.

Naturally, he would not get angry because of this, but just tried to calm himself down.

He believed in Lou Qi, so he listened to Lou Qi's words just now, and there must be her reasons for Lou Qi's refusal to do anything.He believed that she would be fine for the time being, but
But believe it or not, if she made a mistake, he would go crazy.

What's more, now that she has twin bodies, it will definitely affect her kung fu. She has to protect the child in her stomach, and often she can't do her best.

"The river is icy."

Xuanyuan Huantian also had a condensed expression, they rushed over immediately after receiving the signal, but encountered some traps and obstacles on the way, when they arrived, they only saw Lou Qi being torn into the water from a distance, and Shen Sha jumped into the river after him scene.

When they rushed to the river, they happened to rescue Wuwu who was thrown out of the water.

"Smelly boy, it's just ice? Don't you think it's more difficult to swim in this water than in other waters?" Xuanyuan said, but couldn't help muttering, they were all stupid children, and they didn't even have his little ones. Seven smart.

"I don't care what's weird about this river, I'll find Qiqi immediately."

"Dijun, there is no one in the water."

Yue emerged from the water with an ugly expression on his face.

The time to hold one's breath in this river is shorter than in other waters, but after a while it becomes unbearable.

People came out of the water one after another.


"I can't find the empress."

"Not here."

Listening to these reports, Shen Sha's face was almost dripping with ink.

"Keep looking!"


Everyone dived into the water again.

Shen Sha looked at Xuanyuan Que: "Qiqi didn't let me do anything just now, saying that she felt a little familiar with him."

This is Qiqi's stinking old way, at this time, he should trust him, trust him the most.

Xuanyuan was stunned when he heard the words, and then laughed, "It's okay, then it's okay, Xiaoqi is the smartest, if she says she won't do it, she must know that there is no danger."


Shen Sha's face turned cold.

Being ripped into the water is already dangerous.She is different now!Sure enough, this stinky old man was unreliable, no wonder he always threw Qiqi out by himself.

Shen Sha gritted her teeth and immediately dived into the water.He finds it by himself, finds it by himself.

Xuanyuan Huantian glared at Xuanyuan, "You really have a big heart!"

After speaking, he also dived into the water.

Whether he is familiar with it or not, if he is caught, he will die!If his precious sister made a mistake, he would send troops to level this place and drain the river completely!
Everyone here is looking crazy, but Lou Qi has already got out of the water, she wiped her face, and immediately exercised her skills to keep out the cold.The river is very icy, and most people probably would have frozen to death after being in the water for so long.

Just now she just held her breath to avoid drowning, but she didn't move, she just let the opponent drag her forward, so as to maintain her strength.From Lou Qi's point of view, in this situation, it is better to follow the trend to break free, no matter how bad it is, how can you be helpless against the black mist?
The other party is not afraid of the black mist, and is still here to ambush, she always feels that it will be the key to the matter.

So, here we go.

I just don't know if the man is going crazy.

With Shen Sha's pride, it is absolutely unbearable for the woman he loves to be taken away under his nose.

Here are all strange rocks, growing out of the water.The light is dim, and the water vapor is heavy, as if it is in a crevice of a mountain wall next to a river.I couldn't hear any sound outside, it was very quiet, and water droplets dripped from the top from time to time, bringing a little bit of empty echo.

Where she was sitting, the water still covered the stones, but in front of her was a flat ground with clusters of growths that she had never seen before, nor had she seen it in the old man's book of foreign objects. spent flowers.

The person who pulled her was standing there, with a shake of his hand, the iron chain wrapped around her ankle was snapped back, he threw it casually, and hung it on a protruding stone on the front wall.

Then, the man stood there and looked at her quietly.

He was dressed in black, without any accessories on his body, and his hair was all tied up. Of course, his whole body was wet at the moment.

It was an ordinary face, so ordinary that you couldn't find any features, and it was easy to forget when you saw it.

Lou Qi was sure that he had never seen this face before.But what about that inexplicable sense of familiarity?

(End of this chapter)

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