Chapter 20
[Jin Longcong] (pasted) It was rainy and rainy all night, so delicate and sick.Immortals are less effective, but medicine is useless. "A frown is a frown, and a smile is a smile. If you don't frown and don't smile, it's a pity that you are young." Chunxiang served the young lady, and she was sick in spring until late autumn.Tonight is the Mid-Autumn Festival, rainy and bleak.The young lady became ill and pondered, waiting for me to help him entertain himself.It's exactly: "It's never raining on the Mid-Autumn Moon, but it's more worth the wind to shake the longevity lamp."
[Magpie Bridge Immortal] (on the post of Fubingdan) The hall of worshiping the moon is empty, surrounded by clouds.The bones are cold and afraid of becoming autumn dreams.What in the world seems to be full of love?The whole piece is heartbroken. (Dan) "The sound of the pillow knocking and leaking is incomplete. It's not difficult to die as if drunk. A piece of dark fragrance fascinates the rain at night, very thin and shy of autumn cold." Chunxiang, in a serious condition, I don't know when is it? (post) August and a half. (Dan) Hey, it's the Mid-Autumn Festival.Master, grandma, you are all worried about me, have you never enjoyed it? (Pass) This is no longer a problem. (Dan) I heard that Master Chen pushed my fate for me, and it will be the Mid-Autumn Festival.See if the condition worsens, it's not good tonight.You open the pavilion for me, how about the moonlight? (Paste the window open, Dan Wangjie)
[Ji Xianbin] (Dan) Hai Tianyou, ask where the ice toad springs up?The jade pestle is in the sky, who steals the medicine and presents Chang'e?Even the westerly wind blows dreams without a trace!When people come and go, they must not be picked by gods.In Meifeng, there is no ordinary pain in my heart. (Dan boring referral)
[Qianqiang] (post) Even in the spring, there is no reason to hang out and coax, and the fog and smoke are not exquisite.Calculating that human life is at stake, it will disappear until you are in a hurry!Who is it for, throwing it away with a pretty look?Wait for me to lie to him.Sister, it's the moon.The moon is empty, dare to break your dream. (Danwang sighs) "When it's time to look forward to the Mid-Autumn Festival, people will not be free when it comes to the Mid-Autumn Festival. The slave's life will not be illuminated by the lonely moon, and the rest of his life will rest in the rain tonight."

[Qianqiang] You are so good, who will benefit from the moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival?Cut the westerly wind, tears and rain phoenix trees.The skinny bones add to the weight.The Chengcheng period is the day after the mourning.The grass is cold, and the paper is scattered on the window crack. (Once stunned and fainted) Cold and loose, soft and hard to move. (Post startled introduction) Miss is cold.Ma'am please. (Lao Dan enters) "A hundred-year-old is less worried about her husband, but her daughter is very sick all her life." My son, how did you get sick? (post) Grandma, it’s not good, it’s not good. (Lao Dan) What's wrong!

[Front Chamber] Don't be wary of your dream gun in the back garden. If you don't know clearly and don't feel sleepy, you can't beat your head when you sleep. (crying) I wish I could ride the dragon early.Every night alone, kill me Cuijuanjuan and young phoenix alive.It's all in vain, it's here that the mother's life is lost.

[Singing Warbler] (Dan Xingjie) The yang spirit is very moving, making the melodious wind and horse ding-dong. (crying) Mother, thank you, son. (Bai Dianjie) Since childhood, the daughters who have been looked down upon are very valuable, and the filial piety of unfilial daughters will never end.Mother, this is the number in the sky.Today's flowers are in full bloom, and I hope that Xuan Chun will be presented again in the next life. (Everyone weeps) (jointly) hates the west wind, smashes green and red for no reason.

[Qianqiang] (Lao Dan) has no children, and is a charming woman, smiling and smiling in front of her mother.But an adult will send me off.I hate the old luck and the poor.Son, for a while, the moon will be straight and the years will be empty, and you will be relieved when you return. (He Qian) (Dan) Mother, your daughter is unfortunate, what should you do? (Old Dan) Ben you go back.Son!

[Yuyinger] (Dan Qijie) In the soul of the dream of traveling, I hope that the mountains of my family will be tens of thousands. (Lao Dan) will go far away. (Dan) Did you listen to the girl?There is a plum tree in the back garden, my son loves it.But bury me under the plum tree. (Lao Dan) How did this come about? (Dan) If you can't do it, you will live forever in the Gui Cave, and then you will be sent to the Plum Blossom Cave. (Lao Dan weeping) Seeing him holding his head up and tearing up, his heart sweating coldly, it's better for him to die than me first. (Co) Hate the sky, jealous of flowers and wind and rain, partial to the moonlight. (Lao Dan) also went to talk to his father, and also made a wide range of dojos.Son, "Silver toad smashes the medicine of the monarch and his ministers, and the paper horse burns the money of the mother and son again." (Dan) Chunxiang, can we have a day of rebirth?

[Qianqiang] (sighing) You obey when you make small things, and I fall in love with you.Chunxiang, you should be careful in serving your grandparents. (post) This is the time. (Dan) Chunxiang, I remember something.My handsome appearance is inscribed with poems, but its appearance is indecent.After burying me, I put a red sandalwood box and hid it at the bottom of Taihu Lake. (post) What is the Lord's intention? (Dan) A person with a soul and a pen and ink spring appearance, who knows how to be straight. (Pass) My sister is relieved.You are unlucky now, alone in the grave.Ken will take a breath and report to the master, but the surname is Mei and the surname is Liu Xiucai. It is not beautiful to recruit one and live and die together! (Dan) I'm afraid I can't wait.Ouch, Ouch! (Post) How to attack the root of this disease, how to find a doctor? (Dan) Chunxiang, after I die, you often call me before the spiritual tablet. (Post) He said one star that he hurt us very much. (Closed before) (Dan Huan Jie) It's bad, it's bad, grandpa and grandma come quickly!

[Reminiscing Yinger] (Wai, Laodan on) Three drums, full of worries.The window light is not red in the cold rain.I heard rumors from the waiter that the girl is seriously ill. (pasting weeping) My miss, miss! (Waiter and Lao Dan weep together) My son, you will end your life, and I will be poor.At first, I only hoped to send my parents off. (Together) Hate in a hurry, traces of the waves, the wind cuts the jade hibiscus. (Once wake up) (External) Wake up quickly!Son, dad is here. (Dan Zuo sees the foreign agent) Oh, daddy help me to the middle hall. (External) Help you too, son. (Fusuke)

[End] (Dan) I am afraid that the wind of the fifth watch that will not reach the top of the tree and the bottom of the tree is the same as the heartbroken monument next to my small grave.Dad, tonight is the Mid-Autumn Festival. (External) It's Mid-Autumn Festival, son. (Dan) Banned the night of rain. (Sighing) How can the moonset and rebirth lights be red again! (and down) (pasting and crying) My lady, my lady, "Unpredictable things happen in the sky, and there are fortunes and misfortunes in people." My lady died of an illness in spring.Painfully killed my master and my grandma.Dear judges, what's wrong!Wait for me to cry for a while.

[Red Cloak] Miss, don’t tell us to burn the leader’s incense heart, don’t tell us to hand over the red tears from the flower lantern, don’t tell us to twist flowers and turn our eyes to sing birds, don’t tell us to turn our mirrors and shoulders to order crimson peaches with you .Thinking of you putting down the scissors in the middle of the night, Xiaoqing is in front of the painting.When I mentioned that Chunrong, I was seen by the master. I was afraid that my grandma would be hurt, so I paid for her to be buried.I think that the lady's dying words are still relying on Hushan Shier, for fear that someone who picks up greenery will come to sell the painting.Old aunt, you are here too. (On the net) You cry well, and I will help you too.

[Qianqiang] Sister Chunxiang, I won't teach you how to play flute with warm lips. (post) for this. (Jing) I won't hang out with you and play grass with you. (paste) is. (Jing) Miss Chunxiang is not here, and Miss Chunxiang is also somewhat relaxed. (paste) How do you know? (Jing) I don’t want you to chatter about being hot and cold anymore, and I don’t want you to sleep late at night and wake up early. (Pass) I'm used to it. (Net) There is also a place to save gas.Chicken eyes don't need you to be picky with your mouth, and horses don't need you to fall down with your nose. (Post spit introduction) (Jing) There is one more thing, the young lady is young and has no time to make something, then old lady, it is inevitable to discount your back garden. (post) Hugh nonsense!The old lady is here too. (Lao Dan cries) My dear son.

[Qianqiang] There are hundreds of encounters around your mother every day, but I don't see you smiling lightly in front of others.He memorized Ban Ji's "Four Commandments" from scratch, so as not to let Meng's mother get rid of her three times.I also worry that he is soft, slender and delicate. Who would have expected that he would be sick and fried. (crying) From now on, whoever calls his own mother will make a hundred inches of coke for every inch of liver and intestines. (Lao Dan is stunned and yells in alarm) Master, he killed grandma too.Come on, come on! (Crying outside) My son too, ah, it turns out that the lady is bored here.

[Qianqiang] Ma'am, it's not that you sit in the middle of nowhere, but I sit in court to repay my unjust karma.It's not as good as Lao Cang's husband and wife.It's impossible to hit Sailu and heal him.God, God, it looks like I am middle-aged with white hair, so why do you all disappear?See the small door lintel is folded!Ma'am, take care of yourself.Even if your heart is broken, you are afraid of your daughter. He hopes that the soul of the emperor will return and cannot be recruited. (Pretend to be the courtier ugly) "The old hatred in the world is gone, and the new grace in the sky is coming." Tell the master, the morning report will be promoted. (Look at the newspaper outside) A copy of the Ministry of Officials, according to the imperial decree: "Jin Kou Nangao, Du Bao, the prefect of Nan'an, can be promoted to appease envoy and guard Huaiyang. Start today, and you must not violate the delay. I respect this." (Sigh) Ma'am At that time, the imperial decree urged people to go north, and it was inconvenient for women to return to the west after mourning.Yard, let Mr. Chen Zhai give a speech. (Ugly) The old man welcomes you. (At the end) "Peng Shang is really in the same place, and congratulations are in the same house." (See introduction) (Outside) Mr. Chen, thank you, little girl. (Crying at the end) Exactly.Miss Pain passed away, and Chen Zuiliang had nowhere to look around.Su Xi's husband moved house, and Chen Zuiliang lost his home. (crying intermediary) (outside) Mr. Chen has something to discuss.Students are ordered not to stop for a long time.Because of the little girl's last words, she was buried under the plum tree in the back garden, and fearing that it would be inconvenient for the posthumous officials to live in, the back garden has been divided and taken, and a Plum Blossom Nunnery has been set up to house the little goddess.Just follow this Taoist priest to burn and repair the guard.Can the nun agree to come? (Jing kneels and introduces) The old lady adds incense and changes water.But there is still one person to visit and take care of. (Lao Dan) just annoy Chen Zhaichang for convenience. (End) The old lady has a life and is willing to serve. (Lao Dan) Master, it is better to set up some sacrificial fields. (External) There are two hectares of empty fields in Liuzeyuan, which are allocated for incense. (End) This leakage of Zeyuantian is the leakage of the students. (Jing) Our name is Daoist, worthy of harvesting rice.You are Chen Jueliang, there is no way for you to escape. (End) Xiucai stutters in eleven directions, you are an aunt, I am still an old man, why should I collect food? (External) No dispute, Mr. Chen will accept it.Mr. Chen, I have been here for a few years, preferential treatment for the school. (End) know.It is the husband who is promoted, and the old rules include the records of all the bereaved loves and the inscriptions on the ancestral hall. It is wonderful to go to Beijing to accompany the gift. (Jing) Chen Jueliang, is the legacy left by the master and his daughter as a token? (End) is the ballad of her husband's political career.What "Young Love"! (Jing) How is it called Shengci? (At the end) The statue of the old man is made in the big ancestral hall, and the door says "the ancestral hall of Duke Du". (Jing) It's better to have Miss Su next to me, and I will make offerings together. (External annoyance) Nonsense!But the old rules, I don't use them anymore.

[I can't stop thinking] Mr. Chen, old Taoist nun, our daughter's grave is three feet high in the evening clouds, and the old couple lean on each other with one word.If you don't dare to look at the guards all the time, you can eat cold food in Qingming and drink a bowl of rice.

(External) The soul returns to the dark desert and the soul returns to the spring, Zhu Bao (old) made you linger for 18 years.Cao Tang

(At the end) One cry, one ileum and one heartbreak, Li Bai (he) now repeats his hatred.Zhang Ji

(End of this chapter)

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