Chapter 21
[Brightness at first glance] (Lao Dan pretends to be a monk) with a broken cassock, Xiangshan?Riba.Many lives, many treasures, many Bodhisattvas, and many witnesses.Little monk, Xiangshan, Guangzhou Prefecture?An abbot of Duobao Temple.This temple was originally built by fan ghosts to welcome officials who received treasures.Here is an imperial envoy, Mr. Miao, who has completed his term of office and sacrificed treasures in front of Duobao Bodhisattva. He will inevitably welcome him.

[Guang Zhen'er] (Jing pretends to be a Miao Shunbin, Mo pretends to be an official, outsider pretends to be a soap soldier, and hides to pretend to be a ghost) Half of the sky is open to the south and the sea is open to the Pearl Cave. (Meng Jiejie) (Combined) The God King of Guangli, the Goddess of Good Wealth, listen to the sound of the Vatican releasing the sea tide. (Jing) "The road to the copper pillars and Zhuya is difficult, and the Fubo crosses the sea to climb the old altar. The Yue people Zigong coral trees, why do the Han envoys have the Xiezhi crown?" Miao Shunbin, the imperial envoy who knows treasures, is like this.When the three-year term expires, it is time to offer sacrifices to Saiduobao Bodhisattva.Tongtong where? (Last see introduction) (Ugly see introduction) Galala. (Lao Dan sees the introduction) (Jing) Call Tongshi, and pay Fanhui Xianbao. (End) all have been furnished. (Look at Baojie from the net) It's a wonderful treasure.It's true that the mountains and rivers are upright, and the sun and the moon are shining.Duobao Temple deserves its reputation!Look fragrant. (Ring the bell inside, introduce the pure prayer)
[Willow in front of the pavilion] (Jing) The three treasures sing more than three times, and the seven treasures are wonderful.The majesty becomes the world, and the brilliance permeates the Saha.There are many, and the merits and virtues are boundless. (Combined) Lead Bainan Wu, get more treasures, more treasures. (Jing) Monk, return to the sea merchants on behalf of Fan, and congratulate me.

[Qianqiang] (Lao Dan) There are many treasures in the sea, and boats encounter storms.Businessmen hold heavy treasures and are afraid of passing dangerous roads.In an instant, think of Avalokitesvara. (before closing)

[Hang Zhen'er] (Sheng Shang) Looking at the sun setting in the west of Chang'an, I am partial to my life at the end of the world.The lama of Aibao, the Dharma of pulling beads, is difficult to get with two slippery glazes.Laugh at Liu Mengmei, a poor rascal who abandons her home and travels.Fortunately, I met the sacrifice treasure in the imperial envoy temple, and came in under the pretext.Among Tang's words, it can be moved, and it is unknown to be rescued by it. (see foreign mediator) (student) please let me know.Liu Mengmei, a student from Guangzhou Prefecture, came to ask for Kanbao. (Reporter) (Net) Forbidden by the imperial court, that is what people think.Since you are gentle, please meet each other. (See Jiesheng) "Opening the Pearl Palace in the South China Sea. (Cleaning) the west to hide the jade gate. (Student) dissects the bosom to be a confidant. (Net) photos take the sage." Dare to ask why the scholar came here? (Student) Niche is poor and boring.Hearing that the old man is here to play the treasure, I would like to see it and open my arms. (Jing Xiaojie) When you meet the treasures of the southern land, why cherish the secrets of Xikun.Please have a look. (Jing Yinsheng looks at Baojie) (Sheng) Pearls and jade, Xiaosheng knows it when he sees it.Among them, there are several kinds, but what are the names?I am bothered to advise you one by one.

[Zhu Yunfei] (net) This is Xinghan Shensha, and this is Boiled Haijindan and Tieshuhua.What less cat eyes are naked, and the mother is transparent.Hey, this is Mohe Liu Jinya, this is Wenliang Yuzhu, this is the toad sucking the moon, and this is the ice plate of Yangsui. (Student) I have bright moon beads and coral trees in Guangnan. (net) The inch-diameter pearl waited for him, but a few feet of coral broke him. (Student) Xiaosheng does not swim in the gate of generosity, why see this!
[Qianqiang] The essence of heaven and earth came out of Zaifan and returned to the emperor's house.I would like to ask my lord, how far is this Baolai road? (Net) There are 1 miles away, and at least [-] miles. (Student) So far away, but flying, coming? (Jing Xiaojie) There is a reason for flying away.All because of the high price of the imperial court, self-contribution. (Sheng sighs) My lord, this treasure is so stupid and ignorant that it has not yet been found [-] miles away; Liu Mengmei, a student with a chest full of strange things, has not been bought by anyone as far as [-] miles away from Chang'an. Feet can't fly!He hangs a high price, and the city ship can be treacherous, oh, the waves will take the treasure ship. (Jing) Doubt that this treasure is not true? (Student) My lord, it's true, hungry and cold, looking at him like a floating boat. (Jing) According to the scholar, what is a real treasure? (Sheng) Don't bully, Xiaosheng is a real treasure for the world.If I carry treasures to court, it should be priceless in the world. (Jing Xiaojie) I'm afraid of the imperial court, so there are many world treasures. (Health) But Xianbao Longgong kills him laughingly, even Doubao Lintong can beat him. (Jing) This is ready to be offered to the Holy Son of Heaven. (Student) It's not enough to serve the government if you are cold and Confucian.How did you see the Holy Son of Heaven? (Jing) You don't know that the Holy Son of Heaven is good to see. (Health) is difficult for three thousand miles of road capital. (net) It's not difficult to get a shot.The ancients gave gold to the strong men, and I will use the regular silver taels of the yamen to help you travel far. (Student) Guoer, Xiaosheng has no parents and wives, so he bids farewell. (Net) left and right, take the book instrument, and look at the wine. (Ugly) "Guangnan likes to eat lychee wine, and flies north to fly elm pod money." When the wine arrives, Shuyi is here. (Net) Mr. Toll accepts it. (Student) Thank you. (Net delivery wine referral)
[Three Scholars] You take Weixiu out of this Fragrant Mountain, and find your way to Chang'an. (Health) There is no fault of presenting treasures today, and they will be like him after they are scattered and collected. (Combined) Sudden Golden Whip hangs the lotus clothes as soon as possible, and looks forward to returning with brocade flowers.

[Front Chamber] (Student) is afraid, with double pupils and blind eyes, like Persian appreciation. (net) There is no true or false color of precious treasures, only those who pan for gold can pick sand. (Combined) (Sheng) told me to go.

[End] You gave the strong man golden complexion. (Jing) A glass of wine is sour and cold, and you work hard, then you are willing, and the treasure is soaring to the sky and the sea.

On the (birth) black gauze scarf is the blue sky, and Sikong Tu (Jing) is handsome and talented.Liu Changqing
(Student) Hearing that Jinmen is worthy of Jimei, Zhang Nanshi (Jing) gave you a whip around the court before leaving.Li Bai

(End of this chapter)

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