Chapter 46
【Breaking the Frontier】(External military uniform and sword, attracting crowds) Rescue the situation and invade the frontier of time. (Beating the drum inside and shouting for introduction) (Sighing outside for introduction) Look at the roar of a tiger, the rocks are smashed by thunder, and the wings of geese are like knives and wheels.Li Quan, Li Quan, you are going to dominate the country, and I am here. [Ji Tang] "Who can talk and laugh to solve the siege of Huang Furan? Thousands of miles away, birds don't fly high. Today, Gao Pian is on the south bank of Haimen, and his head is full of frost and snow. Wei Zhuang." I, Du Bao, came to Huaiyang, That is to say, there was a military chaos.The isolated city is surrounded by siege.Just ask for the dispatch of soldiers and rations, and fly the golden drum.There is no day to live, and there is no day to die.Sit in the enemy building, think about Jingkang and then.Looking at the Central Plains, everything is sad.

[Yu Guizhi] Ask the sky what it means: There are three lights that don't distinguish Huayi, and blow the fishy smell to replace the world. This Wangzhongyuan has become a piece of yellow sand? (Annoyance) Dash the crown and get angry, Dash the crown and get angry, who made it, the country is like this? (Sighing) The Central Plains are dead, Guanhe is trapped, and things are contrary to one's mind.Also, I would like to protect Yangzhou and benefit the Huai River.I think Li Quan has tens of thousands of thieves, how difficult is it to break this?There is a reason for hesitation in advancing and retreating.I have a plan to save the siege, and I hate no one to lobby. (Internal beating and drum introduction) (Jing pretends to be on the newspaper) "There are no geese in the feather field, and some people come after the gate of hell is closed." It's funny, the iron barrels around the city seem to be tight, and if there are talents who come to fight the autumn wind, they will report it.Report to the Lord: There is an old friend visiting. (outside) dare to be a spy? (Jing) Said it was Chen Xiucai from Jiangyou Nan'an Prefecture. (External) How did this pedantic scholar fly in?See you soon.

[Huanxisha] (last part) Setting up banners and adding scenery is not like making a Lantern Festival with drums and cannons flying together.Where is Master Du? (Going out and smiling to welcome the introduction) Who is the old friend who I suddenly heard from thousands of miles away? (Sighing) It turns out that Mr. is here.Teach me to cry. (End) Husband's head is clear. (Combined) Prime Minister Bai looks at me and Yi, and frowns every three years. (Introduction) (End) [Ji Tang] "The white head rides on the donkey and hangs the cloth bag Lu Lun, (outside) old friends meet each other and remember Shanyang Tan uses it. (At the end) Hengtang is more than a thousand miles away Xu Hun, (outside) ) but recognizes Bingzhou as his hometown, Jiadao." (At the end) respectful to the Lord, and saddened that the old lady returned to Yangzhou, and was forgotten by the bandit soldiers. (Surprised outside) How do you know? (Last) The students were in the bandit camp, and they had seen the head of the old lady, and killed Chunxiang. (crying outside) Oh my god, kill me too!

[Yu Guizhi] The husband is on the throne, and he is named Zhen's wife.Called Huangxuan Yipin's wife, and waiting to accompany me to establish a pair of loyal daughters.Thinking of a good wife in the day, thinking of a good wife in the day, weeping sadly, like a crown. (crying outside, all the helpers) (last) My old lady, what's wrong with the old lady!Are you generals crying too? (Crying and interrogating) Old lady! (Wipe off tears annoyed by the outsider) Ah, there's no reason!Madam is an imperial court wife, so it is only natural for her to die by scolding a thief.Why did I mess up my position and lose the morale of the army because of him?As a general, how can you care about your selfishness?Ren Xun panic, no regrets.Mr. Chen, do you have anything else to say? (End) Hard to say, he wants to kill the old man. (External) Cough, what does he mean by killing me?I kill him all for the country. (End) According to the students, don't kill them twice. (Whispering) The king of gold wants this Huai'an city. (External) Silence!Is there one seat in the thief camp, or two seats? (End) He and his wife sit together at the table. (External laughing) Wait, I will solve this encirclement.Why did you come here, sir? (End) The old man almost forgot without asking.For the robbery of the lady's grave, I will report it directly. (Surprised outside) My God, there are dead bones in the tomb, what is the enmity with the thief?They are all hurt by those treasures.Who is the thief? (End) After her husband left, the Taoist nun recruited Liu Mengmei, a Lingnan traveler, as her companion.When he saw something, he took heart and robbed the grave overnight and fled.The bones were thrown into the pool.So tell me not far away. (External sigh introduction) The daughter's grave was released, and the wife suffered.It's exactly: "If you don't return to three feet of soil, you can't keep your body for a hundred years. If you return to three feet of soil, you can't keep your grave for a hundred years." It's a pity that the husband has good intentions. (End) After the student said goodbye to her husband, she became poor. (External sigh introduction) The army is in a hurry, and there is no emotion.I give a lot of credit, sir. (End) willing to serve. (External) I have written a book close to me for a long time, asking Li Quan to disband the three armies.There is nothing left to do, so bother the public and his party.Left and right, take the book instrument.Tang said that if Li Quan surrendered, he could return to the imperial court, and he had a place of origin. (Miscellaneous book introduction) "Confucian scholars have three inches of tongue, and generals have one paper book." The book instrument is here. (At the end) the journey fee is welcome.Sending books is actually scary. (External) May as well.

[Liuhua weeps] Soldiers are like iron buckets, and one emissary is in it.Will fold Jane, go to Herong.Mr. Chen, you Zhicheng is a thief.Although bandits and traitors, he also moved at the camera. (End) Fear of lobbying is not a matter for scholars. (External) You can see what he meant by seeing him open the enclosure and let you come.You, a scholar, just happen to be used as a passer-by. (End) The Great Wall of Zong Entai, borrowing the majesty of Han Confucianism. (internal advocacy)

[End] The Qiang flute in the garrison tower speaks hastily.It's done, you go back to the imperial court to be favored, and this paper is the first letter to guarantee Jianghuai.

(External) How many people belong to the battle across the river?Liu Changqing (at the end) waited for the guest of honor with five horses.Lu Lun

(External) Mr. Labor visits from afar, Wang Jian (at the end) En Bo will cherish the withered scales.Liu Changqing
(End of this chapter)

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