Chapter 47
[Leaving the team] (Passing up to Tongshi) In one day, the north and the south are separated from each other.There is Liaoerwa in the middle, which helps the Fan family fight the Han family.In the middle of the business, move your mouth and teeth.Things are full of surprises, and the reason is inevitable.One of the generals under the command of the king of gold stalking is.It's funny, it's funny, my king helped Jin to encircle the Song Dynasty and attack Huaicheng.Unexpectedly, the Northern Dynasty secretly sent people to the Southern Dynasty to speak!It is exactly: "Temporarily mastering the language of animals and animals, you will end up with a dog and sheep heart."
[Double persuasion to drink] (Jing cites the audience) Hengjiang Huya, inserted into the sky eagle frame.Beat the drums and raise the flags, and charge the chariots and horses.Put a brocade city wall and surrounded by clouds and flowers.Du appeases, it's hard to add wings to you.The king of own money.The attack on Huaicheng has not taken place for a long time.Although the external momentum is strong, the center is unavoidably suspicious.Firstly, I was afraid that the soldiers of the Southern Dynasty would take part in supporting them, and secondly, I was afraid that the Northern Dynasty would see their responsibilities and entrust them with no success: it was really a dilemma.Wait for the empress to come to discuss. (Ugly on top) "Drove the soldiers to capture Chi You's daughter, and pinched the ghostly makeup god leopard's wife." Majesty, can you hear someone from Dajin's family calling from the Southern Dynasty and returning to the gate of my camp? (net) Is there such a thing? (Lao Dan pretends to be riding a horse with a knife)
North [Night Cruise] Dabeili's publicity mission spreads the standing horse, and the tiger's head card drips and divides the flowers. (Catch up with Jie, pretending to be a groom) Slipped, slipped. (Lao Dan) Whose house is that in Guli?Run around and drag La.Zensheng, there is no one in Dayingpan to answer. (Calling outside) Liu Jinye, the angel of the Northern Dynasty has arrived. (Jing and Chou act as misleading) Quickly call the general officer to come in. (Paste it, then kneel and introduce) The King of Gold is sick.Please come in. (Lao Dan) Kecai, Kecai said a sentence, Kebra. (Get off the horse, get on the seat) All are all. (Net Question Poster) How to say? (post) annoyed. (Jing and Chou raise their hands, Lao Dan is annoyed and will not return to Jie) (pointing to Jing Jie) Tie Li Wendu Dala. (Net Question Poster) What do you say? (Post) Don't dare to say, I want to kill. (net) But what happened? (Lao Dan looks ugly and laughs) Hu Ling Hu Ling. (Ugly question post introduction) (post) I sigh for the beauty of your mother's life. (Lao Dan) Ke Lao Ke Lao. (Post) Said to be thirsty. (Lao Dan's siblings act as intermediaries) Wu should fight. (Post) called kumiss. (Old Dan) Yue Er Wu only. (Paste) to burn lamb. (Jing Mingjie) Quickly fetch the mutton and milk wine. (holds wine and meat outside) (Lao Dan sprinkles wine, takes a knife to cut mutton and eats it, laughs, rubs mutton fat on his chest) one or six stabs. (Post) Don't be annoyed, say it politely. (Lao Dan is the drunk referee) Suotuoba, Suotuoba. (Post) Said drunk. (Lao Dan acts as an ugly referral) Upside down. (Ugly smile) What do you say? (Post) Ask the empress to sing a song. (Ugly) makes.

North [Qingjiang Yin] Ah, the mute Guanyin is looking at Pan Da La, Hulu Ti laughs.Wu is Duma, please come to the shore to answer.It's not Mao Gula who knocks on the door and bites.Tong Shi, I'll pour a glass of wine, and you give it to him. (Posted as a wine delivery agent) Ah, Er, should be strong. (Ugly) Tongshi, what did you say? (Paste) The little one asks the empress to send wine. (Ugly) Got it. (Lao Dan is drunk, watching the ugly intermediary) I know, I know. (Post) Yang Niangniang dances again. (Ugly) So, take my pear flower gun.

[Front Chamber] (Dancing with a gun) The cold pear blossoms are blown by a little wind, curling up their waists.Hu Xuan'er hits a taxi and folds a flower at the flower door.Sip a sip and get old. (Lao Dan turns his back, clapping his sleeves and laughing) Hu Ling Hu Ling. (Sticks up Lao Dan Jie) (Lao Dan waves to the local media) Ah Lai is not coming. (Post) This is singing, and it is called singing all the time. (Lao Dan laughs and nods to be ugly) Haha. (post) to ask the empress. (Ugly smile) Ask what? (Lao Dan teases the ugly and introduces lightly) Haha, it should be Mao Kela, Mao Kela. (Asks with an ugly smile) What do you say? (Posted as shaking head referral) Ask the empress for something. (Ugly smile) What do you want? (Post) Tongshi dare not say. (Lao Dan laughs back) Guru Guru. (Jing back calls Tie Wenjie) What does he want from the empress?Guru Guru does not live. (Post) This thing is not necessary.When it is necessary, I am afraid that the empress will not give up.Even if the empress gave up, the king would not give up.Even the big king will give up, and the small one will not give up. (net) What is it that you can't let go of? (Post) His words come to the fore, Ha Kou Wu should be Mao Kela, and asks the mother to have a hairy place. (Net as an annoyance) Qi also, Qi also.This scorpion is so bold, get the gun quickly. (Jing works to drive away the assassin with a flower gun) (Post help the drunk Lao Dan to leave, the old Dan lifts the jug and calls "Guru Gulu" to hold the gun intermediary)
Bei【尾】(Jing) Your vinegar gourd is expected to set up pear blossoms, shame slave, dare to rely on the iron fence to secure your Dajin family. (Turn down Lao Danjie) Then kick your red sandy stalks and kill those fishy mouths. (Ugly pull the net, let Lao Dan Jie) (Lao Dan) drag la drag la Harry. (Referring to Jing Jie) Li Louji Dingmu's stabbing is lost, Lilou Jiding's mother is stabbed and lost. (Make a flash sleeve and walk down to introduce) (clean) Qi kills me too.What about dragging? (Paste) Tell the horse to go. (Jing) How do you point at me and force Lou Jiding's mother to stab me? (Paste) This is going to play his master and call people to kill each other. (Jing Zuo annoyed) (Ugly) Big lord, you can't stand in front of me. (Jing) Speech, it's your Mok Lali. (Ugly) Even if he is there, you still feel sour. (Net without speaking) It's just my whim.Da Jin's family learned that the gold king was a little unstable. (Ugly) It's the envoys back to the Southern Dynasty, which may not have anything to say. (Jing) What's the empress' opinion? (Ugly) Let the slaves think about it. (internal beating and drum introduction) (post up as a newspaper) report, report, report!The scholar who was released the day before yesterday flew here alone from Huaicheng.If there is an emergency, go see the king. (Ugly) Just right, let him in.

[Threads of gold] (last part) There is no other way, what can be done!The scholar inherits the general's order and is strong. (Calling inside, stunned at the end) A golden cannon rang, and people fell into a coma.Poor, poor!Mi Zha Zha went to war, and I was left in the middle. (Paste and sing the door introduction) The students come in. (See introduction at the end) Chen Zuiliang, a member of the ten thousand death life, pays homage to His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness. (net) Du appease offered the city? (End) The city is not a rarity, and I respectfully offer a throne and the king. (Net) The widow has been king for a long time. (End) It is to add officials to officials, and to add jobs to jobs.Du Anfu has a book to submit. (Jing Kanshu Jie) "Tong Jia Sheng Du Baodun is under the command of King Li". (Ask Sujie) Xiucai, what relationship do I have with Du Anfu? (At the end) There was a close friend of Li and Du in the Han Dynasty, and there was also a friend of Li and Du Qiyou in the Tang Dynasty, so Du Anfu boldly called a Tongjia. (Jing) This old man is kind.What does the book say?

[A book] (reading introduction) "I heard that the king is out of the court, and the heart of tigers and wolves, it is difficult to make friends. Willing to return to the pilgrimage, to preserve wealth, and to be loyal and filial. Pingliang's harvest must be collected well, and the backs are hidden. According to Lu Jia, it is said that Zhuang. If you look forward to your kindness, you will learn from it." (Laughing) This book persuades me to surrender to the Song Dynasty, but it is actually difficult to follow. "The outer secret is opened, and I present it to Mrs. Zunyu." (laughing) Du Anfu is also in awe of her mother. (Ugly) You read to me. (Jing read the book introduction) "Du Bao, the son of Tong's family, gathered in front of Mrs. Yang's tent." Cough, Du appeases and Niang Niang, and the family got up again. (At the end) The king can go through it, and the empress can also go through it. (Net) also works.Only a man should not talk about holding back. (At the end) The empress is willing to bow her knees, but she dares not to bow her knees to appease her! (Ugly) Well said.I listen carefully. (Jing Read Book Introduction) "Du Bao, the son of the Tong family, gathered in front of the old lady Yang's tent: I heard that the Jin Dynasty named the noble husband the King of Gold, and there was no title for the wife. What kind of gift is this? Du Bao has played for a long time in the Song Dynasty, The lady was granted the position of begging for the golden lady. Fu Wei's make-up will be accepted. It will not be announced." Well, I will ask for the grace for the lady first. (Ugly) Chen Xiucai, you have appointed me to be the golden lady, do you want me to conquer the Dajin family? (At the end) After receiving the imperial edict, but the empress wanted gold, they all came to the Song Dynasty to get it.That's why it's called the Empress Dowager. (Ugly) This is the kindness of your Song Dynasty. (End) Not to mention the empress, even Mrs. Wei Linggong also talked about the beauty of the Song Dynasty. (Ugly) According to you.My crown is crowned with gold, and the fineness must be high.I am a lady with a helmet.Recently, people's jewelry has been taken off, only a helmet, if you want you to make one in the Southern Dynasty and give it to me. (At the end) it's all on Chen Zuiliang. (Jing) You only care about begging for money, where do you take me, the gold king? (Ugly) Even you have become the gold king. (Net) Thank you. (Kowtow at the end) I am afraid that the king and empress will regret it. (Ugly) I've made up my mind.Then he wrote the descending table and went back to the Southern Dynasty with Fa Xiucai.

[Qianqiang] (Jing) Returning to the Song Dynasty, fearing that the Jin family will become a disaster. (Ugly) Xiucai, you have to bear the burden, and if you want gold, you have to ask for it. (End) Majesty, it's early to stop the sound of the chime in Poyang Lake, empress, you turn back to the black coast and the stars are high. (Combined) Then the soldiers will be suspended, and they will follow suit.Free's name is marked on the traitor's article. (net) Xiucai, stay in the mansion.The starry night will see you off. (Raise your hand to see the end, farewell)

[End] (Jing) We are no better than Li Shan'er, this Yang Lingpo is really taller. (At the end) Bringing your letter of surrender, the official Zhao's family laughs and laughs. (Last) (Jing, Ugly Hanging Ground) (Jing) Niang Niang, because she lost one gold, she won two kings.People can't tick if they want one king, so I got two king titles.Wouldn't it be fun! (Ugly) Don't panic, there is a third title. (net) What king name? (Ugly) is called the king of shoulders. (net) how? (Ugly) Kill miles. (Jing) If you follow him, what will you kill? (Ugly) You and I are big thieves, relying entirely on the power of the Golden Tartars.Now it's the other way around, how difficult is it for the Southern Dynasty to take you. (Jing Zuo annoyed) Oh, I have the courage to be undeserved, why should I be afraid of the Southern Dynasty! (Ugly) You are really a Chu overlord, you can't stop at Wujiang. (net) nonsense!So if I am the overlord of Chu, if I want you to be Yu Meiren, I will take Zhao Kangwang for you. (Ugly) Come on, you can't be the overlord of Chu, nor can you be the beauty of the slave family.Changed the subject to do. (net) What topic? (Ugly) Fan Li carries Xi Shi. (net) Where are the five lakes? ——It’s time to become a pirate. (Ugly as sub-payment referral) All three armies, I have surrendered to the Southern Dynasty.Temporarily relieve Huaiwei and go to serve at sea. (Introduced by the public) The siege has been resolved. (Neigujie) The boats are ready, and I report to the king to set off. (public agency)
[Jiangtou farewell] Outside Huaiyang, outside Huaiyang, the waves are shaking.The east wind is strong, the east wind is strong, and Jinfan is blowing.Take Penglai as its nest, and the flag peak stands on the back of the turtle.

[Qianqiang] Shun the way of heaven, follow the way of heaven, let some time be free.After recruiting security, after recruiting security, it is important to fight again.It was a risk to hurt Yan Song for the Jin family.Sleeve your hands and be an idiot. (Crowd) Report to Your Majesty, let's go to sea. (Jing) Let's go to the camp and set off in the morning.

(Jing) The fight is not yet decided, each is the king, Xu Hun (ugly) the power of the dragon and the male and female has been divided.Chang Jian

(Jing) Go alone to the river and sea, Du Mu (all) don't shoot the bow and arrow at the officers and soldiers.Dou Gong

(End of this chapter)

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