Chapter 48
[Twelve o'clock] (Dan Shang) The lovesick ghost who can't live, regrets his predecessor.The smell of earth is gone, and the smell of meat is new.Married to a cold Confucian inn alone. (On the net) And he climbed high and paid homage. [Huanxisha] "(Dan) Lonely autumn window with cold matte pattern, (Jing) bright jade pillow with old fragrance dust, (Dan) return to Meng Lang after the tide breaks. (Jing) Peach trees happen to meet former visitors, (Dan) Cuiyan is really coming again, and the moon and high wind will be with you." (Dan) Aunt, the slave family is happy to be reborn, and married Liu Lang.Only way to become famous in one fell swoop, go back to visit parents.Unexpectedly, because of the military turmoil in Huainan, the imperial court made it too late to open the list.My father and mother were in the besieged city, so they had to go to look for consumption with Fa Liulang, leaving behind my slave's Qiantang inn.Look at the sound of the river and the moonlight, it is sad. (Jing) Miss, there are more scenery than you under Huangquan. (Dan) That's nothing to worry about.

[Sewing Room] Although it is the sound of the river and the moonlight in a barren village shop, but when it comes to the past life and present life in the graveyard, the broken door curtain scattered the starlight, which is as strong as a dark hole.Auntie, what about not returning to your parents?Who does the husband's family rely on for seven things?The heart is swaying, neither dead nor alive, I am a person in my sleep. (Net) Miss like rare.

[Qianqiang] Accompanied by half of your spiritual seat, and guarding your husband-in-law. (Dan) Auntie, search for scholars that night, do you know where I am? (Jing) is to avoid the personal avoidance of how to put the frame of the painting, and to hide what you do from the gods and ghosts. (Dan) It's dark, look at the dark moon and the dark stars, and the green fireflies blowing like ghost fire. (Dan) It's time to light up. (net) No oil, black sitting on the ground, three flowers and two flames, you can take care of the clothes you keep. (Dan) The night was long and difficult to sleep, so I borrowed some oil from the Lord's house. (Jing) Sit in your yard, let's borrow it. "Closing the cap of the oil bottle, crushing the jade lotus pod." (Dan Wanyue Tan Jie)

[Yue'er Gao] (Lao Dan, on Tie Xing Road) There is a military turmoil in the north of the Yangtze River, and most of the people in the south of the Yangtze River walk.If the car is not loaded with incense, the car will be stable, and the shoes will be broken.Husband dominates the military power, let's see how life and death will be judged at the end of the world.Hugging in the front and hugging in the back, a spring fragrance companion.If the phoenix bun is eliminated, it will not be able to match the Yangzhou compilation.We went ashore to Lin'an.Taking advantage of the dark shadows in the forest at dusk, it is difficult for students to cast a watch. (Post) And happy to arrive in Lin'an. (Lao Dan) Cough, if you die, you can escape and get Lin'an Mansion.My daughter has nowhere to go, the long road is so lonely. (Post) It looks like a half-open door in front of it, and you go in suddenly. (Lao Dan intervenes) Oh, the concierge is empty, is there anyone there? (Dan) Who? (Post) is a woman's voice.Wait for a call to open the door.

[Not the road] (Dan Jingjie) Leaning against the Diaolan, where can the charming voice call for the opening? (Lao Dan) The schedule is late, and the girls are staying in the moment. (Dan) Listen to him, the voice is not like a man, wait for the door to open and look under the moon. (See Jie) (Dan) is a girl, please sit down. (Lao Dan) Looking forward to each other, it is convenient to travel in the world and in the sky. (Dan) Slow to welcome.Slow to welcome. (Take a face-to-face introduction) (Lao Dan makes a surprise introduction)
[Front Chamber] The rafters of the broken house, sister, how can you sit alone without the lamp burning? (Dan) In this leisurely courtyard, play with clear light and send the moon round. (Lao Dan calls Tie on his back) Chunxiang, who does this look like? (Stick with surprise) Don't dare to say, like Miss. (Lao Dan) Look inside the room, who else is there?If there is no one, dare to be a ghost? (Post it down) (Dan back) This girl looks like my mother, and that girl looks like Chunxiang. (As an introduction) Dare to ask the old lady, where did you come from? (Lao Dan sighs and introduces) Since Huai'an, my father-in-law was appeased by Huaiyang, and he was in trouble. I escaped here to escape the captives. (Dan backs up) It's my mother, can I recognize him? (Pass up panic, recite Lao Dan's introduction) An empty house, usually no one is there.It's a ghost, it's a ghost! (Lao Dan is afraid of introducing) (Dan) Listen to him, she is my mother. (Dan Qianqian cries for his wife) (Lao Dan acts as an avoidant) Dare it be my girl?I neglected you, and you came alive.Chunxiang, I have paper money with me, throw it away, throw it away quickly. (Paste lost paper Qianjie) (Dan) Er is not a ghost. (Lao Dan) It's not a ghost. I'll call you three times, and I want you to answer my call as loud as the first. (Three calls and three responses, voice gradually lowered) (Lao Dan) It's a ghost. (Dan) Mother, your daughter has something to say. (Lao Dan) is a little farther away, and a gust of wind swirls coldly, so vividly. (Dan) Those vivid? (Dan pulls on Lao Dan as a fearful intermediary) My son, my hands are so cold. (Post kowtow to introduce) Miss, don't twist Chunxiang. (Lao Dan) My son, it was your father Gu Zhi who never rescued you. (Crying once) Mother, you are so afraid, the girl will never let her go.

[Front cavity] (On the net holding the lamp) The door is firmly fastened, why is it so noisy in the empty hall? (Dengzhaodijie) In this moss courtyard, how can paper and yellow money blow off? (post) Ma'am, isn't the Taoist nun here? (Lao Dan) But. (Jing Jingjie) Ah, where are the old lady and Chunxiang?Such a fuss.Seeing him circling, the lady is afraid that the lacquer lamp will go away without flame.Miss, I can't wait to get close to the dark room. (Dan) Auntie, come quickly, grandma is afraid. (post) How dare this aunt be a ghost? (Talking about Lao Dan, according to Dan's introduction) Don't be suspicious.When you move the lamp, you can see it all over the moon, but the face of the person back then? (Together) is the face of the year. (Lao Dan embraces Dan and weeps) My son, it's a ghost, and my mother can't bear to go.

[Front cavity] Heartbroken for three years, how can I fall into the pearl of the sea to re-spin? (Dan) In front of parents, Liannian in the underworld will return the soul. (post) Miss, how did you give birth to the grave? (Dan) It's hard to say. (Lao Dan) How was he born? (Dan) is grateful for the great kindness of Dongyue. In his dream, a scholar kicked through the tomb. (Lao Dan) Who is the scholar? (Dan) is Lingnan Liu Mengmei. (Post) Strange, there really are Liu and Mei. (Old Dan) Why come here with him? (Dan) He came to the science election. (Lao Dan) This is a good scholar, please meet me soon. (Dan) I begged him to see the movement of Huaiyang and visit his parents, so he went to the deep courtyard of solitary sleep, the deep courtyard of solitary sleep. (Lao Dan memorizes and introduces the post) Is there such a thing? (Post) That is, is there such a ghost that jumps out? (Lao Dan returns to weeping) My son!

[Fanshanhu] Said that your fierceness went up to the blue sky, sitting upright on the nine-pin lotus in the west, and we will meet again in the ghost cave for three years.Weeping until my hands are numb, and my heart is dry and tears are piercing.The soul of the dream is in a mess, and my expression is upside down.See Shi'er stand on the ground, call Shi Niang Getian.I'm afraid that if you don't pour tea and rice, cattle and sheep will invade the tomb field. (Combined) What year is this eve?What year is this eve?Hey, I'm still afraid of meeting in a dream.

[Front cavity] (Dan Qijie) You throw your son into the shallow soil, and your bones are so cold that you can't sleep.I can't eat enough of my parents' meals, and it's cold in the south of the Yangtze River.But I don’t want to have today, and I can’t remember the past.It's so confusing and mysterious, it's too late to understand it!Don't want ghosts, people don't think too much, if it wasn't broken in the previous life, how can it be connected in this life! (Closed in front) (Old Dan) Old aunt, thanks to you for guarding my son.

[Qianqiang] (Jing) It is unbearable to swallow the recent words, and the heart is so cold that the body is cold.How do you know that he will become a couple if Kong and him do seven and do Zhongyuan? (Introduction between Low and Lao Dan) I catch ghosts and take out traitors, do you know that his movies are so vivid? (Combined) Such a romantic relationship, such a romantic relationship, has been reincarnated again.

[Qianqiang] (post) On the existence of souls and beautiful women, how do you know that his spirit remains three years ago?But he hates that he has the same coffin and less officials. Who would want him to be the lord of the house.Miss, the lovesickness ghost wear you made, you follow your husband's will.On that day, if Chunxiang doesn't spread his filial piety banquet, will Madam not be sad and recommend it on that day?I knew you had left the underworld and followed someone onto the boat! (before closing)
[End] (Lao Dan) feels that the transformed girl is living in front of the lamp.Then your own father, he has no letter in the den of thieves. (Dan) Don't worry, mother, there is my man of faith, his acupuncture points reach the sky, and he can inquire far.

It's hard to imagine the elves wanting to see, so where is Ouyang Zhan Bitao?Xue Feng

Mo Daofei's body is not warm, and Bai Juyi Linghua's early morning mirror is cold.Xu Hun

(End of this chapter)

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