Chapter 49
[Sandengle] (on a burden, on an umbrella) There is a difficult way to go, and this time of chaos is forbidden!Going lonely and falling leaves to know autumn.Thinking of her father-in-law for her beautiful wife, inquire about Yangzhou.And who would have thought that he would be trapped in Huaiyang and rush forward to rescue him. [Ji Tang] "How can we count and visit Li Bai? The turbid water, the mud, the road dust, Han Yu. He hates himself as a Confucian, and it is difficult for Lu Lun in the world, but he pities Wei Zhuang, who has nothing to do." My Liu Mengmei Yang is a cold scholar, Miss Mengdu is a favorite of the underworld, so she has to be a husband and wife and go to the department together.Qi Xidian passed the examination paper, but was delayed by the side newspaper.So Miss, I heard that he respected Weng Huaiyang and was in a hurry, so he asked me to visit the safety along the way.With a kiss of spring, I respectfully repay the joy of rebirth.Even so, the guest roads are poor and difficult, and all the funds for the travel expenses are used to pay for what is in the middle of the road.In the meantime, there are fragments of treasures to play, which cannot be sold in a hurry.Some of them are made of gold and silver, and their rustic sales are limited.Also, with the reading eyes of Xiaosheng, he doesn't recognize Zi Xing'er.There is not much to earn and cheat along the way, and there are endless rewards every day.After getting the land of Yangzhou, it happened that Master Yuezhang moved to Huaicheng.The thieves blocked the way and did not dare to advance.And I like to disband according to the rules, which will inevitably lead to several journeys.

[Jinzhang Road] If you want to go early, get drunk in Yangzhou and find Du Mu, dream of Sansheng Huayuelou, how do you know that he will go to rest in Changhuai!There are hundreds of thousands of winds and cranes wandering around there!Then seek food and accommodation by the fishermen and woodcutters, defeat the lotus and decline the willows, and add a touch of autumn to the five lakes.That autumn has a lot of fun!Our fame is not paid for, and I am a heartbroken lady in the cold.Look back?It is very worrying to count Jiangnan and Jiangbei.Along the way, I was delighted to see the sky-high Huai City, and the area below the city is clear and long Huai River.On the top of the city tower, there is also a banner of the military gate with a width of six feet.With a lot of bragging, I think the door is closed at night.And find a small shop to rest. (Ugly) "Mix more white water and Jianghu wine, and earn less money from the yellow side of the wind and the moon." Do scholars lodge? (Sheng enters the store intermediary) (Ugly) Want fruit wine, case wine? (Health) nature does not drink. (Ugly) Do you want firewood? (Raw) It is reckless to eat. (Ugly) It's a waste. (Health) Huayin five points are here. (Ugly) Gao Yin breaks up some pieces, let me weigh them. (Calling Jie, making an exclamation calling Jie) Yinzi is gone. (Xunjie) (Student) What all the fuss? (Ugly) Xiucai, the silver is gone.Look at Broken Pearl. (Student) There are still a few pieces here. (Ugly picks up the silver and leaves again, introduces it three times) Oh, so the scholar knows how to use mercury? (Health) Why is mercury? (Introduction) That's right, when the young lady was about to die, there was mercury in her mouth.It is only natural that dragons contain earth and become pearls and go to heaven, and ghosts contain mercury and become pills to be born.This is what happens when you see the wind.When Miss Yuan died, Shuiyin also died; now that Miss is alive, Shuiyin also lives.It's a pity that this magical thing is unknown to the world. (Back to the introduction) That's all.Shopkeeper, you have dissipated all my money, and now I have nothing.This book is what I read on weekdays, and I am ready to drink a pot of wine. (Ugly) The book is broken. (Student) Post you a pen, and the (ugly) pen blooms. (Student) During the visits of guests, can you also hear that "reading through thousands of volumes"? (Ugly) Don't hear it. (Student) Can you hear "a thousand flowers spit out by a dream pen"? (Ugly) Don't hear it.

[Zaoluopao] (Spoiled as a joke) It's a ridiculous gossip, thousands of volumes of poems and books, and thousands of flowers in pens.It's my fault, it wasn't a wine exchange. (Ugly laughing) "The gods keep the jade pendant, and you understand the golden mink." (Student) You said the golden mink jade pendant, where did it come from?There are goods from the dynasty and the emperor's family, and the golden sable and jade pendant are priceless.You don't know yet, even Miss Qianjin still marries him.A courtier bows down to him. (Ugly) What do you want him to do? (Student) Scholars put their pens in the world. (Student) No books, no pens, how about this umbrella? (Ugly) It's raining. (Student) I won't leave tomorrow. (Ugly) Starved to death here? (Sheng Xiaojie) Do you recognize Huaiyang Du's appeasement? (Ugly) Who would deny it!Have a Taiping banquet tomorrow. (Health) Then I am his son-in-law to visit him. (Ugly and startled) Thankfully, Mr. Du said it early, how early did Mr. Du send out the invitation. (Health) Where is the book please? (Ugly) Look at it with your husband. (If you are ugly, please ask for an introduction) Wait for the villain to carry an umbrella with a bag. (Intermediary) (Student) Where is the letter? (Ugly) Oh no! (Health) This is a notice to the residents. (Ugly) That is.look!
[Qianqiang] "It's forbidden to be idle and treacherous." Master Du was born in Bashang: "Since Sanba came here, thousands of miles have been his home. If you don't teach your nephew to the government office, you have never had a son-in-law and relatives." This sentence only refers to your husband-in-law. : "If there are fakes and deceptions, the local government will take them." Let's talk about the minor ones below: "Help the fellows sleep, and the crime is connected with the master's house. For this reason, you must go to the guards. Notice on the right. It was announced on May 32, Jianyan." You can see the large monogram on the back to appease Sidu.On the top is a "seal of the imperial envoy to appease Huaiyang and other local admirals and military affairs appeasement divisions", bright purple powder.Xianggong, Xianggong, you stop here, the villain has returned. "Everyone sweeps the snow in front of his own house, and don't care about the frost on his house." (Sheng cries and introduces) My wife, how do you know that your husband is in such a miserable world. (As Wangjie) Oh, there are big gold letters on the door of the house in front, let's go to lodge. (Look at Jie) Four words: "Piaomu's temple." How can it be called Piaomu's word? (Look at the introduction) It turns out that there is an inscription on the wall: "The past sages have a meal, and this matter has lasted for thousands of years." Yes, it is also the benefactor of Han Xin, Marquis of Huaiyin in the former dynasty.I remembered that Han Xin is a fake King of Qi, but there are still people who have a meal, and I, Liu Mengmei, is a real scholar, and I can't ask for a glass of cold wine!Like this floating mother, I worship him a thousand times.

[Yingzaopao] (invitation) Fishing Chu Tianya, thin king and grandson, meeting floating yarn.Chu Chongtong was blinder than this look.Tai Shigong honored him, and the Huai'an mansion sacrificed him, and he was able to pay a thousand gold for a meal.Look at how beautiful women are in ancient times: Duke Wen begs for food, his wife salutes him; Zhaoguan begs for food, and meets Huansha.Fengjian kowtowed three thousand times.Wake up, spend the night in the corridor.Go early to wait for the door to open.No water to freshen up. (Looking at the introduction) Well, it's raining.

No one can talk about the old things, Han Yu should only drift his mother to know the king and grandson.Wang Zun

Yuanmen worships Confucianism and wears clothes, Liu Changqing should not be wet with tears.Wei Xunmei
(End of this chapter)

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