I have a god-level invincible system

Chapter 401 Admire Admiration

Chapter 401 Admire Admiration
"Come here!" Liu Xiaoyuan beckoned to the shop assistant, then pointed to the price of the fish on the receipt and asked, "Isn't this dish 88 yuan? How did it become 968?"

At this moment, Liu Xiaoyuan already knew that he had been slaughtered. Although customers were often slaughtered and reported in the news, what Liu Xiaoyuan didn't expect was that such a thing would happen to him.

The clerk in the store explained with a smile: "Sir, our wild fish was brought in by air, and the cost alone is more than 88 yuan. The 88 yuan refers to 88 yuan for one or two fish, not the whole fish."

I go!You Nima are completely imitating other people's cake cutting routines.

Before, Liu Xiaoyuan heard from one of his classmates that when he went to buy cut cakes, he asked how much it cost, but the seller said how much it was.

As a result, the price increased tenfold after it was cut out across the board. After asking, I found out that what Nima and others just said was not how much a catty is, but how much it is a tael.

At this time, if you dare not buy it, people will immediately surround you to see if you buy it or not.

"You guys are defrauding consumers, don't you know?" Liu Xiaoyuan looked at the other party and asked, his voice turned cold.

The clerk in the store said: "Sir, it's only natural to pay for meals. Don't you want to eat Bawang's meal?"

Liu Xiaoyuan said: "If this dish is 88 yuan per dish as stated on the menu, I will pay without saying a word."

At this time, the customers at other tables stopped eating immediately when they saw the situation here, and called the shop assistant to pay the bill. Fortunately, this shop uses this fish dish to kill customers.

All of a sudden, the other customers all checked out and left, leaving Liu Xiaoyuan and his three customers in the restaurant.

"Sir, please settle the bill, don't waste everyone's time!" The tone of the shop assistant became cold.

Liu Xiaoyuan sat on the chair, looked at the other party and asked, "What if I don't get married?"

The clerk in the store snorted coldly and said: "If you don't settle, then you don't want to go out!"

As he said that, the guys in the store clapped their hands, and soon the other male guys in the store also came over. There were three of them in total, and none of them seemed to be friendly.

However, this is only for ordinary people. For Liu Xiaoyuan and the others, let alone these few people, even if there are ten more, it is useless.

"Do you want to do something?" Liu Xiaoyuan looked at the shop assistant and asked.

The clerk in the shop sneered and said: "As long as you settle the meal payment, sir, we will send you out of the shop with a smile on your face, and you are welcome to come to spend next time, sir. If not, I won't tell you, and you will know the consequences."

Liu Xiaoyuan smiled and said, "If you don't tell me, I really don't know what the consequences will be."

"It seems that you won't cry when you see the coffin, sir?" the clerk in the store asked coldly.

Liu Xiaoyuan shook his head and said, "No, I'm a reasonable person. I don't cry when I don't see the coffin, and I don't die when I don't see the Yellow River. These don't apply to me."

"Don't talk so much nonsense, just ask you, will you give me money?" The clerk in the store asked coldly, and the other three men surrounded Liu Xiaoyuan in the middle.

"Hmph, you scoundrels, you bully big brother, scoundrels!" After speaking, Su Yun picked up the dishes on the table and flew towards the shop assistants.

Su Yun's skill in throwing dishes was accurate. After throwing out the four dishes, the four guys were all thrown to the ground, covering their faces with their hands, rolling and howling on the ground.

"Hmph, I told you to bully Big Brother!" Su Yun said aggressively after knocking down these four people, with his hands on his hips.

Liu Xiaoyuan originally wanted to leave like this, but if such a black-hearted restaurant that rips off customers is not banned, there will definitely be customers like himself who will be fooled.

And other customers are not as good as myself, and they will definitely be slaughtered by then.

Therefore, Liu Xiaoyuan immediately called the police, and soon the police came. After learning about the situation, the police immediately took all the people in the store back and sealed the store.

On the way back, Liu Xiaoyuan couldn't help asking: "Su Xue, why didn't you do anything just now?"

Because according to the past practice, it should be Su Xue who did it first, not Su Yun.

Su Xue said: "Didn't you tell me before? Under normal circumstances, you must never do anything."

I wipe!Su Xue is now so obedient, she is a good wife and mother.

Just as he was talking, Liu Xiaoyuan's cell phone rang, and it was Wang Chao who called.

As soon as the phone was connected, Wang Chao's excited voice came: "Xiao Yuan, that kid Zhang Weiming called me just now, he looks like a grandson, hearing his tone like a grandson, I feel very relieved .”

Wang Chao on the other end of the phone was very excited, and he was so excited that he said some things a second time without knowing it.

"Xiaoyuan, thank you so much, I don't even know what to do to thank you, if I were a lesbian, I would give my body to you. But I am a leader, how about I donate chrysanthemums to you?"

"Get out!" Liu Xiaoyuan said with a smile, once this guy got happy, he started to lose his temper again.

"I'll treat you, husband and wife, and your sister-in-law to dinner tonight." Wang Chao said happily.

After returning to the hotel, Liu Xiaoyuan saw Wang Chao sitting excitedly in the lobby of the hotel. Seeing Liu Xiaoyuan's return, he immediately greeted him.

"Xiaoyuan, where have you been wandering?" Wang Chao asked with a smile.

"Going outside." Liu Xiaoyuan said with a smile, "What are you doing sitting here?"

"That fellow Zhang Weiming said he was coming over soon, and I'll wait for him here." Wang Chao said.

That's a good idea. Isn't Zhang Weiming arrogant?Not proud?Well, let's kneel down in the lobby of the hotel and beg for the two of us.

"Okay, the two of us will wait here for him." Liu Xiaoyuan said with a smile.

"Su Xue, take Su Yun back to the room first, I'll come back after I finish my work." Liu Xiaoyuan said to Su Xue.

"En!" Su Xue nodded obediently, and then brought Su Yun back to the room.

Wang Chao looked at Su Xue's back in surprise, and after a while he looked away, looked at Liu Xiaoyuan with admiration, gave Liu Xiaoyuan a thumbs up, and said, "Xiao Yuan, I admire you."

Liu Xiaoyuan gave this guy a supercilious look, and asked, "What do you admire?"

Liu Xiaoyuan couldn't figure out the meaning of this nonsense sentence.

Wang Chao said with a smile: "You boy, yesterday the girl was still an iceberg queen, and you trained her to become a good wife and mother in one night. Tell me, how many times did you torment others last night?"

Hearing Wang Chao's words, Liu Xiaoyuan is Waterfall Khan.

"I am such a pure person, how can I have such a wretched classmate like you?"

(End of this chapter)

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