Chapter 402

After the two joked for a while, Zhang Weiming walked into the hotel with his head drooping, completely without his usual air, as if he had a prairie above his head.

Zhang Weiming took out his mobile phone and was about to call Wang Chao, when Wang Chao and Liu Xiaoyuan discovered the guy, Wang Chao immediately shouted: "Zhang Weiming, this way!"

Hearing this, Zhang Weiming put the phone in his pocket, and with a smile on his face, he walked towards Liu Xiaoyuan and Wang Chao.

This morning, Zhang Weiming received a call from the general manager of his company. Zhang Weiming originally thought that the general manager called him because he had something good to arrange for him.

Who knew that as soon as the call was connected, the general manager asked him to go to the company immediately.

Hearing the general manager's tone, Zhang Weiming seemed very angry, and hurriedly asked what happened.The general manager immediately scolded Zhang Weiming, Zhang Weiming was stunned, he did nothing wrong, why scold him?
Zhang Weiming then asked the general manager what happened, and the general manager told Zhang Weiming to rush back to the company, saying that if Zhang Weiming didn't rush back to the company, he wouldn't come to work.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Weiming knew that something serious was going on, so he didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he immediately took a taxi and rushed back to the company.

After arriving at the company, Zhang Weiming went to the general manager, and the general manager scolded Zhang Weiming again.

After Zhang Weiming was scolded bloody, he asked what happened. The general manager asked Zhang Weiming if he was negotiating a business with Chaoqiang Company?
This super strong company is the small company opened by Wang Chao's father.

Zhang Weiming said yes, and asked if there was any problem?

The general manager immediately gave Zhang Weiming a hard look, and had the nerve to ask if there is any problem, I was killed by you.

The general manager received a call from the head of the headquarters, saying that the chairman already knew about this matter. If Zhang Weiming didn't kneel down and beg Chaoqiang Company to sign the order, he wouldn't be the general manager.

Although I don't know what happened, but the general manager can get to the current position, so he immediately guessed the matter.

There must be someone in Chaoqiang Company who knows the chairman, or someone close to the chairman. In this way, the matter will be brought to the chairman.

Wanting to understand this, the general manager immediately called Zhang Weiming and asked him to come back immediately.

"Immediately find someone from Chaoqiang Company to sign the contract for this order." The general manager said to Zhang Weiming.

Zhang Weiming was stunned immediately. What's the situation? Did that kid Wang Chao bribe the general manager?No wonder the general manager called himself back in a hurry and scolded him, so it was like this.

"Okay, general manager, I'll go sign it now!" Zhang Weiming is also a sensible person, even the general manager has intervened in this matter, he must have benefited, if he is no longer sensible, the position of business director will not be Easy to do.

"Remember, if the people from the super strong company make things difficult for you, you can ask them to sign the contract even if you kneel down." The general manager issued an order.

"What?!" Zhang Weiming thought that his ears had misheard. Damn, is there such a thing?Customers are gods, and they are the gods in this deal with Chaoqiang.

"General Manager, did you make a mistake?" Zhang Weiming asked cautiously.

The general manager slapped the table and said, "I'm not mistaken, if you don't sign the contract of this order with Chaoqiang Company today, you will get out of here!"

Hearing this, Zhang Weiming thought to himself that your general manager has obtained the benefits of a super-strong company, but don't embarrass me like this.

"General manager, if you say that, I won't do it if I don't do it. It's fine for you to take advantage of the super company, but please don't make things difficult for me." Zhang Weiming directly confronted the general manager.

When the general manager saw what Zhang Weiming said, he was so angry that he picked up the documents on the table and threw them on Zhang Weiming's body, scolding: "Zhang Weiming, you think I took advantage of the super company, you are a fucking pig, If I accept the benefits of Chaoqiang Company, I will sign the contract with Chaoqiang Company myself, am I not as general manager as you are a business director?"

"I'm telling you clearly, this is the headquarters' intention. If you don't sign this contract for me today, I will lose my job. Believe it or not, I will kill you!"

Zhang Weiming was scared now, he didn't know how the headquarters knew about it.In addition, the general manager said that if he did not complete the task, he would kill himself.

Zhang Weiming knew that the general manager was a local, and he was not easy to provoke. It would be uncomfortable to kill himself, and it would be a matter of minutes to mutilate himself.

For his own life and for his own job, Zhang Weiming had no choice but to sign a contract with Wang Chao like a grandson.

"Oh! Mr. Zhang, what's wrong with you? Why do you look like your wife ran away with someone else?" Seeing Zhang Weiming's current state, Wang Chao felt relieved.

Damn, let you pretend to be an uncle before, and now let you try to pretend to be a grandson.

Zhang Weiming was so angry that he wanted to turn around and leave, but when he thought about his job and his own life, Zhang Weiming had to swallow this anger again.

"Mr. Zhang, I heard that you are here to sign a contract with us?" Liu Xiaoyuan asked.

Zhang Weiming said with a smile: "Bosses, don't make fun of me, just call me Zhang Weiming, Mr. Zhang is flattering me too much."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Weiming immediately took out the contract from his briefcase, and said with a smile: "Mr. Wang, this is the contract. Please take a look. If there is no problem, please ask Mr. Wang to sign it. We are partners again." gone."

Wang Chao took a look at the document, then threw it on the glass table in front of him, and said, "Mr. Zhang, I suddenly don't want to sign this contract anymore."

After saying this, Wang Chao raised his legs, looking like a young master.

Zhang Weiming immediately understood that this was deliberately making things difficult for him.

"President Wang, are you joking?" Zhang Weiming asked with a smile.

Wang Chao shook his head and said, "I'm not joking, do you think I'm joking?"

Liu Xiaoyuan also took the opportunity to say: "Mr. Zhang, your memory doesn't seem to be very good. I told you on the phone this morning that I want you to kneel in front of us with the contract for us to sign. You say, as a man , if words don’t count, are you still a man?”

Zhang Weiming knew that he had to kneel down today, so he gritted his teeth and knelt down.There is no way, Zhang Weiming can only do this for the sake of his life and his job.

There were people coming and going in the lobby of the hotel. Zhang Weiming just knelt in the lobby, which immediately attracted the attention of many people, and everyone looked here.

(End of this chapter)

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