I have a god-level invincible system

Chapter 953 Lu Siyao's Busy

Chapter 953 Lu Siyao's Busy
Liu Xiaoyuan didn't expect Zhang Qian and Wang Qing to make such a move when they came back, dammit, this is simply too cool and crooked.

Liu Xiaoyuan immediately hugged Zhang Qian and put him on the bed, then immediately released Zhang Qian's restraints, and then started to attack.

What to do is to keep a bowl of water level and treat everyone equally, this is Liu Xiaoyuan's purpose.Therefore, it was the same for Wang Qing and Zhang Qian. Liu Xiaoyuan first exercised on Zhang Qian's body, and then on Wang Qing's body.

For such exciting things, Liu Xiaoyuan's combat effectiveness soared, and he kept busy until Zhang Qian and Wang Qing had to pick up their children from school before giving up.

If it wasn't for this incident, Liu Xiaoyuan probably would have fought the two of them till night.

"Wife, when will you continue to play like this next time?" Liu Xiaoyuan looked at Wang Qing and Zhang Qian and asked with a smile.

To be honest, both Zhang Qian and Wang Qing are the mothers of the child, so they are a bit bolder in this regard. Although the two of them seemed shy at the beginning, as the battle continued, they became more and more bold up.

For the situation of this battle, Liu Xiaoyuan can only use one word to describe it, it is simply too cool, with endless aftertaste.

Both of them went to pick up their children, so Liu Xiaoyuan naturally went home, because after receiving their children, both of them had to go back to their own homes to cook.

When Liu Xiaoyuan was going back, he passed by the police station and went to see Lu Siyao, but Lu Siyao went to handle the case, so Liu Xiaoyuan had to go home.

After returning home, Su Xue looked at Liu Xiaoyuan and asked, "Bastard, where did you go?"

Liu Xiaoyuan said with a smile: "Go to do good deeds and nourish the two beautiful flowers."

"Moisturize the two beautiful flowers?" Su Xue still didn't understand the implication of Liu Xiaoyuan's words, looked at Liu Xiaoyuan and asked, "Don't other people who grow flowers know how to water them? Do you still need to water them?"

Liu Xiaoyuan said: "It is precisely because these two flowers have not been raised that I am going to water them. Xue'er, do you think I am a dick?"

Su Xueyi still didn't understand the implication of Ye Chen's words, she glanced at Liu Xiaoyuan angrily, and said, "You are really full and have nothing to do, and you have time to water the flowers, why don't you sweep the land at home. "

Liu Xiaoyuan immediately took the broom and said, "Okay, Xue'er, you rest, I'll sweep the floor."

When he was studying at home, Liu Xiaoyuan often swept the floor, so sweeping the floor was the easiest thing for Liu Xiaoyuan.

After sweeping the floor, Liu Xiaoyuan started to prepare dinner. Su Xue's cooking skills are already pretty good under the guidance of her mother.

Su Xue directed Liu Xiaoyuan like a chef, let Liu Xiaoyuan peel the garlic and let Liu Xiaoyuan wash the ginger.

After Liu Xiaoyuan washed all the ingredients, he handed them over to Su Xue, and Su Xue began to cut them.

Standing aside, Liu Xiaoyuan found that Su Xue's knife skills are getting better and better now, and she looks good.

After Mom and Dad came home, they were very happy to see Su Xue busy inside. The elderly like their daughter-in-law to be capable.

After dinner, Liu Xiaoyuan received a call from Lu Siyao. On the other end of the phone, Lu Siyao's tone seemed a little anxious.

"Siyao, what's wrong?" Liu Xiaoyuan asked anxiously.

Lu Siyao said: "Xiaoyuan, something happened here, can you come and help me?"

Liu Xiaoyuan said: "Where are you, I'll come over right away, tell me the address quickly."

Afterwards, Lu Siyao told Liu Xiaoyuan the address. After Liu Xiaoyuan heard the address, he was a little confused, because although Liu Xiaoyuan knew the address, he had never been to this village at all.

But fortunately Liu Xiaoyuan still knows the general direction of this village, later Liu Xiaoyuan just needs to let go of his consciousness, and he will be able to find Lu Siyao.

Liu Xiaoyuan told his family, and then flew out.

When the family saw that Liu Xiaoyuan was going out again, they naturally had objections, since you went out after dinner just now, you have a lot to do.

Liu Xiaoyuan immediately flew to the vicinity of the village that Lu Siyao mentioned according to his own memory, and immediately let go of his consciousness, after a search, he immediately found Lu Siyao's figure.

Where, after Liu Xiaoyuan learned of Lu Siyao's whereabouts, he flew there immediately.

At this moment, Lu Siyao was standing in front of a private house in the courtyard, looking very anxious, and there was another policeman standing under the eaves, frowning.

"Siyao, what's the matter? What happened?" Liu Xiaoyuan asked immediately after falling beside Lu Siyao.

Seeing Liu Xiaoyuan's speed so fast, Lu Siyao looked very happy, and smiled at Liu Xiaoyuan.

Although Lu Siyao said: "It's like this, this family called the police before, saying that his cows were grazing at the foot of the mountain and disappeared. We immediately went to the foot of the mountain to look for it, and found a little blood at the foot of the mountain, and then asked the villagers to go to the mountain to find it. , but no clues were found."

For rural families, cattle can be regarded as a huge fortune, especially the big yellow cattle, which can cost seven to eight thousand at the current price, and some large ones can cost tens of thousands.

Therefore, if a cow is lost in the countryside, it means that a large amount of property has been lost, and it must be reported to the police and let the police handle it.

Although Lu Siyao and the others found some bloodstains at the foot of the mountain, there were no clues about other people.

You said, if this cow was stolen by a cow thief, someone would see it, right?But after investigation and visits, no one found it at all.

It is absolutely impossible for you to say that you were eaten by some wild beast, because if there are wild beasts like tigers and lions in this mountain, it is really a hell.

Besides, even if it is a lion and a tiger, it is not easy to deal with an adult scalper, unless a group of lions or tigers attack at the same time, the scalper can be subdued at once.

Moreover, after lions and tigers kill their prey, they will eat it in situ, because they do not have the strength to drag the big ox away.

But there were no clues in this regard at all at the scene, so the possibility that the cattle were attacked by wild animals should be ruled out.

The most likely thing now is that the cattle were stolen by cattle thieves, but after searching, there were no footprints of the cattle, and no one saw a stranger entering the village.

Therefore, this case made Lu Siyao helpless for a while, so Lu Siyao had no choice but to call Liu Xiaoyuan to see if Liu Xiaoyuan could find any clues.

After hearing what Lu Siyao said, Liu Xiaoyuan had no choice but to say to Lu Siyao: "Siyao, let's go and go to the scene of the crime."

To be honest, Liu Xiaoyuan himself is not sure about solving the case. Although he has watched a lot of TV series about solving the case, his practice is basically zero.

(End of this chapter)

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