Chapter 954 The Murderer
When he came to the foot of the mountain, Liu Xiaoyuan looked up at the mountain, and found that the mountain was not big, but the trees inside were quite lush and bushy.

This is also because living standards have improved, and most people will not go to the mountains to chop firewood for cooking.Except for a few people who still burn firewood in summer, others use electricity or liquefied petroleum gas.

Therefore, this also caused the bushes on the mountain to be very deep. If a person walked in the mountain, his clothes would definitely be cut by these bushes.

"That's right here. Look, there's a pool of blood here. Although it's not much, I guess it belongs to the cattle lost by the villagers." Lu Siyao shone a flashlight on the grass. At this moment, the blood on the grass changed color. Most of the blood are absorbed by the land.

Looking at the blood on Zhongtan, Liu Xiaoyuan guessed that it was left by the scalpers. If it was human blood, he would have died after shedding so much blood.

The scalper has shed so much blood, the most likely reason is that he was bitten by a wild animal. If a cattle thief would not harm the scalper.

Because the scalper bleeds so much, the wound must be deep, and it won't be able to stop the bleeding in a while.Stealing cattle is not stupid. If you hurt the cattle, the cattle will be weak and unable to move.

Therefore, unless a cow thief wants to be caught by the villagers, he will only injure the cow.

Seeing this pool of blood, Liu Xiaoyuan dared to conclude that the cattle should not have been stolen by cattle thieves.

However, there are no large wild beasts in such a mountain at all. If there were any, they should have been discovered long ago.

Could it be that there are spirited monsters on this mountain?Just like the white tiger, with great supernatural powers, let alone one scalper, even ten scalpers can still be easily removed.

To be honest, apart from this answer, Liu Xiaoyuan couldn't find a reasonable explanation.

Therefore, Liu Xiaoyuan decided to cover the mountain with his spiritual sense to see if there were any monsters in the mountain.

"Xiaoyuan, how do you think this scalper got lost?" Lu Siyao looked at Liu Xiaoyuan and asked.

Now Lu Siyao has no choice, because there is no monitoring in the countryside, except for witnesses, they are looking for evidence, so it is very troublesome for any cases in the countryside.

Fortunately, in the city, surveillance is everywhere, so it is easy to solve the case.

Liu Xiaoyuan smiled and said to Lu Siyao: "Siyao, wait a minute, let me see if there is anything weird in this mountain."

Hearing this, Lu Siyao stood obediently by the side, looking at Liu Xiaoyuan with big eyes, full of love.

Liu Xiaoyuan immediately let go of his divine sense, enveloped the mountain, and started to investigate.

Soon, Liu Xiaoyuan found another weasel on this mountain. This weasel was about the size of a tiger. Its eyes glowed red, and it seemed that Liu Xiaoyuan's spiritual sense was investigating it.

There was a big ox in front of this weasel, which had eaten one-third of it.

I go!This weasel has a really good appetite. It actually devoured one-third of such a big ox. It really has a good appetite.

After the weasel discovered Liu Xiaoyuan's spiritual detection, he was about to run away immediately, and Liu Xiaoyuan immediately chased after him. If such a monster stays here, it will definitely cause greater losses to the villagers here.

If you steal the cattle from this family today, you will steal cattle from other people's family tomorrow. A cattle can cost tens of thousands of dollars, which is a very large income for the villagers.

Therefore, this weasel must be driven away or caught, otherwise the villagers will suffer more losses.

Lu Siyao couldn't see Liu Xiaoyuan flying out, so she immediately chased after her, but her speed was not as fast as Liu Xiaoyuan's, and soon Liu Xiaoyuan reached the top of the mountain.

The speed of that weasel was really fast. In a short time, the weasel ran for more than a mile.

Ordinary people really couldn't catch up with this weasel, and when running away, the weasel's body suddenly became smaller, as big as a mouse.

Although the weasel has become the size of a mouse, it still cannot escape Liu Xiaoyuan's surveillance. Under the surveillance of Liu Xiaoyuan's spiritual consciousness, this weasel has nowhere to hide.

The weasel also seemed to have noticed the danger, and immediately screamed and accelerated, but no matter how fast it was, it still couldn't escape Liu Xiaoyuan's Wuzhi Mountain.

"Trap me!" Liu Xiaoyuan immediately cast a barrier, trapping the weasel in a small space.

The weasel bumped into the barrier, and was immediately bounced back. The weasel was shocked, and immediately walked back, but was bounced back again.

Liu Xiaoyuan landed in the mountain, smiled and said to the weasel: "Stop struggling needlessly, you're trapped by my barrier, you won't be able to get out."

Liu Xiaoyuan believes that such fertile weasels can understand human language, and some can even speak human language.

When the weasel heard Liu Xiaoyuan's words, it didn't struggle anymore, but looked at Liu Xiaoyuan with its big blood-red eyes wide open.

Liu Xiaoyuan was not in a hurry to go in, because Liu Xiaoyuan still had to wait for Lu Siyao's arrival.

If Lu Siyao didn't see her, she didn't know what she would be worried about.

"Siyao, I'm here." Liu Xiaoyuan saw Lu Siyao flying above him, and shouted to Lu Siyao.

When Lu Siyao heard Liu Xiaoyuan's cry, she immediately flew down and landed beside Liu Xiaoyuan.

"Xiaoyuan, you ran so fast, did you find something?" Lu Siyao looked at Liu Xiaoyuan and asked.

Liu Xiaoyuan said: "Siyao, I have good news for you, I have found the murderer who killed the cattle."

Hearing this, Lu Siyao immediately asked happily: "Xiao Yuan, is it true? I knew my Xiao Yuan was the best."

Because Liu Xiaoyuan set up a barrier, Lu Siyao couldn't see the weasel inside the barrier.

Liu Xiaoyuan smiled and said to Lu Siyao: "Sihan, you are the best, should you give me some reward?"

Hearing this, Lu Siyao immediately kissed Liu Xiaoyuan on the cheek, and said, "Should you be satisfied now? Quickly tell people, where is the murderer who killed the cattle?"

Liu Xiaoyuan smiled and took Lu Siyao's hand and said, "Siyao, come with me, you will know when we arrive."

Naturally, Lu Siyao knew that Liu Xiaoyuan would not lie to her, so she walked forward with Liu Xiaoyuan.

Under the leadership of Liu Xiaoyuan, Lu Siyao walked into the barrier, and when he saw the little weasel inside the barrier, Lu Siyao pointed to the weasel and asked, "Xiao Yuan, don't you mean this little guy is a murderer? "

Liu Xiaoyuan nodded and said: "That's right, Siyao, this guy is the murderer, don't think this guy is so small now, in fact, he is not small at all, and he can also have supernatural powers."

Hearing Liu Xiaoyuan's words, Lu Siyao was taken aback, could it be a monster?
(End of this chapter)

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