Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 182 1 foot trampled to death

Chapter 182

"My lord... you probably wouldn't bully Wan'er." Wan'er's voice trembled slightly, and the spiritual power in her body was already running crazily.

Ye Tianling looked at her indifferently, and said coldly: "Don't follow me, I won't bully you!"

After all, Ye Tianling's figure flew out directly.

Seeing this, Wan'er's pretty face flushed with anger. With her beauty, she could easily hook up with anyone.

Unexpectedly, facing Ye Tianling, she would be useless!
"My lord... don't go..." Wan'er came back to her senses, and immediately chased after Ye Tianling.

Ye Tianling glanced at her indifferently, and then quietly used the dark attribute talent.

Hide yourself.

He is now a half-star spirit sect, and Wan'er is also a half-star spirit sect. In the same realm, it is impossible for Wan'er to discover his existence.

Wan'er chased and chased, and was suddenly confused, where is he?Why did it suddenly disappear?

She stopped and continued to fly, stepped on the cloud, and cursed angrily: "You are really fast! It's a pity! I wanted to take back the treasure on your body."

Ye Tianling, who was hiding in the dark, listened to Wan'er's words thoroughly.

There was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, he felt something was wrong when he looked at Wan'er from the very beginning.

Now that Wan'er has exposed her intentions, Ye Tianling couldn't help but feel the killing intent.

"Do you want to take back my treasure that can resist lightning!"

Ye Tianling's voice suddenly sounded, and his figure appeared directly behind Wan'er.

Wan'er was terrified by this voice, she turned around immediately, her pretty face was pale, she looked at Ye Tianling in horror, and said in a trembling voice, "You...how did you suddenly appear behind me."

"Because I have the talent of the dark attribute!" Ye Tianling said.

"Dark...dark attribute..." Wan'er trembled, and fear appeared in her beautiful eyes.

It turned out to be a dark attribute, the dark attribute talent is in the entire continent, and there are less than one person who can possess it.

It can be seen how rare the talent of the dark attribute is, and all the attributes of the talent of the dark attribute rank first.

Not only because it is rare, but more importantly, the dark attribute is too weird, very suitable for assassination!

"You...what do you want..." Wan'er trembled, the spiritual power in her body was already running crazily.

If Ye Tianling really wanted to make a move, she would immediately fight back with all her strength, although she also knew that she couldn't hurt Ye Tianling in the slightest.

But she still wanted to try, to see if she could take the opportunity to escape.

"What do you want? Of course I want to kill you!" Ye Tianling said coldly.

Humans are like gods of war, rushing to the sky with aura, penetrating the heaven and earth, and shaking the world with power.

Raising a fist, as if controlling the power of heaven and earth, it hit Wan'er's head!

"No!" Wan'er screamed, and endless brilliance suddenly burst out from her body, and the brilliance bloomed, making the area around ten thousand meters sparkle with dazzling white light!


But Ye Tianling escaped the rules of heaven and earth, and his strength is dozens of times that of ordinary half-star spirit sects!
With one punch, the light blooming all over Wan'er suddenly collapsed!

A terrifying impact made Wan'er groan even more, and her graceful figure flew upside down!
Ye Tianling opened his hand, and a strong suction directly sucked Wan'er over.

"Ah..." Wan'er exclaimed, with deep fear in her heart.

She could feel that Ye Tianling really wanted to kill her!
at this time.

Wan'er sat paralyzed on the cloud, her pretty face was extremely pale, and her whole body was trembling, one could imagine how scared she was.

Ye Tianling looked at her indifferently, and said indifferently: "I thought you were so powerful, I only used [-]% of my strength, you are too fragile."

Wan'er trembled, she raised her head, looked at Ye Tianling, and tremblingly said: "Please... please don't kill me, I... I was just confused... If you don't kill me, I... I can be at your mercy, you ...you can do whatever you want...just like that."

"Making you around?" Ye Tianling looked at her and said disdainfully, "Are you worthy of me!"

"Okay! It's time to send you to the west." Ye Tianling clenched his fist, and thunder and lightning flashed, as if he held all the power of thunder and lightning in the world in his hands.

"No..." Wan'er yelled in fear, and her voice was heard [-] meters away in just one breath!
Just when Ye Tianling's fist was about to hit Wan'er's head, there were three terrifying powers of Taoism in the distance, raging the space and rushing towards Ye Tianling.

Ye Tianling immediately turned a corner with his fist, under the punch!
The thunder and lightning, like the power of heaven's punishment, directly shattered the three incoming attacks.

At this time, three figures in the distance had already flew over, one of them was Zhuge Xuan, and the other two were strong men of the Zhuge family, both of which were at the peak of the Lingzong realm.

Seeing this, Wan'er immediately asked Zhuge Xuan for help: "Help me...help me...he wants to kill me..."

Wan'er's appearance at this time, her clothes are shabby, her hair is messy, her pretty face is stained with tears, and her face is pale... It looks like she has just been bullied.

Seeing this, Zhugexuan's face suddenly turned ugly. It's only been a while, but Ye Tianling took the lead on all the women he had chosen!

"You're looking for death!" Zhuge Xuan's face was gloomy, he looked at Ye Tianling with serious eyes, and said sternly: "You ruined her, and I will make you pay with your life!"

The two old men beside Zhuge Xuan frowned slightly.

They fought Ye Tianling just now, and they already knew that Ye Tianling was very strong.

Although they didn't use all their strength just now, but to block the attack just now, at least the realm of the two-star spirit sect is needed.

And isn't Ye Tianling a half-star spirit sect?
One of the old men frowned, looked at Ye Tianling solemnly, and asked in a deep voice: "Do you really have a treasure that can resist the power of lightning?"

Ye Tianling looked at the old man indifferently, and said indifferently: "So what? Are you just like this Wan'er, wanting to take away my treasure?"

When the old man got Ye Tianling's answer, his old face couldn't help twitching slightly. He looked at Ye Tianling and said coldly: "With my two brothers, it will be easy to take away your treasure!"

"Really..." Ye Tianling smiled lightly, he raised his foot, and this foot seemed to have the heaviest force in the world, under one foot!
Wan'er was directly stepped on and her flesh and blood flew all over the place.

Seeing this, Zhuge Xuan's face turned ferocious, and he shouted at the two old men: "Kill him! Kill him!"

The faces of the two old men were also extremely ugly, and they actually killed Wan'er in front of them!
"Destroy you first! Then get your treasure, and then kill you!" The old man sternly snapped at Ye Tianling!
This big hand glowed with a terrifying power of Taoism, and the power of Taoism was in the form of flames, and it rushed towards Ye Tianling directly.

One more chapter, please donate—………——Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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