Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 183 Step 3

Chapter 183 Three Steps
Ye Tianling looked at them indifferently. In his eyes, these people were already dying.

Ye Tianling took a step forward!
Thunder rolling, lightning like numbness,

The endless lightning directly collided with the flame path, and under one blow, the flame collapsed, and the lightning also collapsed.

Seeing this, the old man of the peak Spiritual Sect couldn't help but froze slightly.

"You are the real spiritual sect!" The old man looked at Ye Tianling coldly, and being able to confront him was enough to prove that Ye Tianling was a spiritual sect, and he was also a peak spiritual sect from seven to nine stars.

Ye Tianling didn't answer him.

He took a second step forward.

Step two.

Howling wind, lightning and thunder.

The Way of Wind and the Way of Thunder attacked them together.

"Not good! Let's join forces!" The old man screamed, and immediately rushed towards the two rules together with another old man and Zhuge Xuan!
Bang bang bang!
The wind howled furiously, rushing towards them with terrifying power.

Thunder and lightning were mixed in the strong wind, and terrifying blue lightning bolts continuously spread towards the three of Zhuge Xuan.

bang bang bang bang bang...

Lightning and strong winds continued to destroy their attacks, which only lasted for a few breaths.

The protective shields of Zhugexuan and the others immediately shattered.



The three of Zhugexuan were immediately blown away!
Zhuge Xuan was better, he was low level, and two old men helped him resist most of the attacks.

But even so, a stream of blood still spewed out from Zhuge Xuan's mouth.

"Go!" The faces of the two old men were extremely pale. They already knew that they couldn't beat Ye Tianling at all.

If you continue to fight, it is very likely that you will ruin your life.

"Want to leave now? It's too late!" Ye Tianling looked at them indifferently, and he took a step forward.


The sky and the earth change color, dark clouds are densely covered, thunder and lightning fill the air, the howling wind covers it, and endless flames rise!
Seeing this scene, the three of Zhugexuan couldn't help showing deep shock in their eyes.

"Three major attribute principles! It turned out to be three major attribute principles!" The old man shuddered, gritted his teeth, and urged Zhuge Xuan loudly: "My lord, run away, we will help you delay."

"Okay!" Zhuge Xuan simply walked away.

"..." The two old men were stunned for a moment. They thought Zhuge Xuan would shirk, but they left so decisively.

"A wolf-hearted thing!" The old man cursed secretly, then looked at his companion, and said: "There is no other way, but to consume my own source of life!"

The other old man nodded heavily, and immediately a terrible coercion erupted from the two of them!

This coercion is growing upwards, until it reaches the coercion of the Half Star Spirit Venerable, and then it can barely stop!
"You're going to die!" The old man looked at Ye Tianling seriously, and shouted coldly: "Go to hell!"

Ye Tianling looked at them contemptuously, and the lightning, strong wind, and flames that were about to be released immediately rushed towards the two old men.

at the same time!

Using his dark attribute talent, he immediately hid in the space, and then flew away.

He knew that with his current half-star spirit sect state, he still couldn't compete with the two old men who consumed the source of life.

Simply leave directly, if it is delayed for a while, maybe the Zhuge family's Lingzun might be coming.

And the two old men waved their sleeves at the endless Tao at the same time, and they were hit by one blow.

The gust of wind, lightning, and raging flames all collapsed into nothingness.

"Where is the person... Where did the person go..." The old man's eyes scanned the surroundings, but he didn't find where Ye Tianling was.

"No... I don't know... I didn't see clearly just now." Another old man said.

"He was able to escape in our sight... Could it be that he has a dark attribute talent?" The old man's heart skipped a beat. If that's the case, it would be terrible!

"Let's go!" The old man immediately said, facing the strong dark attribute, they had to be afraid.


At this time, Ye Tianling had already flew far away, but he was still in the mid-level region.

He landed on the edge of a cliff, looking at the beautiful mountains and rivers in his eyes, frowned slightly, and muttered to himself: "The only difference is the dark attribute, the dark attribute..."

Ye Tianling raised his head and looked at the big sun in the sky. The big sun belongs to light, and the dark attribute belongs to darkness.

Hidden in darkness, hidden in space.

"Does the dark attribute mean concealment?" Ye Tianling said to himself, and he used the dark attribute talent.

The figure immediately disappeared, and at the same time covered his own breath.

He thought about the dark attribute, and felt a little difficult. There are too few people with dark attribute talent, and there is almost no reference value.

"Tao Ze..." Ye Tianling's eyes twitched slightly, and the dark attribute transformed into a dark attribute Dao Ze.

Dao rule is one of the thousands of rules in the world, as long as you can comprehend the rules of the dark attribute, you can transform it into the power of Dao rule.

Ye Tianling kept trying, going through day and night.

He found that, whether in the dark or in the light, no one could detect his dark attribute talent.

"It's almost there..." Ye Tianling sat cross-legged, and his body became invisible. When he was invisible, transparent runes that were invisible to the naked eye appeared around him.

Ye Tianling opened his eyes, but his figure was still hidden. In the same realm, no one could discover his existence!
"We can break through the Spirit Sect!" Ye Tianling sacrificed nine attributes!
The surface of each attribute is filled with a layer of ancient runes, and each rune represents each attribute.

I saw that every attribute was spreading towards Ye Tianling's limbs.

These runes were directly printed on Ye Tianling's bones, and the runes contained on the bones were the real Lingzong!
A full hour passed, and all of Ye Tianling's Taoist runes were engraved on his bones.

He opened his eyes, and a faint yellow flame burst out from his eyes. The flames directly burned the [-]-meter-long forest in front of him into nothingness in an instant.

"That's right..." A smile flashed across Ye Tianling's eyes, and he muttered to himself, "With my current strength, I should be able to compete with the Half-Star Spiritual Venerable."

Ye Tianling looked towards the south of the Zhongpin area, where there was a sect called the Wolf Warrior Hall.

"The Palace of Wolf Warriors has a lot to do with the Holy Land of King's Landing. Before going to war with the Holy Land of King's Landing, let's destroy the Tianjiao of the Wolf Warrior Hall..." Ye Tianling murmured, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He knew that once there was a war with King's Landing Holy Land, all the sects that had a close relationship with King's Landing Holy Land would give the Holy Land corresponding help.

In this way, these subsidiary forces are all enemies of oneself.

(End of this chapter)

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