Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 184

Chapter 184

With a flash of Ye Tianling's figure, he headed towards the Wolf Warrior Hall.

There are a total of six major forces in the Zhongpin region, Zhuge Family, Wolf Warrior Hall, Huoyanzong, Hundred Flowers Valley, Giant Clan, and Blood Moon Hall!

These six major forces, the top powerhouses of each force are all one-star spirit masters!
The Wolf Warrior Hall is located in the southernmost part of the Zhongpin area, and Ye Tianling flew through it for three hours.

An extremely long mountain range appeared in front of his eyes. At the very center of this mountain range stood majestic palaces and many mansions.

Ye Tianling hid himself, landed in a remote path, and revealed his figure again.

He walked slowly towards the gate of the God of War Temple, and after a cup of tea, he came to the gate of the hall.

There were two disciples guarding Ye Tianling at the entrance of the hall. When they saw Ye Tianling, they couldn't help shouting: "Where did you come from? Is this a place for you? Get out of here! Otherwise, I will destroy you!"

Ye Tianling frowned slightly, he just walked to the gate of the palace, and the two guards were so excited?It must be a little abnormal.

"What are you looking at! I'll give you three breaths and get out of my sight, or I'll kill you!" The guard on the left stared at Ye Tianling coldly with rounded eyes.

Ye Tianling raised his brows, and said to him in a deep voice: "I heard that the Wolf Warrior Hall is very strong. I originally wanted to join the Wolf Warrior Hall, but I didn't expect the guards of the Wolf Warrior Hall to be so virtuous!"

After the man heard this, a cold light flickered in his eyes. He twisted his face, and said fiercely to Ye Tianling: "If you don't tell me to leave, you dare to scold me, then I will destroy you today!"

The guards raised their fists in unison, and the wind howled, hitting Ye Tianling's chest fiercely.


The two punches hit Ye Tianling's chest in an instant, but Ye Tianling's expression did not change, nor did his figure shake a bit.

Seeing this, the faces of the two guards couldn't help but change drastically. They hit with all their strength, but they couldn't shake a single hair of Ye Tianling!
"Go!" The two looked at each other, and they both saw the fear in each other's eyes.

The two rushed away quickly, but they didn't run in the direction of the Wolf Warrior Hall, but ran in another direction.

Ye Tianling was also puzzled, shouldn't he go back to the sect and ask for help?How to do the opposite?

Ye Tianling grabbed it with his big hand, and the Tao, which was invisible to the naked eye, directly locked the two of them and pulled them back.

"Ah..." The two screamed, their faces were pale, and they looked at Ye Tianling with fear, begging for mercy: "No...don't kill us..."

Ye Tianling looked at them and said coldly, "Why are you running in another direction?"

One of them swallowed, and tremblingly said: "Because... because we are not from the Wolf Warrior Hall."

Ye Tianling was surprised, looked at them, and said quietly: "Then who are you?"

"I...we came to steal things...the guard was...killed by us..." The man responded tremblingly.

"You guys with such strength actually come to the Temple of War to steal things?" Ye Tianling raised his brows.

"There are stronger ones inside, let you steal them, I... we will let the wind outside..."

"That's it..." A faint smile appeared on the corner of Ye Tianling's mouth, and he immediately opened his hand, vines entangled the two of them, and then said lightly: "Follow me!"

The figures of the two were uncontrollable, and they said in horror: "You...where are you taking us..."

"Of course it was given to the people of the Wolf Warrior Palace..." Ye Tianling said lightly, and smashed the gate of the Wolf Warrior Palace with his left hand.

Then the figure flashed in.

The movement of breaking the door was too loud, which directly aroused the disciples of the Wolf Warrior Hall within a range of [-] meters nearby.

In less than ten breaths, hundreds of figures rushed over. They looked at Ye Tianling vigilantly, and shouted coldly: "Who are you, how dare you blast the gate of the Wolf Warrior Hall!"

Ye Tianling looked at them indifferently, and said lightly: "I just caught a few thieves, and they want to steal things from the Wolf Warrior Palace..."

Everyone looked at the two people beside Ye Tianling. These two people were wearing the clothes of the Wolf Warrior Palace, but their faces were strange and cruel.

Someone confirmed: "These two people are indeed not from my palace. I know all the disciples guarding the gate of the palace."

After everyone heard this, they all looked at the two thieves with fierce eyes, and said angrily: "Say! Where did the disciple guarding my palace go!"

The faces of the two thieves were ashen, they knew they were going to die...

One of the thieves had a ferocious face and grinned at them, "Of course I killed him! Hahaha..."

"Looking for death!" A deacon was extremely angry, and his figure flashed, directly hitting the thief on the head.

With one blow, the thief dies!
Ye Tianling walked to the rock not far away, and leaned against it.

After a full cup of tea, the people from the Wolf Warrior Hall finished processing.

Most of them went to catch the thieves who were still lurking in the hall, but the elders of the outer sect were left behind.

There was a kind smile on the old face of the outer sect elder, and he smiled at Ye Tianling and said, "Thank you for providing this news, otherwise the Hall of Wolf Warriors will suffer even more losses."

Ye Tianling nodded lightly.

The elder of the outer sect smiled and asked, "I don't know why you came to the Wolf Warrior Palace?"

Ye Tianling looked at him and said lightly, "I want to be a disciple of the Wolf Warrior Palace."

The white eyebrows of the elders of the outer sect raised slightly, and then said slowly: "No matter what your talent is, you can join the Wolf Warrior Palace."

The old man asked curiously again: "What kind of talent are you?"

Forty pieces of spiritual roots emerged from Ye Tianling's body, as well as the three attribute talents of thunder, wind, and fire.

Forty pieces of green bamboo stood in the sky, and the balls of three attributes, thunder ball, wind ball, fire ball, were suspended in the sky.

This scene!
The old man's old eyes stared round, he opened his mouth wide, looked at this scene in disbelief, and said in a trembling voice: "Four... forty pieces of spiritual roots! Three... three attributes, and all... all seven product attributes!"

This scene!
The disciples in the distance also noticed the vision here, and they couldn't help being stunned.

"This... this talent directly crushed the young suzerain... and the suzerain only has 35 spiritual roots..." a disciple exclaimed.

"Who is this person? Does he want to join the Wolf Warrior Palace!" Someone frowned, and his heart tightened. If Ye Tianling really joined the Wolf Warrior Palace, wouldn't it be that a lot of cultivation resources would be diverted to Ye Tianling's body?

Ye Tianling looked at the old man indifferently, and said in a low voice: "With my qualifications, can I be a disciple in the Wolf Warrior Palace?"

(End of this chapter)

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