Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 46 Prime Minister's Mansion

Chapter 46 Prime Minister's Mansion

Ye Li's beautiful eyes couldn't help being startled, seeing Ye Tianling's confident appearance, his heart was shocked...so confident...

"Boy, you don't look more than sixteen or seventeen years old. I'm afraid you're just a spiritual disciple at this age. Are you not good at hearing? To participate in this competition, you need at least the level of a spiritual master!" At the next table, a man Hearing Ye Tianling's words, he couldn't help being upset, and then mocked.

Ye Tianling raised his brows slightly, why did people find fault everywhere...

Ye Tianling stretched out his hand, and suddenly there was a ray of flame in his hand. He looked at the man lightly and said softly: "Keep your eyes open, I am at the level of a spiritual master!"

When the man saw this, his eyes couldn't help flashing a look of shock, the flames formed by the outburst of aura, this is the sign of a healer...

For a moment, he didn't know what to say, he just felt extremely ashamed...

He just brushed his sleeves and left, he really had no face to stay here anymore...

And this scene was seen by all the diners present, who looked at Ye Tianling in shock.

At such an age, he is already in the realm of a spiritual master. Looking at the entire Tengfeng Empire, it seems that there are only a few people...

Among the people present at the meal, a young man couldn't help but look at Ye Tianling a few more times. He frowned slightly, showing a thoughtful look. He had never seen Ye Tianling before.

And looking at the entire second-rate region, to be able to break through to the realm of a spiritual master at this age will definitely have a certain reputation!
The young man walked over, and he said to Ye Tianling in a low voice: "Brother, at your age, you are already in the realm of a spiritual master, so you must be from a certain powerful force, right?"

Ye Tianling glanced at him, knowing that he was testing his tone, and replied coldly: "From a small place..."

The young man smiled faintly, and thought it was quite normal for Ye Tianling's cold response, he said lightly: "I heard that you are going to participate in this competition, why don't I take you to sign up..."

"Okay..." Ye Tianling said cheerfully, he was wondering where to sign up...

Seeing Ye Tianling agreeing so readily, the young man couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable for a moment, didn't it mean that women can turn their faces faster than turning a book?How can you turn your face so quickly even if you are a man?
"Would you like to thank me? After all, I want to take you to sign up." The young man looked at Ye Tianling and said.

"Oh...thank you..." Ye Tianling.

"..." The young man was speechless...

"Let's go..." the young man said.

"Go..." Ye Tianling said to Ye Li, and Ye Li followed the young man with Ye Tianling.

The three of them were walking on the street, and the young man said to Ye Tianling as they walked: "The emperor is very prosperous, and it is full of opportunities...and also full of danger. I don't know if you are prepared for the danger of the imperial capital?"

Ye Tianling glanced at him, and said softly: "Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover up."

"A person who can say such a thing must have enough confidence to deal with danger. It seems that the background of the brother is extraordinary..." The young man said slowly with a smile.

He has been testing Ye Tianling, wanting to know who Ye Tianling is.

Judging from the short contact so far, he has already determined that Ye Tianling's background must be very strong!
after all!Soldiers come to block the water and cover it with soil, but it is not something ordinary people can do...

"My surname is Gu... My name is Gu Qingfeng..." The young man said slowly, looking at Ye Tianling and Ye Li curiously, "I don't know what your names are..."

"Ye Tianling!"

"Ye Li!"

Hearing the names of the two, Gu Qingfeng looked thoughtful, but he couldn't find any powerful family with the surname Ye.

"Good name..." Gu Qingfeng smiled and said slowly: "More than ten years ago, a man surnamed Ye appeared in the Tengfeng Empire. Dust...it's a pity...he was very dazzling back then, but it was only a flash in the pan..."

Ye Tianling and Ye Li couldn't help but look at each other, Ye Wuchen's name is still somewhat famous in the imperial capital...

Seeing that Ye Tianling and Ye Li ignored him, Gu Qingfeng couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed...

The three of them walked for two cups of tea and came to a quaint street.

There are many imperial soldiers standing side by side here, all dressed in awe, with a flash of hostility in their eyes.

Ye Tianling could tell at a glance that these soldiers were all people who had truly experienced the baptism of the battlefield!
"Gu Shao!" When many soldiers saw Gu Qingfeng, they couldn't help but clasped their fists and saluted.

Gu Qingfeng smiled lightly, and said: "Excuse me, excuse me..."

After Gu Qingfeng finished speaking, he couldn't help looking at Ye Tianling and Ye Li, and found that their faces were extremely calm...

He was even more convinced that the background of Ye Tianling and Ye Li must be extremely deep!

After all, so many soldiers saluted him just now, and Ye Tianling and the other two were able to keep their expressions unchanged. It is conceivable that they must be people who have seen the world...

Gu Qingfeng did not continue to think deeply, and came to a registration office in front, which was guarded by a middle-aged man.

"Brother Ye, you can participate in the big competition the day after tomorrow after reporting your name..." Gu Qingfeng said to Ye Tianling.

Ye Tianling looked at the middle-aged man and said in a low voice, "Ye Tianling, a two-star spiritual master! 16 years old!"

The middle-aged man looked at Ye Tianling in astonishment, 16 years old?Two-star spiritual master?Is this really true?

Although he was puzzled, he didn't ask directly, because Ye Tianling was brought by Gu Qingfeng...

After finishing the registration, Gu Qingfeng invited: "Brother Ye, Sister Ye...how about you staying at my house for two days? Anyway, the days of Dabi are still far away..."

"Okay..." Ye Tianling was not polite. After a short contact, he felt that Gu Qingfeng was very good...

Moreover, Gu Qingfeng's background seems to be very strong, so he can just learn more about the royal family.

"Let's go..." Gu Qingfeng coughed. Originally, he thought Ye Tianling would refuse, but he didn't expect to refuse... It's really not taking the usual path, playing cards out of routine...

Ye Li didn't say anything, since she came, she will be at peace, with her one-star spirit king's realm, plus the Bingchen Sword!Apart from losing to the Spirit Emperor, facing the Spirit King...she has the confidence to kill any Spirit King!
Gu Qingfeng brought Ye Tianling and two people to a mansion. This mansion is very big. Just the length of the south gate...it is already [-] meters away. One can imagine...how big this mansion is...

The gate of the south gate is magnificent, and two stone lions stand in front of the gate, which is very majestic.

And there is a plaque hanging on the south gate, engraved with two words, ancient mansion!

Although it is just two simple words, it represents a kind of power!The power of power!
"The ancient mansion... I expected it well, you are really from the prime minister's mansion..." Ye Tianling looked at the ancient mansion and said leisurely to Gu Qingfeng.

When I was at the inn before, I heard someone mention Gu Yuan Tianjiao of the Gu family, and Gu Qingfeng's surname is Gu, and the soldiers of the empire can salute him, so his status is definitely not low.

(End of this chapter)

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