Chapter 47
Gu Qingfeng smiled faintly, and said, "Brother Ye, please..."

Ye Tianling smiled faintly, and stepped into the ancient mansion together with Ye Li.

The decoration inside the ancient mansion is really extravagant. The wood is made of high-quality red sandalwood, and the tiles are made of high-quality glazed tiles...

Even the bricks on the ground are top-notch, in a word, high-end and high-end atmosphere!
Gu Qingfeng brought Ye Tianling and Ye Li to a courtyard. This courtyard was very large, and it was where Gu Qingfeng lived privately.

Ye Tianling frowned slightly, looking at the empty courtyard, he couldn't help asking: "Why is there no one..."

Gu Qingfeng said: "I like to live alone, so I don't have a dedicated person to serve me."

Ye Tianling nodded, and he was not polite, but sat directly on a recliner, looking at Gu Qingfeng and asked quietly: "Tell me about Lin Menghan and the third prince Chi Yan."

Gu Qingfeng frowned slightly, and he also sat down, looked at Ye Tianling and asked curiously: "Brother Ye, are you interested in their affairs?"

"Of course I'm interested, otherwise I wouldn't have come to ask you." Ye Tianling said slowly.

Gu Qingfeng nodded, he didn't think too much, but said slowly: "Two days later, the third prince Chi Yan will become the crown prince, the first candidate for the future king, and Lin Menghan is from Yuefeng City The young city lord, who was favored by the third prince, will marry the third prince in two days and become the crown princess."

Ye Tianling nodded, and said in a concentrated voice: "Lin Menghan probably doesn't want to marry Chi Yan."

After hearing this, Gu Qingfeng couldn't help but look at Ye Tianling a few more times, and said slowly: "As far as I know, Lin Menghan tried to commit suicide, but was discovered in time."

Ye Tianling's face darkened slightly, and he knew that Lin Menghan would act against him, so he said in a deep voice, "What happened afterwards?"

"Later, Lin Menghan's cultivation was sealed, and now he is like an ordinary person. He can't die even if he wants to, so he can only quietly wait for the doomsday to come!" It's really beautiful, but it's a pity... Such a beauty is destined to be destroyed by power."

A cold light flashed in Ye Tianling's heart. Although he hadn't been in contact with Lin Menghan for too long, judging from the short contact, he was sure that Lin Menghan was a person worthy of deep friendship.

He believed in his own judgment. After all, he had lived for thousands of years. It was very easy to see through a girl in her twenties. If she couldn't see through even this point.

Then he would have lived for thousands of years in vain...

"When I was at the inn, I heard from those people that as long as you win the first place in the big competition, you can put forward any condition to the royal family, and the royal family will definitely meet the requirement of No.1, right?" Ye Tianling looked at Gu Qingfeng Slowly said.

Gu Qingfeng smiled lightly and said: "This is just what the royal family said. At most, they can only make some unreasonable demands... If the demands are too much, it is equivalent to slapping the royal family in the face... The consequences will be very serious!"

After Ye Tianling heard this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but outline a playful arc, and he said softly: "I really want to go too far..."

Gu Qingfeng looked at Ye Tianling seriously, and found that Ye Tianling didn't seem to be joking, and he couldn't help but condense slightly in his heart.

If Ye Tianling really won the first place in the big competition, and then made excessive demands on the royal family, the royal family will definitely investigate and finally find out... that he brought Ye Tianling to sign up!
Gu Qingfeng couldn't help feeling uneasy, but it was only for a while...

After all... the people who can participate in this big competition are at least one-star spiritual masters... and Ye Tianling is only a two-star spiritual master. It is still too difficult to win the first place.

"It seems that Brother Ye is extremely confident..." Gu Qingfeng said with a sneer.

"Confidence comes from strength..." Ye Tianling said lightly, and he asked: "Can you tell me who is stronger among the people who participated in this competition?"

Gu Qingfeng pondered for a while and said: "Gu Yuan from the Gu family is now 20 years old and has the realm of an eight-star spiritual master, and Murong Yun from the Murong family of the general's mansion is now 20 years old and is also an eight-star spiritual master. In the hearts of most people, this The two are the most likely to win the first place!"

Ye Tianling nodded, his eyes flashed with amusement, and he said in a low voice: "I really want to see it, when Chi Yan sees the expression that I won the first place, it should be very exciting..."

After hearing this, Gu Qingfeng couldn't help staring at Ye Tianling. Ye Tianling's words just now expressed a lot of information.

First, Ye Tianling is very confident that he can get the first place, and he looks confident.

Second, why did the third prince, Chi Yan, look so wonderful after seeing Ye Tianling?This shows that Ye Tianling and Chi Yan know each other, and there may be some grievances.

Gu Qingfeng was afraid in his heart, he asked tentatively: "Brother Ye, do you have a grudge against the third prince Chi Yan?"

"No enmity, he and I are old acquaintances, I just wanted to give him a surprise..." Ye Tianling smiled lightly, looking genuine.

Gu Qingfeng's heart is relieved, as long as there is no enmity, otherwise it will be really pursued...but the Gu family will be implicated.

Ye Li on the side looked at Ye Tianling, then at Gu Qingfeng, and couldn't help mourning for Gu Qingfeng in his heart. When the time comes...I'm afraid it's time for you to cry...

"I've been driving for a day, I want to have a good rest..." Ye Tianling said, and immediately entered a separate room!

Ye Li looked left and right, and then followed Ye Tianling into the room.

Gu Qingfeng looked at the back of the two leaving, he touched his chin, and couldn't help muttering to himself: "My surname is Ye... It's really embarrassing me... I really want to know who you are..."


In the middle of the room, Ye Tianling frowned slightly, looked at Ye Li and said in a low voice: "Why did you follow in? Do you want to serve me?"

"Get out!" Ye Li lifted the veil, revealing a face that is all over the country.

She looked solemnly, her beautiful eyes stared at Ye Tianling, and she said in a concentrated voice: "I want to know your plan, even if you win the first place and slap the royal family in the face, the royal family will definitely tear you apart , How did you deal with the royal family's anger at that time?"

Ye Tianling shook his head and said, "I didn't think so much..."

After Ye Li heard this, she felt angry... This is too inconsiderate...

She sighed, it seems that she will have to rely on herself when the time comes...

"Huh!" Ye Li snorted, and then left with a flick of her sleeves. She really didn't want to see Ye Tianling again, it was so annoying.

Looking at Ye Li's leaving back, Ye Tianling couldn't help but draw a faint smile: "Ye Damei is so beautiful when she is angry..."

(End of this chapter)

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