Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 503

Chapter 503

"Close the mountain gate!"

Just when Ye Tianling and the others were about to leave, suddenly there was a stern voice from within the Divine Eagle Sect.

As the sound sounded, the entire Condor Eagle School was suddenly enveloped by a terrifying power.

Everyone sees it.

All of them looked shocked.

"What's going on? What happened?"

"The Divine Eagle Sect actually opened the protective array, what happened?"

Many visitors were puzzled, this day was really full of twists and turns, and the heart was almost beating.

at this time.

Yan Feiying's figure appeared in the sky, his face was slightly ugly, he looked down at the crowd and said in a deep voice: "My Zong Ouyangqing disappeared, and all the people who guarded her are dead, so, if the murderer is not found, the murderer is not found. Before Ouyang Qing, no one was allowed to leave the sect!"

Zhao Zhiwei from Shanzong frowned slightly, it was really courageous for someone to intercept Ouyang Qing.

The disciples of the Divine Eagle Sect looked at each other in blank dismay.

They all knew that Ouyang Qing went down the mountain to practice before, and met a man who fell in love with him. Could it be that man who came to intercept him?

Everyone was guessing and wondering who the person who kidnapped Ouyang Qing was.

Many Immortal Kings of the Divine Eagle Sect also dispatched one after another. Ouyang Qing is extraordinary and has a body of absolute yin.

Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you must find Ouyang Qing.

In a remote valley.

Ye Tianling frowned slightly, and smiled at the few people: "It seems that it is impossible to leave safely."

"Then kill!" Ye Mo was no longer hiding, and pulled Ouyang Qing out of the space.

"En." Ye Tianling nodded lightly.

"You guard Qingqing well, and I will do the rest!" Ye Mo said to Ye Tianling and the others.

"Go!" Ye Tianling said.

Ye Mo's face was stern, and his eyes were filled with blood. He took a step, and he appeared in the sky of the sect in an instant, just like the stars moving!

Standing proudly there, looking down at the crowd, he said in a deep voice, "Ouyang Qing is in my hands!"

Boom boom boom.

With the voice falling.

The Immortal King of the Divine Eagle Sect and even Yan Feiying appeared in the sky. They glanced at Ye Mo, and then cast their eyes to a valley, where Ouyang Qing was right there!
Yan Feiying's face was extremely ugly.

Why is it Ye Mo again?

"What on earth do you want to do!" Yan Feiying looked at Ye Mo with cold eyes, if it wasn't for Ye Mo being a member of the Super Emperor Star and protected by the Bianyu Tianzun.

Otherwise, he would have slaughtered Ye Mo long ago!

Everyone was also puzzled, why would such a good guy kidnap Ouyang Qing?
When empty.

Ye Mo looked at Yan Feiying indifferently, and said coldly: "Some time ago, when Ouyang Qing went down the mountain to practice, the man she met was me!"

"What!" Yan Feiying fixed his eyes, he never thought that the man Ouyang Qing met was actually Ye Mo.

No wonder.

At this time, Yan Feiying figured it out, and everyone also figured it out.

No wonder Ye Mo acted tyrannically as soon as he came to the sect, knocking down the three proud disciples of the Divine Eagle Sect.

All this is because of Ouyang Qing!
Ye Mo looked at Yan Feiying, and said coldly: "Today, I must take Ouyang Qing away, if you stop me! Kill without pardon!"

Yan Feiying's face was extremely ugly.

His eyes were extremely cloudy, and he glanced at Ye Tianling and the others in the distance.

Looking at the situation, Ye Tianling has joined forces with the Mozong!

Ye Tianling can control hundreds of peak immortal weapons, this is undoubtedly the strongest opponent!

Moreover, Leng Xue, the suzerain of the Demon Sect, was also there, her body was terribly cultivated, and her demonic kung fu style was cruel and domineering.

If there was a fight, the Condor Eagle School would definitely suffer heavy losses.

However, if there is no fight, what face does the Divine Eagle Sect have in the Immortal Realm?

If they don't fight, the Divine Eagle Sect will become a joke in the entire Immortal Domain!
"Good! Good! Good!"

Yan Feiying smiled grimly. He looked at Ye Mo sharply, and said with a smirk: "Then let's go to war! Today, either you die, or I forget!"

With the voice falling.

Hundreds of Immortal Kings from the Divine Eagle Sect made their move together, and their main target was Ye Mo!

And Yan Feiying didn't attack Ye Mo, but headed towards the direction where Ye Tianling and the others were.

"This sect restrains Leng Xue and the others, you kill Ye Mo, and then join hands with this sect to kill Leng Xue and the others!"

Yan Feiying made a loud cry, and the brilliance of his body bloomed, and he charged towards Leng Xue with the posture of an eagle.

Leng Xue snorted coldly, so what if she restrained her?Still can't change anything.

Leng Xue took a step, and the magic power around her body spread in all directions, her eyes were extremely cold.

Bang bang bang!
Yan Feiying and Leng Xue fought together instantly.

It directly caused strong sonic booms from all over the Divine Eagle Sect, and the sound was endless and continuous.

The faces of many fairy kings who came here to watch the ceremony changed, and they all shouted: "Quickly evacuate, evacuate to the edge!"

For a moment, everyone retreated to the distance, for fear of being affected by this terrifying force.

And the other side.

All the fairy kings of the Divine Eagle Sect displayed their powerful strength and killed Ye Mo.

come when they want.

So what if Ye Mo's fighting power is against the sky?Facing the Immortal King, there is only the end of hatred!

Just at this time.

Terrible coercion suddenly surged out of Ye Mo's body. When this coercion pervaded, a bloody light curtain enveloped his whole body.

"Bloodthirsty Demon Knife!"

A scarlet long knife suddenly appeared in Ye Mo's hand. The long knife was full of strong devilish energy.

With one swing of the knife, the terrifying will of the demonic way burst out, and only the sound of clang clang clang was heard, and the attacking immortal king was instantly destroyed!

"Not good! It's a peak fairy weapon!" All the fairy kings ran away one by one with horror on their faces.


A blow from the Peak Immortal Artifact, is it possible to escape if you want to?

Bang bang bang bang!

Immediately afterwards, a series of voices sounded, and those fairy kings who were running away were directly cut off with a single knife!
There was not even a blood mist, it turned into nothingness!

Yan Feiying in the distance was shocked when he saw the situation here, he didn't expect Ye Mo to have a peak fairy weapon!
"Looking for death!" Yan Feiying mobilized the Daoyuan power of the sect, but he suddenly discovered that someone was robbing him of the control of Daoyuan!
He felt the power of Daoyuan rushing towards Ye Tianling in the distant valley, which shocked him.

How could Ye Tianling control the Dao source power of the Condor Eagle Sect?You know, he is the founding ancestor of the Divine Eagle Sect.

It should be him who controls the Dao source. He wanted to snatch the Dao source controlled by Ye Tianling, but he found that no matter how he robbed it, he couldn't get it!
"It's impossible!" Yan Feiying parried Leng Xue, but at the same time, his heart was churning with turbulent waves.

Normally, even if someone can control the Daoyuan power of the Condor Eagle Sect, it would be very easy for him to regain control of Daoyuan.

Because he has a more thorough understanding of the Eagle School's skills, and Ye Tianling, an outsider, even if he has the same understanding as him, it won't make him unable to snatch the control of Daoyuan's power!
(End of this chapter)

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