Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 504 Extermination of the Condor Sect

Chapter 504 Extermination of the Condor Sect
"How can you control the power of Daoyuan!" Yan Feiying stared at Ye Tianling in the distance.

Ye Tianling didn't bother to talk to him, communicated with the Daoyuan power, completely controlled the Daoyuan power, and then casually threw the Daoyuan power to harass Yan Feiying.

Bang bang bang!

Yan Feiying's complexion changed drastically. He not only had to deal with Leng Xue, but also with the Daoyuan power controlled by Ye Tianling.

This put him at a disadvantage in an instant.

"Die!" At this time, Ye Mo snarled, and a monstrous demonic energy shot up into the sky, and immediately the bloodthirsty demon knife in his hand suddenly slashed at Yan Feiying!
"No!" Seeing this, Yan Feiying's face changed drastically, and there was a deep sense of fear in his eyes.

All the immortal kings of the Divine Eagle Sect have all fallen, and now he is the only one left!

But now, he has to deal with three people at the same time, all of whom have the combat power of a peak fairy king. If this continues, won't he be ruined?
far away.

Seeing this scene, the suzerains of many small powers couldn't help but change their faces. They traveled thousands of miles to the Divine Eagle Sect to observe the ceremony, but they wanted to see the scene of the Divine Eagle Sect being wiped out.

At this time, when Yan Feiying in the air couldn't resist anymore, and at this moment of stupefaction, three powerful forces suddenly attacked and killed him!

Bang bang bang!
Under these attacks, Yan Feiying was so shocked that he spurted blood, and Ye Mo's knife even cut off one of his arms!
Yan Feiying used the special power of the Immortal King to grow back the broken arm.

However, growing a new arm is very exhausting. At this time, Yan Feiying's face was pale and weak.

"Are you really going to kill this sect?"

Yan Feiying's eyes were cold, staring at Leng Xue, Ye Tianling, and Ye Mo.

Ye Tianling and Ye Mo didn't bother to pay attention to him, and directly sacrificed dozens of peak immortal artifacts. After many immortal artifacts were condensed, they exuded terrifying power.

With a swoosh, it crossed the space and rushed towards Yan Feiying, intending to harvest his life.

"You!" A terrifying light curtain burst out from Yan Feiying's body, and the light curtain enveloped him as a defense.

He was so angry that Ye Tianling and Ye Mo didn't respond, so they killed him.


Ye Mo let out a snarl, his figure suddenly grew bigger, he held the Bloodthirsty Demon Knife tightly from above, and slashed at Yan Feiying!

"Death!" With a slash, Yan Feiying's head was directly chopped off. At the same time, the Daoyuan power controlled by Ye Tianling turned into a heavy hammer and hit him on the back.

Leng Xue's extremely domineering magic skills are even more terrifying, her fierce claws grabbed Yan Feiying's heart from the air.

Bang bang bang!
a time.

Yan Feiying's head exploded, a big hole was smashed out in the back by the heavy hammer, and the heart in front was smashed to pieces!

Yan Feiying's body turned into a blood mist, and the blood mist spilled over the entire Divine Eagle Sect, drifting slowly in the wind.

With the fall of many immortal kings, blood rained in the world. This time, the blood rain was very heavy, spreading to a radius of thousands of miles, and the blood rain was everywhere!
The sudden death of so many fairy kings in Xianyu made even God of Xianyu feel great sadness in his heart.

far away.

Seeing this scene, the suzerains of many small sects stared straight at each other.

The Eagle Sect, one of the three peak powers in the Western Immortal Territory, was wiped out just like that!

From today onwards, the Divine Eagle Sect has completely declined, without the guardian of the Immortal King, how is it different from the Abandoned Sect?

in the air.

Leng Xue was filled with terrifying demonic energy. She looked down at everyone with beautiful eyes, and said coldly: "The Eagle Sect has disappeared from now on, and you are not allowed to stay in the Western Immortal Territory. You will all be evacuated from the Western Immortal Territory within a month!"

After hearing this, many elders and disciples of the Divine Eagle Sect softened their expressions. Just now they thought that Leng Xue and the others would slaughter the entire sect.

Afterwards, the Divine Eagle Sect began to pack things up and down.

When empty.

Ye Tianling and the others got together and left the Eagle Sect.

After disappearing from everyone's sight.

Many fairy kings looked at each other and began to discuss.

"I really didn't expect that I wanted to cling to the Eagle Sect, but I didn't expect it to disappear like this!" A fairy king shook his head and was speechless.

The Immortal Kings also sighed. From then on, only the Shanzong and the Demon Sect were left in the Western Immortal Territory.

Zhao Zhiwei, the suzerain of the Shanzong, had no intention of making a move from the beginning to the end, after all, it has nothing to do with her.

"Hey... I've known each other for thousands of years, and I feel a little uncomfortable just to die like this..." Zhao Zhiwei lingered, and then left here with a gloomy expression on her face.

After Zhao Zhiwei left.

The eyes of many fairy kings are full of greed.

"Steal! Snatch all the secret techniques and immortal artifacts of the Divine Eagle Sect. Anyone who resists will be killed without mercy!"

For a while, many fairy kings were mixed together. Although the Eagle Sect fell, there are still a lot of secrets and immortal artifacts. For the small sect, this is a full meal!

Western Immortal Domain.


Although this place is not beautiful, it is also unique. There are mountains here, and there are some man-made caves dug in the peaks to live in.

But the place where Leng Xue lives is on a mountain peak, where a small palace stands.

in the palace.

Ouyang Qing stared blankly at Ye Mo and Leng Xue, as well as Ye Tianling and Ling Miao.

She didn't expect that Ye Mo turned out to be a member of the Demon Sect, and...not Leng Xue's disciple, but a Taoist companion!

What surprised her even more was that Lingmiao, the overlord of the Eastern Immortal Territory, was also there, but he had no cultivation!

Ye Tianling looked at Ye Mo, and said: "You guys continue to chat, Miaoer and I will walk here casually."

Ye Mo nodded lightly.

Ye Tianling and Lingmiao left here, and stood on the edge of a cliff in Mozong.

At this time, the mountain wind blew past, blowing up Lingmiao's beautiful hair, revealing a complete and delicate face.

"Take a break during this time!" Ye Tianling said softly, looking at Lingmiao's overpowering profile.

"No, I'll go wherever you go!" Lingmiao said firmly.

Although she is only in the five-cut realm now, she has the treasure of Tianzun, even if she is facing Tianzun, she is not afraid.

Ye Tianling rolled his eyes with a smile, and said to her: "I mean... let's just sleep these few days, I want you to give me a baby..."

"..." Lingmiao blushed, giving birth to a child...

Ye Tianling smiled, and looked at the beautiful scenery of the cliff in front of him.

He felt too tired, reborn again and again, starting from scratch again and again, really tired!

It would be fine if he was reborn normally, but every time he was reborn, he lost contact with his woman.

Even now, he still has to find Jun Ruoxi and Lin Menghan, as well as Ye Fu and Gu Xiaolian.

(End of this chapter)

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