Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 506 Chi Menghan

Chapter 506 Chi Menghan

Lingmiao intends to make those heavenly treasures the focus of attention.

If there is a Body of Absolute Yin who hears the news here, he will definitely come here quickly, and then...you should be able to find Ye Tianling's wife in his previous life.

Lingmiao soon arranged the matter, and spread the news about the Heavenly Venerate Treasure in the Nine Flames Secret Realm.

At the beginning, the elders in the sect were shocked, and they all persuaded Lingmiao not to reveal such a secret realm to the public, but they were all dismissed by Lingmiao.

This made the elders feel helpless, but they still followed Ling Miao's request.

this day.

The news of Tianzun treasure is rapidly fermenting.

All the sects, large and small, in the entire Eastern Immortal Territory started talking about it.

"It turns out that the Liu Jue wins the world. That's how it came about. Could it be that the Jue Qi of the Absolute Yin Body can open the Nine Flames Secret Realm?"

Someone frowned and asked suspiciously: "The Nine Flames Secret Realm is a secret realm governed by the Lingmiao Sect. Why must someone with a body of Absolute Yin be able to open it?"

Everyone shook their heads and didn't know.

However, a famous fairy king said: "Some people have always speculated that the Lingmiao Sect has Tianzun treasures. After all, Lingmiao Xianwang had a close relationship with Tianling Tianzun. It is normal for Tianling Tianzun to give her some Tianzun treasures. I don’t understand one thing, that is, why does it have to be a woman with a body of Absolute Yin to open the Nine Flames Secret Realm?”

"Who knows? The only one who really knows is the Lingmiao Immortal King!" said a famous Immortal King.

"Anyway, this Lingmiao sect has to take a trip. I haven't seen the treasure of Tianzun after living for so long. I really want to see what the treasure of Tianzun is like."

"Yes, I have to go there, just in time to see what women with absolutely yin bodies are there!"

Everyone said one after another, even though they knew that they could not get the treasure of Tianzun, they still wanted to see it with their own eyes.

In the eastern fairyland.

In a remote valley, there was a thatched hut. Outside the thatched hut, stood a young girl. She was dressed in a worn-out cloth with several holes in it.

Although the clothes were torn, they were clean. The most noticeable thing was that although the girl was wearing very torn clothes, she looked very poor.


This young girl's skin is like jade, smooth and elastic.

She is also tall and slender, with a plump figure, which should be convex or concave.

Her peerless figure, even if she was wearing a tattered cloth, could not conceal her proud figure.

What attracts people's attention even more is that her face is extremely exquisite, and her face is definitely much more beautiful than those female emperors. She is as beautiful as a perfect product that God has spent countless years carefully carving out.

Logically speaking, as long as such a beauty goes out, she will be snapped up by countless people, but she still wears such clothes, one can imagine how outstanding this woman is.

"Father!" There was mist in the girl's beautiful eyes, and there was a strong determination in her eyes.

She looked up at the sky, her eyes filled with a gleam of coldness, and she clenched her white jade hands tightly.

"People from the Zhao family killed you, my daughter will definitely avenge you, and let the whole Zhao family be buried with you!"

The girl's name is Chi Menghan, because the village head Zhao, a tyrant at the foot of the mountain, has taken a fancy to her peerless appearance.

He wanted to marry her, but she refused, so Village Chief Zhao used force. In order to protect her, her father fought Village Chief Zhao desperately, and then died!
"The body of absolute yin!" Chi Menghan is only 17 years old this year, but she is just an ordinary person and has not practiced any exercises.

It's not that she doesn't want to practice, but that she doesn't know how to practice.

Just yesterday, when she went down the mountain, she accidentally learned that the Lingmiao Sect, thousands of miles away, was recruiting a girl with a body of absolute yin.

Although she doesn't know what the body of absolute yin is, there is always a voice in her mind saying that she is the king's woman and the body of absolute yin, as long as she sees the king, she can return to her territory!

"Lingmiaozong..." Chi Menghan's eyes danced with helplessness, she was just an ordinary person, how could she go to Lingmiaozong?
I'm afraid that she has already died due to the exhaustion of her lifespan before reaching the Lingmiaozong!
Chi Menghan decided to go down the mountain to see the situation, and stayed here all the time, but couldn't get any useful information.

Chi Menghan looked back at the tomb piled up in the thatched hut, inside the tomb was her father in this life.

"Father! I won't let you die in vain. The people of the Zhao family, I will slaughter their heads and pay homage to Daddy!"

After Chi Menghan finished speaking, he turned and left.

After walking for an hour, Chi Menghan finally came to the foot of the mountain.

There are many villages at the foot of the mountain, and the village closest to where she lives is Zhaojia Village, which is also the village where his father was killed!
When Chi Menghan first appeared here.

Suddenly, many village names shouted.

"Chi Menghan is down the mountain, Chi Menghan is down the mountain!"

As the words came out, there was a large independent courtyard at the farthest point of Zhaojia Village.

Hearing the shouts of many villagers, a group of people couldn't help but ran out of it!
The leader was a middle-aged man, the village head of the Zhao family, named Zhao Youqian.

Zhao Youqian ran over quickly, and when he saw Chi Menghan, a scorching light appeared in his eyes.

"Little girl, I was run away by you before, but I didn't expect you to come to my door. God help me! Hahaha..."

Zhao Youqian laughed wildly, he has been coveting Chi Menghan for not a day or two.

Chi Menghan looked at Zhao Youqian with cold eyes, and said coldly: "It's not impossible if you want to marry me, as long as you take me to the town for a stroll!"

Zhao Youqian frowned, looked at Chi Menghan suspiciously, and asked, "You don't mean to run away, do you?"

"Where can I go, a woman with no strength to restrain me?" Chi Menghan said coldly.

Zhao Youqian stroked his chin, thinking it was true, Chi Menghan was just a weak woman, how could she escape from his grasp?

Zhao Youqian looked at Chi Menghan with a smile, and said: "As long as you are willing to marry me, I will give you whatever you want, let alone take you shopping, so what if it is for you to practice Dharma?"

"Cultivation methods?" Chi Menghan's eyes lit up, she didn't expect Zhao Youqian to have cultivation methods!
In her impression, no one in Zhaojia Village or even in many other villages had a practice method.

Only there is a family in the town that has a cultivation method. She just said that she would go to the town to see if she could get a cultivation method.

"If you teach me how to practice, I will marry you!" Chi Menghan looked at him and said.

"Hahaha..." Zhao Youqian laughed loudly. As the head of a village, he couldn't tell that Chi Menghan wanted to escape from his grasp after he succeeded in cultivation.

But cultivation is difficult, even at his age, he still can't cultivate after he has obtained the method of cultivation.

He vaguely remembered entering a magical world, where the thunder was rolling, and all kinds of charms were reborn, and then he was lost there, and it took a long time to get out. At that time, he knew that he would not be able to cultivate at all.

When he thought about it, he couldn't even practice. How could Chi Menghan be able to practice when he was only 17 years old?

"Okay, here you are!" Zhao Youqian readily took out a book of formulas from his pocket, and threw it to Chi Menghan.

Ps: Recommend a book【The Strongest DNF System in the City】

(End of this chapter)

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