Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 507 Revenge

Chapter 507 Revenge
Chi Menghan took it, then looked at Zhao Youqian and said, "I want to go back to practice first!"

"Wait!" Zhao Youqian came, he looked at Chi Menghan with a smile and said: "I only give you three days, after three days, the village head will marry you!"

"Three days is three days!" Chi Menghan ran up the mountain, she couldn't wait, she really wanted to practice immediately.

But it's not safe to practice here, so I can only go back and practice!

Zhao Youqian touched the beard on his chin, and ordered the people behind him: "You follow her secretly, don't let her run away, if she runs away, I will kill you!"

"Yes!" Several young and strong villagers nodded quickly, and then ran up the mountain.

"Hmph!" Zhao Youqian snorted, and said leisurely, "It's really strange that a little girl can cultivate successfully."

Zhao Youqian didn't take it to heart either, thinking in his heart that Chi Menghan would definitely not be able to practice, and after three days, he would have to marry him.

When Zhao Youqian thought of Chi Menghan's proud figure and delicate face, he felt anxious for a while.

Chi Menghan returned to the mountain, and she sat cross-legged directly at the door of the thatched cottage.

She looked at the practice method in her hand, first of all she had to inhale enough spiritual energy, and when the spiritual energy was full, she would be able to open the door to break through the realm of chopping dust.

She followed the route of absorbing spiritual energy, and practiced it herself first. Immediately, the spiritual energy in a radius of one kilometer seemed to be attracted by a vortex, and rushed directly towards it.

At this moment, Chi Menghan turned into a vortex, and the vortex circulated wildly, quickly inhaling the aura around him.

In just an instant, she felt that she could no longer hold any more aura in her body.

Chi Menghan continued to flip through the introduction.

"Compress the spiritual energy into spiritual liquid, and then flow it into the atrium, and you can open the door to break through the realm. If you want to break through the realm, you have to have a firm will to cut off the world, or, enough heartless, to cut off your own seven emotions. You can break through in any way!"

Chi Menghan did as he did, compressing the spiritual energy until it was compressed into a ball of liquid, and then transported the spiritual liquid to the atrium.


Chi Menghan only felt that he had entered another world, where thunder was rolling in this world!
The terrifying majesty of heaven and earth made her afraid.

In addition, when she saw her parents in this life, her beautiful eyes couldn't help showing a mist.

Although the picture in front of her is extremely real, she knows that all of these are the relatives she misses the most in her heart.

"I choose to destroy the sky!" Chi Menghan raised her foot and stepped into the gate of heaven, which is to kill heaven and earth!

She didn't want herself to be a person without feelings, so she chose Mietian!

The majesty of heaven and earth was extremely terrifying, accompanied by rumbling thunder, there were horrific lightning strikes towards Chi Menghan.

Chi Menghan didn't back down, she clenched a fist, the strength of this punch depends on her will to destroy the sky!

"I want to avenge my father! I want to become stronger! Become the strongest and control my own destiny!"

Chi Menghan condensed her voice, she looked at the billowing white clouds in the sky and the terrifying lightning, her gaze was full of determination!


Chi Menghan yelled softly, although the Fenquan is very tender, it looks like it can't even lift a chicken, but at this moment, this fist of hers seems to be above the world, with the power of the prehistoric, it can punch Destruction!

With this punch, the billowing white clouds in the sky, the diffuse thunder and lightning, all shattered!
The will of heaven and earth was destroyed, and a very powerful force automatically flowed into Chi Menghan's body!

Chi Menghan felt that she suddenly had a very strong power, as if this whole body of power could easily wipe out a mountain!
Chi Menghan opened her eyes and broke through the perfect cut, making her eyes and ears extremely clever.

The perception was also a thousand times stronger, she immediately found someone hiding in the dark, and when she cast her gaze, she saw a few people hiding a hundred meters away!
call out!
Chi Menghan took a step, and instantly appeared in front of several people!

These villagers came to monitor Chi Menghan, but when they saw Chi Menghan suddenly appear in front of them, they were all shocked!

"You... you can actually cultivate..." Several people showed horror, and their eyes were filled with fear.

At that time, Chi Menghan's father was killed, and several of them also intervened. At this time, Chi Menghan is already a cultivator, shouldn't he take revenge?


After Chi Menghan gained great strength, the first thing he thought of was revenge!
Bang bang bang!
With a wave of Chi Menghan's sleeve, the vast power directly blasted these villagers into blood mist, and the whole mountain range couldn't help trembling heavily!
This made many villages at the foot of the mountain startled. Is this an earthquake?
Chi Menghan was also secretly shocked. It was the first time she made a move, but she didn't control the strength well. She didn't expect that with a casual wave of her hand, the entire hundred-mile-long mountain range trembled.

"It doesn't matter, kill Zhao Family Village first, anyone who bullied my father will die!"

Chi Menghan took a step forward, her figure was like lightning, when she heard a bang, her figure collided with a rock.

"Hey..." Chi Menghan covered her head, she didn't control her strength well, her figure ran too fast, before she could turn around, she hit the rock.

"Run slowly." Chi Menghan slowed down, and slowly managed to control the strength of her body. After only a while, her figure appeared at the foot of the mountain, Zhaojia Village!
when she appeared.

The villagers in Zhaojia Village were a little puzzled, didn't they go to practice?How did you come back so soon?

Could it be that the cultivation was unsuccessful?Automatically sent to the door to marry the village chief?
"Chi Menghan is out, Chi Menghan is out..."

The villagers shouted.

In the yard far away.

When Zhao Youqian heard the voice, he immediately ran over, followed by Village Chief Zhao's family!
When they saw Chi Menghan, a strong smile appeared on their faces.

"Menghan, you know that you are not successful in cultivation, so you came to me on your own, and you are going to marry me, right?" Zhao Youqian smiled and looked at Chi Menghan with burning eyes.

Chi Menghan looks so beautiful, even if she is only wearing ripped clothes, it still can't hide her youthfulness.

Everyone felt the same way.

They all said with a smile.

"Menghan, if you marry Village Chief Zhao, you will be blessed for the rest of your life," said a Zhao family member.

"Hahaha..." Zhao Youqian smiled even more after hearing this, and walked up to Chi Menghan, wanting to reach out and touch her face!


Chi Menghan made a move, and immediately crushed Zhao Youqian's fist, and at the same time, kicked out, directly breaking Zhao Youqian's leg bone!

"Ah..." Zhao Youqian was in so much pain that he half knelt on the ground and wailed. He never thought that Chi Menghan would suddenly attack and hurt him.

(End of this chapter)

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