Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 513

Chapter 513

until noon.

All the fairy kings came back together, but they all looked disappointed. They searched everywhere, but they didn't find the Yin body.

Simply come back to see the young master of Lingmiaozong, after all, at noon today is the time to open the relic of Tianzun.

In Nine Flames Mountain, outside of Nine Flames Mystery, many people have already gathered there at the moment, at a glance, there are huge crowds of people, even the Immortal King has thousands of people.

Among them, there are more than 200 Immortal Kings from the Lingmiao Sect. If this lineup is known to outsiders, they will be shocked and tremble.

"Why hasn't the new young master of the Lingmiao Sect come yet? It's already noon..."

"Immortal King Lingmiao also didn't come, so just wait."

As everyone said, they couldn't wait, they really wanted to witness the relics of Tianzun and see the real treasure of Tianzun!

At this time.

A group of people floated from afar.

Five women and one man, all the women are peerless beauties, the man is among the beauties, making everyone envious, why aren't they among the beauties?
This group of people were Ye Tianling and the others.

Floating in the sky, Immortal King Lingmiao looked at Chi Menghan beside him, and said, "Go."

Chi Menghan nodded lightly. She already knew how to open the Nine Flames Secret Realm. As for the Tianzun Ruins... there is no need for any Yin Absolute Body to open it.

All of this is Lingmiao's desire to attract a woman with a body of absolute yin, and this is what Chi Menghan just learned this morning.

Chi Menghan swept towards a faint yellow flame mountain, her beautiful hair like ink was flying up, it was too beautiful to behold.

Everyone looked at each other.

Everyone was amazed.

"Is this the newly established young suzerain Chi Menghan? He really has great luck..."

"I don't know if she can get the treasure in the ruins!" Some people frowned, and they could tell at a glance that Chi Menghan was only 17 years old, and he was just a cut-off...

At such a state, at such an age, can he really take out the treasure of heaven?

Chi Menghan entered the secret realm. The secret realm was like a volcano, with flames everywhere, and the rocks were filled with layers of faint yellow flames.

Let this secret place become extremely hot.

On the highest peak of the volcano, there are peak immortal artifacts standing there. At a glance, there are thousands of them!
"Hiss..." Chi Menghan gasped, as long as he could get one, he could really walk sideways in the fairyland.

And there are thousands of them here, if they can control them all, wouldn't they be invincible?

Chi Menghan settled down, her beautiful eyes looked at the sky above the fairy artifacts, where eighteen treasures stood!
Every treasure is dazzling, even if it doesn't release a domineering aura, Chi Menghan feels very strongly about the aura that surpasses the world!
"Let's take one first!" Chi Menghan's beautiful eyes looked at one of the long red sticks. The surface of this long stick was carved with red dragons, like real dragons, which could jump out at any time.

"Fulong stick!" Chi Menghan knew the names of every treasure, and Lingmiao told her all the information in the morning.

"Just take this!" Chi Menghan swept away until he appeared in front of the Fulong stick, and the Fulong stick suddenly burst into invincible will!
Chi Menghan felt this will, his body trembled, his face changed, and his soul felt frightened!

She only knew that if she wanted to subdue this Fulong stick, she had to go through its invincible willpower.

Chi Menghan put aside distracting thoughts and used her own will to fight.

outside world.

Many fairy kings looked at Ye Tianling, they were very curious, they had always heard that Ye Tianling abolished Lingmiao's cultivation, and then forcibly occupied Lingmiaozong.

But looking at the current situation, how could it look a bit domineering?It's clearly very harmonious...

A man looked at Ye Tianling in the sky, and asked curiously, "I wonder if your Excellency is a disciple of Tianzun?"

Ye Tianling glanced at him, and said lightly: "I won't tell anything about me."

The man didn't say anything, but became more curious about Ye Tianling's origin.

There was also an immortal king who looked at Lingmiao in the air and asked, "My lord, why did your cultivation disappear?"

Everyone also looked at it, and they were very puzzled. After all, they have reached the peak of the Immortal King, are powerful, and have the same longevity as the world. It is a pity that the cultivation base is gone like this.

At first they suspected that Lingmiao had been abolished by Ye Tianling.

But seeing Lingmiao sacrifice hundreds of fairy artifacts with their own eyes yesterday, their doubts were also dispelled.

After all, Lingmiao can control hundreds of immortal artifacts, which is stronger than the power he cultivated himself. If this is the case, it will be of no use if his cultivation is abolished.

Lingmiao looked at him and explained: "The cultivation base was cut off by myself. Our sect has stayed in the realm of the peak fairy king for too many years, and has never been able to reach the realm of Tianzun, so we simply practice again. I hope that after re-cultivation, we can reach the realm of Tianzun." Realm!"

After everyone heard this, they all admired in their hearts, cutting off their cultivation base from the peak Immortal King, it will take countless years to return to the peak!

It is not so obvious in the four great realms of Zhanchen, Fenhun, Xianfu, and Shengyuan.

But once one breaks through the Immortal King, it will take many years if one wants to advance to a small realm.

During this long period of time, who can endure being in a low state?

Everyone didn't say anything more, except for admiration in their hearts, they still admired it.

Just when everyone was still discussing.

Suddenly, a terrible coercion erupted from Jiuyan Mountain. The coercion swept across the nine heavens and ten places, looked at all directions, and quickly spread in all directions with lightning speed!

Just for an instant.

This supreme coercion swept across the entire Eastern Immortal Territory, and within a short period of time swept to the Western Immortal Territory, Southern Immortal Territory, and Northern Immortal Territory!

"It's a heavenly treasure!"

Many Immortal Kings were afraid. Although they had never seen the Celestial Treasure, they had felt the coercion of the Celestial Treasure many years ago. The coercion was exactly the same as the current coercion!
"Chi Menghan got the treasure!" Everyone said, only when Chi Menghan controls the treasure can the treasure show such terrifying power!

The flames of Nine Flame Mountain were suddenly surging, and at the entrance of the secret realm, there was a layer of dazzling light, and a beautiful figure was wrapped in the light!

"Come out... come out..." Everyone couldn't help shouting when they saw the phantom figure in the light.

In the light, Chi Menghan was holding a red dragon staff as tall as a person!
"This stick..." The fairy kings couldn't help frowning when they saw the red stick in her hand!
"This is the Fulong stick used by the Buddha back then!" Someone knew about this treasure.

"Back then, Su Fu swept across the world with the Fulong stick, and smashed tens of thousands of sects with one stick. Under his stick, almost no one could survive!"

Everyone was amazed, and their thoughts returned to a long, long time ago.

Some people also wondered why such a beautiful woman like Chi Menghan would use such a rough and sharp Fulong stick?
(End of this chapter)

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