Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 514 Why Should I Practice?

Chapter 514 Why Should I Practice?
When Ye Tianling saw Chi Menghan holding the Fulong stick, the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching slightly.

Girls use Fulong sticks?I'm not used to it...

However, Chi Menghan held the Fulong stick in Chi Menghan's hands without the slightest sense of disobedience, which made him feel that this Fulong stick was tailor-made for her.

Ye Tianling looked at the many immortal kings at this time, and said: "Chi Menghan has obtained the treasure of Tianzun, and this Fulong stick belongs to her. After gathering two more Yin Yin bodies, all the relics of Tianzun can be opened!"

Ye Tianling glanced at them, and said leisurely: "What I said before still counts, as long as one of you finds the body of absolute yin, Lingmiaozong will reward you with a peak fairy weapon!"

After everyone heard this, their hearts couldn't help boiling, and they wished they could find the body of absolute yin immediately!

At their normal speed of cultivation, it may take 1 years to break through a level!
If one can find the Absolute Yin Body, one will be able to obtain the Peak Immortal Artifact, which will save countless years of time.

"Farewell! If there is any news about the Absolute Yin Body, I will notify you as soon as possible!" All the fairy kings said one after another.

Ye Tianling nodded lightly.

After that, the fairy kings left.

Ye Tianling and the others also returned to the palace.

And the entire Immortal Territory, especially the Western Immortal Territory, Northern Immortal Territory, and Southern Immortal Territory, who don't know the situation!

Before that, the power of Heavenly Venerable burst out of Fulong Stick, and the coercion swept the entire Immortal Domain, which attracted the attention of many Immortal Kings!

Especially those Tianzun disciples felt the power of the Tianzun treasure emanating from the East Immortal Territory.

His brows furrowed.

There was a man, he frowned, and said leisurely: "It seems... there is a treasure in the Eastern Immortal Territory!"

I said that there is greed in this person's eyes, even if he is a disciple of Tianzun, Tianzun will not give him a treasure of Tianzun!
The Tianzun treasure is too precious, if he can get it, wouldn't he be able to surpass the heaven and the earth?Climb to the sky in one step, shoulder to shoulder with many heavenly deities?
"Go to the Eastern Immortal Territory!"

For a while!

The peak forces from all walks of life put down what they were doing, and all went to the East and West Regions, wanting to see what happened.

In Lingmiaozong.

Ye Tianling and the others were very leisurely, sometimes he would give advice to Chi Menghan, and Chi Menghan's advancement was also very fast, and now he is at the peak of the second cut, and is about to break through to the third cut.


Chi Menghan was practicing the secret technique on the mountainside by herself. There was a waterfall flowing on the mountainside, and the water from the waterfall splashed on her body.

The clothes she was wearing couldn't help being soaked, clinging tightly to her charming figure.

Ye Tianling was in the dark, lying on his back on a tree growing on the mountainside not far away.

Looking at Chi Menghan's hard training, she couldn't help showing a faint smile on her face.

Chi Menghan stopped practicing, she always felt a pair of eyes watching her in the dark, which made her very uncomfortable!
"Who!" Chi Menghan looked around vigilantly, in Lingmiaozong, there were women all over the place.

Only Ye Tianling is a man.

Her beautiful eyes were cold, and she said in a deep voice: "Ye Tianling! Are you in the dark!"

"It's me...what's the matter..." Ye Tianling's voice sounded, and he appeared in front of her!

"Bastard!" Chi Menghan's body was full of secret techniques, and she quickly dried up her clothes!

She didn't know that the selflessness she had just cultivated made her forget that her appearance at this moment was extremely charming.

"I'm just an asshole...what's the matter..." Ye Tianling smiled lazily, looked into Chi Menghan's eyes, and said, "Although you are beautiful, you can see that which one of my wives is not beautiful? None of them are more beautiful than you Poor, even if you are naked in front of me now, I may not be able to get interested."

Chi Menghan was extremely angry, filled with the power of the peak fairy weapon, she wanted to teach Ye Tianling a lesson!
Ye Tianling also sacrificed the fairy weapon, and the power of the fairy weapon competed with Chi Menghan's fairy weapon!
Chi Menghan raised her brows, it seems that using the Peak Immortal Artifact is useless!
Then use Fulong stick!

Chi Menghan's Fulong stick appeared in her hand in an instant, she didn't hit Ye Tianling with it, she was afraid that Ye Tianling would be killed with one blow.

Ye Tianling smiled lightly, and a meteor hammer appeared in his hand, which is also a treasure of heaven, and the power of the treasure can be countered!
In an instant, it spread to the entire fairyland!

Under the collision of the power of this treasure, countless cultivators who were flying in the air were directly suppressed by this coercion and fell from the sky!

Especially the Peak Immortal King and the disciples of Tianzun who were rushing to the Eastern Immortal Territory from all directions, were shocked by this coercion and fell from the sky!
"Bastard!" Those Tianzun disciples looked ugly, they were noble, and they fell from the sky in front of everyone!
It was embarrassing for them to arrive.

And those fairy kings were frowning. Could it be that there was a battle at the level of Tianzun in the fairyland?If this is the case, wouldn't the entire Immortal Domain be destroyed?

In the back mountain of Lingmiaozong.

When Chi Menghan saw the meteor hammer in Ye Tianling's hand, he was not too shocked!

After all, even she can own a treasure, so it's not surprising that Ye Tianling owns a treasure.

"What on earth do you want!" Chi Menghan looked at Ye Tianling indifferently!
She put away the dragon stick.

"Why not." Ye Tianling also put away the meteor hammer.

He stood on the stone rock, looked at Chi Menghan, and said with a smile: "The mountains and rivers are beautiful here, and there are beauties to accompany you. Don't you think this kind of life is very comfortable?"

"Believe it or not, I'll tell your wife that you molested me!" Chi Menghan threatened.

"Then you go..." Ye Tianling shrugged, disapproving, and said leisurely: "There is so much commotion here, and they didn't come over, don't you think it's strange?"

Chi Menghan's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that they all knew that Ye Tianling was going to tease her?
Moreover, there was no one around here, if Ye Tianling had a stronger Celestial Treasure, she would not be able to deal with it.

This can't help but make her gaze fixed and vigilant.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore." Ye Tianling was speechless, and Chi Menghan was too wary of him...

It’s better when I was in Tianling Continent. At that time, Chi Menghan was very active and gentle...

It's like now, just like a little pepper, hot...burning your mouth...

"Hmph!" Chi Menghan turned her face away, so she was teasing her!

"By the way, why are you practicing so hard?" Ye Tianling looked at her.

It stands to reason that Chi Menghan already has the Heavenly Venerate Treasure, and the progress of cultivation can be slowed down, but Chi Menghan is still working so hard, which makes him puzzled.

After all, Chi Menghan hasn't recovered her memory, and she still doesn't know what she will face in the future.

After Chi Menghan heard this, her beautiful eyes drooped slightly, with tears glistening in her eyes.

She clenched her fists and said in a trembling voice: "I want to cultivate to the strongest, and I want to see if I can bring my parents back to life!"

(End of this chapter)

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