Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 515 Attacking the Mountain Gate

Chapter 515 Attacking the Mountain Gate

Chi Menghan has only been in the sect for a few days, but she has already asked many questions.

Knowing that even at the level of Qibu Tianzun, others cannot be revived, her heart sank.

But she thinks the world is very strange, new life is constantly being born, and the world is running in an orderly manner.

Why can't she bring those dead lives back to life?She wants to be the strongest, to create everything by herself, to create creatures by herself, to reverse the law of life, and to resurrect the dead parents!
After hearing this, Ye Tianling's eyes frowned slightly. He didn't expect Chi Menghan to be so attached to his parents in this life.

He looked at Chi Menghan and said slowly: "Reaching the realm of Tianzun can bring you back to the past!"

"What!" After hearing this, Chi Menghan's eyes burst into a bright light. She stared at Ye Tianling and confirmed, "Can I go back to the past?"

"It can only let you go back to the past and see everything that happened in the past. You can't interfere with the past, you can only watch quietly." Ye Tianling said.

"Look quietly..." Chi Menghan's beautiful eyes drooped slightly, she was not satisfied with this, she wanted to bring her parents back to life.

"I'm continuing to practice!" Chi Menghan glanced at Ye Tianling, and immediately focused on practicing.

Ye Tianling didn't bother her anymore, and left quietly.

After returning to the courtyard.

Duanmu Qingxue and the girls sat there quietly, looking at Ye Tianling with beautiful eyes, and said softly: "How is it?"

"It's okay." Ye Tianling sat down, took a sip of tea, looked at the girls and said, "In a few days, I want to go out for a walk alone, you stay in the sect, and see if you have any experience of yin and death. Come here !"

"En." Xiao Ran and the others nodded, but did not dissuade them.


The next morning.

The sun is shining brightly, and many people have woken up from their sleep and are enjoying the sunshine.

In this quiet hour.

Chi Menghan in the yard suddenly opened her eyes. Last night, with a surge of energy, she directly broke through to the peak of the five cuts, and the cuts were perfect!

All this is because of her strong desire to become stronger. Only when she becomes stronger will it be possible to reverse yin and yang and revive her parents in the future.

Ye Tianling and the others came out at this time, seeing that Chi Menghan was already at the peak of the Five Slashes, they couldn't help frowning.

"Practice should be done step by step!" Ye Tianling reminded.

"As long as the foundation is not damaged!" Chi Menghan stood up and glanced at him.

Ye Tianling shrugged, but he couldn't refute.

Ling Miao and the others smiled.


at this time.

Thousands of miles away from the Lingmiao Sect, there was a wave of coercion from the immortal kings, and these coercion of the immortal kings continued wave after wave, as if they were endless and never-ending.

Feeling the coercion, Ye Tianling frowned slightly. Logically speaking, even if the news here spread to the West Immortal, Southern Immortal, and Northern Immortal.

Those fairy kings came here, wouldn't they release their coercion directly, right?
If the coercion is released directly, then the comer is not good.

"Do you want to go out and have a look?" Lingmiao frowned.

"No need!" Ye Tianling said lightly, lying lazily on the chair.

Outside the Lingmiao Sect.

There are patches of Immortal Kings flying over, at a glance, they are densely packed like piles of ants.

Among them, the Immortal King frowned and looked at Lingmiaozong with doubts in his eyes.

"Our commotion is so big, why doesn't Immortal King Lingmiao come out to greet us?" The famous Immortal King of Nine Heavens raised his eyebrows.

Another Immortal King of the Ninth Layer said with a smile: "I guess he was frightened by our battle, thinking that we formed a group to fight against Lingmiaozong."

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help laughing.

At this time.

Tianzun's disciples and others also came over one after another, but they are all at the Ascending Origin Realm, and normal immortal kings don't pay attention to them.

Seeing them running to the front, a famous fairy king couldn't help frowning, looked at them and scolded coldly: "It's just a small promotion of origin, let me retreat to the back!"

After hearing this, the disciple of Tianzun raised his eyebrows, showing arrogance all over his body. He looked at the fairy king and said coldly: "You are the one who should retreat!"

After hearing that, the Immortal King was furious, looked at him angrily, and said coldly: "Ants in the Ascending Origin Realm dare to refute this sect, it seems that you want to die!"

The Immortal King made a bold move, and a ray of light roared out, killing the disciple of Tianzun.

"Huh!" The disciple of Tianzun snorted coldly, and did not fight back when the attack hit him.

His clothes suddenly glowed with a layer of brilliance, resisting the attack of the Immortal King.

"Immortal Clothes!" All the Immortal Kings couldn't help staring at the clothes he was wearing.

Even if they are a fairy king, they still don't have a piece of fairy clothes, and the people who have fairy clothes, how can they have a poor background?
The fairy king who made the shot trembled in his heart, what kind of power did he provoke just now?

Tianzun's disciple, his eyes were cold and arrogant, he glanced at the many immortal kings, and said coldly: "I am Huangfu Tianzun's disciple, now, all of you must listen to my son, otherwise!"

He didn't say it, but the threat in his words was fully revealed.

The immortal king who made the shot turned pale when he heard that this person was a disciple of Tianzun, and his body was covered in cold sweat.

"My lord...I...I didn't know you were a disciple of Tianzun just now, and... please forgive me, lord." The Immortal King trembled.

Even if he is the Immortal King, he is very afraid of death at the moment.

"Hmph!" The young man snorted coldly, his name was Lie Wuliang, he looked at the fairy king, and ordered coldly: "Go and call the suzerain of Lingmiaozong to come out!"

"Yes... yes." The Immortal King breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly shouted to the Lingmiao Sect: "Immortal King Lingmiao, I'm here waiting for you if I need something!"

He shouted a few more words, but there was still no response, which made everyone frown.

Immortal King Lingmiao didn't come out?
"It's useless to shout with your mouth, then hit it with your fist!" Lie Wuliang looked at the Immortal King coldly and ordered.

"Yes!" The Immortal King did as he did, blasting towards Lingmiaozong's sect-protecting formation.

In his mind, it was Tianzun's disciple who ordered him, and Immortal King Lingmiao couldn't blame him.

Bang bang bang!
Following a series of attacks, Lingmiaozong's sect-protecting array permeated the air, resisting the bombardment again and again.

At this moment, a sharp arrow with the momentum of thunder roared from the Lingmiao Sect.

The sharp arrow shot straight at the fairy king.

Seeing this, the Immortal King turned pale, and quickly used the strongest defense to resist the sharp arrow!

But when the sharp arrow touched him, it directly wiped out his figure.

Seeing this, all the immortal kings couldn't help but focus their eyes, did Immortal King Lingmiao make a move?The first shot is to suppress and kill?

And Tian Zun's disciple's face was extremely ugly, he took a step, and was extremely close to the sect-protecting formation.

He looked down at the Lingmiao Sect, which was shrouded in fairy mist and invisible to the naked eye, and said in a deep voice: "The master is Huangfu Tianzun. Because of the shock of the Tianzun treasure in the Eastern Immortal Territory, I am here to understand the situation. I also ask Lingmiao Xianwang to open the mountain gate. Come out and see you!"

(End of this chapter)

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