Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 516 9 Sword

Chapter 516 Nine Swords
At this moment, the protective array of Lingmiaozong was withdrawn, and a beautiful figure appeared in front of everyone.

This beautiful figure is Hua Qianyue, the chief elder of the Lingmiao Sect. She looked at Li Wuliang with her beautiful eyes, and said coldly: "You all come to the Lingmiao Sect with such an attitude? If you want to start a war with the Lingmiao Sect, then just say so!"

Everyone looked at each other, they were just curious, but they didn't want to start a war with Lingmiaozong.

Lie Wuliang, a disciple of Tianzun, frowned, staring at Hua Qianyue, and said coldly: "I am a disciple of Tianzun!"

Hua Qianyue looked at him calmly, and said calmly: "What about the disciples of Tianzun? I don't know how many Tianzun wanted to bribe Immortal King Lingmiao back then, and wanted to rely on the relationship of the suzerain to get close to the invincible Tianzun Su Tianling!"

A look of disdain appeared on Lie Wuliang's face, and he said with a playful smile: "Back then, it was because of Tianling Tianzun. Today, Ling Tianzun has died long ago, and the current Lingmiao Immortal King is just an Immortal King!"

"Hehe." Hua Qianyue smiled faintly, looked at him with beautiful eyes, and said, "And then?"

"Then?" Lie Wuliang said with a sullen face, his eyes were burning and menacing, and said coldly to Hua Qianyue, "Let Lingmiao Immortal King come to see me!"

"What are you? You also want the suzerain to meet you in person?" Hua Qianyue sneered.

Although Tianling Tianzun is dead, the background of Lingmiaozong belongs to the top in the entire fairyland!

Only the Demon Sect of the Western Immortal Territory can stand shoulder to shoulder with the Buddha Sect of the Southern Immortal Territory!
"Hehe!" Li Wuliang's face was livid, he was just an eighth-level fairy king, how dare he look down on him?

Lie Wuliang made a move, and a faint yellow fireball appeared in his hand, this fireball glowed with the power of a peak immortal weapon!
Seeing this fireball, many fairy kings couldn't help but focus their eyes!
"This is the peak fairy weapon!" Everyone gasped, as expected of the disciples of Tianzun, who can have the peak fairy weapon!
"I'll give you one last chance to call out the Immortal King Lingmiao, otherwise, I will set the Lingmiao Sect on fire today!"

The fireball in Lie Wuliang's hand suddenly rushed into the air, and in the middle of the air, layers of flames suddenly spread out, instantly covering the sun's brilliance, and covering the entire [-]-meter radius with a layer of flames!

Seeing this, everyone's expression became condensed, and they hurriedly backed away. After all, even the aftermath of the power of the peak fairy weapon may severely damage them!
Hua Qiangu's face was indifferent, she looked at Lie Wuliang playfully, and said coldly: "It's just a peak fairy weapon, it seems that the pockets of Tianzun disciples are also very shy!"

Buzz Buzz!

With the voice falling.

Hua Qianyue's body suddenly filled with nine fairy swords, which were cast from nine attributes.

Golden Sword, Wooden Sword, Water Sword, Fire Sword, Earth Sword, Ice Sword, Electric Sword, Wind Sword, Dark Sword.

Nine swords were suspended in the air, and the power of the peak fairy weapon bloomed together. When the swords of nine attributes bloomed together, they formed a strange Yin-Yang Taiji diagram!
Filled with terrifying power, it seems that the power of the combination of these nine swords has surpassed the power of the peak fairy weapon, infinitely close to the half-step heavenly treasure!
"Nine-handed peak fairy weapon!" Lie Wuliang looked at the sky, and his heart was full of turmoil!

He has always heard that the Lingmiao Sect has a profound foundation, but he has never seen it, and he doesn't believe it!

But now that he has seen so many peak immortal artifacts with his own eyes, even if he is a disciple of Tianzun, his heart will inevitably be shaken.

Everyone was also shocked, most of them were from the Southern Immortal Realm and Northern Immortal Realm, and they didn't know that the Lingmiao Sect had already revealed hundreds of fairy artifacts before!
Lie Wuliang's face is extremely ugly at the moment, he only has a peak fairy weapon, how can he compete with Hua Qianyue?

Move out his identity as a disciple of Tianzun?But in the end, Hua Qianyue disdained her!
Hua Qianyue sneered, ignored Li Wuliang, but faced the many immortal kings, and said leisurely: "The Lingmiaozong is opening the relic of Tianzun, and several treasures of Tianzun have been opened so far, but if you want to open the relic of Tianzun, you must absolutely Only women with the Yin body can do it, as long as anyone of you discovers the Absolute Yin body and brings it to the Lingmiao Sect, the Lingmiao Sect will reward you with a peak fairy weapon!"

After everyone heard this, their eyes were shocked. The Lingmiao Sect actually has the relics of Tianzun?
"Is it the relic of Tianling Tianzun?" A famous Buddha sect fairy king twirled the beads and asked.

"That's right!" Hua Qianyue said lightly.

After hearing this, the immortal kings took a breath in their hearts, what is the relic of Tianling Tianzun?
They knew that Su Tianling had ascended to the highest place, and how terrifying his relics were. If the Tianzun on the border knew about it, they would probably come here immediately, right?

Lie Wuliang couldn't help flickering his eyes after hearing this, Su Tianling's remains?Doesn't that mean you have a Seven Star Treasure?

Back then, Su Tianling refined a treasure that was comparable to the Seven-step Heavenly Venerable. If that treasure was also in the Lingmiao Sect, if he knew, wouldn't he be able to truly walk sideways and become invincible?
"I do know a body of absolute yin, but he is the daughter of a celestial being!" Lie Wuliang looked at Hua Qianyue and said, "I want to see Immortal King Lingmiao, and I want to negotiate terms with her!"

Hua Qianyue slightly frowned her willow-leaf eyebrows, does this unscrupulous person really know the absolute Yin body?
"Then please!" Hua Qianyue said lightly, and then entered the sect, followed by Lie Wuliang.

Until they came to the back mountain of Lingmiaozong, where Ye Tianling and the others were all there!

Ye Tianling was playing with the treasured meteor hammer, and Chi Menghan was playing with the treasured dragon stick.

Xiao Ran was playing with Fang Tian's painting halberd, which was the treasure of Tianzun, and Duanmu Qingxue was playing with the banana fan, which was the treasure of Tianzun.

Cleverly playing with the blood drinking sword, the treasure of Tianzun.

The prestige of the numerous treasures of Heavenly Venerate did not pervade, but the invincible aura that surpasses the heavens and the earth exuded from the treasures is still suffocating!

When Lie Wuliang and Hua Qianyue fell on the back mountain.

Seeing the faces and figures of the girls, Lie Wuliang couldn't help but feel amazed and possessive!
So many stunning beauties, if you can get them, you will die without regret!
When he saw Ye Tianling, the only man, there was a subtle hint of jealousy in his eyes.

When he saw that everyone was holding a treasure, his pupils couldn't help constricting rapidly, and there was a feeling in his heart as if being trampled by thousands of troops, overwhelming the river.

Everyone holds a treasure?

When did this damn treasure turn into a Chinese cabbage?Everyone has it?

Lie Wuliang took a deep breath, it seems that what his master Huangfu Tianzun said is true!

It turns out that Lingmiaozong really has a deep foundation, so deep that it may not even be as good as Boundary Tianzun.

"I've seen Lingmiao..." Lie Wuliang was about to speak, he had seen the portrait of Lingmiao Immortal King, but how did Lingmiao Immortal King divide the soul realm?

Immortal kings have obvious characteristics, with halo circles floating above their heads, but Immortal King Lingmiao does not have such characteristics!
This can't help but make him wonder, isn't this person Immortal King Lingmiao?
(End of this chapter)

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