Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 517 Eating Soft Rice

Chapter 517 Eating Soft Rice

"Sovereign, bring it here, he said he knew a woman with a body of absolute yin!" Hua Qianyue looked at Lingmiao and said.

Ling Miao nodded lightly.

After Lie Wuliang heard this, he was taken aback for a moment. It turned out that he did not admit the wrong person, but how did Immortal King Lingmiao become a split soul of the five realms?
Lingmiao beautiful eyes looked at Lie Wuliang, and said lightly: "The Yin body you know, whose daughter is she?"

She heard everything that Lie Wuliang said to the outside world just now!

"Dharma King Tianzun!" Lie Wuliang said.

"Dharma Wang Tianzun!" After Lingmiao heard this, she couldn't help frowning. Dharma Wang Tianzun is a three-step Tianzun, with powerful strength and a domineering personality. Such a person is not easy to get along with!
"That's right!" Lie Wuliang looked at Lingmiao and said, "The Dharma King Tianzun's daughter is a body of absolute yin, but if I go back to the frontier, I can invite her here, but! I want a treasure of Tianzun! "

"Hehe." Lingmiao looked at Ye Tianling at the side, and said with a smile, "Sir, what do you think?"

Ye Tianling said: "Dharma King Tianzun was a three-step Tianzun thousands of years ago, and he is still a three-step Tianzun after so long. His cultivation has been blocked for too long..."

Lingmiao didn't understand what this meant.

And Lie Wuliang was stunned there?Lingmiao actually called Ye Tianling her husband?


Doesn't Lingmiao love Su Tianling?

Right, right!
Lie Wuliang instantly understood that when a woman's heart is broken, if a man gives her enough care, it is possible to enter her heart!

In other words, Lingmiao now likes this boy!

He looked intently, Ye Tianling was only 17 years old, the Immortal King Lingmiao was actually captured by a 17-year-old child?
Depend on!
Li Wuliang wanted to vomit blood, why wasn't that person him?
What's more, Ye Tianling actually has the treasure of Tianzun. If you think about it with your toes, you know it was given by Lingmiao!
Nima!Shameless little boy, eat soft rice!

Ye Tianling and the others didn't have the time to figure out what Lie Wuliang was thinking. Ye Tianling looked at him and asked, "What's the name of Dharma Wang Tianzun's daughter? How old is she this year, and what month was she born in?"

"Her name is Gu Xiaolian, 17 years old, August [-]st!" Lie Wuliang said.

Ye Tianling couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth when he heard it. It turned out to be Ye Fu's wife.

However, Gu Xiaolian's surname was Gu in Tianling Continent, and Feisheng Xianyu's surname has not changed.

"Is she married now?" Ye Tianling asked, although Gu Xiaolian was not his wife.

But after all, she is Ye Fu's wife, and she took good care of him in the past, so it is necessary to ask her about her current situation.

"Why do you ask this?" Lie Wuliang frowned, he was very upset when asked by a junior like this.

"You just need to answer!" Ye Tianling said.

He wants to jump out of anger, but he is a disciple of Tianzun, can you be a little more in awe?
But in order to get the treasure of Tianzun, he endured it.

"She has a fiancé!" Lie Wuliang looked at Ye Tianling and said in a deep voice, "I've said everything I need to say. As long as you agree to my request, I'll go to the border area and bring her here!"

"Deal!" Ye Tianling said lightly, and casually took out a peak fairy artifact and threw it to Lie Wuliang, saying: "This is a deposit, as long as you bring her, the Celestial Treasure will be given to you!"

"Okay!" Lie Wuliang looked at the pinnacle fairy weapon in his hand, and then at the treasure weapon in Ye Tianling's hand, feeling so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood!

He suddenly had an impulse, and he really wanted to be a little boy and be taken care of by others.

"If there is any news about the Absolute Yin Body, tell me immediately, and I will also give you a Peak Immortal Artifact, and if you can bring her, I will also give you a Celestial Treasure Artifact!" Ye Tianling said.

"What you say counts?" Lie Wuliang asked suspiciously. After all, Ye Tianling is only a softie. Can a softie have the right to speak?
"What she says counts!" Lingmiao said at this moment, and said to Lie Wuliang: "But I can only give you a one-star treasure!"

"Okay!" Lie Wuliang took a deep breath, turned and left, he felt that if he stayed any longer, he might go crazy.

It's really irritating to compare people with others. Originally, he thought that his status as a disciple of Tianzun was already awesome.

But now compared to Ye Tianling, it is simply too far behind.

Ye Tianling smiled and asked Lingmiao: "The one-star treasure is so expensive, don't you feel bad?"

"It's just a one-star treasure... just treat it as a beggar." Lingmiao said.

far away.

After flying away so unscrupulously, he almost fell from the sky!
A one-star treasure, turned out to be just a beggar?
Lie Wuliang was in a hurry and flew away quickly. He felt that if he stayed any longer, he would be pissed to death.

Seeing this, Lingmiao couldn't help smiling.

Ye Tianling looked at them and said, "I'll leave tomorrow."

"Where are you going?" Xiao Ran asked.

"Southern Immortal Territory, Northern Immortal Territory!" Ye Tianling narrowed his eyes, and he landed in Eastern Immortal Territory!

The leaf demon came to the Western Immortal Territory.

Naye Buddha should have descended in the Southern Immortal Territory.

This seems to be deliberately arranged by the Book of Eternal Ancients.

His home is in the Lingmiao Sect.

Ye Mo's home is in Mozong.

Ye Fu's home should be in the Buddhist sect.

Among the top forces in the fairyland.

It is known as the Eastern Demon, the Southern Buddha, the Western Lingmiao, and the Northern Pluto.

These four forces all represent the top forces in the fairylands of all parties, and they are also the forces with the deepest foundation.

"Brother Buddha may be in the Southern Immortal Territory. If I see him, I will tell him about Gu Xiaolian." Ye Tianling said.

"Gu Xiaolian is Ye Fu's wife in the lower realm?" Lingmiao frowned.

Just now she thought that Gu Xiaolian was Ye Tianling's last wife.

"Yes!" Ye Tianling nodded.

"Then let's go." Ling Miao said.

Xiao Ran and Duanmu Qingxue on the side showed doubts, looked at Lingmiao and asked: "I feel that you are mysterious, what is the lower realm? What is Ye Fu's wife?"

Xiao Ran's two daughters have always felt that Ye Tianling and Lingmiao haven't told them the real reason.

They only know that Ye Tianling is the reincarnation of Invincible Tianzun now, but they don't know more.

Lingmiao smiled, looked at Ye Tianling with beautiful eyes, and said, "Do you want to tell them?"

Ye Tianling nodded lightly.

Xiao Ran and the others were already his wives, so there was no need to hide it anymore at this time.

Lingmiao smiled, her beautiful eyes looked at Xiao Ran, Duanmu Qingxue, and Chi Menghan.

"Tell me quickly." Xiao Ran couldn't wait, and wanted to know very much.

"Let me tell you a story about Tianling."

Lingmiao lay back on the chair, looking at the sun hanging high in the sky with her beautiful eyes, her thoughts went back to many years ago.

"Ye Tianling was the Invincible Heavenly Venerable back then. At that time, he had four wives. Tianling loved them very much and had an incomparably close relationship with them. Even if he died for each other, he would not frown!" Lingmiao said slowly.

After hearing this, the three of Xiao Ran frowned. It turned out that Ye Tianling already had a wife, so do they still need to accept four more people?

Chi Menghan's beautiful eyes flickered for a moment, and she faintly felt that this matter had something to do with her.

(End of this chapter)

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