Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 518 The Truth

Chapter 518 The Truth
Lingmiao went on to say: "But then, an abnormal situation happened suddenly. Tianling's four wives seemed to have completely changed. They stood on the opposite side of Tianling and became Tianling's enemy!"

"What!" Xiao Ran and the three frowned, the loving couple actually killed each other!

What's going on here?
They have been with Ye Tianling for a long time, and they know that Ye Tianling is an excellent person with a good character, he is simply an extinct good man.

For such a good man, those four wives still betrayed and pointed the killing weapon at their husbands. Is this because his brain lacks oxygen!
Chi Menghan didn't say anything and continued to listen.

Lingmiao went on to say: "His four wives are ruthless and deadly, and they are all peak Tianzun. Their combat power is comparable to Tianling's. Because Tianling has deep feelings for them, he is merciful everywhere. As a result... it lasted for 300 years. Years of war ended with Tianling being killed!"

After Xiao Ran and the three heard this, their pretty faces were extremely cold. Their husband was so kind to those women, why did his subordinates be ruthless and wanted to kill Ye Tianling?

Their hearts were filled with murderous intent at this moment, and they wished they could slaughter those heartless women immediately.

Lingmiao felt their anger, and couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in his heart.

She continued: "Later, Tianling's four wives also committed suicide one after another! As for why they killed Tianling and then committed suicide, no one knows."

Xiao Ran and the others frowned, killed their husband, and then ended their own lives?Where did this come from?
Chi Menghan, who had been silent all this time, looked at Lingmiao and asked, "Does this matter have anything to do with Xiao Ran and Qingxue?"

"Of course, and it has something to do with you!" Lingmiao stood up, stretched her waist long, her beautiful eyes scanned the three daughters of Chi Menghan.

Youyou said: "You are all Tianling's previous wives, that is, you killed Tianling thousands of years ago!"

The three of Xiao Ran felt a bolt from the blue, were they Ye Tianling's previous wives?And it happened thousands of years ago!
this!What's the matter?

The one who was most shocked was Chi Menghan. In her heart, there was always a voice telling her that her home was in the Lingmiao Sect, and there was her man there.

She is the king's woman. This sentence has been repeated countless times in her heart.

It wasn't until she came to Lingmiaozong that the inexplicable voice disappeared.

However, she was actually Ye Tianling's wife in her previous life, which surprised her!
Isn't it impossible for a person to be resurrected after death?How could there be a previous life?
"What the hell is going on..." Chi Menghan looked at Ye Tianling who had been silent all this time with her beautiful eyes.

Xiao Ran and Duanmu Qingxue also looked over, they understood now, they all understood.

Why do you have to find girls of the same age and 17 years old? All of this is a lie to them. The real reason is that they are all Ye Tianling's previous wives.

Ye Tianling shrugged. He looked at Xiao Ran and the others, and said, "Actually, there is a higher realm above Tianzun. That realm can control everything in the world, and can make all living things die and be resurrected!"

"It's just that the world is under the control of the two books!" Ye Tianling explained slowly.

Slowly explained everything about Henggu and the Unknown Book.

After Xiao Ran and the others heard this, their eyes were filled with shock.

The Eternal Book controls the source of Yang, and the Nameless Book controls the source of Yin!
Women are Yin and men are Yang!
Because of the war between the two books, they killed each other with Ye Tianling in their previous life.

Lingmiao was also shocked, and she also realized that there is a higher realm above Tianzun, and also realized that two books rule the world!

When she learned that the nameless book is now growing, she couldn't help but tremble. Looking at Ye Tianling, she said in a deep voice, "Will the things that happened thousands of years ago happen again?"

"No more..." Ye Tianling shook his head, looked at the girls and said, "We only have two years left now, and within these two years, we must reach the half-step dominance stage, otherwise, our ending will still be miserable! "

"Two years!" The hearts of Lingmiao and the others froze, two years, so short!
"Don't worry!" Ye Tianling smiled faintly, and said, "When I find out some things, our cultivation base can break through quickly!"

He has always been worried that the Nameless Book has left a hand in the Immortal Domain, and this hand must have controlled some Heavenly Venerates. Before the matter is clear, he will not reveal his true identity!

When he knew what the Unknown Book had done, he would reactivate the Heaven Swallowing Art.

The Heaven Swallowing Art is a kung fu technique created with painstaking efforts by the Book of Eternal Ancients to turn the world around!
He believes that as long as he activates the Heaven Swallowing Art again, the breakthrough speed of his cultivation will be increased ten thousand times.

Lingmiao nodded lightly, and it could be seen that Ye Tianling also had counter cards.

This relieved her heart.


Everyone's mood is dignified. They become stronger and continue to practice, isn't it for a better life, and when faced with disasters, they can handle them with ease.

But now, they feel unprecedented pressure.

The most complicated thing is Chi Menghan, she has been in contact with Ye Tianling for too short a time, and suddenly learned that she is Ye Tianling's wife in his previous life, she has mixed feelings!
"I will practice as soon as possible! Reach the dominance level, and prevent myself from being controlled by the unknown book!" Chi Menghan's eyes were determined.

She remembered all the kindness Ye Tianling and the others had treated her. No matter what, she would not point the finger at Ye Tianling.

Another point is that she already knows that the Dominant Realm can turn the world around, reverse yin and yang, seize good fortune, she wants to practice, and when she reaches the Dominant Realm, both her parents will be resurrected!

The same goes for Lingmiao and the others, they also want to cultivate as soon as possible to reach a higher level.

There is not much they can do now, they just hope that the future will not be controlled by the unknown book and will not become a burden to Ye Tianling.

"Okay, take a day off, and I'll start tomorrow." Ye Tianling stretched his waist. What he said today was too heavy.

"I'll sleep with you." Xiao Ran.

"I want to too." Duanmu Qingxue.

"And me." Ling Miao.

"..." Chi Menghan, the way you express your love is to sleep?

Now, Xiao Ran and the three just want to show Ye Tianling more love and tell him that they will not betray Ye Tianling!

If there is a situation where the Unknown Book happens again, they will do their best to commit suicide.

"Then let's go..." Ye Tianling smiled lightly, and he glanced at Chi Menghan.

He also really wants Chi Menghan to sleep with him, but...it's impossible at the moment.

Chi Menghan glanced at Ye Tianling, was speechless, and left here.

Lingmiao and the others smiled and didn't say anything. Some things need to be done slowly. I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. I'm too anxious, and the result may not be good.

Ps: I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, because the festival is busy, so... I would like to ask everyone for a day off.

The new book, My Wife of the Beautiful Demon Emperor, has a manuscript on file, and it will be updated normally.

(End of this chapter)

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